Author: @admin
Issue 5/2017

Organization of innovation management processes while creating aerospace technology
Ageeva N. G., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Skutin A. S., postgraduate student of the Industrial management and Marketing Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The state and prospects of management processes development in the innovative products creation for the aviation enterprise require changes of the design processes technique, and development of necessary tools for its organization and management. The aim of the work is the technology system engineering identification, the usage of the fixed step-model “V design process” on the basis of configuration management products for the market and consumers growing needs.
Keywords: aviation, technology, management, configuration management, system engineering, innovative products
Specifics of the lean manufacturing programs implementation for Russian energy companies
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Russian industrial enterprises are on the position of the lean production strategy selection and implementation, focus of domestic manufacturers is on the development of fundamentally new for Russia, competitive lean manufacturing technologies and tools, administrative apparatus innovative updating, their role and responsibility for the lean production strategy selection and implementation increasing. The aim of this work is to evaluate the emerging practice of Russian energy companies’ lean production programs in the current economic conditions. Instrumental-methodological apparatus of the research is based on the methods of induction, deduction, system analysis separate elements in the electricity sector, based on quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as on the methods of logic and situational analysis. The theoretical results of the research can be used to perform complex analysis of lean manufacturing programs for the company’s management activities transformation.
Keywords: lean manufacturing, business processes, sustainability, energy company, image management, managing resource conservation, high quality products provision высокого качества продукции
Evolution of innovative entrepreneurship and the its development problems in Russia
Kuzmina E. E., doctor of economic Sciences, professor, Head of Marketing and advertising communications in the socio-cultural sphere Department
Moscow international University, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses the enterprise transition to innovative development path. The basic normative- legal documents regulating innovative activities are reflected. The innovative development advantages of the country’s economy and its competitiveness improvement are shown. The reasons for innovative backwardness of Russian entrepreneurship are pointed. The research results conducted by the Center for Economic Analysis under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Institute for statistical studies and Economics of knowledge in Higher School of Economics are summarized. The problems hindering the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia are identified.
Keywords: entrepreneurship development, innovative way, legal documents regulating innovative activity, innovative development strategy, innovation development problems
Innovative processes management in the aircraft and space engineering creation sphere
Prozorov D. E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the Industrial Management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article deals with the problems of managing innovative processes in the creation of the newest aviation and space technology. Particular attention is paid to the discussion of the role of high-tech organizations’ innovation policy in ensuring competitiveness and implementing the strategy of sustainable development and growth. The results of the innovative projects and programs content analysis that take into account their life cycle key factors, innovations types the expected results nature are presented. The necessity of designing a system for maintaining the domestic enterprises’ innovative activity that create perspective aviation and space equipment is substantiated.
Keywords: innovative process, sustainable scientific and technological development, innovative strategies for the aviation enterprises development, innovative project
The main directions of machine-building enterprises’ innovative management in modern conditions
Putyatina L. M., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Tarasova N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses the need to focus on advanced engineering high-tech enterprises to innovative development to establish and sustain competitive advantages. Maintaining these benefits requires constant attention to innovation not only from management but also from each employee. The authors are focusing on the most important aspects of innovation management. The main directions of innovative culture and climate creation are given. In detail modern types of staff stimulation of the enterprises to innovations promotion are considered. Issues of innovative projects justification and selection are reflected. Problems of innovative projects promotion control as important stage of their introduction and also issues of innovations success level forecasting are given.
Keywords: innovative development, competitive advantages, innovation culture, motivation, creativity, innovation process, brainstorming method
Investments development in Russia: problems and prospects
Rusin V. N., candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The modern role of investments-public or social. To reduce people incomes inequality in the country it is necessary to provide economic height not less than 6-7 % of GDP per year. In many respects modern form of investments for Russia is real options. As direct investments financing the new type of monetary receipts-cryptocurrency will be used soon. Difficulties of investments in Russia are listed in article. Today in our country there is a development bank and target financing of strategic investments under guarantees of the Government of the Russian Federation is carried out. The state should be connected to activization of workers savings transformation into investments.
Keywords: investment, economic development, options, banks, engineering
Fundamentals of energy-efficient clusters building in high-tech industry
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., postgraduate at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of energy-efficient clusters forming in the high-tech industry sphere. The authors analyze the existing potential of energy saving in industry, on the basis of which the importance of Russian industrial enterprises’ energy efficiency increasing is substantiated. The pilot innovation clusters classification created in Russia is cited, the position of their leadership in relation to the introduction of energy-saving measures in the controlled structures is determined. Concepts, essence and structure of energy-efficient clusters are developed on the basis of distributed energy management system building.
Keywords: energy saving, energy management, high-tech industry, energy-efficient clusters, cluster structure, distributed energy management system
Improvement of internet marketing management process in production organization
Zhiltsov D. A., postgraduate student of the Department of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In article internet marketing management process in production organization at the logistic services market for its economic efficiency increasing is revealed. The article relevance is in that 4P classical marketing is adapted by the author in relation to Internet environment taking into account of Russian Internet development factors, increasing numbers of competitors in an Internet environment, the changing legislation, etc. The article novelty, first of all, is in improvement of internet marketing complex by obligatory component called “Internet platform” addition. The purpose of article is in internet marketing complex improvement depending on the chosen Internet platform according to the production organization purposes and depending on target audience types.
Keywords: internet marketing, internet marketing management, internet marketing complex, internet platforms, logistics services market, target audience types
Research of conjuncture-forming factors of civil passenger aircraft world market
Kalugina G. A., candidate of Economic sciences, Associate Professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article considers one of the most important marketing research areas – analysis and forecasting of market conjuncture. The primary importance in this case is the identification of the conjuncture-forming factors’ system. On the basis of the civil aviation markets in various regions and countries research, factors that shape the world market conjuncture of such high technology, high-tech goods as civilian passenger aircraft were identified and systematized. The allotted set of the most important factors can be used to perform prospective market research and to plan the activities of aviation manufacturing enterprises.
Keywords: marketing research, commodity market conditions, conjuncture-forming factors, high technology products, civil passenger aircraft
Analysis of the industrial companies media advertising application
Katkova Ya.I., lecturer at the Department of Company Marketing, School of Business Administration, Faculty of Business and Management
National Research University “Higher School of Economics” (HSE), Moscow
Abstract: This article includes the research of the industrial companies’ media advertising application in the Russian market. The study used data of 225 largest industrial companies that produce, sell and promote their products in Russia. The article analyzes their media advertising budgets, shares of the various advertising tools, frequency of their use and other characteristics. It was also carried out the industrial companies comparison of different types of products, industries and origin regions in media advertising. Finally conclusions and recommendations were presented for companies promoting or planning to promote their products on the media market.
Keywords: companies, media advertising, advertisers, advertising budgets, advertising segments
Marketing outsourcing – the starting point in effective business innovation
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate professor at the “Marketing and logistics” Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In fierce competition conditions, the author notes the impossibility of innovative project execution without outsourcing services usage. This is dictated by the desire of market participants not only to innovate, but also the necessity to employ professionals companies service providers and the latest technology. In logical sequence the author notes the trend of marketing outsourcing services market growth. For the first time the concept of target marketing outsourcing as a multi-faceted process of advanced business technologies and know-how usage for gaining and retaining competitive advantage is highlighted. Illustration of the figure represents the mechanism of interaction between customer and marketing services provider-outsourcer to implement marketing research, brand promotion and positive image creation. In conclusion, the author notes that it is the marketing tools set allows the outsourcer to “shoot” and accurately hit the bull’s eye, that certainly contributes to the effective business creation.
Keywords: outsourcing, brand, customer, image, concept, marketing, business, strategic roadmap, market, efficiency
Applying augmented reality technologies to evaluate a product during the design phase
Nikolaeva E. G., student of the 4th year of bachelor’s degree in Management
State University of Management, Moscow
Abstract: Decision-making throughout the design process is critical for the success of the finished product, but at present a limited amount of tools are available to support the designer activities, especially in the early stages design. These steps in many ways affect the quality, price and success of the product on the market. Besides, the cost of correcting errors or making design changes increases as the product progresses in the life cycle. In this paper, the author consider the process of making decisions about product design in consumer perception terms. The application concept for a mobile device is proposed, with the help of which designers can receive feedback from the user of the target group.
Keywords: augmented reality, product design, decision making, product evaluation, marketing development
Digital-marketing – the intellectual product commercialization reserve
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In article, against the background of domestic science high achievements in space researches, the modest national economy contribution to a world moneybox of business-about 2% is noted. In the logical sequence the digital marketing content, its value and role in the course of the design organization, production, intellectual product commercialization reveals. Noting a scientists contribution to digital marketing development of in the innovations sphere, the authors accent on digital tools value-marketing for any participant of the market. The illustrations confirm that electronic marketing instruments penetrate all process from a plan, design, mass production before innovation commercialization. A research aim is justification the intellectual product commercial system maintenance with turning on digital marketing tools. Exploring canals of innovations promotion in the Internet – targeting tools usage are legally recommended. A conclusion about need of system approach usage to intellectual product commercial system development taking into account digital marketing elements is the research result. Authors for the first time recommended the structure of intellectual product commercial system with the digital tools usage-marketing in price, grocery and communication policy.
Keywords: electronic business, Internet space, commercialization, intellectual product, digital marketing, innovations market, targeting, user
Quality ensuring at aerospace branch production development
Aleshina O. N., candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Aleshin N. N., Deputy Director of testing center
Federal enterprise “Lavochkin Association”, Moscow
Abstract: Quality management improvement at the large knowledge-intensive enterprises such as aerospace enterprises, demands the large quantity of analytical and project works. The solution of new production development release problem, ensuring of qualitative production release from the first pilot batch is impossible without modern, effective, approved methods application.
Keywords: quality management, quality ensuring, total quality management, total quality control, process approach in quality management, quality management system
Integrated system of training and human capital industry
Eropkin A. M., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Mezina N. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: Issues of creation and development of the integrated training system at the enterprise as means of the human capital maintenance of the aviation industry knowledge-intensive and hi-tech enterprises are considered. The integrated system of training consists of five blocks forming system 5P: vocational guidance, professional selection, personnel training, professional development and retraining. The training system is compared with competences models, which are necessary for the branch organizations.
Keywords: aviation industry development program, human capital, integrated education system, competency model, professional promotion
Methods of expert tasks statement and their adjustment
Sidelnikov Y. V., doctor of engineering sciences, professor at the industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kalmykov N. S., junior research officer
V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: In the research the general review of the Russian and foreign literature about problem and their adjustment is offered. The review in the technical sphere where the real production arising problems have to be resolved, is selected and approach to expert tasks’ statement and correction has been already created. The existing procedures, receptions and methods used in the course of expert tasks’ statement and their adjustment out the technical sphere including innovative approaches of production organizers which in the production practice have experience of traditional tasks statement effective change are briefly described. The new method of expert tasks’ statement correction is considered.
Keywords: expert task, expert task statement and its adjustment, concept “contradiction”, innovative approaches of production organizers
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov took part in the filming of the program “Tochka zreniya”: ” Machine-tool industry “went away”” on the channel “Krasnaya liniya”
Issue 4/2017

Strategic challenges of the new industrial production management in the fourth industrial revolution
Stepnov I. M., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of Economics and Financial management Department
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan
Abstract: The modern industrial production management requires changes in the nature and procedures of the third industrial revolution effects based on mass information implementation and communication technologies and create the foundation for the fourth industrial revolution implementation. The changes should affect all the components of the industrial enterprises’ organizational and managerial unit to generate potential competitive advantages in the globalized economy. The study included identifying preconditions of the production organization formation and development as theory and practical activities, the critical approach to its nature and processes is given. The structural critical analysis of factors influencing the formation, development and destruction of industrial production management in Russia, which contributed to the problems and options identification, organizational solutions for the modern industrial production development (cognitive technologies, project management) as an element of national competitiveness is made. The research results provide a theoretical basis for developing practical recommendations on the formation of industrial production management new concept to take advantage of the engineering component impact on the economic results and the project offices creation for supporting the traditional and emerging industrial markets development in the new production mode organization (based on the digital economy).
Keywords: industrial production management, organizational platforms, productivity, project office, digital economics
of clusters in the industry as the practical tool in the cluster
economy system
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., postgraduate at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the authors’ research in the cluster economy sphere. Based on the analysis of the modern Russian economy state, the key role of clusters in its innovative modernization is determined. Classification of clusters is developed according to eight classification criteria. This classification takes into account both types already in practice, as well as qualitatively new forms of cluster cooperation. Authors consider the types of clusters listed in the classification. The definition of a new clustered formation, a scientific and industrial cluster, is presented from the scientific point of view.
Keywords: cluster economy, cluster, innovations, investments, integrated structures
Industrial cluster as a factor of sustainable ecological and economic region’s development
Mantaeva E. I., doctor of economic sciences, professor, vice-rector for Economics and finance
Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov, Elista
Savchenko-Belskiy K.A., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Department of Economics and management at the enterprise
Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov, Elista
Goldenova V. S., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor at the State and municipal management and law Department
Kalmyk State University named after B. B. Gorodovikov, Elista
Abstract: The article analyzes the advantages of the region’s economies cluster development in connection with the need to improve production efficiency, improve the population welfare, move to an innovative development path and sustainable ecological and economic development. Foreign experience has shown that the cluster approach of structuring the national economy and regional economic systems is an important condition for increasing production efficiency, regional economy competitiveness and improving the population welfare. The analysis of the industrial structure of the Republic of Kalmykia shows the need for a systematized and integrated state support for its development. The revealed problems of the region’s industrial sector development make it possible to propose industrial cluster creation and development as a way of the industrial sector revitalizing.
Keywords: cluster development, industrial clusters, regional clusters, regional economy, sustainable ecological and economic development of the region
Vision of the task of enterprise’s optimum participation in group of tenders
Dmitriev O. N., candidate of engineering sciences, doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Novikov S. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The perspective of the enterprise-contestant participation in the fixed (a priori set) group of tenders having a “temporary train” character is considered. Consideration is focused on the hi-tech and knowledge-intensive production sphere in relation to modern Russian conditions. It is noted that these tenders provide enterprise the conclusion with the winner as with producer and the supplier the certain generalized delivery contract. As a special case, government tender, including the state defensive order is positioned. Arguments for expediency and inexpediency of such enterprise participation are given. The participation coherence of tenders and complex contracts performance is emphasized. Respectively, the caution concerning the localized administrative decisions participation adoption in the relation of each tender is entered. The optimizing character of a optimization participation problem is shown and also the basic way of its decision is offered. It is emphasized that emergence of a new tender demands a conditional reoptimization of this participation under all carried-out tender contracts, on all implemented and on all expected competitions and, respectively, contracts.
Keywords: competition, enterprise, competitor, optimal participation, bid, financial-economic results
Strategic management of the industrial sector integrated structures
in region economy
Sirotkina N. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Economics and organizations management Department
Voronezh state university, Voronezh
Sviridova S. V., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the Economics and enterprise management in mechanical engineering Department
Voronezh state technical university, Voronezh
Shan Y., postgraduate student at the Economics and organizations management Department
Voronezh state university, Voronezh
Abstract: Theoretical-methodological aspects of the industrial sector integrated structures management in region economy are considered. Research relevance is defined by complexity and dynamism of industrial sector subjects’ internal and external relations in the region economy which define efficiency of their structural interaction and industrial development. The new integrated industrial structures are allocated and their characteristic is given. The essence, the contents and features of integrated structures strategic management in the industry are specified. Process of strategic management of the industrial enterprises is defined, its stages are described. Conclusions concerning strategic industrial development priorities on the basis of integration are drawn.
Keywords: strategic management, strategic management process, industrial enterprises, integration, industrial sector subjects interaction, industrial development priorities
Problems and indicators of industrial enterprises development for energy sector
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Growth of the Russian enterprises’ competitiveness, including the machine-building complex focused on energy sector satisfaction needs ois inseparably linked with the organizational and economic mechanism formation and realization corresponding to the changes happening in national economy. The key role in the organizational and economic mechanism embedding is occupied by innovative technologies introduction which is based on continuous monitoring of the enterprise’s various resources efficiency usage while carrying out production modernization that is everywhere applied in practice of the leading foreign companies.
Keywords: modern management in the B2B market, problems of engineering companies, innovative-investment model, energy efficiency, resource-functional approach
Internet of things influence on industrial market development
Azarova S. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Yakushin V. V., four-year bachelor at the Faculty of Finance and Economics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the structure research of the Internet of things Industrial market and the given market objects’ commodity properties description. The authors disclose the Internet of things’ basic concepts, define the Industrial Internet market, consider two approaches to the Industrial Internet of things’ classification: European and American. Special attention is paid to the inter-machine interaction technology, as well as the commodity properties of “things” that are in circulation.
Keywords: Internet of things, intelligent production, software, Industry 4.0
Influence of 3D-printing innovation for quality control in the technological production process of the product casing
Akhramovich A. A., Manager of the Special Programs Department ISCD
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Borisova E. V., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor at the Quality management and certification Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: In the research questions of production expediency and possibility of simple products by nonconventional production ways, by means of 3D printing as an alternative to simple serial product processing by passing the chain of procuring, processing and assembly processes on the example of smartphones’ metal cases production are considered. Application of 3D-printing innovations of Carbon 3D, three-dimensional object cultivation from liquid by use of light and oxygen for photosensitive material hardening, for example, a special pitch type, is expedient for production of not only difficult products which can’t be made by means of traditional technologies, but also for simple products. Innovative 3D printing technology-Continuous Liquid Interface Productiongo technology or just CLIP, deprived of modern 3D printing shortcomings, such as high time of production, mechanical properties anisotropy and product roughness. This technology is suitable both for smartphones’ metal cases production, and for production of a wide range of products from absolutely different fields.
Keywords: quality, 3D-printing, additive technologies, technological process, smartphone case
Practice-oriented technological
projects development involving public-private partnership
Zabarina A. Yu., postgraduate student of the Corporate governance and corporate finance department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Modern domestic and international experience proves that public-private partnership active development in education is recently observed. This proves that the government and the economy are interested in cooperation while solving large-scale problems in education. Today on the agenda, the solution of important issues of business, education and government interaction while social significant projects in education realizing. Evaluation of ongoing projects can be called an important aspect for society.
Keywords: education, public-private partnerships, assessment of the effectiveness of public-private partnership, socially important projects in education
Features of relationship marketing in the training of young professionals for modern enterprises
Korovushkina M. V., senior lecturer, Department of Language Training, applicant, Department of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Industry modernization leads to the necessity of modern personnel preparation for science-intensive industries, which requires a different approach to the young specialists training by higher education organization. The article justifies the need of relationship marketing application to the sphere of interests intersection at the labor market and the educational services market. It is revealed that the coherence of the higher education organization values, the employer and the individual is the effective interaction aimed at the training of a young competitive specialist, a graduate of the university, able to adapt quickly to the professional activities at the enterprise.
Keywords: key partners, relationship marketing, marketing concepts, educational program
The role of human capital
in high-tech production
Bolotin I.V., doctor of sociological sciences, professor, professor at the Sociology, psychology and social management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mikhaylov A. A., candidate of sociological sciences, associate professor at the Human resource management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: Article is devoted to the role of the human capital in hi-tech production. The need of hi-tech production for activity management based on the project is revealed. The leading role in this process is played by the HR manager. It is shown that personnel training and development gain steam recently, at the same time the emphasis is placed on internal employees work. This is especially true for high-tech industries such as aerospace.
Keywords: education, human capital, high-tech production, human resource management, employee
Analysis and prospects of the pumping equipment market development for pumping the liquefied natural gas
Оrlova E. S., Postgraduate’s degree student of chair of Management in energy and industry
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow
Abstract: The data about the status and development of the liquefied natural gas market (LNG) is given. The main producers and suppliers of LNG equipment in the world and the Russian market are considered. Comparative analysis of most common equipment models is made. The basic equipment parameters that affect the mechanism of competitiveness is noticed. The estimated capacity of the pumping equipment market for pumping the LNG is given.
Keywords: competitiveness, the market of liquefied natural gas, pumps, petroleum engineering
Science, education and business integration as the main direction
of Russian economy innovative development
Gribov V. D., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the economics and Production organization Department
Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
Agarkov A. P., doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of regional development
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Kamchatnikov G. V., candidate of economic sciences, lecturer at the economics and Production organization Department
Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow
Abstract: This article describes the science, education and business integration in the process of Russia’s transition to an innovative path of development. Examples of effective acting innovative integrated structures are given, development problems of science, universities and business integration in Russia are considered. Dynamics of the small innovative enterprises at higher education institutions and scientific research institutes development is given. It is shown that the innovation-active large and medium-sized enterprises’ share is almost invariable, whereas the innovation-active small enterprises’ share grows. Many high school innovative developments are high effective. But in general the innovative activity potential is used inefficiently. The isolation of scientific research institute and higher education institutions from business and from each other is noted.
Keywords: Integration of science, education, business, innovation, integrated innovation structures, clusters, small innovative enterprises, financing innovation
Interview with Sergey Dmitrievich Bodrunov
Сегодня в гостях у журнала «Экономика и управление в машиностроении» Президент Вольного экономического общества России, доктор экономических наук, профессор Сергей Дмитриевич Бодрунов.
Authored column of editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov was published in the newspaper “Rossiyskaya Gazeta”
Issue 3/2017

Social activity of enterprises and employee loyalty formation
Kozlova N. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article author discusses the relationship between the industrial enterprise’s social activity and the employees loyal attitude formation. The results of the studies confirming the relationship between the enterprise social involvement increasing, employee satisfaction with their involvement in such a company and its profitability. Also, author reviewes various enterprise’s social activity forms in relation to their employees.
Keywords: social responsibility, social activity, loyalty, business reputation, efficiency
Interaction improvement between agents in the cluster framework
Lapshina S. N., doctor of Engineering Sciences, associate Professor
Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education “Ural Federal University named after. The first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”, Yekaterinburg
Kalinin V. V., doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate Professor
Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education “Ural Federal University named after. The first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”, Yekaterinburg
Lordkipanidze M. G., doctor of Economic Sciences, associate Professor
Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education “Ural Federal University named after. The first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”, Yekaterinburg
Korabelshchikov M. V., undergraduate
Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher education “Ural Federal University named after. The first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin”, Yekaterinburg
Chuchkalova E. I., doctor of Economic Sciences, associate Professor
Federal state Autonomous educational institution of higher professional education “Russian State Professional Pedagogical University”, Yekaterinburg
Abstract: The development of scientific-industrial clusters involves close interaction of economic agents of such a cluster. The world practice experience of many clusters shows that while cluster activity efficiency determining, the mutual influence of economic agents is very important. Such interaction can give different results, the main task is the definition of enterprises which should be included in the complex, and the requirements for individual agents..
Keywords: life cycle, economic agents behavior, economic evolution, triangular coordinate system, investment development trajectory
Role of social management in relations formation in group of professionals
Motagali Y. B., postgraduate, senior lecturer at the Economics and management department, Institute of Lifelong Education
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article the technico-organizational element of social management is investigated as a number of factors, such as a set of success criteria, required technologies selection, etc.; the procedure for organizing the project «group» as the most important criterion for the innovation effectiveness is described; the scientific team management styles is touched upon; various approaches of solving the research groups activity problems are considered.
Keywords: social management, efficiency criteria, social management, approach, quality, project team, employees, leadership style, research group
Methods of social management, characteristics and implementation conditions
Stytsyuk R. Y., Doctor of Economics, professor of «International tourism, hotel business and social management» Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article the author investigates social relationships and the corresponding methods that determine them; social engineering is described as a way of influencing people’s activities; the advanced techniques of social engineering, the mechanisms of social forecasting and design are described; the role and methods of social planning in the modern business space are defined.
Keywords: social relations, social engineering, social engineering, social design, technical and organizational indicator, social management
Classification of innovative technologies of marketing activity information support
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of Management Department, member of the Guild of Marketers
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Third Millennium Marketing involves strengthening the relationship between the organization and customers through the modern software usage, social networks, search engines, mobile applications, and so forth. At the same time, modern organizations face the need of processing, accumulating, analyzing and disseminating a significant and growing volume of marketing data that are also unrealizable without appropriate technologies. That is why the problem of studying and systematization of Russian and foreign innovative technologies of support of marketing information activities becomes more and more topical. The author conducted research of the market of marketing activity information support in Russia and abroad, and revealed the most perspective trends of its further development. The result of the research is the classification of modern innovative technologies and information support services for marketing activities, developed by the author.
Keywords: marketing, marketing information systems, information technology, information support, marketing 3.0
Development trends of the biofuel industrial market
Azarovа S. P., candidate of economic science, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals the prospects of renewable energy sources usage in Russia by the method of processing waste into biofuel for the further thermal energy restoration as an integral part of the waste processing problem. The author considers the foreign experience of developed countries in the field of waste processing, compares the group of fuel various types’ indicators, examines the regulatory framework and the renewable energy sources volume in Russia, identifies obstacles and prospects for the domestic biofuel consumption development in Russia, pointing to economic potential.
Keywords: market, biofuel, waste recycling, renewable energy sources, ecological situation
Consumer behavior in the modern industrial markets
Kalinina M. A., candidate of economic sciences Ph.D in Economics, associate professor at the Management Department, General Director of the Project “Chicago Moscow Music Exchange”
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses some issues concerning the process of a “new” customer formation, influenced by digital technologies and innovations. The paradigm of a “digital” consumer means conversion of a “digital” consumer with an old traditional one. This statement has to be taken into consideration by companies in a marketing strategy development process. They need to understand how to get economic value and synergy effect from the “hybrid consumer” who lives and act digital and traditional or on-line and off-line pattern. The success as always depends on the deep understanding or even forming and influencing consumers.
Keywords: customer’s portrait, conversion of digital and traditional customer, on-line and off-line communication mix, communities power, competitive value, choice tools
Enterprises’ social-ethic image formation in the automotive sector sphere
Zhiltsova O. N., candidate of economic sciences, chief editor of scientific journal «Marketing and Logistics», Associate Professor of the Department «Management»
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals the notion of socio-ethical image of enterprises in the automotive sector, analyzes socially responsible marketing as such and mechanisms for resolving reputational problems. The purpose of the article is to identify and form social and ethical marketing tools in forming the image of a brand of the automobile industry to enhance its economic efficiency. The article reveals the notion of enterprises’ socio-ethical image in the automotive sector, analyzes socially responsible marketing and mechanisms for resolving reputational problems. The purpose of the article is to identify and form social and ethical marketing tools in forming the brand image of the automobile industry to enhance its economic efficiency.
Keywords: social and ethical image, automobile industry, socially responsible marketing, brand image, image formation, unique brand position
Тechnology product placement as a company promotion tool
Kolesnikova O. V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rebrikova N. V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article considers the product placement technology (by the example of the BMW concern) from the point of view of the company’s promotion tool. Author presents results of research of this technology usage in companies’ practice. The advantages and disadvantages of technology usage are given. Conclusions and recommendations of technology usage possibility in the modern world are made.
Keywords: product placement, advertising, car, market, manufacturers, technology
Customer relationship management on industrial markets
Panyukova V. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article characterizes basic stages of client relationship management by industrial enterprises and systematizes main factors, which influence customer relationships stability on B2B markets. Industrial enterprises are advised to deploy proactive marketing and modern information technologies, as well as to improve personnel qualification, which should enable to achieve stable client relations. The article also outlines perspectives for further research in the field of customer relationship management on industrial markets.
Keywords: relationship management, partnership programs, personnel qualification, B2B market, relation’s stability
Outsourcing services of image-making in the mechanical engineering field
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate professor at the «Marketing and logistics»Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals the content of image-making taking into account the specifics of modern directions of outsourcing development in the mechanical engineering field. In a logical sequence author presents the image-making goals and organization principles. For the first time the establishing importance of commercial system for image-making, highlighting its functional dependence on the system object, the process of image- making, customers, customer of the outsourcer are proved. In addition, author describes the interdependence of the image-making systems, such supersystem as society, nature, economy and market. Author illustrates the organic interdependence of the image-making system from outsourcing using the marketing tools and PR technologies. Showing image-making system, the author points the importance of outsourcing usage in order to create financial sustainability of the modern market participant.
Keywords: outsourcer, image making, object, object, customer, information, customer, concept, management, marketing, market, service outsourcing
Specifics of russian energy companies’ social marketing-management
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the conditions of economic uncertainty, the rigid need to increase the capitalization of companies, the established practice of preserving and increasing the costs of developing a corporate social protection system, causes discontent among shareholders of the enterprise and owners. In this regard, the functioning and development of the corporate system of social protection of personnel of energy companies, the application of new approaches and technologies of social marketing management, the justification of the relationship with financial performance of the activities becomes of strategic importance. The aim of the work is to assess the emerging system of social marketing management of Russian energy companies in the face of economic uncertainty. Instrumentalno-methodological apparatus of the study based on the methods of induction, deduction, separate elements of system analysis social marketing management in the electricity sector, based on quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as on the methods of logic and situational analysis. Theoretical results of the research can be used in the complex analysis of the motivation system of the staff as a whole and its part – the motivation sub-system for increasing the motivation of the company’s personnel.
Keywords: marketing-management in the electric power industry, social programs, external marketing-management, internal marketing-management
Guerrilla marketing to small and medium-sized enterprises in sherer the commercialization of new products
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals the importance of guerrilla marketing tools in innovations promotion of small and medium-sized businesses. Exploring the contents of guerrilla marketing tools as hidden advertising, the author reveals scientists contribution to the science development of guerrilla marketing. The content of guerrilla marketing, the goals, objectives and principles are given. In a logical sequence author reveals the types of guerrilla marketing. The result of the research is the conclusion that in the conditions of current assets’ acute shortage guerrilla marketing usage is extremely important for successful novelty commercialization.
Keywords: guerrilla, entrepreneurship, innovation, marketing, outrageous, littleisland, ambient media
Competitive behavior of modern organizations of real production sector
Balova S. L., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The enterprise’s competitiveness is provided at the acquired advantages expense in comparison with the basic competitors, namely: economic, financial, investment, personnel, image, etc. The real production sector, for example, the global automotive market, operates in excessive supply conditions, declining demand and fierce competition, so automotive companies, for maintaining leading positions in the world market, have to actively support their brand, develop marketing programs to create demand and stimulate sales.
Keywords: competition, competitiveness, competitiveness analysis, competitiveness factors, brands, car market
Available environment» project of public-private partnership in education
Zabarina A. Y., postgraduate student of the Corporate governance and corporate finance department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Available living environment is a key condition for integrating people with disabilities into society. The ability of this category of people to be independent, to participate in the political, cultural and social life reflects their rights implementation level of the welfare state citizens, creates preconditions for the realization of their potential. For people with disabilities for their social adaptation in society, social well-being improvement, the employment is important. The impossibility of inclusion in active employment activities for persons with disabilities can lead to many psychological problems, including decrease of self-esteem, decline in living status, as well as to create a barrier between disabled and other people.
Keywords: accessible environment, integration of children with disabilities, socialization, public-private partnership
Characteristics and prerequisites of social management development
Artemyeva O. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the international tourism, hotel business and social management Department
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article the author considers social processes and social relations within the framework of any level; leads the classification of social relations based on certain characteristics; represents a social community as a collection of individuals; characterizes the term «social institution» as a stable set of formal and informal principles, rules and norms of behavior.
Keywords: social management, social processes, social relations, system, effective management mechanisms, manager, management principles, social relations
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov took part in the filming of the program “DOM E”: “Save to increase: energy-saving technologies” on the channel OTR
Issue 2/2017

Environmental innovatics – modern approach to the humanity critical global problems solution (Part 2)
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of Management, Economics and Social Technologies Institut
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sorokin A.E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of the Ecology and Safety activities Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Metechko L.B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head at the Ecology and Safety activities Department Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Milnik A.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract:The article considers a new direction of scientific research born in Moscow aviation Institute. In the era of global ecological crisis is inevitable to search for new ways and approaches to knowledge, as the former analytical techniques for the study of complex systems has not yielded the desired results, and new discoveries often occur at the intersection of different scientific fields. Modern scientific studies are convergent, they are characterized by a cluster strategy of innovative scientific research, providing a systematic implementation of innovative projects. Given convincing arguments of the effectiveness of the new approach to scientific studies on the example project for the development and pilot implementation of ecological compensation system to reduce anthropogenic pollution of coastal waters, which combined achievements of high technology instrumentation, Metrology, information-measuring devices, methods of environmental control, applied environmental calculations, the latest developments in the field of Informatics, computer technology and innovative methods of teaching environmental knowledge. Examples of such a synthetic approach to cognition demonstrate innovation and opening up of national research center «Kurchatov Institute», headed by M. V. Kovalchuk and other well-known international and domestic research centers use innovative methods of research combining different scientific schools and demonstrate innovative breakthroughs in the knowledge of the laws of the material universe.
Keywords: convergent science and technology cluster strategy development, innovation clusters, cognitive abilities, ecological compensation system, aquatekture, automated environmental monitoring, non-invasive environmental programs, storage and transmission of data, management of ecological safety
Organization of cluster project office functioning
Gorchakova E. A., postgraduade at the Department of Economy in energetics and industry
National Research University “MPEI”, Moscow
Kovalchuk J. A., doctor of economic sciences, professor, chief researcher
Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Abstract:The article describes the possibilities of energy efficiency projects in the context of implementation in industrial clusters. Identified the peculiarities of such projects – synergy, the irrevocability of cost, nature of recovery, sources of funding, possibility of cooperation, the role of energy companies. Highlighted the key aspects of the functioning of the project office on the most significant stages of selection of project, formation of results, choice of control points. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach is the use of the model efficiency based on expert assessments (a method of «fuzzy triple numbers» and the ROV- method – real options valuation) that allows you to identify the confidence interval of the effectiveness of the project.
Keywords: energy efficiency, energy consumption, project office, coordination, industrial cluster, budgeting, real option
Methodological basis for the scientific-industrial clusters’ socio-economic efficiency assessment
Prokofiev D. A., postgraduate at the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of forming a methodology for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of scientific and industrial clusters. The author justifies the relevance of the cluster approach to the development of the economy. The definition of the scientific and industrial cluster is being developed. A methodology is developed for assessing the socio-economic efficiency of scientific and industrial clusters based on the choice of the criterion of net discounted income.
Keywords: industrial modernization, scientific and industrial cluster, efficiency evaluation, social effect, ecological effect, synergetic effect
Practical usage of expert assessment method for risks identification in concrete projects
Galetov I. D., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Financial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Shtrikunova M. M., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Financial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kitaev Evgeny E. A., Specialist of Department of private label goods production organization
JSC «Voentorg», Moscow
Abstract: The authors expose the range of current risk assessment methods implementation at the enterprise in general, for such enterprises which never intend to use qualified personnel.. The object of the current research is an organization’s internal tool for efficient usage of expert opinions in order to estimate the risk in concrete projects, providing a significant company’s growth. The decision making result while this method usage allows to attract qualified and competent workforce, which as result allows to achieve objectivity above the sustainable risk level and damage threats that could be an obstacle on a avenue to successful implementation of the organization project activities. The expert group flexibility as a result expands the project activities range and also allows to find creative and productive solutions in order to reduce the project risks, and last but not least, successful realization.
Keywords: project, Hamming distance, opinions coherence, standard deviation, importance level, permissible error of the examination, cluster, clustering threshold value
Lease payments: structure, major influence factors, methods
Tikhonov G. V., candidate of economic sciences, Head of Economics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Pushkareva M. B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head of the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Titov L. Y., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Economics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The calculating methods of lease payments in modern conditions of enterprises functioning for the leasing repayment reliability determination taking into account the real lessee possibilities is given.
As the approach method of lease payments calculation based on the companies-lessees financial level, the author proposes to use not only private performance at the recommended financial indicators lower limits, but also generalized the result obtained on the basis of the calculations and selection of the enterprises-lessees from the small and medium-sized enterprises through their ranking.
Proposed leasing arrangement will improve the efficiency of leasing transactions and broaden the technical re-equipment of small and medium engineering enterprises.
Keywords: leasing, technical re-equipment, the lessor, ranking, financial performance
Credit and tax instruments for energy efficiency technologies introduction
Mikheev D. V., assistant at the department of Electric Supply of Industrial Enterprises and Electrotechnologies, assistant at the department of Management in Power Engineering and Industry
National Research University “MPEI”, Moscow
Abstract: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (RF) No600 (dated June 17, 2015) and the Tax Code of the Russian Federation provides preferential tax and credit regimes for industrial enterprises using energy efficient equipment, including renewable energy sources (RES). The purpose of the work is to determine the positive economic effect for organizations implementing RES (wind power plants as an example), including the accelerated depreciation (AD) and investment tax credit (ITC), the application of which is regulated by these regulatory legal acts. The economic effect was estimated on the basis of a comparison of indicator values «Discounted Total Cost of Ownership» for introduction projects of wind power plants using AD and ITC and without their using. The method for determining this indicator was adjusted by the author taking into account regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of taxation and energy saving. The results of calculations demonstrates the effectiveness of applying the provisions of Decree of the Government of the RF No600 (dated June 17, 2015) and the Tax Code of the RF with in order to stimulate enterprises to introduce energy efficient equipment and RES.
Keywords: industrial enterprises; wind power plant; renewable energy sources; Tax Code of the Russian Federation; energy efficiency; energy efficiency indicators; discounted total cost of ownership
Energy saving management as energy marketing element
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: For the successful operation on the Russian market industrial enterprises must continually increase their competitiveness. One of the competitiveness growth factors of industrial companies is a continuous and sustainable efficiency increasing and energy saving programs introduction. Energy marketing management pays great attention to the new structures creation, forming new goals and objectives for staff about energy saving questions. The aim of this research is to evaluate the prevailing system of staff motivation to improve energy efficiency and the «energy saving» tool usage . Instrumentality and methodological study unit is based on methods of induction, deduction, marketing development processes system analysis elements in the electricity sector, based on quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as logical, statistical and situational analysis methods. Theoretical results of the research can be used to conduct a comprehensive analysis of staff motivation system as a whole and its parts – the subsystems of motivation to encourage energy efficiency in industrial company.
Keywords: marketing in electrical power engineering, marketing researches, energy saving, energy efficiency, marketing personnel, electricity
Structure and functions analysis of information-analytical systems in energy management
Teplyshev V. Y., candidate of economic sciences, Head of the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the research of modern automation systems’ structure and functions in energy management. The author considers general groups of tasks and automated processes, two types of classification of energy management automated processes are formed according to ISO 50001: 2011. As an example of information-analytical system in energy management, the author shows the «GIS TBN Energo» system
Keywords: energy saving, energy management, energy service, automation, information-analytical systems
Specifics of communications in social marketing
Kozlova N. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article we look through system of communications in social marketing, define goals and objectives of communications, analyze the process of developing communication strategies, assess the effectiveness of individual distribution channels of communications and their effectiveness.
Keywords: social marketing, social programs, communications, promotion, target audience, advertising, public relations, personal selling, fundraising
Selection of industrial standards for educational programs updating
Rozhkov V. N., candidate of engineering Sciences, candidate of engineering Sciences, professor at the Aircraft testing Department Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: Article is directed to the solution of an urgent problem of production standards and educational programs requirements coordination. The article substantiates the necessity of taking into account the aggregate of standards for professional activities various types. The author proposes standards selection criteria in the professional competencies formation and educational programs updating.
Keywords: production personnel, qualification, requirements, industry standard, of professional activities area, activity, educational program
Small entrepreneurship and its role in processing productions
Prorokov A. N., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor, professor at the Department of economy and entrepreneurship, full member of Academy of management in education and culture, honorary professor of «Economy and Management of the National Economy» Department, honored economist of Free economic society of Russia
Moscow state regional university, Moscow
Abstract: Small business in the modern economy is an important factor for sustainable socio-economic development and stability of the state. It is the economy sector which aims to provide employment and income growth, to increase the domestic market capacity and actively innovate. Direct public administration methods in this activity field don’t yield necessary result; indicators of its contribution to national economy are inferior to indicators of the most developed and rapidly developing countries sector, due to differences in the accounting methodology for small businesses. The share of small enterprises in turnover of the processing productions and, in particular, in production of machine-building products is rather low.
Keywords: small entrepreneurship, small enterprise, methods of governance, Government support, economically active population, small entrepreneur, prosessing productions, machine-building products, informal sector
Description of Russian economy branches’ sustainable development assessment technique
Trifonov P. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The paper formulates the methodology for assessing the institutional mechanisms for ensuring the economic branches’ sustainable development. Multi-criteria evaluation system of the Russian economy sustainable development is proposed on the basis of indicators set formed by nine functional clusters, and an integral index of the sustainable development level of the Russian economy is proposed. Practical application of the sustainable development system monitoring of the Russian economy will help to increase the reliability and validity of efficiency assessments and sustainability of different types of industries, and also, on the basis of the results of a multi-criteria evaluation, identify potential opportunities and reserves for the industries and industrial complexes development, and minimize risks.
Keywords: sustainable development, branch economy, added gross value, stability coefficient, imbalance degree
Key principles of industry modernization in the context of economy reindustrialization of Russia
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of Management, Economics and Social Technologies Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Milnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The authors’ analysis is based on an analysis of the current economic situation in industry, which resulted from unsolved systemic problems and the recent crisis. The analysis of one of the most important indicators of the industrial system state – the production equipment wear degree. As a single approach to industrial modernization, the paradigm of economic re-industrialization is proposed. The authors develop key principles of industrial modernization in accordance with the most serious barriers to its development, determined as a result of the analysis.
Keywords: industry, economic crisis, modernization, economic re-industrialization, innovative-investment activity.