Issue 2/2019


Specificity of marketing companies’ organizational structures realizing innovation projects
Artyemyeva O. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: In the article the author identifies the advantages and disadvantages of possible organizational structures for marketing companies realizing innovative projects. To conclude that an innovative project is a temporary phenomenon. Marketing company needs to form quickly at least one team of experienced marketers and decide whether to keep staff constantly (at the same time you will have to bear the overhead during the idle time between closing and opening projects) for its implementation, or select a team in the external labor market during the new project opening. This largely determines the specifics of the company’s organizational structure.
Keywords: organizational structure, marketing project-oriented company, innovative project, team, personnel, motivation, promotion, supervisor, marketer


Machine learning usage for business process optimization
Kiselev D. S., magistrant of Management Faculty
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Trifonov P. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The definition of digital economy in connection with the Industry 4.0 concept and cognitive management is elaborated. The machine learning algorithms principles and their application field are described. During machine learning experiment on the business process of accounts receivable control process was described and key machine learning implementation points are highlighted. The organizational measures to support machine learning implementation are offered.
Keywords: digital economy, Industry 4.0, machine learning, business processes, accounts receivable


Outsourcing as the effective management tool of company’s business processes
Makuev D. G., 2-year student of Management faculty
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kirpicheva M. A., candidate of economic sciences, deputy Marketing chief, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: In the context of the economic downturn, the competitiveness issue is particularly acute for enterprises of different levels and activity spheres. In this situation, it became obvious the need to search for new, more modern approaches to management. Many managers have found a solution to the problem in the transfer of non-core enterprise’s functions to outsourcing. The article reveals the essence of outsourcing and its importance for the operational tasks and business processes management system. The main outsourcing types by the tasks criterion are considered. The main strengths and reasons for the outsourcing usage, including key risks are listed. The most popular reasons of practical outsourcing usage or refusal are allocated.
Keywords: outsourcing, business processes, control system, operational management




Analysis of the main trends in the development of Russia’s innovative economy in the context of the Fourth industrial revolution
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: This research analyzes the major macroeconomic trends in the development of the innovative economy, formed as part of the transition to a new technological order. The article describes the features of the Sixth technical order’s formation process: the development of scientific and technical progress, digitalization, clustering. The author notes the role and participation of Russia in these processes, due to the necessity of its own innovative economy building. The problem of digital society forming in Russia is considered, and the authoritative experts’ opinions are analyzed. There is also a need to strengthen the role of the state in stimulating high-tech business and developing comprehensive measures to digitalize various economy sectors.
Keywords: fourth industrial revolution, digitalization, digital economy, sixth technological order, organizational and economic system, innovation centers


Formation of innovative energy-efficient clusters in the context of competitiveness improving of the Russian high-tech industry (Part 2)
Palamarchuk A. G., applicant of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The author focuses on the problem of organization of high-tech production as one of the main drivers of development of innovative economy of Russia. As the most optimal model of such production organization, the author proposes a new type of cluster structures – innovative energy-efficient clusters. The structural construction of the cluster is being developed, which, in addition to industrial, research and investment organizations, is integrated with the energy service company, which provides the creation of an integrated energy saving management system using the energy service mechanism. The algorithm of implementation of the energy service project in the construction of such a cluster is considered in detail. In the final part of the study, the author highlights the key global trends in the development of innovative industry, which are reflected in the structure and essence of innovative energy-efficient clusters.
Keywords: high-tech industry, energy efficiency, innovation, innovation and investment activities, clusters, energyefficient innovation clusters, energy service


Territorial innovative clusters and their role in modern integration development of metallurgy and mechanical engineering of Russia
Kostygova L. A., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of
Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The modern way of Russian development places great demands on native industry, and first of all on the key branches connected with production and the first stages of raw materials processing, such as metallurgy and mechanical engineering. Their innovation and transformation increasing in the direction of the high degree readiness knowledge-intensive products assumes new trends accounting and modern organizational forms usage. First of all, this is due to the integration of production. The article deals with modern integration forms (holdings, strategic alliances, consortia, clusters). It is established that the most perspective integration form for metallurgy and mechanical engineering is territorial innovative clusters. Additional competitive advantages as a integration result of metallurgical and machine-building production on the basis of territorial innovative clusters are defined and characterized. Implementation of the proposed provisions is illustrated on the example of a titanic territorial innovative cluster (Sverdlovsk region).
Keywords: metallurgical and machine-building production integration, territorial innovative clusters


Transformation of innovation managing approaches in the digital economy
Nazarov A. A., 4th year student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Trifonov P. V., candidate of economic sciences, Associate Professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This article discusses various approaches to innovation management in the new conditions of the digital economy. The assessment of factors influencing the innovations development in the digital economy is given. On the basis of economic statistical analysis the critical assessment of innovative mechanisms’ realization hypotheses of Industry 4.0 technological way is given. Recommendations on the choice of industrial innovations realization directions in the XXI century are given.
Keywords: digital economy, digitalization, innovation, industry 4.0, information and communication technologies




Big data analisys usage in marketing research
Kozlova N. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Galyapin G. R., 4th year student of the Management Faculty
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This article is devoted to big data analysis tools investigation for marketing research purposes. It evaluates big data analysis instruments impact on marketing information gathering methods for developing managerial decisions and creating extra customer value. Research results conclude with the necessity of big data tools usage for maintaining long-range competitiveness and developing technology «marketing mix» for creating an extra value in context of IO technologies growth.
Keywords: marketing research, big data, machine learning, predictive technologies, information technologies


Social media marketing as a promising tool for company and its products
Motogali Ya. B., senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Management
Institute of Lifelong Education, Moscow

Abstract: The author justifies the need for the company’s presence in social networks, since social media has become the universal cost-effective tool that allows not only to increase the target audience, but also to monitor the development of the brand, to help: strengthen relationships with existing customers; increasing brand awareness, establishing communications with intermediaries and end users, stimulating traffic for the company’s main website, etc. Make a conclusion that social media marketing is a promising tool in the activities of modern companies to promote their own brands.
Keywords: marketing, social networks, social media promotion specialist, target audience, brand, marketing communications, social media marketing


Factors of big data technology application in the consumer preferences analysis
Levchenko K. V., senior lecturer at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This article reveals the role of Big Data technology as a marketing tool for the study of consumer behavior and competitors’ area. This technology is more relevant in the context of Russian economy present statement. How to keep the customer, how to conduct new marketing campaigns, what products and services are needed at the market, how and when to enter the market with a new product or a new service, how to build a loyalty system for the company’s customers? All these questions are answered by the Big Data’s technology, which processes all types of requests, it has practically no volume limits. It is able to make any measurements and analysis of the received information.
Keywords: big data technologies, marketing, competition, competitors’ fighting, customer behavior, customer preferences


Formation of engineering organization image with digital marketing tools usage
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic sciences, CEO
FSK Valex, Moscow

Abstract: The article reveals the mechanism of engineering organization positioning as a result of decent image creating using digital marketing tools. The importance of mechanical engineering in the national economy progressive development and its authority at the world stage is reflected. It is concluded that the dynamics in Russia on average corresponds to global growth. In a logical sequence the world scientists whose works formed the image theory and marketing electronic technologies development are given. With the illustration of figure 2, the author clearly presented the organization’s image mechanism scheme and approaches to its content disclosure. In conclusion, the author rightly notes the digital marketing tools importance in the image forming mechanism of a engineering organization.
Keywords: digital marketing, tools, image, engineering, media advertising, social networks, Yandex direct


Modern trends of marketing collaboration in mechanical engineering
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article notes innovative technologies’ rapid activation in the mechanical engineering field in the robotics areas, artificial intelligence, artificial neural networks. Against the background of national economy stabilization, the author examines the content breakthrough technologies in the development of the world robotics market and Russian national market achievements. The scientific novelty is represented by the author’s research of the marketing collaboration content in mechanical engineering with an illustration of the collaboration components indicative scheme with the allocation of the collaboration participants’ brand value. Rightfully, the author highlights the great contribution of collaboration in mechanical engineering for the social projects realization.
Keywords: collaboration, marketing, investor, crowdfunding, robotics, artificial intelligence, neural networks, fundraising


Features of the innovative products’ promotion in the automotive industry
Stytsyuk R. Yu., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article presents the results of the research of the innovations implementation features in the automotive industry, which form the companies’ competitive advantages, provide an opportunity to save and strengthen its own position in the market. The main manufacturers of metal auxiliary equipment for automobiles, as well as four production groups in the category «additional equipment and accessories» were identified, the characteristics of their advancement were formulated, it was concluded that in today’s highly competitive operating conditions Russian companies need to look for contacts, establish strong ties with potential consumers on the earliest stages of work, to participate in industry exhibitions, to carry out personal sales. One of the important promotion methods in the B 2B market should be called cooperation with enterprises’ potential consumers. The benchmarking method provides an opportunity to establish the production, new products promotion and sale. Internet marketing plays an increasingly important role in the promotion of additional equipment and accessories for cars, for example, advertising in Youtube through the video blogger search and selection who specializes in the cars’ components installation.
Keywords: innovations, marketing, innovative marketing, promotion, automotive industry, accessories, benchmarking, consumers, B 2B market, distributors, suppliers, dealers, additional equipment, production




Analysis of the Second all-Russian economic dictation results (Part 3)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the Second all-Russian economic dictation results, which is held annually to determine and improve the level of economic literacy of Russia. A comparative analysis of the participants’ quantitative and qualitative composition and the dictation results in 2017 and 2018 is carried out. The important practical result of the action and the necessity of its further development are noted.
Keywords: all-Russian economic dictation, respondent, regional platform, participants category, results distribution




Various sources of pollution: ways of ecological damage decreasing from the economy real sector
Rusin V. N., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Today, the state of the earth’s biosphere is deteriorating dramatically. The article shows the directions of human anthropogenic activity negative impact on the nature. Factors of adverse environmental impact of the dot and dispersed sources of some technologies pollution, including mechanical engineering are revealed. To reduce environmental harm from production, it is necessary to switch to resource-saving and environmental, as well as nature-like technologies. In addition, environmental standards should be improved.
Keywords: ecology, pollution, dot and dispersed sources, technologies, nature similar. nature protection standards, ecological