Author: @admin
Issue 1/2016
Management of the mechanical engineering enterprise’s development on the basis of competitive stability assessment
Dzhamay E.V., doctor of economic sciences
Central Scientific-Research Institute of Airplan-Engine Design (CIAM), Moscow
Pushkareva M.B., candidate of economic sciences
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Sharovatov S.V., candidate of economic sciences
Cushman and Wakefield Inc.
Abstract: In article the directions of machine-building enterprises’ competitive stability assessment and stability management topics in the conditions of the competitive branch market development are considered. Novelty of the solutions proposed by authors is in new conceptual approach justification to definition category «enterprise’s competitive stability» and its assessment methodical features. The work’s theoretical importance is defined by the economic systems stability theory development, and its practical importance – an integrated approach to the machine-building enterprise’s competitive stability assessment. Results allow to determine the level of the enterprise’s competitive stability quantitatively and to develop stability management strategy.
Keywords: competitive stability, market stability, economic development stability, stability assessment method
The main directions of analysis of effi ciency of use of economic potential of machine-building enterprises
Putyatinа L.M., doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the department of Industrial management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Tarasova N.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Industrial management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Lavrova L.A., associate professor at the department of Industrial management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Abstract: In the article the basic directions of the analysis of efficiency of usage of economic potential of machinebuilding enterprises in crisis conditions. Identifies the most important elements of the economic potential of the enterprises on the basis of the resource approach. Reflects the main types of resources: the basic industrial capital, working capital, labor resources and financial resources. The most important ways to analyze the efficiency of resource use, and discusses indicators used by enterprises in the process of analysis.
Keywords: economic potential of machine-building enterprises, enterprise resources, resource use efficiency, primary production, working capital, human resources, financial resources, the structure of fixed assets, working capital structure, financial stability
Organizational aspects of creation of cluster formations
Vandisheva V.V., candidate of economic sciences, deputy head of Cluster formations development division
Cluster Development Centre of the Voronezh region, Voronezh
Chudakova E.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of commerce and commodity
Voronezh Branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Voronezh
Ryzhkov E.I., candidate of agricultural sciences, associate professor at the department of Merchandising and expert examination of goods
Voronezh State Agricultural University N.A. Emperor Peter the Great, Voronezh
Abstract: The article deals with the organizational aspects of the cluster approach as a basis for effective development of industrial policy in the region. The authors show the reasons of state stimulation of development of clusters. At the macro level of the investigated factors, influencing the development of the cluster approach in national economy. Generalization and systematization of legal and methodological developments have allowed the authors propose an algorithm for the formation of cluster formations, ranging from the appearance of the cluster initiative and ending with a period of successful operation of the cluster. The result of a research article was the author’s indicators to measure the effectiveness of clusters.
Keywords: cluster, the steps of forming a cluster Portal cluster, the process approach, the road map
Optimising production model taking into account foreign trade communications
Romanov B.A., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the department of Accounting, analysis and audit
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Abstract: In article the optimizing production model of group of companies taking into account foreign trade communications is offered. Two types of foreign trade barriers are considered: foreign trade balance and export and import volumes restrictions according to the products nomenclature. As the solutions of optimizing model some private options, which in total give rich material for practical applications, are considered. Examples of some calculations are given.
Keywords: optimizing production model, foreign trade communications, foreign trade barriers
Motivational mechanism of innovation processes and innovation activity
Kashirin V.V., Doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the faculty of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Grachev N.N., candidate of engineering sciences, professor at the school of Electronic engineering
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Abstract: In article the issues and the analysis of the innovative processes and innovative activity motivational mechanism are carried out. Individual motives to innovative activity, motives of large producers to innovations realization, social and economic bases of innovative activity are considered and analyzed. The issue of dissipative structures in economy, which existence is possible only in plenty of energy and entropy, is discussed, and the more system is susceptible to entropy, the more viable it is and the possibility of competitive fight winning.
Keywords: innovation, motivation, innovation activity, the socio-economic foundations of innovation
Human resources’ factor in the innovative economics
Rassadina A.K., candidate of economic sciences, senior researcher at the faculty of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Kashirin V.V., Doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the faculty of Economics
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Abstract: The role of human resources, scientific and technical in particular, permanently increases in innovative economics. In the new economics, where knowledge becomes the material welfare creation source, the human capital’s role is not less important than financial capital, being the factor of not only the innovative development, but of also advanced economic development as a whole. Investments in human resources are considered to be an important factor of economic transformation in the direction of its innovative constituent’s development.
Keywords: innovative economy, human resources, human capital, manpower mobility, innovation manpower, intellectual capital of a company, structural capital
State support forms of innovations development in power branch
Gulieva S.A., marketing specialist at the Engineering-economic institute
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow
Abstract: The author explains the concept of «innovations» and need of their introduction to the power industry sphere. In the article the role of the innovations state support is disclosed. The mechanism of the innovations state impact on the example alternative power engineering development support is represented. The main ways of state support and innovative activity are given. Strategic RES (renewable energy source) development problems and russian RES production potential are shown. Measures of the alternative power engineering development state support are suggested. Forms of the state support in the sphere of RES are considered. The basic lines of the state’s pump-priming and innovation activity. The strategic tasks of the RER development, the potential of Russia in the field of RER production. The measures of the state backing of the alternative energy developing. The types of the state backing in the field of RER.
Keywords: state, power, innovations, development, support
Energy saving as one of the conditions of country energy safety
Kuzmina E.E., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the department of Economics of customs
State University of Management, Moscow
Abstract: In the article, the author reviewed energy safety systems in EU countries, USA, Canada, Norway, China, and Russia. Based on the energy safety foreign experience, author formed recommendations which help to improve an energy efficiency and energy safety in Russia under the current sanctions condition. According to forecasts of RF Ministry of Economic Development, 80—85 % of Russia’s energy growth needs in 2008—2020 have to be covered by national economy energy efficiency increasing. Energy efficiency is a resource which manages 3—5 times cheaper, than energy carriers’ production increasing. Resource-saving technologies usage, fixed assets updating, energy saving promotion and other mechanisms will allow to solve this problem.
Keywords: energy saving, energy safety, energy efficiency, energy saving foreign experience, attitudes to energy
Modern trends in the marketing research development at russian market
Bardashevich A.N., master’s student at the Management faculty
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kozlova N.P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article author examines the main trends in the marketing research development in Russia in recent years. Author identifies the causes of that market decline, assesses the economic crisis impact on changing research directions. Author analyzes the cost minimization possibilities in this industry and improves the research accuracy due to the new digital technologies penetration– global Internet. Author gives the global Internet marketing specific tools and rich data analytics that transforms market research.
Keywords: market research, crisis, Global Internet, digital technologies, big data, surveys, financial market
Total quality management CAF-tool of the administrative organizations
Zvonnikov V.I., doctor of pedagogic sciences, professor, director of the Quality management education department
State University of Management, Moscow
Nefedov V.A., candidate of technical sciences, professor
State University of Management, Moscow
Abstract: Practical implementation of the common assessment framework (CAF) as instrument of total quality management (TQM) for the administrative management organizations is shown in the following article. The CAF model is created on the basis of assessment approaches association based on the European fund of quality management (EFQM) perfection model and model the German university of administrative sciences in Speyer. Fundamental idea of the CAF model: the best results for all consumers of production and services, workers and society processes results are reached by the leading role of the management which realizes strategy and plans, inspires workers, develops communications with partners, effectively manages resources and provides processes functioning.
The CAF model represents the tool simpler, than the EFQM model which intended on the budgetary sphere organizations application of quality management methods by the activity improvement.
Keywords: common assessment framework (CAF), total quality management (TQM), CAF model structure, budgetary sphere organization, total quality management (TQM) principles
Simulation models in economics for economic systems development scenarios study
Lapshina S.N., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the Department of systems analysis and decision making
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Denisov A.D., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the department of Management
Russian State professional Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Berg D.B., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor at the department of Systems analysis and decision making
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Bazhenov I.A., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the Department of marketing
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Shaposhnikov V.A., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Management
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Yakovleva T.I., master’s student
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Abstract: One of the most relevant tasks in the crisis is to identify the organization business strategy and competitors’ behavior. As part of the enterprise’s lifecycle competitive strategy varies depending on the external and internal conditions. Simulation model usage allows you to map the agents’ competitive strategy with the market life cycle stages and explore possible scenarios for the economic systems development in the external environment changes. At different moments individual market segments are at different life cycle phases that allows the organization to shape its business portfolio, predicting the individual segments’ influence.
Keywords: development scenarios, imitation modeling
Theoretical aspects of the energy sector enterprises’s competitiveness
Soldatova N.F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Orlova E.S., postgraduate student, assistant at the Department of management in power engineering and industry
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow
Abstract: Authors consider the national category «the energy sector competitiveness « as the multidimensional concept which creates social and economic conditions of the population accommodation as basis for national economy development in general. Status and prospects of Russia’s energy sector potential development have significant impact on all national economy sustainable development, especially in the economic sanctions conditions from the leading EU countries and the USA.
The authors describe the characteristics and specificity of the «competitiveness» category of the national economy energy sector enterprises at macro level. In the article the main hierarchic levels of the energy sector system are outlined, affecting the competitiveness mechanism.
Keywords: the mechanism of competitiveness increasing, forms and methods of state regulation and incentives, financial support instruments, innovative entrepreneurship
Economic basis formation and development of Russian science education technology
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of Management, economics and social technologies institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Grachev N.N., candidate of technical sciences, professor at the School of electronic engineering
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Tihonov G.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the department of Economics
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Abstract: Pervasive introduction of computer facilities and information technologies nowadays define priority base of science-based education technology. But they aren’t the initial component of science-based education technology. That feature is in the scientific knowledge of the corresponding subject domain. In this article problems which need philosophical and methodological comprehension from science-based education technology are analyzed. Definition of science-based education technology is given as the advancing training technology which is based on scientific results integration of the corresponding knowledge area with training. The main contents of the technology are innovative processes of knowledge and skills acquisition in the learning process.
Keywords: education knowledge-based technology, distance learning, science, socio-economic transformation
Issue 6/2015
The development of cognitive maps of production program’s formation on the industrial enterprise
JSC “Ryazan Radio Plant” Ryazan
Morozov V.I.
JSC “Prio-Vneshtorgbank” Ryazan
Kazelskaia A.V.
Abstract: Management process of the industrial enterprise’s production program which represents a semistructured problem in the conditions of dynamically changing environment is considered. The solution by cognitive situations modeling is proposed, cognitive tools usage in development of the control system providing enterprise’s functional strategy realization is considered. The result is the development of cognitive model of the production program formation, expanding management capabilities.
Keywords: industrial enterprise, production program, cognitive analysis, cognitive modeling, cognitive map
Possibilities of holarchy production systems usage for eff ective industrial organizations formation
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Golov R.S., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Rozhdestvensky A.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Pushkareva M.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Mylnik A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Management (Podolsk representation) Podolsk
Agarkov A.P., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Abstract: Possibilities of the holarchy production systems usage for the effective industrial organizations formation consist first of all in a combination of flexible iteractive approach to rigidity of hierarchical approach.
Keywords: holarchy production system, industrial organization, efficiency, iteractive approach, hierarchical approach
Workers’ distribution on workplaces model
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Romanov В.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: In the implementation of large investment industrial projects workers structure across occupations and quantitative composition may undergo significant changes. In case of workers lack in certain occupations, retraining existing workers and new submission may be conducted. In the article the mathematical model of the workers optimal retraining and their optimal jobs distribution in the investment industrial projects implementation is shown.
Keywords: workers’ professional structure, occupied workers quantity at the industrial enterprise, optimum conversion training, optimum workers on workplaces distribution
Investment feasibility of contributions to the country’s innovative system and role of the state
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, Baku
Fatakhova N.R.
Abstract: In the article essence of the foreign investments attraction in national economy, features of increasing interests of investors, the international financial institutions and the economic organizations to Azerbaijan are disclosed. Advantages of Azerbaijan for foreign investors are proved. The analysis of the countries with developing economy are made. The essence of public service of population services rendering (ASAN service) which work is directed on a complete household corruption liquidation is disclosed.
Keywords: economics, investments, establishments interests, industry, human capital, level and quality of population’s life increasing, tasks of the state
Energy sector: the certain results of development
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The author considers trends and tendencies of national economy energy sector development which are defining for whole national economy development. In article the attention to the macrofactors influencing energy enterprises’ activity is paid. Effective activity of enterprises which are making and transferring the electric power, forms productivity and stability of national energy complex functioning.
Keywords: innovation priorities, economy modernization, energy sector, energy sector sustainability
Features of electrical power branch state regulation in conditions of modern Russia
Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Musaev R.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Institute of Natural Monopolies, Moscow
Fadeeva M.P.
Abstract: Role of electrical power branch in economy of Russia, methods of state natural monopolies subjects regulation, and also the main problems existing in branch are considered in the article. In particular, the electrical power branch creates barriers to competitiveness of the Russian economy branches because of the final prices prompt growth. At a choice of state regulation improvement possible ways it is possible to be guided by the international experience, however the special attention should be paid to such important problem as forecasting imperfection of the electrical power branch main statistics.
Keywords: electric power industry, government regulation, regulation methods, main statistical indicators forecasting
Organizationaleconomic conditions of innovative energy technologies usage
National Research University “MEI” (Moscow Power Engineering Institute), Moscow
Tolikova E.E., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Technical Foundation overhaul of the western administrative district of Moscow
Fedorishchev V.A.
Abstract: The authors examine organizational and economic conditions of using innovative technologies in energy. Also they analyze the possibility of applying them in practice. Smart Grid system, and its application in practice is shown.
Keywords: innovation, energy, intelligent networks
Economic–mathematical approaches and marketing aspects in the processing enterprises’ production capacity planning
Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir
Gorbatenko E.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Iskyanderova T.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Manuilov N.N., Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, assistant professor
Novokupova I.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article deals with the market research and planning specifics to hike the vehicles waste tires volume on the basis of constructing a model that allows to assess the required enterprises capacity to solve the tires disposing problem.
Keywords: marketing, radio advertising, radio advertising
Methodological approaches to the communications program development in industrial company
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Stytsiuk R.U., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Abstract: The article presents the guidelines for the communications program development in industrial company. The close interconnection between the objectives and the process of advertising campaign evaluation is underlined, the necessity of audience economic evaluation preferences and the communication impact on these preferences is proved.
Keywords: industrial marketing, media channel, the advertising budget, message, target audience, marketing and advertising campaign effectiveness
Problems of brending for integrated companies
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Reshetnikova L.A.
Abstract: During the company’s restructuring marketing specialists should answer the question – how to maintain a positive brand reputation and facilitate the new brand identification in the minds of customers? Of course, there is no one scheme for all companies: some of them create a new brand and promote it, and others use the most famous of the previously created brands. In the article the position of the Russian integrated structures is analyzed in the economic instability conditions.
Keywords: brand, restructuring, integration, promotion, competition, loyalty, client, common strategic design, sale
The role of marketing in fi nancial strategy of business development
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Holubtsova D.Yu.
Abstract: In the present crisis conditions companies arises a definite need for the growth strategies development that will enable them to keep their market share, develop new markets and products. The article reveals the marketing growth strategies, and also the interrelation with the financial strategies of business development.
Keywords: marketing research, marketing strategy, diversification strategy, growth strategy, product expansion strategy, acquisition strategy, penetration strategy, market expansion strategy
Strategic approaches to assessing the attractiveness of the target segment and the business advantages of the company
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article describes the conceptual apparatus of targeting, highlighting the objectives and reasons for segmentation. Factorial evaluation of attractiveness and business benefits necessary for the bases of the target markets prospects calculation are grouped and presented; determining ratings steps of attractiveness and business advantages of the company are proposed.
Keywords: segmentation, market targeting, target market segment, targeting resources, positioning factors, attractiveness assessment, business benefits
Problems and contradictions between needs in skills and competencies demanded on the labour market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Firsova I.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, кандидат пед. наук, Professor
Zabarina A.U.
Abstract: In article the main interaction problems between universities and employers as social partners of educational organizations that manufacture graduates in the competitive labour market are shown. Potential employment channels and success factors on the labour market are analyzed.
Keywords: social partnership, labour market, competitiveness, graduate, educational organization
Ways to improve e-commerce sales in crisis
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Ilyashenko S.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: E-Commerce is growing rapidly and the number of online enterprises is growing steadily, offering consumers innovative services to ensure the convenience and ease of shopping. The rapid growth of demand for service increases competition in the market of Internet sales.
Keywords: online trade, trade competitiveness, distance selling, sales promotion
Approaches to radio advertizing effi ciency determination
LLC “Radio Maximum», Moscow
Kokurin S.V.,
Abstract: The article analyzes radio advertising cases from all around the world. It is focused on basic forms of radio advertisement. The article is also aimed to observe factors that make an impact on Key Performance Indicators of radio advertising. The work is based on a research conducted by Absolute Radio in 2009–2013.
Keywords: marketing, radio advertising, radio advertising
Issues of tax control effi ciency increasing in modern conditions
Ural Branch of OJSC “MegaFon”, Ekaterinburg
Andryushina Y.A.
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg
Stepanova L.A.
Denisov A.D., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
Abstract: Authors discuss topical issues of field tax audits planning and appointment as the most effective form of control in modern conditions. Taxpayers’ selection optimization directions for checks are identified. Specific proposals are presented.
Keywords: tax control, tax inspection, the concept of the planning system, the selection of taxpayers, the process of planning field tax audits
Problems of image and professionalism formation of the government employee in modern Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kuznetsov I.O.
Abstract: This article analyzes the nature and problems of image and professionalism formation of government employees in Russia; conditions that can ensure productive development of professionalism; ways of government positive image creation.
Keywords: civil service, government employee, administrative professionalism, image, marketing communication
Conditions of oil products internal market management effi ciency increasing
Russian State Oil and Gas University named after Gubkin, Moscow
Shurkalin A.K., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Abstract: In article the conditions providing fight against in prices increasing oil products, which gained steady character in our country, despite decreasing oil world prices are shown. The major conditions of management efficiency increasing are measures for tax regulation, market demonopolization, including exchange trade forms development of oil and oil products.
Keywords: oil market, tax regulation, tax on mineral extraction, stock trading, price formation, oligopoly
Financial and economic aspects of import substitution
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Mishina O.S.
Chichulina T.A.
Abstract: This article is devoted to the Russian import substitution and mechanisms of stimulation of the national producer to take the product on the external market, without infringement of consumer choice, need of import-substituting projects economic efficiency preservation and their financing expediency is proved.
Keywords: import substitution, imported components and services, domestic products, imported products, innovations, technologies, information security
Loyalty management marketing tools for investment services market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Skulskiy V.G.
Abstract: This publication describes loyalty management marketing tools for investment services market. The author examines in detail loyalty management marketing tools, identifiestheir specificity, makes recommendations for their use in the market of investment services.
Keywords: loyalty management, relationship marketing, consumer relationship, loyalty measurement, investment reporting
Improvement of mineral fertilizers’ production technologies for import substitution in the agricultural products market (review)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rusin V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
All-Russian political party “United Russia”
Rtishchev A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Abstract: The energy saving example in technology of the mineral fertilizers (MF) is given. It is revealed that production and application of MU has system character and affects not only the biosphere, but also the person. For the solution of agro chemistry production import substitution goals in Russia it is necessary to increase quality of MU and to carry out industrial production of new generation fertilizers. Sales volumes and the possible markets development directions of two alternative types of fertilizers – mineral and organic are shown.
Keywords: system, biosphere, factor, ecology, person, alternative, market, fertilizers, mineral, organic, replacement, import
Review of A. A. Antropov’s monograph “Interdisciplinary methods of cyclic curves’ generalization techniques”
Issue 5/2015
Agent-based business development strategy
Ural Federal University. First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Lapshina S.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
Berg D.B., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Bazhenov I.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
Russian Professional Pedagogical University, Yekaterinburg
Denisov A.D., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor
Shaposhnikov V.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The main business strategy of economic agents is considered. Forecasting of economic agents development depending on the changing environmental conditions is presented in the agent functioning models like «income – expenses». The general analysis of the initial stage of economic agent’s life cycle curve and opportunity of predicting enterprise’s optimum business strategy choice in market conditions is carried out.
Keywords: development strategy, agent-based modeling
Comparative analysis of the company’s value management eff ectiveness indicators
Moscow State University, Moscow
Tagirov F.A.
Korovin A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: This work includes systematization and comparative analysis of the most popular value management effectiveness indicators. All effectiveness indicators can be divided into three main groups: indicators, based on accounting measures, on cash flows and on market valuation. Article describes the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, a comparative analysis of the indicators, which can help to correctly choose effectiveness indicator.
Keywords: value, management, effectiveness, capital, investment, profit
Logistics as an eff ective control technology
Moscow University of Railways, Moscow
Shumaev V.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
LLC “PRAMO”, Moscow
Sazonov A.A., director of logistics
Abstract: Author proposes regulatory method of cost reduction in all supply chain and Japanese advanced technologies application in supply and production organization using the adapted tool «kanban». The experience of its usage on a Combine factory «Rostselmash» is given
Keywords: logistics, costs, regulatory method, kanban, registered address delivery
Trends in the development of the companies’ competitive advantages at the innovations market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article discusses trends in the competitive advantages development in innovation. The main forms of enterprises participation in the innovations market as a mechanism for competitiveness development in the innovation environment, and noted that the main form of competition in innovation is the scientific and technical superiority of the new products.
Keywords: competitive advantages, competitiveness, market of innovation, research and development
Marketing innovative development under global changes
Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Vladimir
Iskyanderova T.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The paper is aimed to analyze the evolutionary marketing development within the innovative environment of the world and Russian economy and suggests the scientific literature review. The research specifies the conceptual definitions of marketing in the innovation sector concerning its interaction with science in the innovation process. The author reveals the diversity between such notions as “marketing of innovations”, “marketing innovations”, “innovative marketing”. He analyses different ideas of marketing in the innovative sector paying attention to vertical marketing, lateral marketing, and high-tech marketing. The article defines their specific features and functions in the production and realization process of innovations. The statistic analysis makes it possible to denote the conception of high-tech marketing as a top-priority development in the innovation sector of Russia.
Keywords: innovations, marketing, innovative marketing, vertical marketing, lateral marketing, high-tech marketing
Transformation features of «product» in the information society
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article contains the results of shift in meaning of the term marketing under current informational society framework. The growing role in the development of information product in comparison with the material is substantiated. Definitions associated with the market of high technology and scientific and technical production and innovation marketing are grouped and analyzed.
Keywords: information society, material product, scientific and technological progress, market, patents, licenses, high-tech products, high-tech capital, scientific and technical experts
Geomarketing information systems: the purpose and possible usage in marketing activity
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article deals with one of the application areas of marketing information systems technology based on geomarketing. The author examines the nature and purpose of geomarketing information systems and the direction of their possible usage in the marketing activities of modern enterprises. Examples of Russian GMIS are analyzed in the article.
Keywords: information technology (IT), marketing, geomarketing, geomarketing information systems
Marketing orientation of high-tech companies towards innovations
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Stytsiuk R.Yu., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Abstract: In article research results of the marketing role and value in modern organization innovative activity are given. The conclusion is drawn that the innovative activity aimed at the organization’s competitiveness providing and increasing has to rely on the existing advanced approaches, models, techniques and algorithms. Thus it is important to carry out adaptation of the existing techniques taking into account specifics and operating conditions of each enterprise.
Keywords: marketing, innovation, speed of innovation distribution, the market for intangible products, promotion and marketing, competitiveness, kaizen, customer orientation
Social marketing and concept of sustainable development
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kozlova N.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article examines the modern concept of social marketing, its relationship with the concept of sustainable balanced development of modern companies. This article discusses examples of social projects implemented by domestic and foreign business. The author assesses the significance of social marketing to build relationships with employees, partners and authorities. The article draws conclusions on the relationship of social responsibility with the growth of its profits and market capitalization.
Keywords: social marketing, sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, brand, social product, socially significant problem
University research centers and technoparks as a way of national competitiveness increasing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Ivanova Yu.O.
Abstract: States seeking competitive advantage in the global economy, often centered on the promotion of innovation and advanced technologies. One of the results of economic development in this direction is to create research centers and technoparks at universities, which are usually designed to accelerate the technology transfer from academia to industry. Such symbiosis, on the one hand, leads to the national competitiveness increasing, and on the other – to improve the university image.
Keywords: research centers, technoparks, technologies transfer, university, innovation, image, national competitiveness, knowledge
Factors and directions of labour and educational services markets marketing interaction
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Korovushkina M.V.
Abstract: The interrelation of labor market and the market of educational services is considered, the factors having impact on effective interaction of these two markets which is shown in education by the person for the purpose of self-realization, the social status of the individual in society increasing and growth of its competitiveness in labor market are listed and analysed.For coordination of contradictions between labor market and educational services market, interaction marketing, which is represented the mechanism and the instrument of social, economic and public needs satisfaction of the state, society, organizations and the individual is given.
Keywords: labour market, educational services market, marketing interaction factors, employer
Bases of the higher school development – scientifi c and technical innovations and welfare of Russia
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kashirin V.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor
Tikhonov G.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
Grachev N.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Abstract: In article the higher school development bases in modern conditions are offered and the main properties of the higher school infrastructure are given, and also the role and a place of the higher school in innovative infrastructure of the country on the near-term is shown.
Keywords: higher school, scientific-technical innovations, welfare of Russia, innovation infrastructure, engineering
Marketing activities of оrganization’s image formation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kolesnikova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Rebrikova N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Abstract: In article marketing activity of the telecom operator organization is considered. Image formation of such a company in the market of telecommunication services is showed. External and internal factors’ influence on the enterprise image in the Russian market in the conditions of fierce competition is carried out.
Keywords: image, enterprise, telecom systems, telecom operator, PEST-analysis, internal and external factors
Questions of russian economy modernization
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Firsova I.A., Doctor of Economic Sciences, Ph.D., Professor
Abstract: In modern conditions of development it is necessary to pass from trial and error method in economy development to the forecasting method. The country needs innovative modernization. Modernization is a creation of hi-tech productions, innovations export system development, competition, fight against corruption. The management and the leading economists of the country realize these problems. In article problems and questions of russian economy modernization need are considered.
Keywords: economy, social and economic crisis, modernization
Budgeting as part of the corporate planning process
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Levchenko K.V.
Abstract: In the article the modern role of budgeting in the optimization of financial costs, improve manageability, maximizing profits and ensuring the effectiveness of the whole. Particular attention is paid to the disclosure of the specifics of financial management and planning in the hotels industry. Reveals the problems of Russian hotels in isolation from management accounting. An attempt was made to introduce a diagrammatic representation of the process of planning and conducting the primary system of management accounting in the hotel industry mainly on the example of the annual budget of revenues and expenditures.
Keywords: budgeting, financial management, business process, annual budget, managerial accounting
Spoofing: manipulation or ineffi ciency market eff ective usage?
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Iskyandyarov R.R.,
Abstract: The article deals with description of spoofing modern practice applied on the stock market. Raising the information technology development level resulted not only in the stock market efficiency increasing, its liquidity and transparency, but also in the new practices appearance that can artificially distort the price of financial instruments and cause damage to honest investors, one of which is spoofing. In the article methods of grouping, comparison, analysis, graphical information representation are used. The author concludes the necessity of legislative regulation of the spoofing practice in Russia, in view of experience and the legal position of financial regulators in the US in the stock market field and the world’s leading stock exchanges. The results may be used in the theoretical and practical activities in the stock market field.
Keywords: manipulation, spoofing, exchange
The analysis of acceptance and realization practice of tax amnesties in Russia
Moscow State University
Sysoev A.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Abstract: The paper discusses the problems associated with the adoption and implementation of the first two tax amnesties (1993 and 2006) in Russia. The article emphasizes that the tax amnesty could apply only to tax relations, in order to prevent its use for washing and laundering of proceeds derived from criminal activity related to drug trafficking, illicit alcohol production, racketeering, etc. The author pays attention to the fact that legislation and regulations governing the adoption and implementation of tax amnesties should be distinguished by a special clarity and provide opportunities for their free interpretation, as taxpayers and fiscal bodies. In conclusion, the article contains proposals aimed at improving the mechanism for the adoption and implementation in our country the institute of tax amnesty.
Keywords: tax amnesty, tax system, tax authorities, tax legal, financial courts
Issue 4/2015
Methods of organizational design, planning and management of organizational-economic systems’ infrastructure-complex pre-production
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Golov R.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Rozhdestvensky A.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Pushkareva M.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Milnik A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Governance (Podolsk representation), Podolsk
Agarkov A.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Abstract: The article is devoted to the questions of organizational design, planning and management in the enterprise established organizational and economic systems infrastructure-integrated pre-production.
The scheme expeditious management correction system, the scheme of OES IIPP management levels and its subsystems at the enterprise, new equipment creation and development cycle structure, the scientific approaches interaction principles when developing OES, etc. consistently are considered by authors. The study defined the organizational principles of such systems creation, especially the electronic industry and traditional engineering development processes and other aspects of the integrated pre-production infrastructure development.
Keywords: pre-production, manufacturing plant, manufacturing process engineering
Calculation of economic efficiency of machines and mechanisms indicators assessment
Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University, Baku
Ahmet Alpaslan Mehmet Nusret oglu
Abstract: In present article problems of compared machines and mechanisms applied in construction economic efficiency are considered. Comparative economic efficiency calculation of additional capital investments in construction machines and mechanisms production assets has been made. The essence of economic benefit calculation depending on actions character on various measure units and following kinds of works is opened at mechanization variants choice, an efficiency estimation of new machines introduction estimation, capital investments efficiency on machines acquisition and annual long-term mechanization introduction plans estimation for year and the perspective period.
Keywords: efficiency degree, production assets, machines, construction, the cost price, labor input, direct expenses and indirect costs, physical depreciation and obsolescence
Level of MRTS works automation on distribution warehouses in mechanical engineering
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kameneva N.G., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Kazakova N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article is devoted mechanization, comprehensive mechanization and automation of loading and unloading, transport and storage operations on the marketing warehouses, accelerated processing of materials and their delivery to consumers, reducing the cost of MRTS work, improving productivity of workers and assess the level of mechanization and comprehensive mechanization and automation MRTS works.
Keywords: lifting and transport equipment (TVET), loading and unloading, transportation and storage automation level (MRTS), flexible automated storage and retrieval systems (GATSS), products for industrial and technical purposes (PPTN)
Model of industrial lines building
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Romanov B.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: In article the model of industrial lines building of the industrial enterprises is offered at realization of the investment industrial project by group of the enterprises. The optimizing model of the mixed integer linear programming for definition of an appointment optimum variant of the building enterprises under construction objects is formulated. The example of the optimizing problem decision of industrial lines building with a increasing view in end production release is resulted.
Keywords: an industrial line, capacity, building, building term, the mixed integer optimization problem
Conceptual bases of complex automated control system formation for innovative clusters
Free Economic Society of Russia, Moscow
Ratnikova M.A.
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of the foundations of the construction of an integrated automated control system of innovation clusters (ACSIC). As part of the study the author substantiates the value of cluster structures for innovative development of the economy. The proposed system is based on a common hardware and software platform with the use of artificial intelligence. ACSIC formed the basic functions, which are required to ensure the smooth and uninterrupted operation of the cluster.
Keywords: cluster, modernization of the economy, the process of innovation, industry, infrastructure, integrated software environment
The recovery mechanism of innovative activity of scientifi c and technical capacity in Russia
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kashirin V.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Tihonov G.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
Grachev N.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor
Abstract: The recovery mechanism of scientific and technical capacity innovative activity for the Russian economy optimal development in the modern world is offered. To restore the scientific potential of innovative activity in the context of an investment acute lack authors propose to use the concept of creating innovative technological centers (ITC), put their idea for the subsequent operation of ITC on the network and suggest the implementation of its basic principles of network creating in the Russian economy. The proposed mechanism will improve the efficiency of the Russian economy and to broaden the technical re-equipment of small and medium-sized enterprises as a whole.
Keywords: innovation activity, innovation and technology centers, scientific and technical potential
Role of the quality management economic mechanism legal regulation in the import substitution conditions
Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Management, Moscow
Agarkov A.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Gerenrot B.A., assistant professor,
Erokhinа E.A.
Abstract: The organizational aspects and legal matters of quality management are considered.
Keywords: quality, legal regulations, industrial policy, public-private partnership
The competence-oriented quality assessment of economists training for industries
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan
Kovalchuk Yu.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Stepnov I.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Abstract: In article questions of the content of the final qualification work of the bachelor of economy concerning processes of representation and check of development of the competences determined by the federal state educational standard are considered. Recommendations about structure of final qualification work, an assessment of formation of common cultural and professional competences are submitted, to interaction of the head and student within performance of procedures of total certification.
Keywords: competence, competence, economy, industry, final qualification work, bachelor of economy, requirements of FSES, qualification
Time of “responsible” economy has come
International Union of Economists, Moscow
Didenko I.A.
Abstract: The basis of the study is a deep analysis of the Russian and foreign economic systems’ development key indicators of in a systemic crisis. As a result of the revealed tendencies two main options of the Russian economy development, one of which assumes realization of traditional reforms are defined by the author and doesn’t correspond to the current external economic conditions whereas the second – is aimed at radical increasing of its efficiency due to use of such economy development methods as reindustrialization, new highly effective personnel and educational policy, etc. The author defines this approach as responsible economy which cornerstone those cardinal system transformations which will be capable to lead domestic economy to real growth and will allow to break the economic barriers created as a result of sanctions introduction of the Western world against Russia.
Keywords: responsible economy, macroeconomics, reindustrialization, effective personnel policy, infrastructure projects
Engineering development state and prospects of Кazakhstan
Kazakh State Women’s Pedagogical University, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
Zamanbekov Sh.Z., Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant professor
Abstract: The article is devoted to problems of engineering development as the most important national economy branch. The economic growth of Kazakhstan and conditions of its providing on the economic restructuring basis is considered in it. The list of new production branches and types created in the republic is provided, so their emergence stimulates engineering development on innovative basis. The analysis to the engineering current state and necessity substantiation of its advancing development for innovative updating of production technical equipment in the economy branches is given. Special attention is paid to priority directions of engineering development and implementation of the operating machine-building enterprises’ restructuring for innovative process acceleration in this branch. The role of transport engineering in the national economy development, market infrastructure formation and functioning is revealed. For intensive development of engineering on innovative basis the number of measures providing the domestic production growth of machine-building production and reduction of this production separate types on import delivered to the country are offered.
Keywords: innovation, restructuring, transport, versatility, priority, diversification, modernization, localization, infrastructure, cluster, industrialization
The free economic society of Russia – 250 years
Free Economic Society of Russia – 250 years
Issue 3/2015
Enterprises pricing policy in economic sanctions conditions
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Putyatinа L.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Tarasova N.V., PhD, Associate Professor
Kostin M.A.
Abstract: The article discusses the economic characteristics of the price policies of enterprises in the conditions of economic sanctions. The dynamics of indicators such as industrial production index, the index of consumer prices, producer price index, consumer confidence index is analysed. Authors discuss the various aspects required for import substitution in industry and its impact on the pricing policy of the Russian enterprises.
Key words: pricing, import substitution, industrial production index, the index of consumer prices, producer price index, consumer confidence index
Industrial policy as an economic transformation factor
Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Moscow
Rassadina A.K., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Abstract: Some questions dealing with the necessity and possibility of realization of industrial policy in the countries with transition economies, and challenges in the process of its implementation, are depicted in this article. These problems seem to be quite topical in the context of vital necessity of Russian economy transformation on the basis of structural reforms in the face of modern threats and challenges. Countries, which had succeeded in catching up with the “old” industrially advanced states, are those whose governments had initially promoted structural economic reforms, stimulating new business models and markets and directing resources into promising and new activity spheres. Development of Germany, the USA, Japan, who had managed to catch up with the more advanced industrial countries, such as UK and France, and relatively new examples of industrial transformation in East-Asian countries and — more recent — China — can serve as the evidence of this fact. In this article the author examines different approaches to the necessity and special mechanisms of industrial policy, basing on empirical data, illustrating effective industrial policy implementation in some foreign countries.
Key words: industrial policy, reindustrialization, diversification, business environment, protectionism, latent comparative advantages
Balance equations system for interconnected enterprises
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Romanov B.A., Ph.D., associate professor
Abstract: In article the balance equations system describing an enterprises group interconnection, output end production is offered. The balance equations of the enterprises which are output of several kinds of production are formulated on the basis of real enterprise representation in the form of set of the conditional enterprises, each of which output one product. It is shown that this system of the equations is generalization of «input-output» V. Leontev model.
Key words: industrial expenses, output, «input-output» model, factors of a factor cost
Strategic outsourcing map
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sinyaev V.V., Doctor of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: The article shows the value of outsourcing strategic maps usage in order to improve key business results. In a logical sequence author reveals the SKA system document contents, the algorithm for its practical implementation with emphasis on value chain as a strategic route to achieving the company’s mission. Outsourcing strategy map in terms of understanding and agreement with the customer can improve the quality of management and financial stability of the company.
Key words: purpose, perspective, outsourcing, strategic map, modernization, company, competitive advantages, investments
Organizational-economic systems of infrastructure-complex production preparation conceptual bases formation
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Golov R.S., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Rozhdestvensky A.V., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Pushkareva M.B., PhD, Associate Professor
Milnik A.V., PhD, Associate Professor
Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Management (office Podolsk), Moscow
Agarkov A.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Abstract: The article is devoted to infrastructure-integrated pre-production systems formation increasing production technological preparation efficiency and reducing the implementation time. As a solution of the problem study authors developed a conceptual basis for building organizational-economic systems of infrastructure-integrated pre-production (OES IIPP).
Key words: pre-production, manufacturing plant, manufacturing process engineering
Management of the enterprise’s innovative-technological development
Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow
Dashkov L.P., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Kabardino-Balkarian State University. JM Berbekov, Nalchik
Zhankaziev A.H., Doctor of Economic Sciences
Abstract: The article substantiates the necessity of enterprise’s innovative-technological development, analyses the conditions and determine factors. The article describes the enterprise’s technical re-equipment strategic management stages.
Key words: innovation and technology development, enterprise, management, efficiency, factors
Small enterprise: conditions of the effective marketing activity
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., PhD, Associate Professor
Abstract: The author considers major factors of external and internal environment, providing the effective marketing activity of small enterprise. In article the major environment factors influencing the competitiveness of t he small enterprise are designated, but the question of new forms and methods of small business support in Russia in conditions of economic sanctions toughening raised more detailed.
Key words: forms and methods of state regulation and stimulations, financial support instruments, the innovative small business, effective marketing activity
Marketing in engineering services industry
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., PhD, Associate Professor
Abstract: In article questions the engineering services modern market development trends are considered. For engineering services promotion there is a need of carrying out systematic researches and knowledge accumulation, actually not only in the engineering services markets marketing sphere, but also in the sphere of applied and perspective technologies, know-how, engineering companies activity organization models.
Key words: engineering, engineering services market, high-tech engineering services
Targeting – promotional mechanism for the new products commercialization
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sinyaeva I.M., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Abstract: In order to retain a leading position in the market and attract potential buyers commercial structures are forced to improve the quality management process in all stages of new product development and implementation. The key to new products commercial success is the intelligent advertising to consumers target audiences. Therefore, it is important to use targeting different types flexibly for the new products successful commercialization.
Key words: marketing, innovation, globalization, advertising, commercialization, targeting, product innovation, targeting types
The new requirements for quality management systems: the fifth version of standard ISO 9001
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Karepin P.A., Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor
Abstract: The article features the importance of a standardized model of organization management. Key points of the new concert of quality management system in the new edition of the ISO 9001 standard are considered. Itemized analysis of the changes put into the project of the new version of the ISO 9001 standard in comparison with the 2008’s version is conducted and general conclusions are also made.
Key words: quality management system, ISO 9001 standard new edition project, requirements change
The development of additional professional education in the Russian regions
Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov
Susyev A.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Leading Researcher
Abstract: The article deals with current issues of control and regulation of the Additional Professional Education (DPO) of civil servants in the subjects of the Russian Federation. It is emphasized that the continuing education and professional development, as well as periodic training is a must-pass civil service for every civil servant. In this paper we detail the requirements for state civil servants and DPO factors, that are the basis for directing a civil servant to training program DPO. A significant part of the article is the analysis of existing practice to develop individual plans for professional development of civil servants and professional development of civil servants in the Russian regions, the basic documents on which the state order for civil servants DPO each subject of the Russian Federation is developed. In conclusion, the article analyses the basic legislative acts adopted in recent years in the field of regulating DPO of civil servants.
Key words: post-professional education, civil servants, individual professional development plans of civil servants, a program of professional development of civil servants subject of the Russian Federation, the state order or civil servants DPO
The development of additional professional education in the Russian regions
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kuzmina E.E., Doctor of Economics, Professor
Abstract: The article considers the problem of assessing the quality of programs of additional professional education. The author suggests criteria that should be considered in assessing the quality of educational programmes implemented in the system of additional professional education.
Key words: additional professional education, quality assessment of educational programs, criteria for quality assessment, the problem of quality assessment
Marketing communications in social media influence on customers loyalty formation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Slugina Yu.N.
Abstract: The article describes the results of marketing research of social networks, means of loyalty formation through marketing communication in social networks.
Key words: marketing communication, social networks, loyalty, target audience, effectiveness
Years of WTO: progress or regression to the field of agricultural machinery
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Samsonova T.S.
Abstract: The economic policy of Russia in agrarian and industrial complex branch means credits high rates, agriculture low subsidies, in comparison with the West countries, 40 % of the income of farmers in Europe are grants from the budget, in Russia grants make 1–3 % of the income of agricultural producers are from budget as our market is open for food import from abroad. Thus, it is necessary to start speaking about high competitive advantages of the Russian producers from economic policy.
Key words: WTO, agricultural mechanical engineering, equipment production, foreign producers
Issue 2/2015
Audit of workplace observations method of moment
Samara State Aerospace University named after academician SP Korolev (National Research University), Samara
Sattarova K.T.
Pronichev N.D., Doctor of Technical Sciences
Abstract: Imitating model creation results of equipment work in downtimes acquisition data purpose are presented in this article. For verification of the created imitating model output data the research was conducted by moment supervision method then research results were compared with the work of model. We suggest to use imitating modeling, in particular the program AnyLogic environment, for the further analysis of input parameters influence on equipment downtimes emergence. It will help to reduce time for carrying out physical experiment on data collection about downtimes, to increase quality of administrative decisions, and also to develop measures for downtimes reduction.
Key words: moment supervision, imitating model, equipment downtimes
Production lines reshaping model of the industrial enterprises
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Romanov B.A., Ph.D., docent
Abstract: In article the production lines reshaping model of the industrial enterprises at implementation of the investment production project by group of companies is offered. The algorithm of this model parameters calculation – reshaping coefficients and reshaping specific cost coefficients is offered. The example of production lines reshaping for the finished products turnout increasing is given.
Key words: production line, capacity, reshaping factors, specific cost reshaping factors
Creating a vertically-integrated company with a network component
Moscow State Construction University, Moscow
Gerasin K.V.
Abstract: The article deals with an opportunity to formulate principles of vertically integrated Corporation’s org chart with a network component. Forming a hypothesis and putting the question, the author concludes that in the near future, most modern businesses would pay considerable attention to network and virtual structures, creating a relevant departments, moving in whole or in part on networking virtual «rails».
Key words: vertical and horizontal integration, network management, virtual organizations
Theoretical foundations of business modelling and their practical implementation
Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Moscow
Smirnov S.R., Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent
Abstract: The article considers issues of appearance, development and further transformation of the term “business model” in economic theory. The author examines approaches of different experts in theory of management to foundations of business modelling process. There are also examined different variants of typology of business models which are suggested by leading experts in this branch of science.
Key words: business model, business modelling, newly technologies, information technologies, innovation decisions, typology of business models
Conceptual foundations of modern organizations innovation and investment activity
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Golov R.S., Doctor of Economics, professor
Российский университет кооперации, г. Москва
Dashkov L.P., Doctor of Economics, professor
Moscow State University of Technology and Management of K. Razumovsky, Moscow
Smirnov V.G., Doctor of Economics, professor
Moscow State University of Lomonosov, Moscow
Plekhanova V.S.
Abstract: The article analyzes the principles and tools of effective management of innovation and investment activities in modern industrial organizations. The author considers various organizational and economic instruments that allow to increase the effectiveness of cost-intensive projects.
Key words: innovation, investment, innovation and investment, research, administration system
Innovations development institutes in agricultural engineering of Russia
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Glutshenko I.I., Doctor of Economics, professor
Abstract: Agricultural mechanical engineering development institutes are investigated, improvement problems of their interaction are revealed, the requirement of theoretical bases development of institutes improvement and innovative activity architecture development for agricultural mechanical engineering and in agroindustrial complex of Russia in general on the basis of a mashinologiya is proved.
Key words: organization, agro-industrial complex, innovations, agricultural mechanical engineering, development institutes, architecture of development, factors, mashinologiya
Inventive activity comparative analysis in the innovation processes in Russia and Turkey
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Аkilli Н.
Fedorov V. K., Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor
Abstract: In article economic and investment rapprochement of Russia and Turkey is noted. The intellectual property becomes the main important innovative development instrument. In this s ense in article innovative development indicators on the basis of the quantity and dynamics submission analysis of obtaining patents demands for inventions in the Russian Federation and Turkey, for industrial samples patents and trademarks registration are considered and the comparative analysis of demands submission dynamics of is carried out.
Key words: intellectual property, innovative development, patent, trademark, useful model, dynamics of passing of demands
Energy sector: priorities in the face of uncertainty
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent
Baranova M.A.
Abstract: The authors examine the country energy sector management strategy priorities and the adjustment strategy direction in the face of economic uncertainty, government regulation and support, which are crucial for the economy sector development. The important place in energy sector active functioning is occupied by the electricity production from hydropower, which makes a significant impact on the national economy effective functioning.
Key words: country energy sector development strategy, innovation priorities in power engineering, energy sector transformation, factors influencing the power engineering development uncertainty, state regulation and energy sector support instruments
Marketing of Innovations
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kashirin V.V., Doctor of Economics, professor
Tihonov G.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent
National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
Grachev N.N., Ph.D., professor
Abstract: The paper sets out the basic approaches and principles of marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation are central business elements, facilitating the the consumer base creation and preservation. Marketing involves determining the business structure, innovation is considered to make this structure complying with the time ideas and technologies. The work offers a rationale for the relevance of the marketing components of innovation.
Key words: innovation, marketing, company policy
The strategic aspects of image formation on the market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kolesnikova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent
Rebrikova N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Abstract: The article deals with concept of «image» both as a commodity and a company, also, strategy development aspects of image formation are presented.
Key words: image, commodity, companies, competitiveness, strategy, commercial
Legal and organizational aspects of quality management
Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Management, Moscow
Agarkov A.P., Doctor of Economics, professor
Gerenrot B.A., docent,
Erohina E.A.
Abstract: The organizational aspects and legal matters of quality management are considered.
Key words: quality, legal regulations, industrial policy, public-private partnership
Changing of competitive advantages in era of the Internet of things
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Subanova O.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, docent
Abstract: This article focuses on the competition and competitive advantages in new era of the Internet of things. Competitive advantages will be determined by access to information infrastructure, technology, and organizational potential for creating intersectoral alliances and partnerships. Using the example of automotive industry author formulated preconditions to changing the nature of feedback between manufacturer and consumers.
Key words: internet of things, competition, competitive advantages, feedback, technology alliances, information security
Manufacturing enterprises› competitiveness improvement
State University of Management, Moscow
Nefedov V.A., Ph.D., professor
Lazukina A.O.
Abstract: The article deals with the enterprises in the high risk conditions peculiarities when there is the value chain imbalance and necessary to look for industrial activity functional stabilization approaches.
Key words: value chain, innovation, manufacturing enterprise, competitive advantage
Social media marketing of financial products and services
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Bodrova E.
Lukianenko N.
Abstract: The article discusses the possibility of promoting financial services through social marketing media, which allow banks and insurance companies to attract motivated target audience, quickly evaluate the effectiveness of promotion, adjusting media plan depending on the impact of advertising on the specific Internet sites, increase sales and customer base.
Key words: Net Promoter Score, social media marketing (SMM), behavioral technology, promotion of financial products and services in social media marketing, financial marketing, insurance company, banking environment, Runet (Russian Internet)
Corporate image of the state – functions and features
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kuznetsov I.O.
Abstract: In this article, the author examines the corporate image of the state structure as a system of representations (images) and estimates the object to which it is.
Key words: image, state, public service, marketing, loyalty, brand name, civil servant, public servant, public official
Media as a tool for postmodern society physical and social world virtualization
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Motagali Ya.B.
Abstract: The mass media influence of modern society illusory image formation in general and separately are featured in the article. It is proved that modern information technologies change not only the social relations, but also general culture, change a person image, the contents and structure of his consciousness
Key words: media, virtual reality, image of the world, postmodern, information technology
Issue 1/2015
Economic development engineering in Russia: state, dynamics and the main vectors modernization
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Rozhdestvensky A. V., Doctor of Economics, professor
Golov R. S., Doctor of Economics, professor
Abstract: Article is devoted to the economic development of engineering in Russia, based on the analysis of statistical data on its key sub-sectors. The main purpose of the analysis is to determine the dynamics of its development and modernization of industry formation vectors that improve its socio-economic efficiency, innovation and investment, and human resources. As a sub-analysis were selected by the author automotive, major energy mechanical engineering and agricultural engineering.
Keywords: еngineering, enterprise, economic modernization, automation, training, innovation, investment, innovation and investment potential
About the working capital management in mechanical engineering
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Denisov A. D., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Shaposhnikov V. A., Doctor of Economics, associate professor
Bondareva L. N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Ural Federal University. First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Bazhenov I. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg
Ivanov V. A.
Abstract: Reviewed the relevance of the problem of improving the management of working capital of enterprises in mechanical engineering. Argued the item that in the conditions of market economy the category of «current assets» changes their essential content and has signs of «working capital». Stated the reasonableness of the consideration process control current assets in the context of the management of the whole enterprise. Argued the item concerning the investment in the working.
Keywords: current assets, working capital, inventories, investment, economic agent, management, overstocked producer goods
Analysis of an enterprise’s economic potential
Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, Moscow
Korovin A. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: In his article, the author dwells upon methods of analysis and evaluation of an enterprise’s economic potential. Such an analysis is necessary when working out a general strategy for an enterprise as well as when making informed decisions on mergers and acquisitions, primary and secondary stock offerings, issue of bonds, formulating business plans and investment projects.
The author justifies using a comprehensive approach to analysis and evaluation of economic potential that requires evaluating production capacity as well as potential financial, economic, investment and other capabilities, and related risk analysis.
Keywords: economic analysis, financial potential, innovations
Calculation of the industrial enterprise profit taking into account sale pdoducts characteristics
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Romanov B. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: In article the profit calculation algorithm at the industrial enterprise taking into account products sale characteristics with realization and payment of the realized production delays is offered. The output is calculated on the basis of indicators of the labour and material costs and limited number of employees, the capacity of warehouses for raw materials and finished products and the demand for implementation. Profit is defined as the difference between the income received from the sale of products and expenses, including taxes and mandatory social insurance contributions.
Keywords: production, income, expenses, profit, production expenses, labor expenses, taxes, realization delay, payment delay.
Differences between accounting costs on loans and borrowings in the russian and international financial reporting standards
Don State Agrarian University, Rostov region
Miroshnichenko T. А., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: The article discusses the fundamental differences between accounting costs to service loans in accordance with Russian and international standards of accounting and reporting. The algorithm of formation and accounting of interest on received loans and borrowings in accordance with accounting standards and the statement of income on the temporary use of funds received.
Keywords: borrowing costs, investment asset, qualified asset, interest on loans, accounting borrowed funds
Advisory mediation for enterprise confl ict resolution in the economic crisis conditions
Consulting company “SPLAN”, Moscow
Sadovnikov E. E., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shevchenko S. G., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Abstract: The relevance of the topic is due to the increasing importance of quick and successful enterprise conflicts resolution in the modern economic crisis conditions. It is shown that under acute complicated conflict conditions, it is advisable to involve Advisory intermediary consulting company, with the possibility, including, understand the business processes of a particular company.
The work purpose – to prove expansion and to specify functions of the consulting intermediary for efficiency increasing of and conflicts resolution efficiency at the enterprises.
Novelty of work is in further development of consulting mediation technology regarding inclusion of a stage of all enterprise management system expeditious diagnostics. Author offers «Express consulting» innovative administrative technology usage for the solution of this task.
As another new result author presents the rationale for the additional orientation individual consulting talks for intrapersonal conflicts resolving. The possible types of intrapersonal conflict in a situation of growing contradictions in the enterprise and the ways of their resolution are shown. Author proposes to focus on solving search problems (updates) the personal meaning of each of the parties to the conflict in the framework of participation in the activities of the whole enterprise on the existential-humanistic approach basis in individual counseling interviews.
Keywords: management, enterprise, conflict, crisis, consulting mediation, express consulting, individual consulting conversation, existential and humanistic approach
Modern methodological approaches to the calculation and analysis of machine-building enterprises
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Barsova T. N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Putyatina L. M., Doctor of Economics, professor
Lavrova L. A., associate professor
Abstract: The article discusses the main methodological approaches to the determination of the production capacity of their features. Discusses indicators and methods of calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise: in the physical dimension, in time of equipment operation in the valuation.
Keywords: production capacity, natural method of measuring production capacity, сalculation of the production capacity at the time of use of the equipment, valuation of determining the production capacity of the enterprise
Technological innovations in industrial enterprise strategic development system
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Bochkarevsv S. V.
Abstract: Need of carrying out the analysis of technological innovations usage at the industrial enterprise locates in this article. Innovative activity strategy of the enterprises is formulated. The main directions of the analysis and indicators in the sphere are considered. Also the strategic management scheme of industrial enterprise technological innovations is considered.
Keywords: technological innovation, strategic development, industry, enterprise, analysis
Fundamentals of evaluation methodology and criteria for the the best innovative projects selection
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kashirin V. V., Doctor of Economics, professor
Grachev N. N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
National research university ‘Higher school of economics’, Moscow
Tihonov G. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor
Abstract: The authors offered methodological principles of principles of assessment and criteria for the selection of the best innovative projects in the innovative products market. With the emergence of a new expertise object: innovative projects, programs, educational practices – there is an urgent need to consider the initial position of the examination theory.
For the development and understanding of the innovation management and solutions tasks authors proposed to consider the General approach to the preparation of that part of the Toolkit, which is designed for multi-factor assessment of the single innovation project or complex scientific and technical programs feasibility aimed to new products and services creating on the existing or created (reconstructed) power engineering.
Keywords: innovation, expert activities, discounting, management, inflation
Energy consumption tendencies in world economy and Russia (review)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rusin V. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: Energy consumption level is one of key factors of the country state. From the factors classification contributing to mitigate the impact economic sanctions on Russia, energy consumption level is selected.
Energy consumption sizes are revealed by world economy and Russia, tendency of decreasing by 55–60% of the specific energy consumption in the world by 2030–2035 is designated. It is proved that in these conditions Russia has the only way of development – diversify the non-oil sector of the economy.
Keywords: energy consumption, sanctions, classification, factors, economic, level, decrease, power alternative
Influence of the marketing environment and warehouse stocks on exchange trends
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kameneva N. G., Doctor of Economics, professor
Abstract: This article discusses and analyzes the marketing environment and its impact on stock market trends: «bullish», «bearish» and «flat»; presents the life cycle of a trend (ICT) on lifetime and period of time, which actively affect the economic, financial and social sphere of life in all countries of the world. It shows the influence of warehouse stock inventory on price trends and management.
Keywords: marketing, market analysis, marketing environment, trend, stock market trends: «bullish», «bearish», «flat», the commodity, stocks
The concept of outsourcing services in the field of innovative mechanical engineering
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sinyaev V. V., Doctor of Economics, associate professor
Abstract: In this article the economic expediency of outsourcing services usage in the sphere mechanical engineering are taken up. Noting importance of innovative policy in the sphere mechanical engineering, the author notes the content of outsourcing service with the purposes, tasks and principles allocation. Marking out advantages of outsourcing services in the field of mechanical engineering, the author visually illustrates outsourcing services scheme as organic symbiosis of outsourcer, customer and consumers target audiences interaction.
Keywords: market, service, outsourcing, insourcing, mechanical engineering, marketing, logistics, concept, innovations, principles
Consumer preferences research in the car services market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kolesnikova O. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Rebrikova N. B.
Abstract: Research of the auto services market is presented in article. The consumers preferences in this market revealed during the conducted researches are considered.
Keywords: consumers, services, car service, customer, inquiry, investigation, advertising
Issue 6/2014
The formation mechanism of improving the efficiency of production systems and the evaluation of the results of its functioning on the basis of economic-mathematical methods and models
Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh
Ostankova I.N., graduate student, leading expert
Abstract: The article discusses the program of formation of the mechanism of improving the efficiency of production systems developed through economic-mathematical modeling of dynamic systems. We construct an algorithm evaluation of the mechanism to improve the organization of production systems and the choice of ways to improve the mechanism based on the use of principal component analysis and the analytic hierarchy process.
Key words: mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the organization of production systems, modeling of dynamic systems, the principal component analysis, analytic hierarchy process
Cognitive management in the industry as the solution of system contradictions of operational and financial management
Ryazan State University of Radio Engineering “, Ryazan
Stepnov I.M., Doctor of Economics, professor
Abstract: In article questions of the formation of cognitive management in the industry as priority direction of development of modern management science are considered. A main objective of article is research of the prerequisites of formation, regularities of development of new branch of knowledge. The research relies on the results of the models of enterprises cyclic development (Staff – Product – Technologies – Financing) and four-factorial model of industry development (Competition – Competences – Capital – Institutes). It is shown that cognitive management isn’t direct analog of knowledge management, but includes knowledge management as an integral part. It is proved that overcoming of modern system contradictions between pterational and financial management can be authorized with use of cognitive technologies, and the expected model of cognitive management development is shown. It is also proved that the scenario approach considering risks of decision-making gains new development within the offered concept. The conclusion that the decisions based on receptions and methods of cognitive management already find the reflection not only in human resource management, but also in education is drawn, in production systems and provide leadership in the field of labor productivity and the competition in the global markets.
Key words: industry, cognitive technologies, innovative potential, cognitive management, operational management, financial management, knowledge management, strategy
Systems Analysis and algorithm of planning of communication activities of modern enterprises (THE EXAMPLE OF automobile production)
St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, S.-Petersburg
Maruseva I.V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: The paper proposed a formula of communication management of modern enterprises.The authors propose a generalized algorithm of planning of communication activities of the enterprise, based on the interdependence of marketing tasks of various ranks (principle of «Matryoshka»). Examples of communication steps of the algorithm are considered in relation to advertising on the automobile market. The paper presents the classification of non-standard marketing internet technologies as tactical steps that support the general direction of the competitive strategy.
Key words: сommunication management, optimization PR- and advertising activity, modeling, systems analysis, management, criteria, efficiency
Standard contract packages and their usage for the contractual basis development in EPC-projects
Moscow Technological Institute «VTU», Moscow
Titov S.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
State University of Management, Moscow
Titova N.V., assistant
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Titarenko B.P., Doctor of Engineering, professor
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Moscow
Titarenko R.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: EPC- and EPCM- projects are currently being executed in various sectors of the Russian economy. Especially wide popularity of EPC projects is within the practice of capital-intensive complex industrial projects in the oil and gas industry. But the management of EPCM-projects needs the specific contractual and legal basis which is oftentimes created on the basis of standard contractual packages of national and international associations of construction engineers and other specialists. The article discusses the most famous standard contractual packages, analyzes their content and main characteristics and provides conclusions regarding their use for management of EPC- and EPCM-projects.
Key words: project, project management, engineering, procurement, construction, management, EPC, EPCM, EPCproject, EPCM-project, EPC-contract, EPCM-contract, standard contract, contraction contract, FIDIC
Application of the company’s value management effectiveness indicators (EVA and EBM) on example of company «Х»
Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Tagirov F.A., graduate student
Korovin A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: First part of work concerned comparative analysis of the indicators EVA and EBM, after that these indicators was applied to evaluate value management effectiveness of company «X». The study proved that EBM is better in analysis of company’s value changes in the short term, while EVA is preferable in long-term forecasting, based on the future economic inflows.
Key words: value, management, effectiveness, capital, investment, profit, expectations, EVA, EBM
About the spheres of interaction energy and the economy in the context of the system of energy saving management
SRO NP “Union” Energy “, Moscow
Shchelokov J.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: This article is based on the study by the author of deep aspects of the relationship of energy and economic sphere in the context of systematic management of energy-saving activities, whose main purpose is to define a certain balance between the individual parties of market processes. Problems chosen topic is considered as a position with the state, and from a position of market participant’s energy efficiency. Based on the research the author formed three principles to achieve the above object, which determines the level of trust between the participants of economic processes of energy conservation management, which is an important factor in the formation of a relatively new sector for the Russian market.
Key words: energy conservation, energy efficiency, power management, economics, economic efficiency
The main directions of development of software of power management in industrial plants
Moscow State University of Technology and management. K. Razumovsky, Moscow
Smirnov V.G., Doctor of Economics, associate professor
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the key areas of application of complex software systems power management industry. The author defines the main types of products depending on their architecture and functional features, which are considered on the basis of the related software packages
Key words: energy conservation, energy efficiency, industry, automation, software systems
Neurolinguistic programming in marketing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Bekhoeva M.M.
Vedeneeva T.A.
Umarova M.G.
Abstract: The article tells about one of the integral parts of marketing, neuro-linguistic programming, and how his methods can influence advertising effectiveness.
Key words: neuro-linguistic programming, marketing, advert, techniques, nominalization, advertising efficiency
Brand as a factor of increasing company’s economic efficiency
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Narimanidze N.R.
Mozgacheva E.V.
Abstract: In this article, we are considering various options for updating the brand. The brand has always played an important role in marketing. Economic crises that has bedevil the economy of most countries, makes the problem urgent actualization brand. Afloat are only the most flexible and agile brands. We were wondering what kind of techniques and methods enable companies to be interesting for the consumer for a long time.
Key words: Brand, actualization of brand, subbrending, rebranding, branding parasite
The main directions of green logistics and its impact on construction of supply chain
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Panyukova V.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: The author describes the concept of green logistics. In the article the main problems of the implementation of green technologies in production and the sphere of circulation are identified. The author analyzed the trends and implications of the green logistics by organizations at the present stage.
Key words: green logistics, energy, environment, supply chain, social impact
Some properties of the marketing of technology
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Trifonova V. Yu.
Trifonova T. Yu.
Abstract: The article focuses on the features and effectiveness of using marketing of technology, its importance for the company development. The right marketing strategy of technology and how it helps to create successful business, some existing examples, disassembled in practice.
Key words: technology, franchising, investment attractiveness, business prospects, license, investor, high-tech products, strategy of technology, subtechnology, technological cycle, the technological area
Lateral marketing as an alternative innovation strategy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Yambushev R.R.
Galenin N.A.
Abstract: Article is devoted to innovative forms of marketing – lateral marketing. Discuss its concept, approaches. Examples of application in practice.
Key words: lateral marketing, lateral (side) thinking, methods, concepts, lateral displacement
Marketing research as an important factor of effective implementation of innovations
Institute of Economics and Business, Moscow
Divaeva Е.А., Doctor of Economics, professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: The low level of use of the market of scientific and technical products, underdevelopment of the commoditymoney relations in this sphere demands carrying out comprehensive market researches. Evaluating the effectiveness of innovation is the most important in a complex of marketing measures, provides a systematic approach to the market of scientific and technical products.
Key words: scientific and technical products market; assessment of efficiency of innovative development; dissemination of knowledge; production of the knowledge, the differentiated market research; objects of industrial property
Features of ecomarketing in the modern economy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Popova E.M.
Safonova D.M.
Pochinok D.A.
Abstract: Article is devoted to the study of eco marketing features and its place in the modern economy. Considered two basic components of the eco-marketing: current status and history, given examples.
Key words: eco marketing, status, history
Benchmarking as an innovative way to increase the competitiveness of the enterprises of mechanical engineering
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Afanasyeva N.S.
Gazdiev I.I.
Abstract: The article is devoted to research ways to improve the competitiveness of the enterprises of machine-building (by means of benchmarking). Describes the process of benchmarking in the field of mechanical engineering, practical examples.
Key words: benchmarking, market analysis engineering, efficiency, structure, Russian benchmarking
Practice development, improvement and evaluation of the quality of education in State University of Management
State University of Management, Moscow
Zvonnikov V.I., doctor of pedagogical sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Nefedov V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor
Abstract: The article is devoted to theoretical aspects and practical implementation of organizations’ improving and evaluating quality systems models, as well as the peculiarities of the quality management system implementation in local high schools, such as in the State University of management.
Key words: quality system, education, quality management, quality system evaluation
Development prospects of crowdfunding in Russia based on foreign experience
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Akimov A.V.
Shilyaev D.A.
Abstract: The article discusses the main features of Crowdfunding, its importance for the Russian business and business in general, as well as prospects.
Key words: crowdfunding, Kickstarter, financing, small business, Internet project
The use of Ambient Media in the promotion of insurance
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Biryukova D.M.
Sukhoverkhov N.Yu.
Danilyuk P.V.
Abstract: The article focuses on the features and effectiveness of using Ambient media in promotion of insurance. Authors considered the most successful examples of this advertising tool in foreign and Russian practice.
Key words: marketing, ambient media, insurance, promotion, BTL tools, consumer
Problems of unified tax burden and improving tax control
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rusin V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Всероссийская политическая партия «ЕДИНАЯ РОССИЯ»
Rtishchev A.V.
Abstract: It is shown that Russia — the country with economies in transition — structural changes of real sector of economy are necessary for Russia to liquidate heterogeneity of efficiency of industries and a different level of development of regions. In this article it is offered instead of the unified tax policy in our country to pursue the mixed tax policy with the differentiated or uneven tax burden. The computer program with three indicators and coefficients considering changes in the tax reporting because of influence of environment is developed for improvement of a technique according to overall performance of the tax inspections.
Key words: The structure, change, heterogeneity, efficiency, sector, economy, branch, the region, the loading, taxes unified, differentiated, a technique, an assessment, work, the computer, the program, inspection
Current trends in social advertisement
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sokolova A.P.
Taubaeva A.U.
Abstract: The article explains the rationale for the role of social advertising in the organization and conduct the Paralympic Games in 2014. The fragments were present at 67.9% of the reviewed sites. We found the basic idea of social advertising Paralympic Games at the present stage.
Key words: social advertising, the basic idea, Paralympic Games
Innovative modernization priorities in the consumer sector of the economy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Russian University of Economics. GV Plekhanov, Moscow
Ilyashenko S.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, high teacher
Abstract: The authors examine the priorities of modernization in the consumer sector of the economy which is crucial for the development of the means of production sectors. The article marked macro-effects on consumer sector of the economy.
The authors analyze the effects of a number of national projects in the economic growth of the Russian economy and the doctrine of national food security.
Key words: innovation priorities; modernization of the economy; consumer sector; agricultural products; effectiveness of the consumer sector; incomes of the population
Marketing value of «symbolic» message in the postmodern society
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Stitsuk R.U., Doctor of Economics, professor
Rozhkov I.V.Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Abstract: With article proves that in postmodern society unconscious dominates realize nonverbal elements prevail and supersede the verbal elements of experience, advertising, PR and fashion is absolutely adequate to the information society.
Key words: informational messages, symbols, communicative behavior, advertising, slogan, marketing, postmodern