Issue 1/2024


Theoretical aspects of development of indicators for economic security of industrial enterprises
Bogatyrev A. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Economics and economic security Department of the Educational and scientific complex of counteraction to economic and tax crimes
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Russian ministry of internal affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
Bubnova O. Yu., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, associate professor at the Mathematics, informatics and information technologies Department
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Russian ministry of internal affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
Zhukov M. S., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, senior lecturer at the Mathematics, informatics and information technologies Department1, associate professor at the Informatics and control systems Department of the Institute of radio electronics and information technologies2
1 – Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Russian ministry of internal affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
2 – Nizhny Novgorod state technical university named after R. E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod

The official documents of the Government of the Russian Federation define the threats to economic security, form a system of indicators for assessing the economic security of the state, and approve the method of indicative assessment of the state of economic security of the Russian Federation. It can be argued that the methodological support for assessing the level of economic security is quite thoroughly elaborated, both in normative-legislative acts and in the studies of domestic scientists. At the same time, many research and monographic works note that both the systems of economic security indicators at the level of industrial enterprises and their threshold values are still a subject area not fully studied. This substantiates the need for additional research in this area of scientific knowledge, including the direction of ensuring the combination of economic security indicators at the level of an industrial enterprise, a region, an economic system as a whole.
Keywords: industry, industrial production, economic security, economic security indicators, indicators of economic security of industrial enterprises, methods of assessing the levels of economic security of industrial enterprises

Application of the budget method in the management of a machine-building enterprise
Silakova V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Production organization Department1, professor at the Urban and service economy Department2
Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
Moscow University named after S. Yu. Vitte, Moscow

The scientific article analyzes the problems associated with the application of the budget method in the management of mechanical engineering enterprises. The relevance of this research bases on the necessity of effective budget management of enterprises in the conditions of dynamically changing market and increased requirements of consumers to mechanical engineering products. The paper considers the essence of budgeting and its functions. The complexities of demand forecasting, supply cycle management, loss minimization and utilization, as well as the use of information systems for data analysis are disclosed. The article presents key tasks, the solution of which can help engineering enterprises to overcome difficulties and achieve optimal management of their inventories, as well as to ensure profit maximization.
Keywords: budgeting, engineering enterprises, resource management, production optimization

Methodology aimed at evaluating integration potential of an enterprise being an integration object. A case of the Joint Stock Company “Izhevsk Metallurgy and Machine Building Plant”)
Arkhipov A. D., postgraduate student at the Institute of economics and entrepreneurship
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod

It is obvious that there is a problem of obtaining a biased assessment of the expected effects from the realization of integration processes. Solution of this problem, in turn, will allow solving another, interrelated problem of selection errors in the case of multiple objects of integration. The choice of a particular object of integration is a complex, multi-stage management process, within the framework of which cost decisions are made, options for the expected profitability of activity after the realization of the integration process are considered, as well as the assessment of the impact of integration on the general state of not only the integrator’s enterprise, but also the enterprises included in the holding structure dependent on the integrator. The article deals with these issues of formation of the system of evaluation indicators in the planning of integration processes of industrial enterprises. On the basis of the author’s methodology, the integration potential of the JSC “Izhevsk Metallurgy and Machine Building Plant” as a potential object of integration for the PJSC “United Machine Building Plants” has been assessed.
Keywords: integration processes in industry, enterprise as an object of integration, management of integration processes, industrial enterprise, efficiency of integration processes


Concept of Digital Twins technology realization at high-tech industrial enterprises
Leontyev D. V., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article studies the implementation of a digital twin technology at the industrial enterprises in the context of the development of Industry 4.0. Author defines the historical stages of formation, essence, principles and advantages of Industry 4.0. The definitions of digital twins given by the domestic and the foreign authors are listed. The advantages of this technology in modern realities are analyzed. Real examples of integration of digital twins in the industrial sphere are considered.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, 4th industrial revolution, internet of things, artificial intelligence, digital twins

Analytical aspects of distribution of digital technologies in the development of high-tech industries
Nigmatov R. R., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article discusses the analytical aspects of the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions into the activities of domestic industrial enterprises. It was revealed that the digital technologies most in demand by Russian companies include: 1. technologies for collecting, processing and analyzing big data, 2. cloud services, 3. digital platforms and 4. data processing centers. The significant role of digital platforms is noted, on the basis of which import substitution of all information systems of companies occurs. It is substantiated that a systematic approach to the implementation of measures for digitalization of industry will contribute to the accelerated implementation of digital technologies and platform solutions, as well as the creation of high-tech industries in the manufacturing industry aimed at achieving sustainable technological leadership in Russia.
Keywords: digital economy, digitalization, digital transformation, high-tech industries, digital technologies


Analysis of digital technologies for marketing automation in high-tech industrial enterprises
Samsonov P. M., мaster student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sorokina E. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Emelyanov D. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Active technological development of the industry, associated with the dissemination of Industry 4.0 technologies, has led to the digitization of various activities of high-tech industrial enterprises. Marketing is one of such areas. This study is dedicated to the analysis of digital technologies used for automating marketing activities at modern high-tech enterprises. The analyzed technologies include web analytics, artificial intelligence, CRM systems, and digital platforms. The author examines both the essence of these technologies and the main functions that can be automated through their implementation.
Keywords: industry, high-tech industrial enterprise, Industry 4.0, marketing, digital marketing, marketing automation, web analytics, artificial intelligence, CRM system, digital platform

Implementation of the project research in the marketing activity of enterprises in the engineering industry
Yamanov A. A., assistant, head of laboratories at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Today on the Russian Federation’s market we can see business growth, development of communication technologies, expansion of social and culture needs and creation of the new technological equipment. Consequently, business must pay attention to the learning and modernization marketing activity.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, project approach, marketing, project activity, market

Unified approaches of marketing research and software implementation at aviation enterprises
Osipenkov A. A., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article contains the results of the author’s research in the field of software implementation at the high-tech industrial enterprises. Uniform approaches to the formation of the structure of setting tasks for implementation are substantiated. Proposals are being developed on the procedure for interaction between participants in the implementation process. Proposals for the practical implementation of the synthesized approach are given. On the basis of the proposals, a thesis is formed about the possibility of scaling proposals from the level of enterprises to the level of industries.
Keywords: business requirements, software, high-tech enterprise, goals, expert assessments, retrospective

Influence of analytical services on the efficiency of an enterprise in working with marketplaces: analysis of results and optimization of business processes
Shportun D. V., master student
Mironov A. A., senior lecturer at the Information technologies in public administration Department
Burlakov V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Information technologies in public administration Department

Marketplaces are the universal trading platforms, which significance and influence on the market increase every year. More and more enterprises use the marketplaces, as they are convenient for selling goods of any type. However, effective sales on these trading platforms, as on any other market, are possible only with a qualitative analysis of the market and products. To carry out such an analysis, analytical services have appeared that allow you to select the right algorithm for successful sales and business scaling. This paper examines the indicators studied by analytical centers that influence the adoption of strategic decisions by enterprises, analyzes the interaction of marketplaces with analytical centers, and identifies the relationship between the number of analytical services and the place of a marketplace within the Russian market.
Keywords: business processes, enterprise, analytical services, marketplaces


Studying the level of economic literacy in Russian society
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The development of the economy is closely related to the growth of the society’s well-being. One of the foundations of citizen’s well-being is their economic literacy, which enables them to make effective economic decisions. This study presents the results of assessing the economic literacy of the broad segments of the population of Russia, as well as the citizens of several foreign countries, based on their participation in the educational event “All-Russia Economic Dictation”, held in 2023. The assessment includes the economic literacy of the participants in a regional context, as well as according to specific categories such as gender, age, education level, field of activity, and participants attitudes towards the economy. The assessment of economic literacy of university students was also detailed with an analysis of their performance in writing the Economic Dictation among students of economic, technical, and humanitarian universities.
Keywords: economics, economic literacy, economic competence, All-Russian economic dictation, dictation audience


Scientific and technological sovereignty as a scientific category in the light of competition: a role and relevance
Sivayev Y. A., applicant at the Economics of enterprises Department
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg

The present article examines a relatively new category as is scientific and technological sovereignty. The preconditions for the emergence and position in the system of scientific knowledge, in particular in the theory of competition, are revealed. During the preparation, a number of general scientific methods of the empirical group (comparison, measurement, analysis and synthesis, logical reasoning), and specific scientific methods (statistical analysis, expert assessments) were used. An analysis of internal expenditures on research and development as a factor influencing the achievement of national scientific and technological sovereignty, was carried out. The effectiveness of this factor is assessed, the importance of not only the amount of expenses, but also of the dynamics of their development is clarified taking into account the external openness of foreign economic activity.
Keywords: manufacturing industry, scientific and technological sovereignty, economic theory, factors for achieving scientific and technological sovereignty, theory of competition, institutional theory, innovative component of competition, reasonable openness of foreign economic activity

Ethics of nonviolence in modern personel management
Gurina Y. A., candidate of Economic sciences, Economics and management Department of the Institute of law and management
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow
Zubeyeva Y. V., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Economics and management Department of the Institute of law and management
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow
Belyayev D. V., student
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow
Golobov M. A., ., student
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow

This article analyzes the use of violent methods in personnel management. In this case, the methods of social coercion to work are understood as violent, as well as the subject of research in such sciences as sociology and management. The concepts of “mobbing” and “harassment” are deciphered from the point of view of their use in personnel management. Statistical data are provided. Methods of combating violence and its consequences in the field of management are also suggested. Conclusions are drawn about the impact of social violence on the psychological state of employees and the ethical component of the activities of modern organizations.
Keywords: adaptation, school of management, Hawthorne experiment, ethics of violence, mobbing, conflict, harassment at work