Issue 5/2015


Agent-based business development strategy
Ural Federal University. First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Lapshina S.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
Berg D.B., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Bazhenov I.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
Russian Professional Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg
Denisov A.D., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
Shaposhnikov V.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: The main business strategy of economic agents is considered. Forecasting of economic agents development depending on the changing environmental conditions is presented in the agent functioning models like «income – expenses». The general analysis of the initial stage of economic agent’s life cycle curve and opportunity of predicting enterprise’s optimum business strategy choice in market conditions is carried out.
Keywords: development strategy, agent-based modeling


Comparative analysis of the company’s value management eff ectiveness indicators
Moscow State University, Moscow
Tagirov F.A.
Korovin A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: This work includes systematization and comparative analysis of the most popular value management effectiveness indicators. All effectiveness indicators can be divided into three main groups: indicators, based on accounting measures, on cash flows and on market valuation. Article describes the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, a comparative analysis of the indicators, which can help to correctly choose effectiveness indicator.
Keywords: value, management, effectiveness, capital, investment, profit


Logistics as an eff ective control technology
Moscow University of Railways, Moscow
Shumaev V.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
LLC “PRAMO”, Moscow
Sazonov A.A., director of logistics

Abstract: Author proposes regulatory method of cost reduction in all supply chain and Japanese advanced technologies application in supply and production organization using the adapted tool «kanban». The experience of its usage on a Combine factory «Rostselmash» is given
Keywords: logistics, costs, regulatory method, kanban, registered address delivery



Trends in the development of the companies’ competitive advantages at the innovations market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: The article discusses trends in the competitive advantages development in innovation. The main forms of enterprises participation in the innovations market as a mechanism for competitiveness development in the innovation environment, and noted that the main form of competition in innovation is the scientific and technical superiority of the new products.
Keywords: competitive advantages, competitiveness, market of innovation, research and development




Marketing innovative development under global changes
Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir
Iskyanderova T.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: The paper is aimed to analyze the evolutionary marketing development within the innovative environment of the world and Russian economy and suggests the scientific literature review. The research specifies the conceptual definitions of marketing in the innovation sector concerning its interaction with science in the innovation process. The author reveals the diversity between such notions as “marketing of innovations”, “marketing innovations”, “innovative marketing”. He analyses different ideas of marketing in the innovative sector paying attention to vertical marketing, lateral marketing, and high-tech marketing. The article defines their specific features and functions in the production and realization process of innovations. The statistic analysis makes it possible to denote the conception of high-tech marketing as a top-priority development in the innovation sector of Russia.
Keywords: innovations, marketing, innovative marketing, vertical marketing, lateral marketing, high-tech marketing


Transformation features of «product» in the information society
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: The article contains the results of shift in meaning of the term marketing under current informational society framework. The growing role in the development of information product in comparison with the material is substantiated. Definitions associated with the market of high technology and scientific and technical production and innovation marketing are grouped and analyzed.
Keywords: information society, material product, scientific and technological progress, market, patents, licenses, high-tech products, high-tech capital, scientific and technical experts


Geomarketing information systems: the purpose and possible usage in marketing activity
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: The article deals with one of the application areas of marketing information systems technology based on geomarketing. The author examines the nature and purpose of geomarketing information systems and the direction of their possible usage in the marketing activities of modern enterprises. Examples of Russian GMIS are analyzed in the article.
Keywords: information technology (IT), marketing, geomarketing, geomarketing information systems


Marketing orientation of high-tech companies towards innovations
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Stytsiuk R.Yu., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor

Abstract: In article research results of the marketing role and value in modern organization innovative activity are given. The conclusion is drawn that the innovative activity aimed at the organization’s competitiveness providing and increasing has to rely on the existing advanced approaches, models, techniques and algorithms. Thus it is important to carry out adaptation of the existing techniques taking into account specifics and operating conditions of each enterprise.
Keywords: marketing, innovation, speed of innovation distribution, the market for intangible products, promotion and marketing, competitiveness, kaizen, customer orientation


Social marketing and concept of sustainable development
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kozlova N.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor

Abstract: The article examines the modern concept of social marketing, its relationship with the concept of sustainable balanced development of modern companies. This article discusses examples of social projects implemented by domestic and foreign business. The author assesses the significance of social marketing to build relationships with employees, partners and authorities. The article draws conclusions on the relationship of social responsibility with the growth of its profits and market capitalization.
Keywords: social marketing, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, brand, social product, socially significant problem




University research centers and technoparks as a way of national competitiveness increasing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Ivanova Yu.O.

Abstract: States seeking competitive advantage in the global economy, often centered on the promotion of innovation and advanced technologies. One of the results of economic development in this direction is to create research centers and technoparks at universities, which are usually designed to accelerate the technology transfer from academia to industry. Such symbiosis, on the one hand, leads to the national competitiveness increasing, and on the other – to improve the university image.
Keywords: research centers, technoparks, technologies transfer, university, innovation, image, national competitiveness, knowledge




Factors and directions of labour and educational services markets marketing interaction
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Korovushkina M.V.

Abstract: The interrelation of labor market and the market of educational services is considered, the factors having impact on effective interaction of these two markets which is shown in education by the person for the purpose of self-realization, the social status of the individual in society increasing and growth of its competitiveness in labor market are listed and analysed.For coordination of contradictions between labor market and educational services market, interaction marketing, which is represented the mechanism and the instrument of social, economic and public needs satisfaction of the state, society, organizations and the individual is given.
Keywords: labour market, educational services market, marketing interaction factors, employer


Bases of the higher school development – scientifi c and technical innovations and welfare of Russia
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kashirin V.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Tikhonov G.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
Grachev N.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor

Abstract: In article the higher school development bases in modern conditions are offered and the main properties of the higher school infrastructure are given, and also the role and a place of the higher school in innovative infrastructure of the country on the near-term is shown.
Keywords: higher school, scientific-technical innovations, welfare of Russia, innovation infrastructure, engineering




Marketing activities of оrganization’s image formation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kolesnikova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Rebrikova N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences

Abstract: In article marketing activity of the telecom operator organization is considered. Image formation of such a company in the market of telecommunication services is showed. External and internal factors’ influence on the enterprise image in the Russian market in the conditions of fierce competition is carried out.
Keywords: image, enterprise, telecom systems, telecom operator, PEST-analysis, internal and external factors


Questions of russian economy modernization
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Firsova I.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Ph.D., Professor

Abstract: In modern conditions of development it is necessary to pass from trial and error method in economy development to the forecasting method. The country needs innovative modernization. Modernization is a creation of hi-tech productions, innovations export system development, competition, fight against corruption. The management and the leading economists of the country realize these problems. In article problems and questions of russian economy modernization need are considered.
Keywords: economy, social and economic crisis, modernization


Budgeting as part of the corporate planning process
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Levchenko K.V.

Abstract: In the article the modern role of budgeting in the optimization of financial costs, improve manageability, maximizing profits and ensuring the effectiveness of the whole. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the specifics of financial management and planning in the hotels industry. Reveals the problems of Russian hotels in isolation from management accounting. An attempt was made to introduce a diagrammatic representation of the process of planning and conducting the primary system of management accounting in the hotel industry mainly on the example of the annual budget of revenues and expenditures.
Keywords: budgeting, financial management, business process, annual budget, managerial accounting


Spoofing: manipulation or ineffi ciency market eff ective usage?
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Iskyandyarov R.R.,

Abstract: The article deals with description of spoofing modern practice applied on the stock market. Raising the information technology development level resulted not only in the stock market efficiency increasing, its liquidity and transparency, but also in the new practices appearance that can artificially distort the price of financial instruments and cause damage to honest investors, one of which is spoofing. In the article methods of grouping, comparison, analysis, graphical information representation are used. The author concludes the necessity of legislative regulation of the spoofing practice in Russia, in view of experience and the legal position of financial regulators in the US in the stock market field and the world’s leading stock exchanges. The results may be used in the theoretical and practical activities in the stock market field.
Keywords: manipulation, spoofing, exchange


The analysis of acceptance and realization practice of tax amnesties in Russia
Moscow State University
Sysoev A.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences

Abstract: The paper discusses the problems associated with the adoption and implementation of the first two tax amnesties (1993 and 2006) in Russia. The article emphasizes that the tax amnesty could apply only to tax relations, in order to prevent its use for washing and laundering of proceeds derived from criminal activity related to drug trafficking, illicit alcohol production, racketeering, etc. The author pays attention to the fact that legislation and regulations governing the adoption and implementation of tax amnesties should be distinguished by a special clarity and provide opportunities for their free interpretation, as taxpayers and fiscal bodies. In conclusion, the article contains proposals aimed at improving the mechanism for the adoption and implementation in our country the institute of tax amnesty.
Keywords: tax amnesty, tax system, tax authorities, tax legal, financial courts