Author: @admin
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov took part in the filming of the program “DOM E”: “Modern economics: where is the staff” on the channel OTR
Issue 1/2017

Transformation of person’s professional functions in the conditions of the integrated automated information management systems formation in the industry
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of management, economics and social technologies Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Mylnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of energy service and energy saving management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the human functions change study under the automated systems influence, active developing nowadays in industrial production. The authors define the concept and essence of the integrated automated information management systems (IAIS), form its structural construction. The formation of «man- machine» systems is considered, authors investigate characteristics of professional and psycho physiological personality adaptation to new working conditions. The main directions of specialists adaptation to the activities of the IAIS are determined.
Keywords: automation, industrial enterprise, integrated automated management information systems, human- machine systems, adaptation
Formation of plans system for scientific and industrial cluster development
Prokofiev D. A., postgraduate at the Department of Energy service and power management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to plans system for the scientific and industrial cluster development researching. Plans construction occupy a special place in the innovation and investment activity system, determining the efficiency degree of the cluster members involved in joint projects interaction. As part of the research the author has developed a new tool for planning the activities of scientific and industrial cluster–a strategic cluster matrix, the usage of which allows to coordinate and organize the joint and independent tasks implementation by its participants.
Keywords: innovation and investment activity, scientific and industrial cluster, plans system, strategy, strategic cluster matrix
Risk assessment at the enterprise not carried out it before
Geletov I. D., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor at the Financial Management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Shtrikunova M. M., candidate of economic Sciences, associate Professor at the Financial Management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Mamonova S. I., head of the information department at Mobilsovet
Mobilsovet, Moscow
Abstract: The authors show the possibility of risk assessment methods usage at the enterprise, which were not previously engaged in risk assessment. Nowadays a large approaches arsenal, methods and tools to manage economic and financial risk are accumulated. Innovation projects implementation in most cases is associated with an increased risk level, and therefore, a reasonable selection and implementation of risk management approaches and methods is actual task to the enterprise. Implementing certain approaches and risk management techniques, managers can achieve an optimal or acceptable ratio for the company between the performance indicators values and risk innovation project or to abandon the project high risk.
Keywords: risk, riskassessment, sensitivityanalysis, scenarioanalysis, riskrose, spiralrisks, riskidentification, riskmap, riskregister
Optimising production model taking into account foreign trade communications
Kiselev V. D., doctor of business administration, lecturer at the Institute of public administration and civil service and Graduate school of corporate management, Guild of marketers member
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
Abstract: The work purpose is to offer four receptions for professional community consideration which are convenient for technological businessman and serial technological businessman subject domains judgment. Novelty of work is in author’s judgment of the known tools in relation to activity, new and urgent for modern Russia, – technological business. Research tools for business simulation are presented: «Product matrix», « Resource goal-setting matrix «, «Identity matrix», « Industry reference model « and two specific cards of subject domain for the technological businessman.
Keywords: business modeling, mass technological enterprise, product matrix, Resource goal-setting matrix, identity matrix, industry reference model
Marketing of modern innovative business at the engineering enterprise
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic Sciences, Professor The Department of management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the following article the main directions of innovative business philosophy at the enterprise of mechanical engineering with importance allocation of such directions as lateral marketing, corporate values, loyalty program development are given. On the example of the scheme «Innovative marketing content in modern commercial Structure» interdependence of market participation philosophy basic elements for mission achievement, due to pent-up demand identification, creativity stimulation and client’s need recognition as highest value for each employee is shown. Along with it, timely development necessity of the CS loyalty program for successful innovative project commercialization is shown.
Keywords: innovation, corporate values, lateral marketing, mission, new, loyalty program, market
Prospects of the sectoral marketing information systems in industry development
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor of Management Department, member of the Guild of Marketers
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article considers the developing and implementing possibility of marketing information systems (MkIS) methodology at the level of domestic industry individual sectors. The author analyzes the foreign experience of sectoral marketing information system (SMkIS) development and reveals the tasks that they would solve at the Russian market. The article offers author’s conceptual model SMkIS, consisting of three main components: the core system, including basic functionality SMkIS, industrial enterprises and entities external market environment.
Keywords: marketing, marketing information, marketing information system (MkIS), sectoral marketing information system (SMkIS), industry, industrial marketing
Nature similar technologies and ecological marketing: problems of environmental pressure decreasing in mechanical engineering
Rusin V. N., candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the conditions of person and biosphere conflict the industrial operation opportunities of techno- agrosystems and other environment systems are exhausted. Nature similar technologies development necessity is shown. In case of goods supply receipt the ecosystem violation stages are named. Classification of ecological marketing types is given and three levels of ecotechnologies are described. Specific examples of environmental pressure decreasing in mechanical engineering are given.
Keywords: person, biosphere, conflict, technology nature similar, ecology, violations, ecotechnologies, stages, mechanical engineering, examples loading, ecological, decrease
Impact of digital technologies on industrial marketing development
Kalinina M. A., candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department, member of AMA (American marketing association)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses some issues concerning the impact of digital technologies on marketing development. In digital era lots of changes take place in different spheres of human living and in marketing particularly. The major driver of marketing activities redesigning is–changing customer’s portrait and behavior–from passive to active, able to influence not only production process, but marketing, management, corporate governance, organizational issues. The impact of digital technologies is seen in redesigning of marketing strategies and all 4Ps components – digital production, pricing, channeling, communication. The future of marketing development is seen in marketing budgets shrinking, changing strategies and marketing impact within a company, still following the main marketing principle.
Keywords: digital technologies, win-win strategies, marketing mix elements, JIT (just-in-time) system, digital platform, online & offline channeling, customization, changing customer’s behavior
Process control method with integrated marketing outsourcing in the field of mechanical engineering
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor of «Marketing and logistics» Department, CEO of FSK «VALEX»
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Process outsourcing management specifics with allocation of difference from functional management model is revealed in article. In the logical sequence the maintenance of complex outsourcing modern system in the mechanical engineering sphere is shown. The main components of the process outsourcing management mechanism are illustrated. The part devoted to the modern outsourcing marketing content research as organic symbiosis of outsourcing business-processes, marketing services, logistic, legal and personnel outsourcing is of practical interest. In the conclusion advantages of marketing services complex outsourcing usage are given in the mechanical engineering sphere as a result of the outsourcing service supplier successful positioning.
Keywords: outsourcing, outsourcing, comprehensive outsourcing, marketing tools, logistics outsourcing, process management, marketing services, HR outsourcing, market
Methodical approaches to research and evaluation of consumer attitudes to the company
Motogali Ya.B., postgraduate
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: This article presents the research results of the companies long-standing relationship formation with existing customers. Reconditions, that have an impact on a company’s arguments choice, in retaining existing customers favor are considered. Methodological nature problems, which facing the majority of Russian companies in the process of conducting market research with consumers are defined and grouped. Basic fundamental methodological research approaches of consumers satisfaction are formulated, the substantiated reasons of Western methods copying ineffectiveness in Russian companies are shown.
Keywords: relationship marketing, loyalty, satisfaction, survey, the consumer, the company, the study, methodology, motivation, business
Problems of competitiveness achievement at the industrial market
Artemieva O. A., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article describes the marketing activities features in the field of B2B, trends and differences from the B2C and B2B marketing, Group of factors that characterize the company potential are formulated. It is concluded that the technological gap between Russia and developed countries has weakened the country’s competitive position in the global economy. The technological base of many industries are outdated and badly worn, industry requires production equipment updating. Another factor of the competitiveness improving complexity is energy and transport high tariffs. Another significant factor of influence on the competitiveness is the government tax policy.
Keywords: market, business, organization, customers, competitiveness, marketing, purchasing, investment, competitive environment
Some aspects of the evolution theory of competition
Stytsyuk R. Y., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article studies the categorical apparatus, relating to the competition and competitiveness understanding. Competition types, levels and struggle methods are grouped. The factors promoting, determining the importance of a non-price competition are formulated. The conclusion is drawn that the competition between producers, as a rule, well affects products, since competition conditions keep producer in «tone», force to look for ways of goods cost value lowering, to improve goods or service quality, to make them available for the bigger number of consumers. The competition also raises the issued goods and services range and induces to look for and use new opportunities in production.
Keywords: marketing, strategy, competitiveness, market, competition, information, manufacturers, price, brand goods, advertising, negative publicity
System re-industrialization of the economy: existing trends and optimal implementation ways
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of Management, economics and social technologies institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Mylnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of energy service and energy saving management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI), Moscow
Abstract: The article investigates the economy’s re-industrialization problems. The authors analyze the basic preconditions for its implementation, associated with major internal and external economic factors: economic sanctions, technical obsolescence of production equipment, an acute personnel shortage in the industry. Basing on the industry current state, authors form re-industrialization vector, based on a number of key trends for the global innovation industrial system.
Keywords: re-industrialization, technological modernization, industrial automation, artificial intelligence, innovation and investment, intellectual functions virtualization
Issue 6/2016

Theoretical bases of scientific and technical progress stimulation in mechanical engineering based on system-integrated approach to enterprise management
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of management, economics and social technologies Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Agarkov A.P., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Propector
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Pushkareva M.B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, ES&ME Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Milnik A.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, ES&ME Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: Keywords:
High-tech industrial cluster as the national economy’s sustainable development structural unit
Zimin A.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the National economy and regional development Department
Ryazan state University named for S. A. Yesenin, Ryazan
Fyodorova L.A., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the State, municipal and corporate management Department
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan
Lokteeva G.E., сandidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the State, municipal and corporate management Department
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan
Kistrina E.I., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Personnel management Department
Ryazan state University named for S. A. Yesenin, Ryazan
Abstract: The authors analyze the existing approaches of Russian and foreign scientists in the cluster development as the new structures which functioning in the result of the localization, cooperation, specialization, integration, and synergy will increase the national economies efficiency. Authors discuss reasons for the cluster performance as independent structural units and their characteristics. Apart from than, the authors conduct specific features systematic analysis of the existing clustering models and proposals for the existing territorial specialization correction, with reference to the technological process chain of competitive products manufacture.
Keywords: cluster, industrial cluster, national economy, structural unit, sustainable development, knowledgeintensive cluster
Theoretical bases of scientific-industrial clusters’ structurally functional creation
Prokofiev D.A., postgraduate at the Department of Energy service and power management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is focused on the development of scientific-industrial clusters structurally functional construction. Using systematic approach, the author solves this problem by separating the structure into the control and manageable subsystems. Special role in the structure plays an intellectual synergetic environment as an integrated multi-core software system that combines the capabilities within the cluster organizations and enterprises in the context of the innovation and investment projects lifecycle implementation.
Keywords: scientific and industrial cluster, the structural and functional structure, managed subsystem, control subsystem, innovation and investment projects
Leasing as the development tool of the domestic industry’s small and medium-sized enterprises in modern conditions
Tikhonov G.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of the Economics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Titov L.Yu., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Economics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: In the following article organizational and economic and legal bases of leasing (financial rent) are stated. Key benefits and restrictions of leasing tools usage as a development tool of industry small and medium-sized enterprises are considered. The conclusion is drawn that leasing (financial rent) represents the most effective and most adaptive tool providing growth of investment, innovative and business activity in industry small and medium-sized enterprises’ segment.
Keywords: leasing, small enterprises, medium enterprises, industry, financial rent
Environmental innovatics – modern approach to the humanity critical global problems solution
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of Management, Economics and Social Technologies Institute
Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sorokin A.E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of the Ecology and Safety activities Department
Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Metechko L.B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head at the Ecology and Safety activities Department
Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Milnik A.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and power management Department
Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article considers a new direction of scientific research born in Moscow Aviation Institute. In the era of global ecological crisis it is inevitable to search new ways and approaches to knowledge, as the former analytical techniques for the complex systems study has not yielded the desired results, and new discoveries often occur at the intersection of different scientific fields. Modern scientific studies are convergent, they are characterized by a innovative scientific research cluster strategy, providing a systematic innovative projects implementation.
Keywords: convergent science and technology cluster strategy development, innovation clusters, cognitive abilities, ecological compensation system
Strategic planning bases of fuel and energy resources effective usage on industrial enterprises
Teplyshev V.Yu., candidate of economic sciences, Head of the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: Author’s research is devoted to the scientific and practical bases of energy resources efficient usage strategy formation in the industry. In the context of this research, author develops the strategy definition, as well as its structure is formed, which includes some of its sections with a detailed examination of their nature and content. The author also designs the strategic map structure of the process, obtaining the maximum income from the energy saving measures realization. As an application tool, mathematical models of choosing the optimal production program in limited resources conditions and taking into account energy efficiency criteria are developed
Keywords: energy efficiency, strategy, industry, energy-saving measures, strategy maps, the fuel and energy balance
Reasons of stocks formation and their influence on market condition
Kameneva N.G., doctor of economic sciences. professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: Article is devoted to a question of stocks creation in the warehouses made by producers and sellers. Stocks are made for production continuity or product sales to customers providing, and also for of consumers needs satisfaction for market demand and competition regulation.
Keywords: marketing, production, sales, transport, buffer, seasonal, maximum, minimum, preparatory trade stock, safety stock; exchange trends, demand, offer, market condition
Theoretical bases of natural-science processes development in the system approach context
Mylnik V.V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Financial Management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Titov L.Yu., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Economics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the dialectical processes development study associated with the scientific knowledge formation. The author defines the main science functions, as well as the main stages of the scientific knowledge formation, according to which the scheme of their time dynamics development is based. Special attention is paid to the human-computer interaction role in this process. These processes’ research the author concludes in the system approach context, key features of which are shown in the article.
Keywords: natural science processes, development dialectic, man-machine systems, system approach, energyinformation processes
Social responsibility – advantages for domestic industry enterprises
Glumova O.Yu., student of the faculty of International economic relations
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Corporate social responsibility in the context of the economic and financial crisis is able to provide a positive reputation and competitive advantage in the market to the company. The article considers different points of view to the definition of «corporate social responsibility» (CSR). The main advantages received by the companies adhering to the social responsibility principles are mentioned. Author gives the connection of CSR and company’s profits, the impact on different stakeholders groups. Also, the author analyze the business corporate social responsibility implementation features in Russian industrial enterprises’ practices.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, sustainable development, business, social investment, profits, goodwill, charity
Magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” – information partner of the VEO of Russia – 2016
Issue 5/2016

Scientifi c and practical bases of outsourcing in the modern economy
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of Management, Economics and Social Technologies Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Agarkov A.P., Prorector of Regional development, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Pushkareva M.B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Deputy head of the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Milnik A.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Abstract: The article investigates the nature and characteristics of such today’s industry trends as outsourcing development. Being aimed at providing businesses with high-quality services and products, outsourcing is capable of solving a wide range of infrastructure problems, allowing the company to save significant amounts of financial resources by eliminating the need for organization’s separate parts to deal with them. Within the research the main stages of outsourcing development from the early twentieth century and ending with the most modern and innovative of its forms are considered by authors.
Keywords: outsourcing, industrial enterprise, production organization, subcontracting relationships, business processes
Methodical approaches to assortment formation and management
Artemieva O.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of international tourism, hotel business and social management
Финансовый университет при Правительстве Российской Федерации, г. Москва
Abstract: The article discusses the basic rules of category management and identifies its main stages. Difference of category management from other technologies is marked out, and also the problem of this technology is specified. Main production types, according to category management are presented, and the main analysis methods of the product assortment formation are given. It is noted that category management is responsible for all goods promotion stages, entering a certain commodity category. The conclusion is drawn that the assortment is formed under the influence of such factors as demand, profitability and enterprise’s production base.
Keywords: internal management, assortment policy, decision, price, category management, consumer product category, range, performance evaluation
Ecological and economic indicators harmonization at the high technology products markets
Metechko L.B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head of the Ecology and safety activities Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sorokin A.E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the Ecology and safety activities Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: In article the ecology cluster passional influence analysis on various innovative projects development of the knowledge-intensive economy directions is carried out. Ecology cluster development features and its impact on other innovatics directions in closely interrelation are revealed. The main tendencies and typical methods of efficiency increasing in high-technology and knowledge-intensive products primary and secondary markets are determined. On the basis of primary and secondary markets mathematical models of the knowledgeintensive economy industries some conclusions about ecological standard rates toughening usage for the demand and optimum profit increasing purpose for expensive high-technology products are formulated. The most striking example of such regular ecological requirements increasing interaction and interference on optimum profit and development in the field of aviation engine-building is given. The received conclusions about ecology-economic indicators harmonization concerning development tendencies of innovatics clusters can be considered as typical development tendencies of the high-tech directions in the industry.
Keywords: innovative projects clusters, aerospace industry, surrounding environment, environmental regulations, science-intensive and high-tech products market, secondary market, ecological and economic indicators harmonization in knowledge-intensive sectors of the economy
Open innovations promotion on industry market: problems and prospects
Balova S.L., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Modern marketing concept necessitates innovation activity enterprises of Russia, as well as the innovative capacity and competitiveness in the world high technology products and intellectual services markets increasing. The article deals with topical issues related to the»open innovation» concept spreading in the world practice, public and private innovation model’s economic nature and essence is analyzed, tools peculiarities of innovative product promoting on the industrial markets are shown, main problems and their solutions are identified.
Keywords: «open innovation» model, «closed innovation» model, technology transfer, promotion system, idea competitions, case, competitions presentation, exhibition, training, testing (sampling), product placement
Energy marketing: some aspects in economic uncertainty conditions
Soldatova N.F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The author considers the marketing activity main directions typical for the country’s energy sector in the economic uncertainty conditions. The situation at Russia’s power sector caused by the economic factors influencing the national economy, in general, define energy companies’ marketing strategy. Features and specifics of companies’ power marketing which are making, transferring, selling and serving energy sector are considered. In article electric power wholesale and retail market features which cornerstone electric power specificity are shown. Author raises the problem of energy marketing development prospects in new economic realities.
Keywords: national economy energy sector, energy consumption and conservation, energomarketing, energy
Industry’s energy-saving technologies development: current situation and prospects
Rtishchev A.V., candidate of economic sciences, Head of the control and audit work Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rusin V.N., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The energy saving directions for the industry and the enterprises are shown. Application examples of saving for a number of the enterprises, including machine building are given. Restrictions in alternative power engineering development are proved and alternative fuel types classification is given. New innovative approaches application in mechanical engineering such as additive production is specified. Indicators and stages of energy saving efficiency assessment policy introduction in the gas enterprise are given.
Keywords: energy saving, enterprise, directions, branches, indicators, assessment efficiency, restriction
Theoretical bases of cluster marketing system formation in the scientifi c and industrial clusters creation context
Prokofiev D. A., postgraduate at the Department of Energy service and power management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The main research topic is the scientific bases of clustered integrated marketing system development, which, according to the author, have to combine the full range of tools and marketing techniques, systematized by the control cluster marketing activities functions. Accordingly, the practical marketing instruments and methods are distributed within the system in accordance with the distribution between analytic, scheduling, supply, control and regulation functions.
Keywords: scientific and industrial cluster, marketing, cluster marketing system, market research, competitive benchmarking, marketing strategy, marketing communications
Exhibition activity role in solving enterprises’ business problems
Stytsyuk R.Y., doctor of economic sciences, professor, at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article considers the main exhibition activities parameters and its influence on industrial enterprises development. The criteria contents underlying the exhibitions classification is shown; criteria determining the level and quality of the exhibitions organization and holding are investigated; the role of exhibition activity at the solution of a number of important tasks for the industrial enterprises is proved; the interindustry exhibitions which are the developed form universal, representing the offered goods or services of several, usually related, branches are characterized; the role of modern exhibition activity in market economy is revealed.
Keywords: promotion, exhibition activities, communication, partners, classification, quality criteria, information technology, economic impact, industry, media
HR-brand management of industrial organization in strategic management system
Ryazantseva M.Va., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the Personnel Management and Psychology Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Subocheva A.O., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Personnel Management and Psychology
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: HR-branding is the most important direction of regarding marketing industrial organizations aсtivity. It helps to create a favorable image and reputation of the organization as reliable employer. Along with it HR-brand management is a vital element of modern personnel technologies. The article shows that HR-brand management is the integration of marketing and personnel management technologies. Based on the analysis of the Russian and foreign experience, crucial elements of HR-brand management were generalized. Using JSC RZD experience, this article shows that HR-brand management is the most important strategic management system element which allows to increase personnel satisfaction, solve a staff deficit problem and improve corporate image.
Keywords: HR-brand management, strategy, staff, human resources, personnel management, marketing personnel, corporate image
Topical issues of import substitution: organizational and legal aspect
Agarkov A.P., Propector of Regional development, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Gerenrot B.A., associate professor at the Department of Ecology and law
Moscow Institute State and Corporate Governance, Moscow
Erokhina E.A., senior lecturer at the Department of Economics
Moscow Institute State and Corporate Governance, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses and investigates some of the important issues of import substitution: the complication of the current situation; drivers (driving force) of the national economy; the legal and organizational tools providing and guaranteeing success; the special importance of government support for import substitution with domestic development.
Keywords: import substitution, legislation, parallel imports, partnership, drivers (driving force), government support, domestic development, legal tools
Quality improvement directions of military products after-sales service
Eremin M.Yu., postgraduate at the Financial management Department, chief specialist in Sukhoi Company (JSC)
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sarkisyan A.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Financial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: In the present article the question of military planes’ combat readiness indicator increasing which is raised earlier to the foreign states is considered. For the purpose of overhead costs decreasing, reforming direction ways of after-sales service system are shown. Method of administrative expenses reduction and spare parts’ delivery time decreasing is described. The main objective of service development puts not receiving additional profit, but planes’ domestic production competitiveness increasing in the world arms market.
Keywords: military and technical cooperation, after-sales service, aviation industry, delivery chain, aircraft equipment
Foreign and domestic experience features of managers competences formation in modern universities
Stytsyuk R.Y., doctor of economic sciences, professor, at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozanova T.P., deputy first prorector of educational and methodical work, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article presents the foreign and domestic experience studies results of managers competences formation in modern universities. The definition of senior management, as the creator of the intellectual and the new consumer values is given. It is noted that for the top managers training traditional understanding of vocational training is not enough, and stops the innovative thinking style formation. It is concluded that technology training changing in Russian universities require serious methodological work to develop elements and components of the students’ independent work.
Keywords: training program, competence, management, curricula, international standards, training, technology, quality, educational process, efficiency
Isuue 4/2016

Theoretical bases of outstaffing development in the economic crisis conditions
Golov R.S., Director of Management, Economics and Social Technologies Institute, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Agarkov A.P., Prorector of Regional development, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Pushkareva M.B., Deputy head of the Energy service and power management Department, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Milnik A.V., associate professor at the Energy and power management services Department, candidate of economic sciences
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Abstract: The authors’ study is devoted to the outstaffing essence analysis and its impact on the Russian economy development in conditions of growing crisis, one of the factors of which is the high unemployment level. This situation requires the development and implementation of more flexible and progressive professional employment forms, focused on the innovation economy. One of these forms is outstaffing studied by the authors in various projections: from the point of view of its comparison to outsourcing, from the standpoint of benefits and risks, etc. As a separate issue the authors analyze the current legislation and legal security in the field of labor relations, rendering essential influence on the outstaffing development of in the Russian legal field.
Keywords: outstaffing, outsourcing, enterprise, staff leasing, human resources, wage-labor
Project approach as the basis of enterprise management
Firsova I.A., doctor of economic sciences, candidate of pedagogic sciences, professor at the Corporate governance Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Firsov Yu.I., candidate of economic sciences, director of FSK “Palmyra”, Moscow
Abstract: The authors consider the project approach as an enterprise’s organizational management strategy. In modern conditions project management is becoming a promising tool in the enterprise’s development. The article offers project management key functions, which include: project management, process management, human resources management, external interactions management. The authors considered the main types of constraints associated with the project, and how to manage them. The article presents the author’s project management structure and its main phases are described in detail. The authors formulated a conclusion that only compliance with these project management principles can bring positive results
Keywords: project management, functions of project manager and structure of project management
Resonance effect in the innovative-investment activity implementation in industry
Myl’nik V.V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the Financial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Myl’nik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Energy service and power management.
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Zubeeva E.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Financial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: This article aims to disclose the resonance effect concept in the economy. Resonance effect is seen as a result of the innovation implementation and included in the innovative-investment activity effects in industry. System factors and sources of the resonance effect are examined. Among the factors, there are factors that are determined by the innovation-active enterprises nature as a system and factors, defined by information and synergistic factors. The resonant effect sources of the innovative-investment activity implementation are considered as an interconnected system of three enterprise’s possibilities types: strategic, managerial and functional. One of the possible ways of calculating the resonant effect of innovative-investment activity implementation that meets the system-synergetic approach is given.
Keywords: innovation, innovation-investment activity; resonance effect; socio-economic effects; synergetic approach; innovation process; sources and factors of the resonance effect; innovative companies
Basic principles of innovative industrial clusters creation in the economy’s reindustrialization conditions
Prokofiev D.A., postgraduate at the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the development of the innovative industrial clusters construction key principles, representing one of the most progressive organization forms of the integrated scientific and industrial structures possessing a high innovative investment potential in the economy’s reindustrialization conditions. Within the conducted research 3 groups of the principles are developed by authors: system-wide, economic and cooperation, each of which includes a number of the principles
Keywords: clusters, innovation, investment, innovation and investment, reindustrialization, information integration, innovations diffusion
Development prospects of industrial parks in Russia
Lapshina S.N., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the Department of Systems analysis and decision making
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Denisov A.D., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the Department of Management
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Filippov S.D., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Department of Physico-mathematical disciplines
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Abstract: The emergence of industrial parks has given hope for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and innovation infrastructure in the country’s economy. Technology parks are designed to help residents of the business ideas effective implementation. Number of industrial parks is increasing annually, despite the low return on investment and long payback period. To improve the industrial parks efficiency residents proposed the industrial enterprises creation of small and medium-sized businesses, within the cooperation framework with engineering companies and removing inefficient for their business processes in the park area.
Keywords: industrial parks, innovation infrastructure, improving residents
Small power engineering market: some energy effi ciency aspects
Soldatova N.F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Mikheev D.V., ассистент кафедры «Электроснабжение промышленных предприятий»
National Research University (MPEI), Moscow
Abstract: A state of the Russian energy sector generally and small power engineering, in particular, due to economic factors affecting on the national economy. Prospects of further development of the electric power generating complex of the Russian Federation due to the construction and commissioning of small power energy-efficient thermal power plants in close proximity to sources of fuel and industrial customers are demonstrated. Small energy sector development prospects are considered from the standpoints of the Russian economy energy needs, safety, reliability and efficiency of the Russian electric power industry functioning.
Keywords: energy sector of the economy, small power plants, efficient energy supply of industrial consumers, energy consumption and energy efficiency, marketing strategy for power plants manufacturers, consumer satisfaction, marketing programs management
Up-flow marketing as the element of industrial enterprises managing
Komarov V.M., сandidate of economic science, associate professor at the Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article analyses change dynamics of the industrial manufacture index, effective management terms of competitive purchases are characterized, place of Russian Federation among leading countries through the energy efficiency index is defined, marketing activities specifics of industrial enterprises are considered. The conclusion gives priority directions of Russian industries purchasing activity managing.
Keywords: up-flow marketing, purchases, energy efficiency, high-capacity technologies, innovations
Engineering products sales organization in the market instability conditions
Panyukova V.V., сandidate of economic science, associate professor at the Department of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the conditions of market instability, approaches to managing engineering products sales are changing. The author researches of the engineering products market development in 2015, reveals positive and negative market trends, and analyses main factors affecting engineering products sales. The article also defines engineering products’ effective sales manager characteristics. The author makes a conclusion that it is necessary to develop principles of public-private partnership in market product promotion
Keywords: sales management, engineering products, promotion, sales manager, program- target method
Role and effectiveness of marketing management at diff erent marketing strategy levels
Rozanova T.P., deputy first prorector of educational and methodical work, doctor of economic sciences, professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Stytsyuk R.Y., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article the marketing management process basic directions in the context of the three marketing strategy levels: corporate level, business unit level, individual product (or brand) level. Special role of marketing managers in the professional application of analytical tools is highlighted. It is noted that substantial industrial marketing differs from the consumer require specification. It is concluded that the inability to carry out a thorough market analysis and not enough high-quality marketing management often lead to the inefficient new product strategy formation and subsequent market development
Keywords: marketing management, competitive position, success factors, business unit, marketing analysis, brand, industrial marketing, consumer marketing
Consumers behavior and sales specifi cs in industry markets
Motagali Ya.B., associate professor at the Department of International tourism, hotel business and social management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In article the main differences between sales management at B2B and B2C markets are considered, business markets features which cause sales specifics are also presented. The considerable attention is paid to joint consumer structure at B 2B market and its features. The main distinctions in sales communications at B2B and B2C markets are marked out. The role of mass communication as main interaction way at the B2C market is noted. The principles of client relations formation at B2B market and organizational buyers features distinguishing them from buyers at B2C market are given. The conclusion is drawn that legal entities at B2B market are sellers and buyers at the same time and consequently, similar sales can cause relations imbalance
Keywords: B2B market, industry, strategy, business market, consumer, consumer behavior, consumers features, sales specificity, B2B markets segmentation, mass communication, customer orientation, relationship
Methodological aspects of the energy sector organizations’ competitiveness assessment
Orlova E.S., postgraduate, assistant at the Management in energy and industry Department
National Research University “MPEI”, Moscow
Abstract: The state and prospects of development of the potential energy have a significant impact on the ability of sustainable development of the economy, especially given the current foreign policy. And the competitiveness becomes the most important indicator, ables to consider the full range of factors, including such important as energy intensity and efficiency of production. The article describes the main features of the determination of competitiveness enterprises of the industry. A generalized algorithm for the evaluation of the competitive status of the enterprise. Considered the main reasons for the specificity of an estimation of competitiveness of an industrial enterprise. Characteristics of the enterprises in the sphere of energy and the complexity of the analysis and assessment of their competitiveness. The article also outlines the key factors influencing the mechanism of the competitiveness of producing enterprises in the energy sector
Keywords: competitiveness increasing mechanism; competitiveness evaluation methods; innovative entrepreneurship
Corporate governance quality self-assessment in companies with state participation
Dzardanov A.Y., postgraduate of the Сorporate governance Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article describes the corporate governance quality self-assessment technique features in companies with state participation according to the Federal agency of state property management. Key indicators, mostly affects this effectiveness are also reviewed. Among these indicators are the shareholders rights protection, transparency, control mechanism certainty, corporate social responsibility, accountability. In the article the question of the corporate governance quality improving is shown as an objective process occurring in accordance with international practice, particularly in the context of adherence to corporate governance principles developed by the OECD.
Keywords: corporate governance in companies with state participation, self-reported quality of corporate governance, the OECD principles, shareholder’s rights protection
Development priorities of higher education system in the conditions of Belarus Republic’s innovative policy
Baybardina T.N., candidate of economic scienes, associate professor, head of the Marketing Departament
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel
Burtseva O.A., senior lecturer at the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel
Machalova V.V., postgraduate
Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk
Abstract: Country’s innovative development determines new priorities in higher school development which should be directed to higher education enhancement, compliance of training quality of specialists with the higher education to requirements of innovative development modern level of economy and social sphere industries. In the following article higher education development condition and tendencies in Belarus Republic are reflected, main priority objectives of higher education development in the conditions of national economy innovative model formation are determined. Innovative development of higher education system as the most important urgent task of state policy in the field of education in modern conditions is determined by integration processes of the Belarusian higher school into world educational space, higher education practical orientation requirements, optimum choice of education, science and production interaction forms, higher education institutions’ activity priorities in highly qualified specialists training which determine the country’s personnel capacity.
Keywords: innovative policy, higher education, master’s degree, higher education institutions, education forms, human resources, training, higher education innovative orientation
Interview with Konstantin Anatolievich Babkin
Сегодня в гостях у журнала «Экономика и управление в машиностроении» один из организаторов и сопредседатель Московского экономического форума Константин Анатольевич Бабкин.
Issue 3/2016

Outsourcing – market participation reserve optimization of engineering enterprise
Sinyaev V.V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate Professor of the Department of marketing and logistics; General Director FSK «Valex»
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article examines the usage of outsourcing as a reserve for total cost optimization and the work quality improving. For the first time the complex outsourcing structure is revealed, highlighting marketing outsourcing services content, legal outsourcing, HR outsourcing, logistics outsourcing. Thus, it is noted that modern outsourcing contributes to the elimination of corporate functions duplicating in customers’ organization, tax base reducing, total costs optimizing. Revealing the interaction system contents between the customer and the outsourcer, the author focuses on the importance of taking into account the partnership quality parameters and factors. The article shows the advantage of cooperation with the outsourcer in order to achieve the synergistic effect from the market participation results.
Keywords: outsourcing, outsourcer, reserve, quality, marketing, integrated outsourcing, engineering, market, sector, service
Management decisions on intelligent product of engineering promotion in target sale segment
Sinyaeva I.M., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals innovation policy in the engineering sector, highlighting the intellectual products market modern trends. In logical sequence management decisions on intellectual product promotion in a target sale segment with disclosure of commercial system creation and entry plan development importance within market participation philosophy are opened.
Keywords: innovation, intellectual product, commercial system, machine-building complex, entry plan, management decisions, target sale segment, market participation philosophy
Information technologies application in innovation projects promoting
Rozhkov I.V., PhD, associate professor Marketing and Logistics Department, a member of the Guild of Marketers
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article considers the actual problem of domestic innovations promotion. The article deals with measures to innovative start-ups support both at the state and the private levels. The article identified the modern marketing trends that involve joint work of the author’s innovation business idea and its potential consumers. In conclusion the author studied the possibility of fundraising and crowdsourcing techniques usage in innovative start-up projects promoting.
Keywords: start-up, start-up accelerator, Marketing 3.0, innovation, crowdsourcing, fundraising
Theoretical basis of the economy re-industrialization in the context of the industry’ system innovative modernization
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Director of Management, Economics and Social technologies Institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik A.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Energy service and energy saving management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D.A., postgraduate at the department of Energy service and energy saving management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to research of the economy re-industrialization theoretical bases of reindustrialization formation as the unified system way of industry innovative development in the developing economic crisis conditions and adopted by the state leadership import substitution policies. The authors carried out preconditions reindustrialization analysis, which is opposed to the de-industrialization phenomenon – the industry destruction and degradation. In the framework of the reindustrialization theoretical foundations developed by the authors its implementation requires organizational and structural, economic, innovative, technological, technical, personnel and intellectual enterprises’ development directions, each of which has consistently considered in the article.
Keywords: economic crisis, de-industrialization, personnel shortage, equipment depreciation, re-industrialization, modernization, innovation clusters
Engineering enterprises’ competitiveness improving by transition to private power supply
Ilysheva M.A., candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor (Department of Marketing)
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Detkov A.A., candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer (Department of Statistics, Econometrics and Applied Informatics)
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Lapshina S.N., candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate Professor (Department of Systems analysis and decision making)
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Abstract: Competitiveness and financial stability growth is a major challenge for any business. The ability to win the price competition by reducing costs – the main reserve for increasing profits. The possibility of enterprise’s cost reducing at the energy component expense in the transition to its private power supply is considered. Comprehensive solution of the enterprise’s electric energy optimization problem is the Autonomous mini-CHP (combined heat and power) establishment. Mini-CHP construction increases the power supply reliability, provides non-volatility, reduces energy costs and increases business competitiveness in general.
Keywords: price competition, profit optimization, cost analysis, energy independence
Development of branding technology on industrial markets
Zaharenko I.K., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The relevance of the chosen subject was predetermined by the problems arising in the crisis conditions in the industrial markets when consumer requests, consumer loyalty and, as a result, brands capitalization decrease. The brand role as a basis for the company’s sustainable competitive advantages achievement increases in these conditions. To the fore there are issues that are aimed at building longterm relationships through active interaction between producers, consumers and business partners. In the article the author’s technique of brands identity formation on industrial market is offered, the principles of long-term partnership branding relations are formulated. The proposed principles of brands interaction on industrial markets will allow to use resources brand partners capabilities more effectively for strengthening their market positions.
Keywords: industrial brands, brand identity, interaction marketing, relationship marketing, unique competitive advantages, co-branding, ingredient branding, B 2B branding strategy
Segmentation technology features for production markets
Karasyov A.P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the Department of Marketing and Logistics
Yaroslavl branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Yaroslavl
Abstract: Main objective of this article is consideration of popular marketing technology of market research – segmentation. At the beginning of article the description of this technology is made: the concept of market segmentation is given and its benefits are shown, carrying out process is considered. On the basis of the comparative buyers’ behavior analysis at the consumer and industrial markets segmentation features for the market last type have been revealed. Distinctions in segmentation technology concern the applied signs, segments allocation methods, information and obtaining sources collection technology. Also for the industrial markets segmentation has two levels, and the large role is played by expert evaluations.
Keywords: market segmentation, consumer markets, industrial markets, segmentation signs, consumers
Business implementation of social marketing projects in instability conditions
Kozlova N.P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: On the example of the industry’s enterprises research conducted by the author to analyze the economic crisis impact on the activity, directions and priorities of the social marketing projects implementation through philanthropy. It is revealed that with the crisis development many companies are forced to reduce their charitable budgets or to pass from simple funds donations to assistance in the development of new professions, advice, job creation, etc. Conclusion according to the analysis results: vast majority of entrepreneurs consider the social marketing projects implementation as an opportunity to demonstrate the business sustainability and company’s reputation strengthen.
Keywords: social marketing, philanthropy, social responsibility, business, respondents, survey, crisis
Marketing management in the venture business: current aspects
Balova S.L., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In modern conditions of market economy recession innovative strategy development represents one of the most progressive and risk entrepreneurship forms. Effective marketing management in the venture entrepreneurship sphere is determined by constructive management decisions of knowledge-intensive products promotion for the purpose of companies’ competitive advantage ensuring. The international scitech cooperation is one of the major factors promoting innovative venture activities activization in Russia.
Keywords: venture business, venture capital, venture capital investment, venture capital fund
Emotional management as a new marketing tool in turbulent economy
Kalinina M.A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Marketing and Logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rodionova M.E., candidate of sociological sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Sociology, Deputy Head of Research & Development Planning & Support
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the conditions of turbulence and instability, when the patterns of customer’s behavior change very often depending on effective demand and customer’s priorities, sales technique methodology is becoming extremely important. P. Kotler proposed and developed a product or services three level analysis model that represents sales techniques on different levels according to the market maturity and customer’s behavior. Nowadays the new emotional level is coming extremely important, when the customer is involved more and more to the production-sales process, and as a sequence, has an ability to fulfill the right decision, satisfying it’s and seller’s needs (win-win strategy).
Keywords: three level product analysis, sales technique, emotional level, win-win strategy, engagement model
Role of innovation in automotive companies’ marketing activities
Karpova S.V., Doctor of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses the innovation processes management as an important component of the automotive companies marketing management theory and practice. It is determined that the most important while implementing innovations on the market is the innovative marketing strategic directions introduction through the innovations penetration strategy development in the market using brand technologies and disruptive innovation models. The usage of the two main alternatives when searching for new business areas as the existing market share determination through sustained innovation and the disruptive innovation that will create new markets is justified; their shortcomings are highlighted
Keywords: innovation process, innovations, innovative marketing, unique idea, unique selling proposition, brandtechnologies, disruptive innovation models, disruptive technologies, brand, creativity, sustaining innovations
Marketing strategic development concept of the automotive industry in the municipalities
Klimov D.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In article the interrelation of the municipalities’ marketing strategic development concept of with development of its separate structures and industries is revealed. It is shown that territorial marketing is directed to municipalities’ competitive advantages detection for the investment attraction purpose giving the maximum yield in economy priority sectors and also for attraction of highly professional personnel resources which will allow municipality to develop steadily. Two directions of territorial marketing are proved: the developed infrastructure creation for target audience attraction and favorable image formation with the expressed identity and specificity. Strategic development experience of automotive industry in the Kaluga region is considered.
Keywords: municipality, territorial marketing, strategy development, competitive advantage, competition, marketing solutions, marketing tools
Role and infl uence of russia’s leading higher education institutions on the industrial complexes’ scientifi c and technological development
Vorobyeva E.S., candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Economics, Finance and Management
Seversk Technological Institute of National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI», Seversk.
Krakovetskaya I.V., candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Management
Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk
Abstract: The paper deals with the principal world tendencies in the national educational systems’ development and the current top-of-the-agenda trends, the most urgent of which is activation of the science, education and production integration processes. The most radical form of science, higher education and industry integration in the world are the so-called research universities carrying out fundamental and applied research and training specialists. The authors present a model of the leading research universities contribution into the national hi-tech companies’ development, clearly demonstrating the science, education and production integration process, which determine the educational institutions flexibility and their adaptation to the dynamic, mutative environment. The authors analyze the role of a company as an employer in the process of training highly-qualified and competitive staff for economy hi-tech branches and present the main interaction directions with the industrial complexes, including those within the university system of training specialists for science-intensive production companies.
Keywords: higher educational institutions, universities, industrial complexes, education, marketing, research, integration, funding, staff training.
Competitive advantages of higher education specialized accreditation
Pyshkin A.N., Head of Academic programs evaluation center
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
Abstract: The article summarize previous findings of the author on accreditation mechanism and its influence on the target audience. Specialized accreditation have positive long-term effect on the University’s brand, leads to attractiveness for qualified faculty, allows to rise prices and decrease the fluctuation of the number of prospective students. In addition, it positively affects the expert perception of the University.
Keywords: accreditation, recognition, higher education quality, competitiveness, development
Positive image features of rating higher education institutions and its formation mechanisms
Ivanova Yu.O., postgraduate student.
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: In the article the positive image features of rating higher education institutions, their competitiveness on the educational services markets are considered. The factors of rating higher education institutions attractiveness while their choice by educational services consumers of are determined. The model attractiveness factors usage in the ratings calculation based on an objective assessment results is formed. The organizational and marketing mechanisms of a positive image formation for rating higher education institutions that will concentrate resources in areas that bring the university a maximum economic effect are suggested and described.
Keywords: image, rating, positive, higher education institution, mechanism
Issue 2/2016

Integrated approach to the analysis of business activity of machine-building enterprises in modern conditions
Putyatinа L.M., doctor of economic sciences, professor, head of the department of Industrial management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Barsova T.N., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the department of Industrial management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Greshnevikova N.A., senior lecturer at the department of Industrial management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses the features of an integrated approach to the analysis of business activity of the enterprises. Are the PMIS that are used at the macroeconomic level. Analyzes the main directions of economic growth of enterprises, as well as possible methods of its provision in practice. Reflected the main factors determining the business activity of enterprises in industry environment. The following modern methods of enterprises’ economic growth changing are analyzed: temporary, industry, social and innovative. Definitions to each type of enterprise’s economic growth measurement and its features are given.
Keywords: entrepreneurial activity, economy, business activity, business confidence index, business activity index; economic growth, enterprise, innovation activity, investment activity, business activity indicators; enterprise’s economic growth measurement
Shared services centers – a way towards outsourcing
Stapran D.A., candidate of historical sciences, doctoral candidate
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
Abstract: Cost cutting is one of the priorities for Russian domestic companies in today’s situation of uncertainty and turbulence in the Russian market. It is easier to reduce costs related to support and secondary activities, because affecting core activities may invoke radical changes to business model and harm companies’ competitiveness. Large and holding companies are luckier than others. They have additional option to optimize support activities – they can create shared services centers. Shared services centers may be considered as a transition step to completely outsource non-core activities. At the same time they can be retained within companies if their performance is deemed satisfactory as compared to market competitors.
Keywords: shared services (SSC), outsourcing, sourcing
Evolutionary approach to the machine-building enterprises’ management
Lapshina S.N., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the department of Systems analysis and decision making
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Berg D.B., doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, professor at the department of Systems analysis and decision making
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Denisov A.D., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the department of Management
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Bazhenov I.A., сandidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the department of Marketing
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Shaposhnikov V.A., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Management
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Yakovleva T.I., master’s student at the department of Systems analysis and decision making
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Abstract: In any economic system, including in the engineering industry, nascent, dominant and dying enterprises at different stages of market development life cycle operate simultaneously. When the internal or external environment narrowing, especially in crisis times, some elements of the system may extinct, functioning of which is not in demand in the current situation. In the analysis of system the enterprise is considered as the cash flow generator, which represent continuous process of assets transition from one form to another. One enterprise’s life cycle from the point of management decisions coordination can be described graphically in a triangular coordinate system. At the cash flows’ correct management, transition to a new round in evolutionary development of machine-building enterprise is possible.
Keywords: life cycle, behavior of economic agents, economic evolution, triangular coordinate system, investment development path
Implementation experience analysis of lean manufacturing at aviation engine-building enterprises
Tichonov A.I., candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, director of Engineering and economics institute
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kononov A.M., postraduate at the department of Systems of economical objects’ management
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Abstract: At present Russia faces the most important task of industrial complex modernization, consisting of the obsolete equipment replacement and more modern technologies usage. The high-tech enterprises need a program to upgrade the entire production cycle, including stages of designing and production starting. Leantechnologies are also urged to promote objectives achievement.
Today, lean-manufacturing becomes an integral part of modern business and directly related to the economy of the company. With that understanding the aviation industry enterprises have started their way to implement the lean production principles, the development of which can only take place with the administration support. It is a consistent and gradual approach, which enables enterprises to achieve operational excellence. Therefore, the lean- manufacturing principles implementation is becoming increasingly popular in the aviation industry enterprises.Keywords: lean-manufacturing, lean-technologies, kaizen, aviation engine-building, six sigma
Usage of information about technologies for «technologies commercialization» capitalizing
Zvonnikov V.I., doctor of pedagogic sciences, candidate of economic sciences, professor, Director of the Quality management education department
State University of Management, Moscow
Nefedov V.A., candidate of technical sciences, professor, deputy director at the educational-scientific centre Accreditation of training programs and ensuring activity of educational-methodical association
State University of Management, Moscow
Lazukina A.O., postgraduate, chief of Innovation management department’s laboratory
State University of Management, Moscow
Abstract: The article explains in detail the nature of such concepts as innovations transfer and commercialization, the differences are allocated, the description of all participants are made. The role of the innovative organizations in a long-overdue paradigm shift of changes in the domestic economy is emphasized. The detailed analysis of innovations commercialization and transfer is offered. The paramount role of the innovative transformations subject in receiving effect of their implementation is allocated. The benefits of inventions and innovative content active search and investments in inventors for a part in the future profits from the invention financing are declared. Authors suggest to realize the fact that such financing is the long-term and multistage, carefully planned process which combines technologies scientific research, its optimization and scaling, marketing and many other things.
Keywords: innovation transfer, commercialization, competitive advantage, innovation transfer agents
Major factors and sources of economic eff ect formation at energy saving measures realization in the industry
Golov R.S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of Management, Economics and Social technologies Institute
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), г. Москва
Teplyshev V.Yu., candidate of economic sciences, head of the department of Energy service and energy saving management
Московский авиационный институт (национальный исследовательский университет), г. Москва
Abstract: One of the latest trends in modern Russian industry is a systematic work to improve its energy efficiency. The introduction of energy-saving measures should be provided for the significant amount of financial resources that determines the importance of assessing the cost-effectiveness of their implementation. One of the major stages of evaluating the effectiveness of energy-saving measures procedure serves to identify those factors and sources through which generated economic benefits. The article is devoted to such factors and sources classification formation, based on systemic and holistic approach to enterprise energy consumption analysis.
Keywords: enterprise, energy efficiency, energy saving potential, innovation, investment, factors, sources
Some aspects of energy sector enterprise’s investment potential
Soldatova N.F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Author examines the main trends in the national energy sector, in the period of forming and distribution of the sixth technological order. The state of Russia’s energy sector and potential of its modernization due to economic factors affecting national economy in general. The global trends are affected, as a result of structural prerequisites for reducing energy consumption. The investment peculiarities and specifics of this national economy sector, in coordination with investments attraction indicators into Russian economy are considered. The article outlines the main sources of financing investments in the energy sector, as well as species structure of energy sector for several years. Prospects of innovative updating of the energy sector enterprises are considered from positions of investment appeal and providing energy needs of the Russian economy.
Keywords: energy sector of national economy, investment appeal, investments, energy consumption and energy savings, energy efficiency, investment attractiveness, energy sector modernization
Economic and social effi ciency assessment of marketing management system
Berlay V.S., postgraduate at the department of Marketing and logistics, Chief economist at the Strategic analysis office in strategy department of JSC «Russian Agricultural Bank», Moscow
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Article is devoted to complex economic and social efficiency assessment of marketing management system. In modern conditions, companies have a the task of flexible operational response to the market environment instability, the solution is in balanced management system creation which is able to influence on coherent implementation of the company’s strategic and tactical goals. Thus the theoretical and practical developments are particularly important in the marketing management, which is able to enhance the modern companies’ management. The following article presents the basic elements of marketing management system, defines the basic blocks of efficiency assessment of created marketing management system, proposes the assessment efficiency algorithm of marketing management system.
Keywords: marketing management system, marketing management system elements, economic and social efficiency of marketing management system
Development of co-creativity principles in marketing
Zaharenko I.K., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Relevance of the topic is predetermined by the processes occurring in the Russian economy, firstly because of the reduction of consumer inquiries and customer loyalty in a crisis. At the forefront are the questions aimed on long-term relationships forming through active interaction between producers and consumers. The paper deals with the interaction of consumers and producers on the basis of cocreation principles allowing the consumer to feel the identity and participation in innovative processes. It is proposed to allocate two types of co-creation marketing in terms of interaction with the consumer products – external and internal. The article highlighted the special role of the staff in the process of co-creation and formulated the principles of their interaction with the customer, giving the basis for the innovative culture formation of the organization and economy in general.
Keywords: consumer, innovation culture, co-creation marketing, co-creative marketing strategy, segmentation, positioning, marketing concept
Strategy and tactics of the marketing service outsourcing customer
Sinyaev V.V., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals the strategy and tactics aspects of outsourcing services customer for the purposes of the organization’s progressive development and its financial stability. The article describes the outsourcing services development in the national economy with dominance in the government institutions sector. In a logical sequence author presents the customer interaction mechanism with the marketing service provider. The specificity of marketing services is given. The main types of outsourcing marketing services are: market analysis, consulting, business exhibition, media planning. At the same time outsourcing realization practice taking into account advantages and possible shortcomings is allocated.
Keywords: outsourcing, outsourcer, investment strategy, company, competitive advantage, perspective, self-esteem, tactics, service marketing, feasibility
Benchmarketing as a subsystem of the intellectual product commercialization model
Sinyaeva I.M., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the department of Marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article shows the benchmarketing subsystem value in the innovation commercialization model. Against the achievements of modern layer-by-layer synthesis technologies reveals the new 3D printing market formation. In logical sequence the modern innovations market trends, the benchmarketing content, place and role in managerial decision making by market participation, the structure of the intellectual products commercialization model are revealed. The article reflects the differences in content between the art of benchmarketing and the benchmarking philosophy as a mechanism of copying best practices in organization management and the cash flow management.
Keywords: additive manufacturing, benchmarking, benchmarketing of intellectual product, commercialization, innovation, innovation market, subsystem, system, financial stability
Marketing communications’ ethical issues
Azarovа S.P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the department of Marketing and logistics
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses the marketing communications ethics, as an integral part of ethical marketing and ethical business practices. Today, the professionals don’t challenge the manipulative nature of advertising, but the manipulation itself is closely intertwined with the product motivation and information support. The author studies marketing ethics in the 4C concept, some quantitative and qualitative marketing communications indicators are allocated. Marketing communications’ ethics is characterized as the harmony, consistency and action requirements observance in marketing communications’ formation. Further researches in the marketing ethics are proposed. Author sees two ways of protection against manipulation: education of reasonable consumer behavior training and emotional intelligence development.
Keywords: ethics, marketing, business, communication, brand
Topical issues of import substitution: organizational and legal aspect
Agarkov A.P., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the department of Economics and management
Moscow Institute State and Corporate Governance, Moscow
Gerenrot B.A., associate professor at the department of Ecology and law
Moscow Institute State and Corporate Governance, Moscow
Erokhina E.A., senior lecturer at the department of Economics
Moscow Institute State and Corporate Governance, Moscow
Abstract: The article discusses and investigates some of the important issues of import substitution: the complication of the current situation; drivers (driving force) of the national economy; the legal and organizational tools providing and guaranteeing success; the special importance of government support for import substitution with domestic development.
Keywords: import substitution, legislation, parallel imports, partnership, drivers (driving force), government support, domestic development, legal tools