Issue 5/2024


Shaping key competences for a chief of staff service at an industrial enterprise
Levizov A. S., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Abstract: The significance of a staff service and the role of its chief during the process of forming an industrial enterprise staff policy are considered. The list of professional knowledge and skills of a strategic level for a staff service chief is generated. The use of a corporate professional standard as the means of evaluation and maintenance of these competences is suggested, and its advantages are justified.
Keywords: staff policy, staff service chief, strategic personnel management, professional standard, competence, qualification

Risk management in social impact projects with the participation of mechanical engineering companies
Rodionova N. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Stoyanov G. P., master student at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Abstract: The article addresses the issue of risk management in social impact projects implemented in the framework of the “government – business – society” collaboration. The research aims of finding ways to adapt the standard risk management methodology to the specifics of social impact bonds in various sectors of the Russian economy in order to expand the practice of such projects. The analysis results about risk management features in social impact bonds involving engineering companies are presented. The unique and most dangerous risks in such projects have been identified, and priority countermeasures have been recommended to reduce their negative impact. The ways of adapting the risk management system to the specifics of such projects are suggested, the practical implementation of which will allow of increase the effectiveness and scalability of social impact bonds in the machine-building sector of the economy.
Keywords: corporate management, responsible business, balance of interests, impact investments, social impact, payment for success, collaboration, social audit

Transportation limitations and their impact to the decision-making within integrated business planning at metallurgical companies
Polzunova N. N., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Rozhkov A. A., postgraduate student
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Abstract: The current status of the Russian economy requires from companies in the manufacturing sector to move away from the usual business models towards increasing efficiency at the using of internal reserves. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for managing transport logistics in the framework of an integrated planning system (IBP) including the limitations contained in the decision-making scenarios of the transport function of the company. The topic has a scientific value due to not enough studies related to IBP research and their limits in business practice. Now we see on the market a boom of projects for the implementation of IBP with using specialize software and internal company recourses. The article gives practical recommendations on finding and taking into account the limitations of logistics in the IBP process, methods of their description and applying in the company’s activities. The article may be useful for companies in the manufacturing sector. It contains the practical examples of implementations in the metallurgical industry and a list of typical transport limitations.
Keywords: integrated business planning, logistic in metallurgical companies, supply chain limits, resource planning, decision making


Topical leads for fostering the innovative potential of high-technology industrial enterprises
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of Economic sciences,associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Pushkareva M. B., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kamolov S. G., doctor of Economics, professor at the Asset management Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Abstract: This article examines key directions for fostering the innovative potential of high-technology industrial enterprises. It emphasizes that the successful implementation of these directions requires not only the adoption of advanced technologies but also strategic transformations in organizational structure, management, human resources policies, and innovation infrastructure. Particular attention is given to the importance of collaboration and partnerships as a crucial factor in ensuring sustainable development and competitiveness for enterprises in today’s dynamic economy.
Keywords: innovation, innovative development, high-technology enterprises, digital transformation, organizational structure, innovation infrastructure, human capital

Process-related aspects in forming cyber-physical systems at high-tech manufacturing enterprises against digital transformation of industry
Mylnik A. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Samsonov P. M., мaster student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Golov G. R., student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the investigation of the technological aspects involved in the formation of cyber-physical systems within high-tech industrial enterprises. Cyber-physical systems represent complex technological solutions, the implementation of which facilitates a systematic approach to the digital transformation of enterprises and significantly enhances their digital maturity. The authors analyze the concept and essence of digital transformation, as well as its role in improving the technological and economic efficiency of enterprises. Particular attention is given to cyber-physical systems as a key element of digital transformation, which integrates computational components and enterprise equipment. The main technologies of Industry 4.0 that can be employed in the establishment of cyber-physical systems are discussed. The architecture of cyber-physical systems and specific technologies utilized at various levels are elucidated. The article also presents examples of successful implementations of cyber-physical systems in domestic enterprises, demonstrating their potential for optimizing production processes and enhancing competitiveness.
Keywords: industry, high-tech enterprise, Industry 4.0, digital transformation, industrial internet of things, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, smart factory

Implementation of ecosystem techniques within the digital industrial space
Stepnov I. M., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Corporate finance and corporate governance Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the issues of industrial interaction management in a new digital space. The article’s purpose was to test the hypothesis about the possibility of using an ecosystem approach to ensure sustainable digital industrial development. The main methodology of this study was developing a modern ecosystem theory in terms of replacing the theory of a firm. A number of assumptions are made to ensure the unity of perception of the postulates of the platform economy in industrial production. It is shown that supply chains become the key object of ecosystem approach management. It is proved that a digital platform can serve as the basis for building a new industrial system, but only an ecosystem ensures the achievement of modern requirements for solving industrial production management tasks. It is proved that effective ecosystem management requires two levels of solutions: the organization of business processes based on supply chains and a service support system for such processes. It is concluded that the formation of the digital space requires i) the unity of standards, including for the processing and storage of information; ii) efficient solving of the financing problem; iii) ensuring compliance of the operational model with the strategic business model.
Keywords: industry, industrial enterprise, digital transformation, business ecosystem, digital space, management, ecosystem management


Some aspects of popularization of energy saving
Latypov E. R., assistant of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), Москва
Solntsev Yu. V., researcher
Moscow scientific and practical center of dermatology and cosmetology, Moscow

Abstract: This article examines the main aspects of popularization and propaganda of energy saving as an important factor of sustainable development. Approaches and methods aimed at raising public awareness of the need for rational use of energy resources are analyzed. In addition, the role of state programs, educational initiatives and information campaigns in the formation of the culture of energy saving is considered. The article is of interest to researchers, as well as to all those interested in issues of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.
Keywords: energy saving, increasing energy efficiency, energy intensity, popularization, propaganda, communication channels, energy efficient technologies, renewable energy sources


Effect of digitalization on competitiveness of industrial enterprises
Vartanian A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), Москва
Kamolov S. G., doctor of Economics, professor at the Asset management Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Abstract: This article explores the impact of digitalization to the competitiveness of industrial enterprises within the contemporary economic landscape. The paper analyzes various facets of the positive influence of digitalization, including the optimization of manufacturing processes. Through specific technological examples, it demonstrates how digitalization ensures the comprehensive enhancement of competitiveness, enabling not only cost reduction and efficiency increase, but also the development of higher-quality and more in-demand products, while also ensuring a greater degree of customer satisfaction, thereby fostering the sustainable development of enterprises in a dynamically changing market environment.
Keywords: competitiveness, industrial enterprises, digitalization, digital technologies, process optimization, cost reduction, new product development, automation


Organizational and legal mechanisms for private entrepreneurship in the space industry: global experience and opportunities for Russia

Kamolov S. G.,he doctor of Economics, professor at the Asset management Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Abstract: On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite into space. This event became the starting point in the practical conquest of extraterrestrial space by mankind. Over the past 67 years, space has been a sphere of demonstrating the scientific, innovative and technological potential of the main superpowers, the USSR/Russia and the USA, played the role of a mechanism for international academic cooperation, and provided for political rapprochement within the framework of initiatives for the peaceful exploration of outer space. At the same time, space technologies were a key element of strategic deterrence of our foreign policy opponents, which explains not only the constant attention of the government to the space sector, but also the specifics of national regulation of space activities in Russia, namely centralization and focus more on budgetary allocations than on self-financing. After the collapse of the USSR, the space industry went through a very difficult period of adaptation to new market realities, regrouping production and technological ties, safeguarding its scientific and educational potential and traditional technological independence. Today, Russia remains one of the key nations permanently present in near-earth orbit and exploring space. The competitive struggle in the space arena is acquiring increasingly complex forms, contradictions are becoming more acute, many of which are related to the dominance of private companies in certain segments of the space industry. The scale of space entrepreneurship in foreign countries is becoming a challenge for our country, requiring the preparation of adequate strategic responses.
Keywords: space industry, private entrepreneurship, readiness


On advancing resource potential of machine-building enterprises against contemporary economical reality
Kolmykova T. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Finance and credit Department
South-West state university, Kursk

Abstract: The article analyzes the opportunities and pathways for the development of the resource potential of manufacturing enterprises in the context of contemporary economic challenges, such as geopolitical instability and sanctions pressure. It emphasizes the critical role of this potential in ensuring technological sovereignty and the competitiveness of domestic industry. Special attention is given to a systematic approach to resource management, which integrates material and technical resources, human resources, external scientific resources, and organizational and managerial resources. The study explores the interconnections and potential synergies among these resources, which are vital factors in the context of enabling enterprises to adapt to the current economic reality.
Keywords: industry, mechanical engineering, resources, resource potential, material and technical resources, human resources, external scientific resources, organizational and managerial resources