Issue 5/2024


Shaping key competences for a chief of staff service at an industrial enterprise
Levizov A. S., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Abstract: The significance of a staff service and the role of its chief during the process of forming an industrial enterprise staff policy are considered. The list of professional knowledge and skills of a strategic level for a staff service chief is generated. The use of a corporate professional standard as the means of evaluation and maintenance of these competences is suggested, and its advantages are justified.
Keywords: staff policy, staff service chief, strategic personnel management, professional standard, competence, qualification

Risk management in social impact projects with the participation of mechanical engineering companies
Rodionova N. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Stoyanov G. P., master student at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Abstract: The article addresses the issue of risk management in social impact projects implemented in the framework of the “government – business – society” collaboration. The research aims of finding ways to adapt the standard risk management methodology to the specifics of social impact bonds in various sectors of the Russian economy in order to expand the practice of such projects. The analysis results about risk management features in social impact bonds involving engineering companies are presented. The unique and most dangerous risks in such projects have been identified, and priority countermeasures have been recommended to reduce their negative impact. The ways of adapting the risk management system to the specifics of such projects are suggested, the practical implementation of which will allow of increase the effectiveness and scalability of social impact bonds in the machine-building sector of the economy.
Keywords: corporate management, responsible business, balance of interests, impact investments, social impact, payment for success, collaboration, social audit

Transportation limitations and their impact to the decision-making within integrated business planning at metallurgical companies
Polzunova N. N., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Rozhkov A. A., postgraduate student
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Abstract: The current status of the Russian economy requires from companies in the manufacturing sector to move away from the usual business models towards increasing efficiency at the using of internal reserves. The purpose of this article is to develop a methodology for managing transport logistics in the framework of an integrated planning system (IBP) including the limitations contained in the decision-making scenarios of the transport function of the company. The topic has a scientific value due to not enough studies related to IBP research and their limits in business practice. Now we see on the market a boom of projects for the implementation of IBP with using specialize software and internal company recourses. The article gives practical recommendations on finding and taking into account the limitations of logistics in the IBP process, methods of their description and applying in the company’s activities. The article may be useful for companies in the manufacturing sector. It contains the practical examples of implementations in the metallurgical industry and a list of typical transport limitations.
Keywords: integrated business planning, logistic in metallurgical companies, supply chain limits, resource planning, decision making


Topical leads for fostering the innovative potential of high-technology industrial enterprises
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of Economic sciences,associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Pushkareva M. B., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kamolov S. G., doctor of Economics, professor at the Asset management Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Abstract: This article examines key directions for fostering the innovative potential of high-technology industrial enterprises. It emphasizes that the successful implementation of these directions requires not only the adoption of advanced technologies but also strategic transformations in organizational structure, management, human resources policies, and innovation infrastructure. Particular attention is given to the importance of collaboration and partnerships as a crucial factor in ensuring sustainable development and competitiveness for enterprises in today’s dynamic economy.
Keywords: innovation, innovative development, high-technology enterprises, digital transformation, organizational structure, innovation infrastructure, human capital

Process-related aspects in forming cyber-physical systems at high-tech manufacturing enterprises against digital transformation of industry
Mylnik A. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Samsonov P. M., мaster student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Golov G. R., student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the investigation of the technological aspects involved in the formation of cyber-physical systems within high-tech industrial enterprises. Cyber-physical systems represent complex technological solutions, the implementation of which facilitates a systematic approach to the digital transformation of enterprises and significantly enhances their digital maturity. The authors analyze the concept and essence of digital transformation, as well as its role in improving the technological and economic efficiency of enterprises. Particular attention is given to cyber-physical systems as a key element of digital transformation, which integrates computational components and enterprise equipment. The main technologies of Industry 4.0 that can be employed in the establishment of cyber-physical systems are discussed. The architecture of cyber-physical systems and specific technologies utilized at various levels are elucidated. The article also presents examples of successful implementations of cyber-physical systems in domestic enterprises, demonstrating their potential for optimizing production processes and enhancing competitiveness.
Keywords: industry, high-tech enterprise, Industry 4.0, digital transformation, industrial internet of things, artificial intelligence, cyber-physical systems, smart factory

Implementation of ecosystem techniques within the digital industrial space
Stepnov I. M., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Corporate finance and corporate governance Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the issues of industrial interaction management in a new digital space. The article’s purpose was to test the hypothesis about the possibility of using an ecosystem approach to ensure sustainable digital industrial development. The main methodology of this study was developing a modern ecosystem theory in terms of replacing the theory of a firm. A number of assumptions are made to ensure the unity of perception of the postulates of the platform economy in industrial production. It is shown that supply chains become the key object of ecosystem approach management. It is proved that a digital platform can serve as the basis for building a new industrial system, but only an ecosystem ensures the achievement of modern requirements for solving industrial production management tasks. It is proved that effective ecosystem management requires two levels of solutions: the organization of business processes based on supply chains and a service support system for such processes. It is concluded that the formation of the digital space requires i) the unity of standards, including for the processing and storage of information; ii) efficient solving of the financing problem; iii) ensuring compliance of the operational model with the strategic business model.
Keywords: industry, industrial enterprise, digital transformation, business ecosystem, digital space, management, ecosystem management


Some aspects of popularization of energy saving
Latypov E. R., assistant of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), Москва
Solntsev Yu. V., researcher
Moscow scientific and practical center of dermatology and cosmetology, Moscow

Abstract: This article examines the main aspects of popularization and propaganda of energy saving as an important factor of sustainable development. Approaches and methods aimed at raising public awareness of the need for rational use of energy resources are analyzed. In addition, the role of state programs, educational initiatives and information campaigns in the formation of the culture of energy saving is considered. The article is of interest to researchers, as well as to all those interested in issues of sustainable development and environmental responsibility.
Keywords: energy saving, increasing energy efficiency, energy intensity, popularization, propaganda, communication channels, energy efficient technologies, renewable energy sources


Effect of digitalization on competitiveness of industrial enterprises
Vartanian A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), Москва
Kamolov S. G., doctor of Economics, professor at the Asset management Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Abstract: This article explores the impact of digitalization to the competitiveness of industrial enterprises within the contemporary economic landscape. The paper analyzes various facets of the positive influence of digitalization, including the optimization of manufacturing processes. Through specific technological examples, it demonstrates how digitalization ensures the comprehensive enhancement of competitiveness, enabling not only cost reduction and efficiency increase, but also the development of higher-quality and more in-demand products, while also ensuring a greater degree of customer satisfaction, thereby fostering the sustainable development of enterprises in a dynamically changing market environment.
Keywords: competitiveness, industrial enterprises, digitalization, digital technologies, process optimization, cost reduction, new product development, automation


Organizational and legal mechanisms for private entrepreneurship in the space industry: global experience and opportunities for Russia

Kamolov S. G.,he doctor of Economics, professor at the Asset management Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Abstract: On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first artificial Earth satellite into space. This event became the starting point in the practical conquest of extraterrestrial space by mankind. Over the past 67 years, space has been a sphere of demonstrating the scientific, innovative and technological potential of the main superpowers, the USSR/Russia and the USA, played the role of a mechanism for international academic cooperation, and provided for political rapprochement within the framework of initiatives for the peaceful exploration of outer space. At the same time, space technologies were a key element of strategic deterrence of our foreign policy opponents, which explains not only the constant attention of the government to the space sector, but also the specifics of national regulation of space activities in Russia, namely centralization and focus more on budgetary allocations than on self-financing. After the collapse of the USSR, the space industry went through a very difficult period of adaptation to new market realities, regrouping production and technological ties, safeguarding its scientific and educational potential and traditional technological independence. Today, Russia remains one of the key nations permanently present in near-earth orbit and exploring space. The competitive struggle in the space arena is acquiring increasingly complex forms, contradictions are becoming more acute, many of which are related to the dominance of private companies in certain segments of the space industry. The scale of space entrepreneurship in foreign countries is becoming a challenge for our country, requiring the preparation of adequate strategic responses.
Keywords: space industry, private entrepreneurship, readiness


On advancing resource potential of machine-building enterprises against contemporary economical reality
Kolmykova T. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Finance and credit Department
South-West state university, Kursk

Abstract: The article analyzes the opportunities and pathways for the development of the resource potential of manufacturing enterprises in the context of contemporary economic challenges, such as geopolitical instability and sanctions pressure. It emphasizes the critical role of this potential in ensuring technological sovereignty and the competitiveness of domestic industry. Special attention is given to a systematic approach to resource management, which integrates material and technical resources, human resources, external scientific resources, and organizational and managerial resources. The study explores the interconnections and potential synergies among these resources, which are vital factors in the context of enabling enterprises to adapt to the current economic reality.
Keywords: industry, mechanical engineering, resources, resource potential, material and technical resources, human resources, external scientific resources, organizational and managerial resources

Issue 4/2024


Process aspects of project interaction between the participants of a cluster
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article studies the technological aspects of cluster projects realization. The role of clusters in the modern Russian economy in the context of qualitatively new challenges is analyzed. The article substantiates the key role of the cluster approach to the systemic economic development of industrial enterprises, which allows to ensure technological sovereignty and import-independence of the Russian economy. Special attention is paid to the project interaction of cluster participants, which becomes the key direction of their cooperation. The article considers the characteristic features of cluster projects. It summarizes specialized software for collaborative management of cluster projects, which allows to form a digital space shared by cluster members to solve a wide range of project tasks.
Keywords: industry, industrial enterprise, cluster, cluster project, digital technologies, collaborative project management, software

Principles of project management in the Roscosmos State Corporation. Part 2
Korsakov S. V., postgraduate student1, an active test cosmonaut of the Cosmonaut detachment2
1 – Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
2 – Roscosmos State Corporation, Moscow
Smirnov V. G., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article describes the process of project implementation, ways to solve problems to ensure a stable economic situation of the Roscosmos State Corporation, the implementation of the link between strategic and project management, the specifics of the project management in the rocket and space industry, the model of the project approach.
Keywords: project implementation, ways to solve problems, strategic and project management, project management, rocket and space industry, the model of the project approach

Outlooks for applying digital platforms to provide inter-cluster interaction of industrial enterprises
Polzunova N. N., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

This article considers the prospects of digital platforms in the context of digital transformation of clusters. It substantiates the relevance and significance of digital technology implementation for improving the efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises. The article considers the existing views in economic science on the essence and features of digital transformation, as well as on digital platforms as its important component. The article also analyzes examples of successful digital platforms, such as Ozon and Wildberries in the e-commerce sector, SBER and T-Bank in the banking sector, ZIIOT Platform Oil&Gas in the oil and gas industry. Special attention is paid to the role of digital platforms as a key element of digital transformation of clusters, ensuring interaction between their industrial participants and facilitating optimization of their production processes. As an example of a digital platform functioning in a cluster, the author considers the “” platform operating on the basis of the Moscow Innovation Cluster. Within this cluster, the platform is successfully used to support small and medium-sized businesses, to coordinate the interaction of cluster participants and to form the necessary infrastructure.
Keywords: digital transformation, industrial cluster, digital platform, digital ecosystem, Moscow Innovation cluster

A system of balanced indicators of an industrial enterprise from the top of the business pyramid in the era of digitalization and sanctions
Vartanian A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The Balanced Scorecard (BSС) suggested by D. Norton and R. Kaplan, which allows to identify the economic state of an industrial enterprise, can give its consumers the most objective and complete information to make informed business decisions in a rapidly changing market, if the classic BSС will be supplemented, in addition to its traditional indicators of four perspectives (finance, employees, customers and internal business processes), with indicators on the prospects of all economic resources (material, human, financial and information), external business processes, products and other consumers (partners, investors, competitors, media, etc.). To achieve this, one can use the business pyramid, which gives information about the mission of the enterprise, its products, resources (their logical, experimental and brand components) along with production and sales activities.
Improvement of the IT architecture and integrated information system (IIS) of industrial enterprise management should be performed in accordance with the changing vision of the future world and its mission in the era of crises and universal digitalization, taking into account the preferences of shareholders and other consumers, the dynamics of available economic resources, its target business architecture and strategy. The determinants of change embrace environmental and internal factors, including new information systems that improve the quality of management, products and labor productivity.
Improvement of IIS management and IT architecture can be exercised in accordance with the business requirements of the enterprise and its consumers:
– by adaptation of existing IIS management, business and IT architecture to their target values;
– development and implementation of effective IIS management, business and IT architecture based on various innovations and novelties;
– optimization of IIS management, business and IT architecture within the framework of the selected mathematical model of the external environment and enterprise to achieve extreme target functions within the mission.
The selection of a specific option for improving the IIS should be performed taking into account the assessment of the possible effect of the cost of resources and time for its implementation, which are determined before the start of its design and implementation.
Keywords: balanced scorecard, integrated information system of enterprise management, digital transformation, improvement of enterprise IT architecture


Management of sustainable development of innovation-active enterprises in modern conditions of digital transformation
Pronin A. Yu., candidate of Technical sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
MIREA – Russian technological university, Moscow

The modern features of the functioning of enterprises in the conditions of digital transformation are considered. The purpose of the study is to develop an organizational mechanism for the sustainable development of innovatively active enterprises in the context of digitalization. In the process of research, the authors analyzed literary sources and reviews of domestic and foreign authors on the issues of managing the development of enterprises in the context of digitalization. The theoretically and methodologically the study bases upon the methods of comparative and categorical analysis, systematization, generalization and decision-making. As a result of the research, the author suggested a structure for the management mechanism for the sustainable development of innovatively active enterprises in the context of digital transformation, as well as the measures of state support for the development of innovation.
Keywords: management, control, digital transformation, digitalization, production, innovation, innovation-active enterprise, innovative activity, organizational and economic mechanism, high-tech company

Practical aspects of Big Data application in course of digital transformation of industrial enterprises within clusters
Malyshev E. A., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Innovative economics Department
Saint Petersburg State Marine Technical University, Saint Petersburg

This article is devoted to the study of practical aspects of using Big Data technology in the digital transformation of industrial enterprises operating in clusters. The author identifies the advantages of the cluster approach to the development of industrial enterprises in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Big Data technology is emphasized as one of the important technologies used for their digital transformation. The author analyzes the existing approaches to the definition of the concept and essence of Big Data in Russian science. The author analyzes the main directions of application of this technology by industrial enterprises functioning in clusters. Specific examples of the technology implementation at Russian enterprises that are part of cluster formations are given.
Keywords: industrial cluster, digital transformation, digital technologies, Industry 4.0, Big Data, predictive analytics


Specifics of promoting high-tech products in situation of digitalization
Solodova A. D., senior lecturer at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

In the current market conditions, the importance of establishing long-term relations between manufacturers and consumers of high-tech products is increasing. At the same time, the problem of effective use of the potential of marketing tools arises directly in connection with the active introduction of the digital component in all spheres of life. In particular, the use of artificial intelligence in business processes as a digital marketing tool covers a wide scope of tasks, ranging from segmentation of the target audience and personalization of offers to automation of customer service and analysis of big data to predict consumer behavior.
The author’s purpose is to study the features of promoting high-tech products in the context of digitalization and the introduction of artificial intelligence into the marketing processes of high-tech companies.
Keywords: marketing communications, promotion of high-tech products, digitalization, artificial intelligence

Analysis of the application of digital technologies for sales organization: current practice and key trends
Leontyev D. V., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The author studies practical aspects of digital technology application within the framework of product sales activities, analyzes current trends of specific technologies. Some scientific theories that influence the development of digitalization are reviewed. Successful examples of omnichannel strategies, the use of Big Data and artificial intelligence, and the impact of social media and online platforms on sales are described. A comparative analysis of traditional and digital marketing methods is provided.
Keywords: digitalization, sales strategy, marketing, omnichannel strategies, Big Data, artificial intelligence, social networks, online platforms, consumer behavior, digitalization risks, competitiveness, efficiency, digitalization

Application of marketing tools to increase sales of industrial enterprise products
Nigmatov R. R., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article deals with practical tools of modern marketing in industry on the example of JSC SPE Almaz. The study includes the analysis of the current market situation in the key market for the enterprise and the structure of its product portfolio, as well as the factors influencing the choice of product, price, distribution and communication strategies. Some marketing tools are given, the application of which will contribute to improving competitiveness of JSC SPE Almaz. Recommendations for improving the marketing activities of the enterprise are formulated.
Keywords: marketing, industry, product sales, product strategy, pricing strategy, distribution strategy, communication strategy, competitiveness, market analysis, digital marketing, internal environment of the enterprise


Commercializing results of intellectual activity in Russian universities
Tikhonov G. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Economic theory and applied economics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Latypov E. R., assistant at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article presents an approximate list of intellectual property objects, shows the role of higher educational institutions in the realization of the human capital of a university and its technologies, the results of intellectual activity of universities in the context of their commercialization. The analysis of the digitalization process in the sphere of public life is also carried out, the suggested material will ensure the completeness of the implementation of the results of intellectual activity on the market, the optimality of decision-making on the method of commercialization, it will allow approving strategic objectives for the development of innovative activities.
Keywords: innovation, technologies, results of intellectual activity, universities, commercialization, digital law


To assessment of digital maturity of industrial enterprises being on the roles of clusters
Shinkevich A. I., doctor of Economic sciences, doctor of Technical sciences, head of the Logistics and management Department
Kazan National Research Technological University, Kazan

This article considers approaches and models for assessing the digital maturity of industrial enterprises that are members of clusters. The relevance of digital transformation as one of the directions of technological development of Russian industry is determined. Modern scientific research devoted to the cluster approach in industry is analyzed. The concepts and essence of such an aspect of digital transformation as digital maturity assessment are analyzed. Some approaches and models for assessing the digital maturity of enterprises are considered.
Keywords: industry, digital transformation, digital technologies, industrial cluster, digital maturity, digitalization index

Issue 3/2024


Identification of group conflicts within the framework of command-coalition management at high-tech enterprises
Vartanyan A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The scientific article is devoted to the study of group conflicts within the framework of command-coalition management at high-tech enterprises, in order to develop practical recommendations for ensuring their sustainable development in the context of the digitalization of society and the increasing frequency of political and economic crises. The main areas of conflict between the formal administration of the enterprise and coalition teams that have their own goals and management capabilities are identified.
The results described in the article can be used by high-tech enterprises that are interested in the identification of group conflicts within the framework of command-coalition management, as well as in decisions regarding their prediction and resolution.
Keywords: group, team, command-coalition management of a high-tech enterprise, conflicts between groups and within them

Principles of project management in the Roscosmos State Corporation. Part 1
Korsakov S. V., postgraduate student1, an active test cosmonaut of the Cosmonaut detachment2
1 – Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
2 – Roscosmos State Corporation, Moscow
Smirnov V. G., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article describes the main provisions of the project approach in the Roscosmos State Corporation, the process of formation of the project approach and its development including the USSR and Russia.
Keywords: project approach, Roscosmos State Corporation, project management, Gantt schedule, Project Management Association

Organizational support for remote employee work
Kuznetsova E. Yu., doctor of Economic sciences, professor
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
Podolyak O. O., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
Kuzmin V. V., postgraduate student
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

The article examines the prospects of remote employment, activated in the context of restrictive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and developed by the subsequent transformation of the labor market as a whole. The methodology of analysis and synthesis of conclusions presented in scientific publications and processing of data from a questionnaire survey of respondents selected at random was used. The analysis of the opinions of representatives of the labor market employed in various sectors of the economy on the remote format of the working time and space organization is presented. Conclusions are drawn on certain aspects of traditional and remote workplace organization methods. The existing technological solutions for the organization of remote work of employees are considered. A generalized conclusion is given on the positive prospects for the development of the remote format of work.
Keywords: remote work, organizational support, organization personnel, labor organization, technologies for organizing work processes


Practical aspects of omnichannel marketing realization at high-tech industrial enterprises
Samsonov P. M., мaster student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sorokina E. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Emelyanov D. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of the essence and practical aspects of implementing omnichannel marketing. The authors analyze the existing definitions of the term «omnichannel marketing» within the Russian scientific domain. Fundamental principles for implementation of the omnichannel marketing in a high-tech industrial enterprise are formulated. Practical aspects of implementing omnichannel marketing are explored, along with the software used in this context.
Keywords: marketing, omnichannel marketing, marketing communications, high-tech industrial enterprise, digital economy, marketing activity automation


Effective management of material resources as a tool to increase the competitiveness of the aviation industry and technological independence during the period of import substitution
Kaybeleva V. R., master
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mezina N. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article examines a role of effective management of material resources in increasing the competitiveness of the aviation industry and achieving technological independence during the period of import substitution. The article is based on research and practical experience in the aviation industry and offers recommendations for improving competitiveness and technological independence in the context of import substitution.
Keywords: technological independence, import substitution, competitiveness, aviation industry, material resources, domestic production


The application of an integral indicator in economics (on the example of complex rating assessment of investment attractiveness)
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The current study is focused on the investigation of the application of an integral indicator in modern economics. Author presents his experience in utilizing the integral indicator to calculate a comprehensive rating assessment of the investment attractiveness of companies from the electric power industry. The study provides a rating of 10 electric power companies formed using the integral indicator. The positions of authoritative representatives of economic science, expressed by them within the framework of a scientific discussion devoted to the rating compiled by the author, are reflected. Both the advantages and disadvantages of the integral indicator, which must be taken into account in the case of its practical application, have been examined.
Keywords: economy, efficiency assessment, integral indicator, rating, expert assessments, weighting coefficients


Standard approach to risk management in international projects on the example of the initiative “One belt and one road”
Zhou Run, postgraduate student of the Economics and tourism Institute
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Rodionova N. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing Department of the Economics and tourism Institute
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

The problem about risk management in international projects is investigated on the example of the project for the construction of the transnational high-speed railway system “Asia – Europe”, which is a part of the “One Belt and One Road” initiative. Based on the standard approach, the provisions developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of project risk management are substantiated. Based on them, the main project risks are identified, their probabilities and levels are assessed, risk management strategies and tactics are recommended, as well as the countermeasures to reduce them. The current leads to continue studying of this problem are determined.
Keywords: “Belt and road”, risk in project, project risk management system and methodology, countermeasures


Application of macro environment analysis for a steel company
Zemlyanskaya N. B., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kazakova N. V., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article considers a number of methods used in order to analyze the external environment of a company in the steel market. Namely: stakeholder matrix, Porter’s Five Competitive Forces methodology, PEST analysis. The acquired results of analysis are successfully used by the companies to develop effective marketing strategies, maintain market leadership, minimize risks and take advantage of emerging opportunities.
Keywords: macro environment, Russian steel market, stakeholders, Porter’s Five Forces, PEST analysis

Analysis of the current commercial UAV market in Russia
Shadrina L. V., deputy director of the Marketing center
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The development of the UAV market is one of the most important area in Russia. The research introduces the evaluation of the current status of the hardware manufacturers in the Russian market. The drone market is considered as an established ecosystem, that includes hardware, applications, parts and software. The manufacturers of hardware are among the important elements of the ecosystem.
Analysis of the ecosystem allows us to take into account the impact of the suppliers and the customers on the UAV market. Analysis of the different regions allows us to identify the most advanced regions for localization of some ecosystem elements for development of a drone market.
The drone market either in the world or in Russia develops very fast, and it is necessary to both analyze and estimate not only the current status of the market, but also the stages that have been already passed. This analysis provides us with the hypothesis related to the drivers and barriers of the market.
Keywords: Drones, UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle, drone ecosystem, drone hardware, drone software, drone market map

Issue 2/2024


Identification of group conflicts within the framework of command-coalition management at high-tech enterprises
Vartanyan A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The scientific article is devoted to the study of group conflicts within the framework of command-coalition management at high-tech enterprises, in order to develop practical recommendations for ensuring their sustainable development in the context of the digitalization of society and the increasing frequency of political and economic crises. The main areas of conflict between the formal administration of the enterprise and coalition teams that have their own goals and management capabilities are identified.
The results described in the article can be used by high-tech enterprises that are interested in the identification of group conflicts within the framework of command-coalition management, as well as in decisions regarding their prediction and resolution.
Keywords: group, team, command-coalition management of a high-tech enterprise, conflicts between groups and within them

Principles of project management in the Roscosmos State Corporation. Part 1
Korsakov S. V., postgraduate student1, an active test cosmonaut of the Cosmonaut detachment2
1 – Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
2 – Roscosmos State Corporation, Moscow
Smirnov V. G., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article describes the main provisions of the project approach in the Roscosmos State Corporation, the process of formation of the project approach and its development including the USSR and Russia.
Keywords: project approach, Roscosmos State Corporation, project management, Gantt schedule, Project Management Association

Organizational support for remote employee work
Kuznetsova E. Yu., doctor of Economic sciences, professor
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
Podolyak O. O., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg
Kuzmin V. V., postgraduate student
Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg

The article examines the prospects of remote employment, activated in the context of restrictive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and developed by the subsequent transformation of the labor market as a whole. The methodology of analysis and synthesis of conclusions presented in scientific publications and processing of data from a questionnaire survey of respondents selected at random was used. The analysis of the opinions of representatives of the labor market employed in various sectors of the economy on the remote format of the working time and space organization is presented. Conclusions are drawn on certain aspects of traditional and remote workplace organization methods. The existing technological solutions for the organization of remote work of employees are considered. A generalized conclusion is given on the positive prospects for the development of the remote format of work.
Keywords: remote work, organizational support, organization personnel, labor organization, technologies for organizing work processes


Practical aspects of omnichannel marketing realization at high-tech industrial enterprises
Samsonov P. M., мaster student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sorokina E. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Emelyanov D. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of the essence and practical aspects of implementing omnichannel marketing. The authors analyze the existing definitions of the term «omnichannel marketing» within the Russian scientific domain. Fundamental principles for implementation of the omnichannel marketing in a high-tech industrial enterprise are formulated. Practical aspects of implementing omnichannel marketing are explored, along with the software used in this context.
Keywords: marketing, omnichannel marketing, marketing communications, high-tech industrial enterprise, digital economy, marketing activity automation


Effective management of material resources as a tool to increase the competitiveness of the aviation industry and technological independence during the period of import substitution
Kaybeleva V. R., master
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mezina N. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article examines a role of effective management of material resources in increasing the competitiveness of the aviation industry and achieving technological independence during the period of import substitution. The article is based on research and practical experience in the aviation industry and offers recommendations for improving competitiveness and technological independence in the context of import substitution.
Keywords: technological independence, import substitution, competitiveness, aviation industry, material resources, domestic production


The application of an integral indicator in economics (on the example of complex rating assessment of investment attractiveness)
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The current study is focused on the investigation of the application of an integral indicator in modern economics. Author presents his experience in utilizing the integral indicator to calculate a comprehensive rating assessment of the investment attractiveness of companies from the electric power industry. The study provides a rating of 10 electric power companies formed using the integral indicator. The positions of authoritative representatives of economic science, expressed by them within the framework of a scientific discussion devoted to the rating compiled by the author, are reflected. Both the advantages and disadvantages of the integral indicator, which must be taken into account in the case of its practical application, have been examined.
Keywords: economy, efficiency assessment, integral indicator, rating, expert assessments, weighting coefficients


Standard approach to risk management in international projects on the example of the initiative “One belt and one road”
Zhou Run, postgraduate student of the Economics and tourism Institute
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Rodionova N. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing Department of the Economics and tourism Institute
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

The problem about risk management in international projects is investigated on the example of the project for the construction of the transnational high-speed railway system “Asia – Europe”, which is a part of the “One Belt and One Road” initiative. Based on the standard approach, the provisions developing the theoretical and methodological foundations of project risk management are substantiated. Based on them, the main project risks are identified, their probabilities and levels are assessed, risk management strategies and tactics are recommended, as well as the countermeasures to reduce them. The current leads to continue studying of this problem are determined.
Keywords: “Belt and road”, risk in project, project risk management system and methodology, countermeasures


Application of macro environment analysis for a steel company
Zemlyanskaya N. B., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kazakova N. V., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article considers a number of methods used in order to analyze the external environment of a company in the steel market. Namely: stakeholder matrix, Porter’s Five Competitive Forces methodology, PEST analysis. The acquired results of analysis are successfully used by the companies to develop effective marketing strategies, maintain market leadership, minimize risks and take advantage of emerging opportunities.
Keywords: macro environment, Russian steel market, stakeholders, Porter’s Five Forces, PEST analysis

Analysis of the current commercial UAV market in Russia
Shadrina L. V., deputy director of the Marketing center
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The development of the UAV market is one of the most important area in Russia. The research introduces the evaluation of the current status of the hardware manufacturers in the Russian market. The drone market is considered as an established ecosystem, that includes hardware, applications, parts and software. The manufacturers of hardware are among the important elements of the ecosystem.
Analysis of the ecosystem allows us to take into account the impact of the suppliers and the customers on the UAV market. Analysis of the different regions allows us to identify the most advanced regions for localization of some ecosystem elements for development of a drone market.
The drone market either in the world or in Russia develops very fast, and it is necessary to both analyze and estimate not only the current status of the market, but also the stages that have been already passed. This analysis provides us with the hypothesis related to the drivers and barriers of the market.
Keywords: Drones, UAV, unmanned aerial vehicle, drone ecosystem, drone hardware, drone software, drone market map

Issue 1/2024


Theoretical aspects of development of indicators for economic security of industrial enterprises
Bogatyrev A. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Economics and economic security Department of the Educational and scientific complex of counteraction to economic and tax crimes
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Russian ministry of internal affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
Bubnova O. Yu., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, associate professor at the Mathematics, informatics and information technologies Department
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Russian ministry of internal affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
Zhukov M. S., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, senior lecturer at the Mathematics, informatics and information technologies Department1, associate professor at the Informatics and control systems Department of the Institute of radio electronics and information technologies2
1 – Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Russian ministry of internal affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
2 – Nizhny Novgorod state technical university named after R. E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod

The official documents of the Government of the Russian Federation define the threats to economic security, form a system of indicators for assessing the economic security of the state, and approve the method of indicative assessment of the state of economic security of the Russian Federation. It can be argued that the methodological support for assessing the level of economic security is quite thoroughly elaborated, both in normative-legislative acts and in the studies of domestic scientists. At the same time, many research and monographic works note that both the systems of economic security indicators at the level of industrial enterprises and their threshold values are still a subject area not fully studied. This substantiates the need for additional research in this area of scientific knowledge, including the direction of ensuring the combination of economic security indicators at the level of an industrial enterprise, a region, an economic system as a whole.
Keywords: industry, industrial production, economic security, economic security indicators, indicators of economic security of industrial enterprises, methods of assessing the levels of economic security of industrial enterprises

Application of the budget method in the management of a machine-building enterprise
Silakova V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Production organization Department1, professor at the Urban and service economy Department2
Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
Moscow University named after S. Yu. Vitte, Moscow

The scientific article analyzes the problems associated with the application of the budget method in the management of mechanical engineering enterprises. The relevance of this research bases on the necessity of effective budget management of enterprises in the conditions of dynamically changing market and increased requirements of consumers to mechanical engineering products. The paper considers the essence of budgeting and its functions. The complexities of demand forecasting, supply cycle management, loss minimization and utilization, as well as the use of information systems for data analysis are disclosed. The article presents key tasks, the solution of which can help engineering enterprises to overcome difficulties and achieve optimal management of their inventories, as well as to ensure profit maximization.
Keywords: budgeting, engineering enterprises, resource management, production optimization

Methodology aimed at evaluating integration potential of an enterprise being an integration object. A case of the Joint Stock Company “Izhevsk Metallurgy and Machine Building Plant”)
Arkhipov A. D., postgraduate student at the Institute of economics and entrepreneurship
Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod

It is obvious that there is a problem of obtaining a biased assessment of the expected effects from the realization of integration processes. Solution of this problem, in turn, will allow solving another, interrelated problem of selection errors in the case of multiple objects of integration. The choice of a particular object of integration is a complex, multi-stage management process, within the framework of which cost decisions are made, options for the expected profitability of activity after the realization of the integration process are considered, as well as the assessment of the impact of integration on the general state of not only the integrator’s enterprise, but also the enterprises included in the holding structure dependent on the integrator. The article deals with these issues of formation of the system of evaluation indicators in the planning of integration processes of industrial enterprises. On the basis of the author’s methodology, the integration potential of the JSC “Izhevsk Metallurgy and Machine Building Plant” as a potential object of integration for the PJSC “United Machine Building Plants” has been assessed.
Keywords: integration processes in industry, enterprise as an object of integration, management of integration processes, industrial enterprise, efficiency of integration processes


Concept of Digital Twins technology realization at high-tech industrial enterprises
Leontyev D. V., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article studies the implementation of a digital twin technology at the industrial enterprises in the context of the development of Industry 4.0. Author defines the historical stages of formation, essence, principles and advantages of Industry 4.0. The definitions of digital twins given by the domestic and the foreign authors are listed. The advantages of this technology in modern realities are analyzed. Real examples of integration of digital twins in the industrial sphere are considered.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, 4th industrial revolution, internet of things, artificial intelligence, digital twins

Analytical aspects of distribution of digital technologies in the development of high-tech industries
Nigmatov R. R., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article discusses the analytical aspects of the introduction of digital technologies and platform solutions into the activities of domestic industrial enterprises. It was revealed that the digital technologies most in demand by Russian companies include: 1. technologies for collecting, processing and analyzing big data, 2. cloud services, 3. digital platforms and 4. data processing centers. The significant role of digital platforms is noted, on the basis of which import substitution of all information systems of companies occurs. It is substantiated that a systematic approach to the implementation of measures for digitalization of industry will contribute to the accelerated implementation of digital technologies and platform solutions, as well as the creation of high-tech industries in the manufacturing industry aimed at achieving sustainable technological leadership in Russia.
Keywords: digital economy, digitalization, digital transformation, high-tech industries, digital technologies


Analysis of digital technologies for marketing automation in high-tech industrial enterprises
Samsonov P. M., мaster student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sorokina E. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Emelyanov D. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Active technological development of the industry, associated with the dissemination of Industry 4.0 technologies, has led to the digitization of various activities of high-tech industrial enterprises. Marketing is one of such areas. This study is dedicated to the analysis of digital technologies used for automating marketing activities at modern high-tech enterprises. The analyzed technologies include web analytics, artificial intelligence, CRM systems, and digital platforms. The author examines both the essence of these technologies and the main functions that can be automated through their implementation.
Keywords: industry, high-tech industrial enterprise, Industry 4.0, marketing, digital marketing, marketing automation, web analytics, artificial intelligence, CRM system, digital platform

Implementation of the project research in the marketing activity of enterprises in the engineering industry
Yamanov A. A., assistant, head of laboratories at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

Today on the Russian Federation’s market we can see business growth, development of communication technologies, expansion of social and culture needs and creation of the new technological equipment. Consequently, business must pay attention to the learning and modernization marketing activity.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, project approach, marketing, project activity, market

Unified approaches of marketing research and software implementation at aviation enterprises
Osipenkov A. A., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article contains the results of the author’s research in the field of software implementation at the high-tech industrial enterprises. Uniform approaches to the formation of the structure of setting tasks for implementation are substantiated. Proposals are being developed on the procedure for interaction between participants in the implementation process. Proposals for the practical implementation of the synthesized approach are given. On the basis of the proposals, a thesis is formed about the possibility of scaling proposals from the level of enterprises to the level of industries.
Keywords: business requirements, software, high-tech enterprise, goals, expert assessments, retrospective

Influence of analytical services on the efficiency of an enterprise in working with marketplaces: analysis of results and optimization of business processes
Shportun D. V., master student
Mironov A. A., senior lecturer at the Information technologies in public administration Department
Burlakov V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Information technologies in public administration Department

Marketplaces are the universal trading platforms, which significance and influence on the market increase every year. More and more enterprises use the marketplaces, as they are convenient for selling goods of any type. However, effective sales on these trading platforms, as on any other market, are possible only with a qualitative analysis of the market and products. To carry out such an analysis, analytical services have appeared that allow you to select the right algorithm for successful sales and business scaling. This paper examines the indicators studied by analytical centers that influence the adoption of strategic decisions by enterprises, analyzes the interaction of marketplaces with analytical centers, and identifies the relationship between the number of analytical services and the place of a marketplace within the Russian market.
Keywords: business processes, enterprise, analytical services, marketplaces


Studying the level of economic literacy in Russian society
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The development of the economy is closely related to the growth of the society’s well-being. One of the foundations of citizen’s well-being is their economic literacy, which enables them to make effective economic decisions. This study presents the results of assessing the economic literacy of the broad segments of the population of Russia, as well as the citizens of several foreign countries, based on their participation in the educational event “All-Russia Economic Dictation”, held in 2023. The assessment includes the economic literacy of the participants in a regional context, as well as according to specific categories such as gender, age, education level, field of activity, and participants attitudes towards the economy. The assessment of economic literacy of university students was also detailed with an analysis of their performance in writing the Economic Dictation among students of economic, technical, and humanitarian universities.
Keywords: economics, economic literacy, economic competence, All-Russian economic dictation, dictation audience


Scientific and technological sovereignty as a scientific category in the light of competition: a role and relevance
Sivayev Y. A., applicant at the Economics of enterprises Department
Ural State University of Economics, Yekaterinburg

The present article examines a relatively new category as is scientific and technological sovereignty. The preconditions for the emergence and position in the system of scientific knowledge, in particular in the theory of competition, are revealed. During the preparation, a number of general scientific methods of the empirical group (comparison, measurement, analysis and synthesis, logical reasoning), and specific scientific methods (statistical analysis, expert assessments) were used. An analysis of internal expenditures on research and development as a factor influencing the achievement of national scientific and technological sovereignty, was carried out. The effectiveness of this factor is assessed, the importance of not only the amount of expenses, but also of the dynamics of their development is clarified taking into account the external openness of foreign economic activity.
Keywords: manufacturing industry, scientific and technological sovereignty, economic theory, factors for achieving scientific and technological sovereignty, theory of competition, institutional theory, innovative component of competition, reasonable openness of foreign economic activity

Ethics of nonviolence in modern personel management
Gurina Y. A., candidate of Economic sciences, Economics and management Department of the Institute of law and management
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow
Zubeyeva Y. V., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Economics and management Department of the Institute of law and management
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow
Belyayev D. V., student
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow
Golobov M. A., ., student
Moscow City Pedagogic University, Moscow

This article analyzes the use of violent methods in personnel management. In this case, the methods of social coercion to work are understood as violent, as well as the subject of research in such sciences as sociology and management. The concepts of “mobbing” and “harassment” are deciphered from the point of view of their use in personnel management. Statistical data are provided. Methods of combating violence and its consequences in the field of management are also suggested. Conclusions are drawn about the impact of social violence on the psychological state of employees and the ethical component of the activities of modern organizations.
Keywords: adaptation, school of management, Hawthorne experiment, ethics of violence, mobbing, conflict, harassment at work

Issue 6/2023


Prospects to form integrated systems at high-tech industrial enterprises in conditions of Industry 4.0
Filatov V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Commerce and service Department
The Kosygin State University of Russia, Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of prospects and applied aspects of the formation of integrated systems at high-tech industrial enterprises. A cyber-physical system is considered as an integrated system that ensures the integration of the complex of digital technologies of Industry 4.0. The principles observance of which allows achieving a high level of efficiency of the created cyber-physical system are formulated. The training of personnel with the necessary digital competencies required for its implementation and operation is considered as a separate issue.
Keywords: high-tech industrial enterprise, Industry 4.0, Fourth Industrial Revolution, digitalization, digital transformation, digital technologies, cyber-physical system, intelligent automation, artificial intelligence, industrial internet of things, personnel training

Indicator approach in designing a cluster structure
Komina N. V., senior lecturer at the Engineering economics Department
Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk, The Republic of Belarus

The article defines the role of fundamental factors influencing the creation of a separate sustainable cluster structure. When selecting economic entities for the projected cluster, it is suggested to use relative indicators rather than absolute indicators, which will significantly simplify the task of selecting its participants.
With the indicator approach, there is no need to take into account all the factors and coefficients that affect the quality of management of an organization if we evaluate not the absolute values of certain parameters, but the trends in their changes. It is enough to identify only one or several indicators related to the quality of management in order to judge by their dynamics the general change in the level of management in the company.

Keywords: cluster, cluster structure design, indicator approach

Рrocess maturity assessment of machine-building enterprises
Erlygina E. G., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolay Grigorievich Stoletovs, Vladimir

Any organizational activity needs a way to measure success. One of the tools for assessing the performance of engineering enterprises is the use of a process maturity model. The process maturity model divides process maturity into levels, from the highest to the lowest, and describes the characteristics of each level. Enterprises have high process maturity if the processes are well designed, automated and controlled. Using the model, machine building companies can understand their current maturity level and take steps to improve it. Assessing process maturity allows managers to make informed management decisions to achieve business development goals, consistency and drive continuous improvement.
Keywords: machine-building enterprises, efficiency, business processes, process maturity, continuous improvement


The prospects of 3D printing technology application in high-tech industrial enterprises in the context of industry 4.0
Nigmatov R. R., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of additive manufacturing technology (3D printing), which stands as one of the key directions of Industry 4.0. The author conducted an analysis of the concept and essence of Industry 4.0, as well as identified the main digital technologies actively developing within its framework and used in the digital transformation of modern high-tech enterprises. Special attention is paid to the analysis of existing definitions of the term ‘additive manufacturing’ suggested by Russian scientists. Existing examples of practical application of 3D printing are considered. The technologies such as selective laser sintering (SLS), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), and stereolithography (SLA) are analyzed. In the final part of the study, the author examined the manufacturers of 3D printers.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, additive manufacturing, 3D printing, 3D printer, selective laser sintering (SLS), direct metal laser sintering (DMLS), layer-by-layer deposition modelling (FDM), laser stereolithography (SLA)

Sustainable development, technological sovereignty and increase of innovative industrial potential
Syrtsov D. N., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Innovative project management and digital transformation Department
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
Kolosh A. V., master student at the Higher school for corporate management
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow

The article discusses the main theoretical and scientific aspects of sustainable development of an enterprise, and determines the key role of innovation in strengthening the technological sovereignty of the country. Technological sovereignty is impossible without sustainable development, which is determined by factors of the company’s external and internal environment, the stability of its financial position and adequate resource provision. In the new realities, sustainable development and strengthening technological sovereignty are interconnected. At the same time, the management system must ensure the most efficient use of available resources to secure a balance between the goals of an economic entity, the results and consequences of its functioning. It is shown that in the management practice of the leading foreign companies benchmarking is being actively introduced as one of the tools for development strategy at the micro level. The authors analyze the experience of successful use of benchmarking in Russia and abroad. It is shown that this tool has been able to prove its high efficiency in enterprises of developed countries. At the same time, its use in Russia still remains very limited, although the use of benchmarking in conditions of sanctions pressure can become an effective means of accelerating the implementation of innovations and strengthening technological sovereignty. Recommendations have been developed for the use of this tool in order to ensure the sustainable development of an industrial enterprise and technological sovereignty.
Keywords: benchmarking, sustainable development, technological sovereignty, competition, innovations, entrepreneurship in Russia


On the issue of energy saving in high-tech industrial enterprises
Yermolayev K. A., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Innovations and investments Department
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

The author’s research is dedicated to analyzing perspectives and approaches to implementing energy conservation in high-tech industrial enterprises in the context of Energy Transition 4.0. The article discusses the essence of a 3D concept, encompassing three main directions of the Energy Transition 4.0 development: decarbonization, decentralization, and digitalization. Specific elements of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2035 taking into account these directions are highlighted. Connection of Energy Transition 4.0 with the concept of sustainable development and energy conservation is determined. The main digital technologies that can be utilized within a systematic approach to energy conservation in high-tech industrial enterprises are examined.
Keywords: high-tech industrial enterprise, energy saving, increasing energy efficiency, Energy Transition 4.0, decarbonization, decentralization, digitalization, digital technologies


Key trends in application of artificial intelligence for digital marketing at industrial enterprises
Baklunov M. V., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sorokina E. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of key directions of application of artificial intelligence technology in the framework of digital marketing realized at modern industrial enterprises. The author analyzes the definitions of the term «digital marketing» suggested by a number of Russian scientists. The author analyzes a number of directions of using artificial intelligence technology in the marketing activities of enterprises, including its application for forecasting demand for their products, customer relationship management, and brand reputation management.
Keywords: industry, industrial enterprise, digital marketing, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, digital technologies, artificial intelligence, forecasting demand for products, customer relationship management, brand reputation management

Marketing solutions to increase the efficiency of scientific and production enterprise activity
Zemlyanskaya N. B., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kazakova N. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article reviews the implementation of a sequence of steps representing the marketing sphere in order to boost performance of a scientific and production enterprise. Namely: segmenting consumers; analyzing the target audience; analyzing the assortment portfolio of the enterprise; applying the tools of the marketing-mix to meet better the needs of consumers and determine the vector of the enterprise’s development. It is important to mention that the marketing tools presented in the article and analysis of them can be successfully applied in any type of business.
Keywords: scientific and technical solutions, innovative solutions, B2B market, consumer segmentation, ABC-assortment portfolio analysis, BCG matrix, 7P marketing mix


Analysis of sociological indicators when assessing economic literacy in Russia
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The study is devoted to the comparative analysis of the audience structure of the All-Russian educational actions «All-Russian Economic Dictation» which took place in 2022 and 2023. The analysis was carried out according to a number of sociological indicators characterizing its distribution and allowed us to determine the changes that reflect the dynamics of activity of the action participants interested in assessing their own economic literacy. The study used such indicators as the participants’ gender, age, level of education, field of activity and attitude to the economy.
Keywords: all-Russian economic dictation, economic literacy of the population, economic competence, sociological indicators, dictation audience


Balance in the writings of K. Marx
Smirnov V. G., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article describes approaches to the study of industrial relations by K. Marx from either economic or philosophical and political points of view, their analysis and ways to achieve balance.
Keywords: industrial relations, the law of correspondence (balance) of the nature of industrial relations to the level of development of productive forces, “fair equality” expressed through labor, factors of imbalance

Digital transformation of industrial potential as a factor of regional safety
Suhodoev D. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Economics and economic security Department of the Educational and research complex of combating economic and tax crimes1, associate professor at the World economy and customs affairs Department2
1 – Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod
2 – N.I. Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod
Shokh M. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Economics and economic security Department of the Educational and research complex of combating economic and tax crimes
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

The article deals with the features of industrial potential functioning as a type of economic activity in the security system of the region. The authors suggest a model of the industrial safety system in the region. The factors of industrial safety in the implementation of digital transformation in the industrial potential of the region are systematized. The paper investigates directions of transformation and digital tools of production potential management. Statistical data of the industrial potential of the region are analyzed. The coefficient of influence of IT specialists’ labor productivity at industrial enterprises on the amount of their production is suggested.
Keywords: industrial potential, factors of regional safety, digital transformation, model of industrial safety of a region

Current state, problems and prospects of development of the Russian machine building industry
Leontyev D. V., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of the current state of development of domestic engineering. The author analyzes the current indicators of the machine-building complex in the Russian Federation. The main problems of this industrial sector are highlighted in the context of the current economic and political situation. The official statistics of accounting for depreciation of fixed assets as one of the most significant problems of modern mechanical engineering are presented. The promising ways of development of this industry in the implementation of technological solutions in production processes are analyzed.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, machine-building complex, Industry 5.0, current state of the industry, international market, depreciation of fixed assets

Issue 5/2023


Key technologies for digitizing integrated systems in high-tech industries
Filatov V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Commerce and service Department
The Kosygin State University of Russia, Moscow

The formation of integrated systems is an important direction in the development of modern high-tech industrial enterprises. The author analyzes the distinctive features of integrated systems created in the era of the Third Industrial Revolution. The key technologies used for digitalization of integrated systems in the conditions of the Industry 4.0 are considered. Among such technologies, cyber-physical systems, Industrial Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, collaborative industrial robots and digital twins are analyzed.
Keywords: industry, high-tech industrial enterprise, integrated system, Industry 4.0, digital transformation, cyber-physical system, Industrial Internet of Things, digital twin

Problems of strategic inventory management in the machine building industry
Silakova V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor Production Organization Department1, professor Urban Economics and Service Industries Department2
1 – Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Moscow
2 – Moscow Witte University, Moscow

Yelovskiy I. A., postgraduate student at the Business management and service technologies Department in the International institute of management and business
Rosbiotekh, Moscow

The scientific article deals with the problems associated with the strategic management of inventories in the machine building industry. The study is relevant due to the fact that in the context of rapidly chan-ging market conditions and increased consumer demands for quality and availability of products, effective inventory management is an important factor of success for machine building industry enterprises.
Statistical methods, such as the exponential smoothing method and the time series method, as well as the methods of effective inventory management, namely the EOQ method and ABC analysis, are discussed in the article. Key problems are disclosed, such as difficulties in demand forecasting, supply cycle management, loss minimization and utilization, and the use of information systems for data analysis. Key challenges that can help companies in the machine building industry to overcome the challenges and achieve optimal management of their inventory are presented.
Keywords: strategic management, inventory, machine building industry, statistical methods, effective management techniques

Key points in digitizing construction of industrial facilities: contemporary situation and prospects for digital transformation
Meshcheryakova T. S., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and innovations Department
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Moscow
Nesterenko M. A., postgraduate student at the Management and innovations Department
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Moscow

The article analyses modern approach to digitalization of an industrial facility, taking into account a concept of life cycle management. The main attention in this context must be paid not only to the main technical systems and business processes of the enterprise, but also to formation of prerequisites for creating a unified digital model of an object during its design or reconstruction, which allows creating a digital ecosystem and maximizing the efficiency of associated management and auxiliary business processes. The study covers the main directions of digital transformation of an industrial facility, taking into account the possibilities of transition to a higher level of digital maturity of the enterprise with an integrated approach to the integration of technologies into its digital architecture.
Keywords: industrial facility, technologies of construction, digital transformation, digital technologies, digital object model, artificial intelligence

Practical aspects in applying industrial internet of things at modern enterprises
Nigmatov R. R., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article studies advancement of the industrial internet of things and application of the named technology by economic entities at present. Author analyzes the main stages of its formation, and considers its use in public life. The functional capabilities of the industrial internet of things are defined. Domestic platforms through which the technology of industrial internet of things is realized are listed. Problematic aspects that hinder the implementation of the industrial internet of things in domestic enterprises are identified.
Keywords: industry, digitalization, digital technologies, Industry 4.0, fourth industrial revolution, industrial internet of things


Prospects for implementation of collaborative industrial robots at high-tech enterprises in course of manufacturing innovative products
Leontyev D. V., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is devoted to the study of the prospects for the introduction of collaborative industrial robots at modern high-tech industrial enterprises as part of manufacturing the innovative products. The historical stages of the introduction of collaborative robots into the industrial sphere are analyzed. The functionality of cobots at the present stage is revealed, as well as their differences from industrial robots of previous generations created within the framework of Industry 3.0. Current statistics on the practical application of collaborative robots are provided. The advantages and disadvantages of installing collaborative robots in an industrial enterprise are determined.
Keywords: high-tech industrial enterprise, innovation, innovation and investment activity, digital transformation of the enterprise, industrial robots, collaborative robotics, collaborative robot, cobot, Industry 4.0


Current trends in the development of digital marketing in Russian industry in the context of Industry 4.0
Vartanian A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor of the Information technology in public administration Department
MIREA – Russian technological university, Moscow

Sorokina E. A., student
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article is dedicated to reviewing the current trends in the development of digital marketing in the Russian industry, actively evolving in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The authors conducted an analysis of a number of existing definitions of the term «digital marketing» in Russian science. The article examines current trends and technologies in the field of digital marketing, including the development of mobile marketing, the formation of marketing communications in social media, and the use of artificial intelligence technology.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, industrial enterprise, digital technologies, digital marketing, marketing communications, mobile marketing, social media, artificial intelligence


Key aspects of digitizing power saving at high-tech industrial enterprises
Yermolayev K. A., candidate of Economic sciences, assistant professor at the Innovations and investments Department
Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

In modern conditions, energy saving is one of the important approaches to increasing the efficiency of high-tech industrial enterprises. In this study, the author analyzes the key aspects of digitalization of energy saving in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Particular attention is paid to the review of digital technologies that have significant potential for improving the energy efficiency of enterprises. Such technologies include cyber-physical systems, machine analysis of Big Data, artificial intelligence and digital twins.
Keywords: high-tech industrial enterprise, energy saving, Fourth Industrial Revolution, digitalization, digital technologies, cyber-physical system, machine analysis of Big Data, artificial intelligence, digital twin

Alternative boiler house: legislative initiatives for heat supply reform
Babich B. P., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department1, leading specialist at the General Directorate2
1 Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
2 PJSC Mosenergo, Moscow

The relevance of this work is due to the energy strategy of Russia in the field of heat supply. More than 60 % of the thermal energy in our country is generated and supplied to consumers in centralized heat supply systems. It is necessary to take into account the long-standing lack of regulation in this area. However, when discussing various models of heat supply, it is important not to limit ourselves exclusively to the potential price effect for consumers. The evaluation of any model should also include an analysis of its impact on the reliability and quality of heat supply, as well as its ability to attract investments and provide guarantees of return on investment in heat supply facilities. Therefore, the suggested problem and its solution must correspond to a specific model. This article is intended to complement the description of the problems and advantages of the industry and their origins, exploring the consequences of the introduction of a new model of the thermal energy market, known as the «alternative boiler house».
Keywords: alternative boiler house, heat supply, new model, thermal generation, tariffs, heat supply system


Corporate social responsibility in machine building: contemporary trends
Kolesnikova O. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor of the Management of energy and industry Department
National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow
Zhokhova P. Ye., senior lecturer of the Advertising, public relations and linguistics Department
National Research University «Moscow Power Engineering Institute», Moscow

The article discusses the main approaches to the creation of environmentally friendly products. The characteristic of basic principles of ecological management and policy of social responsibility of business is given. The main tools of environmental management are considered. The research data on the use of environmental management by Russian companies are presented. The experience of Russian manufacturers of environmentally friendly and ethical goods in different categories is analyzed.
Keywords: environmental entrepreneurship, small business, environmental management, creation of environmentally friendly products, social responsibility


Foreign practice of local manufacturing content
Kostygova L. A., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Sorokin D. D., postgraduate student аt the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article discusses the current trends in localization of industrial production of machine-building enterprises abroad. It has been established that this process is most actively carried out in the petrochemical, automotive, shipbuilding industries of Norway, Canada, Singapore, India and other countries. The foreign experience of reshoring has been studied. Conclusions are drawn about the expediency of using this experience in the Russian industry.
Keywords: localization of production in mechanical engineering, foreign experience, reshoring in developed countries


Analysis of prospects and problems of development of the Russian passenger air transportation market amid Western sanctions and restrictions
Zemlyanskaya N. B., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Kazakova N. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

This article examines and analyzes statistics that illustrate the impact of sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation by the West because of the special military operation, as well as restrictions imposed in Russia and around the world during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, there are a detailed study of the restrictions themselves and the analysis of the scope and nature of their consequences.
Keywords: International Air Transport Association (IATA), passenger traffic, pandemic crisis, sanctions, economic effect

Contribution of balance to contemporary ecosystem (part 2)
Smirnov V. G., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article describes ways to achieve a balance of factors of production, which is an integral part of the more general problem of achieving balance (equilibrium) of the entire national economy of the country (intersectoral balance), and achieving a balance of factors of production means doing work to ensure the implementation of strategic national priorities of socio-economic development of the country.
Keywords: balance of factors of production, intersectoral balance, the law of least, the method of network planning and management, the degree of obtaining the synergetic effect of the system

Analytical features of the study of economic indicators that diagnose the effectiveness of mesoterritorial development
Barinov M. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Economics of innovation and finance Department
Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigoryevich and Nikolai Grigoryevich Stoletovs, Vladimir

The article presents approaches to monitoring and evaluation of regional systems with the identification of the components that potentially affect the economic efficiency of functioning of the territories. The relevance of the article is determined by the objective features of development of the mesoterritories. The analysis of the spatial features of functioning of the systems was carried out on the materials of the Volga Federal District. The purpose of the study is to assess the features of genesis of the regions using regression analysis and the resulting indicator – the Gross Regional Product, which allows us to give a more reliable characterization of transformation of mesoterritoriums
Keywords: mesoterritorium, indicators, gross regional product, development

Issue 4/2023


Integration processes in industry: theoretical and practical aspects
Arkhipov A. D., postgraduate student at the Institute of Economics and Entrepreneurship
Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod
Trofimov O. V., doctor of Economic sciences, acting rector
Lobachevsky National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University, Nizhny Novgorod

The reasons justifying the development of integration processes in industry are considered, including the need to ensure sustainable development. The statistical material on the largest transactions in the corporate control market of the Russian Federation for 2020 is presented. The paper considers the network form of integration, identifies and systematizes its features. In accordance with international documents the definitions and indicators used for comparative analysis of cluster management are presented. The factors of ensuring the competitiveness of clusters as a form of integration and the risks characteristic of their activities are considered.
Keywords: integration processes in industry, management of integration processes, cluster, network form of integration, cluster organization

Topical issues of ensuring economic security of industrial enterprises
Bogatyrev A. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Economics and economic security Department of the Educational and scientific complex for combating economic and tax crimes
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
Bardakov A. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Finance, taxes and credit Department of the Educational and scientific complex for combating economic and tax crimes
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nizhny Novgorod
Bubnova O. Yu., associate professor at the Mathematics, informatics and information technologies Department
Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Nizhny Novgorod

The article considers the issues of planning and optimization of production costs from the position of ensuring economic security. On the basis of the study of positions of some scientists the conclusion about the importance of the level of production cost for ensuring the appropriate level of economic security indicators of enterprises of the industrial sector of the economy is formulated. Theoretical analysis is supplemented by statistical and analytical data of the industrial enterprise PJSC Ruspolymet.
Keywords: industrial production, cost price, cost structure, investments, modernization of production, economic security of the enterprise

Trends in the development of the industrial park sector in Russia
Babikov A. V., postgraduate student
Cheboksary Cooperative Institute (branch of the Russian University of Cooperation), Cheboksary

On the grounds of open source data, author analyzes the development of the industrial parks sector in Russia. He presents statistical and theoretical material on the examined topic. He also substantiates the need to improve the system of indicators for assessing the performance efficiency of not only managing companies of industrial parks, but also their residents.
Keywords: industrial parks, management company, industrial park resident, Association of Industrial Parks of Russia, greenfield and brownfield parks, performance evaluation of the industrial park management company

Modeling of business processes of enterprises using information technologies (based on the example of a telecommunication company)
Myasoedova T. K., SAP second line support engineer
JSA Group, Moscow
Mironov A. A., senior lecturer at the Information technologies in public administration Department
Burlakov V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Information technologies in public administration Department

Currently, information technologies are increasingly used by the enterprises and companies in various fields of activity. Their introduction and subsequent use is a production necessity, as it allows for the solution of problems aimed at increasing the competitiveness and innovative development of enterprises in modern market conditions.
Telecommunications occupy an important place in the life of people and society today. One of the main trends in the development of telecommunication companies is the growing demand for information technologies that can provide solutions to the problems facing companies, among which business process modeling is of no small importance.
The article, using the example of a digital twin, presents the possibility of modeling business processes of telecommunication companies, which will reduce costs and ensure greater safety for employees.
Keywords: business process, modeling, information technology, digital twin


Project approach to the placement and construction of urban parking lots as a factor in the development of the automotive industry
Vasilyeva A. D., мaster student at the Economics and tourism Institute
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir
Rodionova N. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing Department at the Economics and tourism Institute
Vladimir State University named after Alexander and Nikolay Stoletovs, Vladimir

In modern organizations, project management is being actively introduced, which is the most promising and innovative method of achieving the goals set, contributing to the development of the company’s economy. In the construction industry, the design approach is considered natural. However, with the growing demand for various construction projects, not all construction projects are effective, for example, it is the construction of urban parking lots. In most Russian cities, their shortage is one of the most acute problems discussed by car owners themselves, at the legislative level, and by the researchers. Corporate efforts are searching for a comprehensive solution to the method of arrangement of parking spaces. The main obstacle is created by construction organizations in which a mechanistic management structure prevails, which is not adaptive to the functionality of project management. This structural discrepancy manifests itself in different approaches to the delegation of authority and the distribution of responsibility. Attempts to introduce project management into a management system of a construction company lead to significant loss of project effectiveness due to triple subordination and overload of employees participating in project teams. In authors’ study, the idea of integrating the management model of a construction company and the functionality of project management for the placement and construction of urban parking lots is suggested.
Keywords: motorization of citizens, the problem about parking lots, features of the construction project management, adaptive management models


Features and necessity of conducting marketing research by enterprises in a competitive environment
Zhuravleva L. E., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor
Private educational institution of higher education «Moscow University named after S. Y. Witte», Moscow
Zvezdichev G. Yu., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professors
Autonomous non-profit organization of higher education «Moscow International University», Moscow
Levochkina T. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor
Non-state educational private institution of higher education «Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis», Moscow

In modern conditions of fierce competition, enterprises have to modernize constantly their production and other technological processes, strive to improve the quality of services provided, as well as optimize management processes. That is why conducting marketing research plays a primary role in any business process. The purpose of the presented article is to show the role of marketing research in the implementation of marketing activities of an enterprise in a competitive environment. The article considers the importance of marketing research for the successful implementation of the marketing strategy of the enterprise.
Keywords: marketing research, survey, retail audit, mix method, focus group, interview


Energy efficiency rising strategy for a high-tech enterprise. A case of the JSC «Technopolis Moscow»
Mishuchkov V. I., candidate of Technical sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Bulashov V. V., lead engineer – project manager
Technopolis Moscow JSC, Moscow
Belov S. I., candidate of Technical sciences, associate professor at Power supply and electric machines Department
National Research University Russian State Agrarian University, Moscow

On example of such a high-tech manufacturing company as the JSC «Technopolis Moscow», the issues of constant monitoring of energy efficiency indicators of energy resources used by the enterprise which apply modern digital technologies for dispatching and managing energy consumption in order to improve energy results and reduce payment for the energy resources received are considered.
The article highlights the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of energy saving, which show the need to develop and implement energy saving and energy efficiency programs at enterprises with state participation for continuous improvement of energy efficiency indicators.
The importance of implementing the energy management system as a part of the management system of the JSC «Technopolis Moscow» is noted.
Keywords: utility metering system, CRM, SCADA, energy efficiency, monitoring, management, energy management

Energy-efficient industrial enterprise in digital environment: evolution of an automated process control system and an operational model of a facility
Meshcheryakova T. S., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and innovations Department
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU), Moscow

The article is devoted to the key issues of using an automated process control system (APCS) in the context of increasing the energy efficiency of an enterprise and taking into account the modern context of import substitution. The developed Russian platform solutions are based on open standards for interaction between automated process control systems devices running on their own code and in hardware and software. Also a debatable issue of digital transformation, which is reflected in the study, is the creation of an operational model of an industrial facility, which is at the intersection of the problems of automated process control systems, but has a pronounced difference from the latter, consisting in the complexity of technical development for Russian practice and its feasibility of using when integrated exclusively with project implementation phase (during the construction of a new industrial facility or significant modernization of an existing one).
Keywords: industrial enterprise, industrial facility, energy efficiency, digital transformation, automated process control system, operational model of a facility, sustainable development


Corporate social responsibility in machine building: contemporary trends
Kostygova L. A., doctor of Economics, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Shakin A. D., student of Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

The article discusses the current trends in the development of corporate social responsibility on the example of machine-building enterprises. It is revealed that the main lead is the implementation of the ESG principles in combination with 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. In the social field, these are volunteering, support by companies of participants of the special military operation and their families, and work with young people. It is established that the companies of the machine-building industry significantly contribute to this process.
Keywords: modern trends of corporate social responsibility of machine-building companies, ESG principles, volunteering, support by companies of the participants of special military operation and their families, work with youth

Development of a strategy for enhancing Russia’s digital independence based on a devised tool for assessing its level within the context of economic sovereignty
Vartanian A. A., candidate of Physical and Mathematical sciences, doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university), Moscow
Shchetinina A. R., master of the «World economy» direction
National research university «Higher School of Economics», Moscow

This scientific article is devoted to the development of a strategy for achieving Russia’s digital independence in the current conditions of universal digital transformation of domestic enterprises, relying on the tool created by the authors to assess the level of digital sovereignty in the context of economic sovereignty. The aim of the study is to develop practical recommendations to ensure sustainable development of the country’s digital economy taking into account its sovereign interests, globalization and informatization of all spheres of society in the context of political and economic risks.
In conditions of the accelerated development of the information technologies and large-scale digitalization of society, the strategy of the authorities of developed countries to ensure the digital independence of the economy becomes a key factor of sustainable development and ensuring of national security of a state.
The article contains a decomposed analysis of the state of Russia, presented in the matrix of digital independence, which is the basis for a developed pyramid of the formation of digital sovereignty of the country on the basis of multiple indicators affecting the development of its digital infrastructure. In particular, the country’s technological potential, the level of cyber security, the scale of scientific research and the presence of innovative projects are analyzed. Multiple indicators of sovereignty assessment allow to identify more accurately the strengths and weaknesses of the state in the digital sphere and create a strategy for its development, taking into account possible risks.
The study identifies the most vulnerable areas of digital independence related to the limited capacity of national digital resources, lack of qualified personnel, insufficient cybersecurity and high dependence on foreign technologies and platforms. A new tool for assessing and visualizing a level of a country’s digital independence in the context of its economic sovereignty has been developed, and on its basis factors contributing to the strengthening of digital independence have been identified including the development of national technological competencies, stimulating innovation and strengthening the legal framework in the digital sphere.
Based on the results of the study, a systematic approach to the development of digital independence is suggested, including the design of a balanced national infrastructure, the formation of an IT human resources environment, support for existing domestic technology companies and IT startups, and the selection of strategic research in the field of information technology. The suggested strategy will strengthen Russia’s economic and political sovereignty in the rapidly changing global digital environment.
The strategy to ensure Russia’s digital independence in the context of increased competition and global geopolitical challenges is becoming a key factor for sustainable economic development, the country’s security, and strengthening its position in the global market. The results obtained can be used in the development of specific steps to strengthen sovereignty in the digital sphere including the stimulation of national innovation, training of qualified personnel in the field of IT, support for domestic technology companies and the creation of an ecosystem favorable for digital development.
Keywords: digital sovereignty assessment tool, digital independence matrix, technological transformations, digital sovereignty strata, technological sovereignty development strategy, pyramid of the country’s digital sovereignty development