Issue 1/2014


Refi nancing problems of crisis organization in order of bankruptcy prevention

Mamaeva A.V.
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Abstract: The article concerns some problems which may appear when making and realizing decisions on crisis organization refi nancing in order to restore crisis organization solvency and to stave off bankruptcy proceeding initiation. The problems causes and ways of its eliminations are investigated. The material may be useful to fi nancial managers, enterprises promoters and creditors when making anti-crisis measures.
Keywords: crisis, solvency restoring, insolvency, creditor, refi nancing, debt restructuring

Methods of the economic modernization

Khroni К.О.
MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article contains the study of the theoretical directions of of economic systems modernization. The comparative description of the object and methods of diff erent directions are given.
Keywords: modernization, theoretical directions of modernization, innovations, societ

Features of mission and vision formation in the organizations’ activity

Zvonnikov V.I.,
Nefedov V.A.,
Safonov A.A.

State University of Management

Abstract: The article is devoted to the features of mission and vision formation of the organizations, activities. The authors examine the diff erent types of missions. The article also touches the issues of leadership and teamwork.
Keywords: mission, vision, leadership, teamwork, organization activity



Production business activity and its legal support – the way of innovative economy development

Agarkov A.P.,
Gerenrot B.A.,
Erokhina E.A.

Moscow Institute of state and corporate management

Abstract: The authors explore the state and the opportunities in entrepreneurial manufacturing activity, types and methods of legal council using the undertaking under the cluster approach
Keywords: entrepreneurship, manufacturing, entrepreneurial manufacturing activity, innovation (innovative activity), legal council

State support of small innovation export-oriented enterprises

Shestakov V.A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract: The article discusses various forms of state support of small innovation export-oriented enterprises, which are used in the world practice. Also examine the current situation in Russia and formulated a number of recommendations to reform and improve the system of small innovation enterprises support.
Keywords: taxes, innovation, small business, export-oriented enterprise, export policy of the state

Conceptual bases of the innovative and investment clustered environments formation in conditions of modernization

Golov R.S.,
Milnik A.V.

MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of formation of the innovative and investment clustered environments, representing an eff ective platform for the implementation of the cluster integration between innovation, investment and industrial structures. Also the authors provide the concept, nature and structure of automated process control systems cluster (ACS PC). In the framework of the research the participants’ integration basic principles have developed in a cluster environment, as well as methods of state incentives for integration processes.
Keywords: cluster, a clustered environment, innovation and investment activity, automation, industrialorganization, innovation, investment, self-organization

Basic problems of development of innovative technologies: the role of innovations and technologies in economy

Bogachev D.V.,
Kashirin V.V.

MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article considers the technological innovation as an integral part of eff ective economic development, based on high technology effi cient production. And also describes the main problems – the barriers and difficulties that arise during the development and implementation of technological innovation, as well as the defi nition of common problems of doing business in Russia based on production innovations. Also described the current situation in the Russian Federation and evaluated the prospects of solving those problems and further development.
Keywords: innovation, product and process innovation, innovation centers, industrial park, economic modernization, improvement



Conceptual framework and the energy saving management system structural building at the industrial enterprises

Teplishev V.Yu.
MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of science cognitive functions and ways of innovative ideas occurrence. The author defi nes the three main ways of new ideas formation: on the basis of fantasy usage, as a result of illumination and in a dream. Under article defi nes the role of the scientifi c development of humanity> s information fi eld, as well as major social intellectually-synergetic systems.
Keywords: system, the systemic-functional approach, energy saving management, energy efficiency, structure, subsystem, innovation, functions. innovation



The history of marketing scientifi c school development in MATI

Perekalina N.S.,
Kazakov S.P.,
Rozhkov I.V.

MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article reveals the origins of the marketing scientifi c school in MATI – RSTU named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The article defines the objective economic reasons for the Russian marketing development from the 80s of the last century. The article also lists the main results of the Marketing department in MATI in anticipation of its 20th anniversary. In conclusion, the article indicated the basic direction of the department in the future – the convergence of technological and economic knowledge, based on marketing categories of the rate and mass of use-value.
Keywords: marketing scientifi c school in MATI, convergence, marketing categories, rate of use-value



Modern methods of achieving a competitive advantage in the industry

Kuleshova T.A.
Russian State Social University

Abstract: The article describes current approaches to achieve competitive advantage in the construction fi eld. The study is based on the principle of the fi ve competitive forces of M. Porter. The proposed methods are associated with the Internet resources, using Pareto law, internet resources and new technologies.
Keywords: innovation, competition, business processes, competitive advantage, Internet resources, Pareto law



Managerial decision making in modern socialeconomical systems

Pushkareva M.B.
MATI — Russian State Technological University