Author: @admin
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov told about the problems of reducing the energy intensity of the Russian economy in an interview with the magazine “Free economy”
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov made the conclusions about the results of the Second all-Russian economic dictation in the author’s column in “the Russian newspaper”
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov told about the results of the Second all-Russian economic dictation in an interview with “Arguments of the week”
The magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” – information partner of the IV-th Machine-building cluster forum
Editor-in-chief of the magazine “Economics and Management in Engineering” Roman Golov took part in the international forum “Russian energy week” – 2018
Issue 5/2018

Methodical aspects of the efficiency estimation in lean production management application
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Management in energetics and industry
National Research University ‘‘MPEI’’, Moscow
Abstract: One of the most important problems of the Russian nuclear industry is the development and application of a comprehensive efficiency assessment of the lean manufacturing management, aimed at optimizing the business process according to the reducing production costs criterion by reducing all types of losses and involving each employee of the company in the process of absolute concentration on the customer needs. The aim of the research is to systematize and present methodological approaches to assessing the expected positive economic consequences of the lean production management system introduction by Russian research and production companies in the nuclear industry, which, together with other factors, should ensure the efficiency increasing in all types of economic resources usage, methods of production organizing and managing, the products quality improving. The instrumental and methodological apparatus of the research is based on the methods of induction, deduction, certain elements of the social marketing management system analysis in the field of electric power industry, based on quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as on methods of logical and situational analysis. The theoretical results of the study can be used in conducting a comprehensive analysis of the lean production management system as a whole and its individual tools, for example, “5C”.
Keywords: lean manufacturing management system, lean manufacturing tools, product value, effective management, efficient process, effective solution
Experience of project management tools usage in state space corporation Roscosmos
Bezuglyi S. V., , Deputy General Director
JSC Insurance company ‘‘TIT’’, Moscow
Trifonov P. V., , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article investigates the methods of direct and indirect impact on the implementation of the development project strategy of the rocket and space industry (RCP) in modern conditions, through the new approaches to resource management introduction, product quality, management processes and document management improvement, as well as personnel management, allowing a positive impact on the key production parameters in modern conditions, taking into account the overall economic markets’ instability, the new global trends and threats emergence. The paper analyzes and prepared comments on improving the management system, taking into account the need to change and adjust the enterprise’s strategic objectives in modern conditions.
Keywords: resource management, process management, quality management
Conceptual structure of organizational recovery project concerning russian high-tech enterprises
Dmitriev O. N. , doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Novikov S. V. , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The modern russian high-tech enterprise through the prism of its organizational structure is considered. It is shown that this structure, due to its rather widespread insufficient quality, is often a powerful crisis- forming factor. The corresponding organizational recovery is quite effective in changing the state of such enterprises. It is postulated that the organizational recovery should be scientifically sound and represent an organizational redesign of varying depth. The requirements and conceptual principles of organizational recovery are highlighted. The main emphasis is placed on the organizational recovery project structuring with the substantive stages and categories allocation of expected results of this recovery.
Keywords: enterprise, organizational structure, organizational design, organizational redesign, organizational recovery (improvement), management innovating, recovery project
Problems of localization of specialized management of the enterprises and corporations on the price management example
Cherner N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of Management department
MGIMO University Оdintsovo branch, Оdintsovo
Abstract: Consolidated company and corporation (corporate group) in Russia, operating under the modern conditions are considered. The correctness of allocation of the price intra-corporate and internal management sphere is shown. The problems connected with design and realization of such subject specified management as price management are formulated and discussed.
Keywords: enterprise, corporation, management, subsystem, decomposition, matching, price management, integration, localization
Prerequisites and ways of innovative and industrial clusters formation
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The present article is devoted to innovative and industrial clusters development in Russia. In article the essence and need of their formation and also the main prerequisites to their creation is considered. Special attention is paid to regional clusters value for the industry. In spite of the fact that regional clusters, according to the author, are clusters of the region innovative development, they cannot be considered a panacea from all social-economic and scientific-technical problems. At the same time economy globalization demands its clustering at the regional and state levels.
Keywords: cluster, digitalization, industry, regional cluster policy, regulatory framework
Methodological and applied basis for environmental innovations diffusion in the economics reindustrialization context (part 2)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: In the article the authors analyze modern trends in the high-tech industry development in economics re-industrialization conditions. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that one of the most important trends in its development is the environmental innovation role strengthening. «Ecological innovatics», «ecological innovation» definitions are being developed. As a systematic approach to the environmental innovations spread in society, their diffusion is proposed. The theoretical model of innovations diffusion, developed by E. Rogers, is considered. Different directions of ecological innovations diffusion are formed, including the environmental innovations diffusion among consumers and their diffusion between the state and business, within which application models for their distribution are developed.
Keywords: economics re-industrialization, innovations, ecological innovation, diffusion of innovations
Possibility of Jeavons paradox in energy efficient economy forming
Pushkareva M. B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Pushkarev M. D., 1-year student of the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: Nowadays many countries are striving to form an energy efficient economy. Along the way, the world community may face the Jevons paradox, which may nullify all efforts to save energy and improve energy efficiency. The article provides relevant statistical data to assess the possibility of the Jevons paradox emergence in modern conditions.
Keywords: energy saving, sustainable development, Jevons paradox, energy efficient economy
Roundtable report titled: «Energy-efficient society formation: where to get the staff?»
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: This article presents the results of the Roundtable titled: «the Formation of an energy-efficient society: where to get the staff?» held within the «Russian energy week – 2018». The article analyzes the reports of the leading Russian speakers devoted to the highly qualified personnel training for the sphere of energy saving.
Keywords: energymanager, energy efficient society, «energy efficient competences’ arrow of, innovative development, energy service, model «School – College – University»
Development of C 2C-marketing forms in the Information Society conditions
Rozhkov I. V. , candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department, member of the Guild of Marketers
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The traditional marketing communication channels undergo significant changes in the modern conditions of the information society formation and development. The article analyzes the evolution of C2C marketing forms in the context of the information technologies and services development. Such modern forms of C2C- marketing, as referral marketing and marketing of influence are revealed and characterized. The functional of the most promising Russian and foreign C2C marketing services (AdvocateHub, ADMIFY, Flocktory) is analyzed. In conclusion, the article stated the prospects of C2C-marketing development.
Keywords: marketing 4.0, C2C marketing, customer loyalty, referral marketing, influence marketing
Search engine optimization as digital marketing element of engineering products
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article notes the importance of digital marketing for the successful promotion of engineering products. In a logical sequence reveals the content of the search engine SEO with the main elements allocation is given. The figure 2 examines the content of the item «traffic channels optimization» with the main indicators of traffic quality. In conclusion, the author rightly notes that search engine optimization is a set of measures aimed at improving the position of the Internet resource as a result of the search engines issuance on the Internet for certain user requests in order to promote the Internet resource.
Keywords: channel, engineering, digital marketing, optimization, traffic, market
Orientation on engineering products customer in digital marketing system
Sinyaeva I. M. , doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The introduction gives the machine-building complex importance for the national economy progressive development and stabilization. The machine-building products’ variety and structure intended for civilian consumers, going to the military-industrial complex needs are shown. In a logical sequence, the importance of the customer orientation principle usage in the digital marketing system for engineering products sales increasing is given. The author notes the contribution of classics to the electronic marketing theory development. Figure 2 shows for the first time a customer-oriented model of practical importance. The content of the model blocks is studied: market participation philosophy; marketing research, data analysis and evaluation; customer satisfaction evaluation. Author’s conclusion is that the efforts of marketers in the field of customer orientation will improve the financial stability of the machine-building enterprise, increase commercial success and the organization image.
Keywords: analysis, digital, research, marketing, mechanical engineering, model, evaluation, production, consumer, satisfaction
Theoretical fundamentals of ecological innovatics in the economics modernization context (part 2)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: In the conducted research the authors develop ecological innovation theoretical bases – interdisciplinary scientific direction, aimed to increase the ecological efficiency of high-tech enterprises and their products. Within the first part of the article the concept and essence of the ecological innovatics – ecological innovation was developed. A complex classification of the its applied development directions has been formed. In the context of the new type innovations commercialization, the basic functions of eco-innovation marketing and consulting are defined.
Keywords: economic modernization, ecological innovation, ecological innovation, theory, methodology, regulatory framework, educational programs
Cyclicality factor impact in import substitution optimal proportions’ determining in machinebuilding industry
Lobanova E. V., postgraduate student of institute of economics and Management; lecturer of institute of engineering and technology
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (IKBFU), Kaliningrad
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the cyclicality factor impact on regional economic growth in context of import substitution implementation. The principle of economy development cyclic nature accounting in import substitution optimum branch proportions formation is considered. Full import substitution becomes a matter of attention with regard to the expediency of import substitution process itself. High import dependence creates risks to ensure economic safety. Important component is import substitution optimal industry proportion of the regional economic system entities, which is an indicator of the protective action decision-making against economic, military or political sanctions. The article has adapted the principle of taking into consideration a economic development cyclical nature in the formation of import substitution optimal industry proportions, based on the procyclical indicators analysis of the Kaliningrad region machine-building industry economic development. The types, phases and time periods of cyclical economic development changes for the inquiry periodare are identified. The research perspective is related with the obtained results and conclusions usage in determining the value of the import substitution optimal proportion of Kaliningrad region machine building industry in within the limits of definite cycle type and its phases.
Keywords: cyclicality, import substitution, machine building industry, proportions, economic cycle phases, Kaliningrad region, economic development, procyclical indicators
About some reference points in monetary policy
Tanasova A. S., candidate of economic sciences, expert of institute for energy and Finance, expert of Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Tatusov V. Yu., candidate of economic sciences, expert of institute for energy and Finance, Moscow, expert of Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Tskhovrebov M. P., candidate of economic sciences, expert of Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: Despite the remaining high interest rates for real economy, Bank of Russia does not exclude the next increase in a key rate for the purpose of inflation growth delay in the nearest future. Besides monetary policy will remain quite rigid. All this will limit demand for the credits from the industry from now on, to narrow domestic demand and to slow down growth economy rates. Extension of sanctions and possible destabilization of a situation in the world markets are additional factors of deterioration in a situation for normal production activity continuation.
Keywords: monetary policy, interest rate, industry profitability, GDP
Issue 4/2018

Methodological bases of high-tech enterprise’s complex automation
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the methodological foundations development for the construction of integrated automated information management systems (IAISU). In the following research the authors form the methodological principles of IAISU construction. A scheme for the functional IAISU construction are developed, taking into account the hierarchical distribution of individual subsystems in their structure. The classification of the automated control systems functions in the IAISU structure is formed. The classification of problems solved within the automated design systems framework is analyzed. The essence and functions of the IAISU subsystems are considered, as well as the mechanisms of their joint interaction in the projects implementation.
Keywords: production automation, enterprise architecture, integrated automated control systems, process control
Procurement organization improvement in knowledge-intensive production developing and creation
Zaharova L. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Kudryavtsev M. S., , employee of the Procurement Division
Lavochkin Association, Moscow
Novikov S. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the problem of the high-technology industries enterprises’ procurement organization improvement when purchasing R & D at the early stages of the complex high technology oblicit design. The research suggests to use the theory of fuzzy sets tools for contest participants’ final rating formalization, systematization, calculation and the optimal composition of cooperative participants – R & D participants formation in order to obtain high-quality and competitive products of domestic developers.
Keywords: contract system, scientific and technical project, competitive selection, public procurement, R & d, knowledge-based enterprises, innovation
Development of outsourcing organizational mechanism at the mechanical engineering enterprise
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate professor at the «Marketing and logistics» Department, CEO in FSK «VALEX»
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
FSK «VALEX», Moscow
Abstract: The purpose of the research are the author’s recommendations about outsourcing organizational mechanism formation. The article notes that outsourcing is an important element of management system improving from the sustainable development perspective. The illustration of the figure reveals the algorithm of outsourcing organizational mechanism building, including the rationale for the economic outsourcing feasibility, tender organization and outsourcing basic forms usage. In conclusion, author notes the need to create an organizational outsourcing mechanism to improve the quality of work, optimize costs and meet the needs of engineering products’ consumers.
Keywords: outsourcer, mechanical engineering, customer, complex outsourcing, enterprise, organizational mechanism
Features of lean production management introduction by Russian industrial enterprises
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: This study examines the main conceptual approaches and prerequisites to the lean production system realization by leading energy companies of the country, studied the content specifics of LP system by Russian enterprises and evaluated the practice of lean production tools usage. The article studies the various factors influence on the LP system results. The author proposed an organization and development algorithm of lean production tools for Russian research and production companies in the energy sector.
Keywords: lean production concept, lean production strategy, lean production tools, company operating sustainability in the energy market, energy company image management, ensuring high quality products and services
Investment risks, their assessment and decreasing methods of investing in enterprise innovation
Baranova E. A., postgraduate student at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The article shows the need for a serious approach to investing and conducting a comprehensive analysis when planning investment activities. The article defines a number of investment risks, characterizes all types of risks and discusses opportunities to minimize them, provides recommendations on the application of risk mitigation methods such as insurance, hedging and diversification. The article explores the risks when investing in innovative projects and technologies, and also shows that despite the attractiveness of some innovative projects from the point of view of investment, risks can arise at any project implementation stage and the size of such risks can be from minimal to catastrophic. It is concluded that the investment risks management is a top priority in the investment companies’ management.
Key aspects of innovative and technological interaction between enterprises and universities based on the University 3.0 model
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to a rather new direction for the universities development in the Russian innovation sphere–the «University 3.0» model. By opening wide opportunities for the innovations commercialization, created in universities, this model allows to use their research and development potential for the high-tech industries development. Among such goals is realization of joint innovation and investment projects by the university and the enterprise, innovation infrastructure formation, clusters creation, etc.
Keywords: innovations, investments, innovative and investment activity, innovative technologies commercialization, clusters, «University 3.0» model, economy reindustrialization
Structure of investments’ economic justification in fuel and energy companies
Merkulina I. A., doctor of Economic sciences, assistant professor, professor at the Economics of organization Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The need to implement a significant investment amount in infrastructure facilities of the fuel and energy complex is substantiated. Priority attention is given to the identification of investment attraction sources and the regulatory framework for their implementation. The sequence of stages of investments economic substantiation development into objects of fuel and energy complex infrastructure is determined. The content and features of the each stage economic indicators formation are disclosed. The conclusion is drawn that it is necessary to determine a significant number of economic parameters and calculate economic indicators, some of which can be correlated with the analogical objects performance, some should be within the established standard values, and some will be determined by forecast values.
Keywords: fuel and energy complex, infrastructure facility, investment, economic indicator, oil pipeline, efficiency
Investments into the industry, mechanical engineering and in agricultural mechanical engineering (review)
Rusin V. N., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rtishchev A. V., candidate of economic sciences, Deputy head of Activities ensuring Department of the Central control Commission
All-Russian political party «United Russia», Moscow
Abstract: For a number of the countries of the world comparison of rates of a gain of production of mechanical engineering is given. Influence of investments into fixed capital on GDP growth in Russia is analysed. The renewability of the equipment in agricultural mechanical engineering is considered. As an example of development of innovative tendencies in mechanical engineering the equipment of new generation is called. This technology of exact agriculture, it has the difficult hinged equipment, allows to save material and fuel resources, including, thanks to application in it navigation systems and digitization of agricultural fields.
Keywords: mechanical engineering, gain, product the main, capital, renewability, new, generation, technician, digitization, field, agricultural
The liquefied natural gas market development prospects and advantages in Russia
Orlova E. S., postgraduate student of the Management in energy and industry Department
Moscow Power Engineering Institute, Moscow
Abstract: The data on the status and development of the liquefied natural gas market (LNG) is given: LNG extraction volumes in Russia and the world, the main world importers and exporters, LNG export structure in Russia. The main LNG projects realized and planned to realization in Russian Federation are listed. Production of liquefied natural gas on functioning and the LNG plants under construction during the period till 2023 are presented. The prospects of liquefied natural gas extraction development in Russia are characterized. The main problems of LNG projects introduction are given. Key advantages of the liquefied natural gas market development in the Russian Federation are designated.
Keywords: competitiveness, the market of liquefied natural gas, pumps, petroleum engineering
The main approaches to the company’s products selection for exhibiting at the exhibition
Bulantseva L. V., senior lecturer at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The approaches to the machine-building enterprise’s production selection for the exposition formation at a specialized exhibition are considered, the influencing factors are indicated. The approach when the solution choice is complicated by a significant number of products items manufactured by the enterprise is considered in detail and it is required to show the goods of certain groups at the exhibition. The paper describes the methods of ABC, XYZ and combined analysis, which provide the accuracy of the groups and products selection, the achievement of the objectives of the company’s product policy in general and for exhibition, in particular, can improve the efficiency of all exhibition activities.
Keywords: сommodity policy of exhibition exposure, approaches to the exposition formation, ABC-analysis, XYZ- analysis, combined analysis
Branded trade of The Republic of Belarus as sales channel of domestic products
Hurskaya S. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Commerce and Logistics Department
Belarussian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel
Abstract: Increased competition, commercial service quality increasing, strengthening positions of brands and marketing concept in relation to all economy areas, including trade, indicates that the firm trade becomes an essential and the most important element of long-term strategy to promote unique properties and qualities of branded products and services in the market. The author determines the need for branded trade for domestic producers on the basis of competent literature sources review. Legal aspects of branded trade regulation in the Republic of Belarus were covered. Evaluation of branded trade development is given; shortcomings are identified. Directions of brand stores’ working efficiency increasing are determined.
Keywords: branded trade, brand store, assortment, distribution channel, domestic producers
Target marketing of helicopter’s works on the level interregional business
Krivolutsky Yu. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Abstract: The segmented structure of helicopter’s works’ customers and their market significance on the regional business level present a great interest for helicopter manufacturer. The market information is needed not only for fuller customers’ satisfaction, lowering costs and regional social structure development but also for providing more effective usage of the helicopters in flying teams. In the long term, it is necessary to research and target each interregional business area for proper choice of helicopters’ types in the flying teams structure, which fulfill the different kinds and amounts of work, under resources limitation and aviation machines’ import substitution,
Keywords: market segments, target market, marketing research, helicopter’s works, advanced helicopters
Marketing approaches usage in the distribution policy of domestic producers on external markets
Baybardina T. N., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor, Head of Marketing Department
Belarussian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel
Burtseva O. A., senior lecturer at the Marketing Department
Belarussian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel
Abstract: Increased competition in global markets, changing the environment of foreign companies’ functioning, globalization processes taking place in all spheres of international community activity of the put forward specific requirements for research of channel management system distribution efficiency increasing in foreign markets. The ongoing economic processes in the world community necessitate the distribution systems creation that meet the needs of producers, with the aim of the most effective access to final consumers through the appropriate distribution channels. The article describes the development trends of the Belarussian producers’ distribution activities in foreign markets. The authors evaluated and found out the peculiarities of the distribution formation policy by the marketing approach in the management usage.
Keywords: distribution channel, distribution system, distribution activities, intermediaries, distribution policy, domestic producer, marketing management, distribution channels management
Consumer loyalty is an important element of mechanical engineering novelty promotion encouraging
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article reveals the machine-building sector specifics, on which innovations the national economy progressive development depends. It is noted that lots of attention is paid to the development of «artificial intelligence», «robotics (robomobiles)», «smart technologies», «additional reality (AR)» and other areas. At the same time, the leaders of innovative domestic engineering of 2017 are distinguished. Attention should be paid to the disclosure of the loyalty mechanism on the part of the marketing service management of the machine-building enterprise. The author’s conclusion is valid that the loyalty formation contributes not only to the qualitative society’s needs satisfaction, but also forms the image, reputation and financial stability of the machine-building enterprise.
Keywords: innovations, loyalty, marketing, mechanical engineering, novelty, emotional component
Marketing strategy development of public joint stock company «United aircraft Corporation»
Ermakov D. N., doctor of political sciences, doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article analyzed the development of modern marketing strategy of PJSC «United Aircraft Corporation». Key development strategy directions of PJSC «United Aircraft Corporation» for the period up to 2035 is researched. The study used scientific and special methods, in particular: theoretical generalization, systematization and system analysis (in research of theoretical foundations (principles) of enterprise activity diagnostics, disclosure an entity with its internal diagnostic features, place and role in the enterprise management system); induction and deduction method, system analysis and graphical method; economic and statistical analysis, tabular and graphical method, expert and classical statistical methods (analysis of enterprises activities in the context of the internal diagnostic system priorities establishing); the graphical method, generalization, systematization and methods of economic-mathematical modeling (when developing enterprise internal diagnostic system model and theoretical positions and practical recommendations formation for improvement of certain (general and special) system diagnostic purposes, internal diagnostic purposes). The conclusion that it is necessary improve the strategic planning vertical system, which should be based on development strategy, a long-term programme of development and KPI is made.
Keywords: marketing strategy, corporation mission, strategic priorities of corporation development
Formation of competencies in student’s project activity
Azarova S. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the students’ competencies formation by external customers projects implementing. The author considers international terminology, directions and forms of education development, assesses the activities of the Government, the Ministry of Education and higher educational institutions in the field of student»s research work. The article analyzes the traditional format of the scientific circle «Club of Marketers», which the author describes as a popular science. The tasks and the format of the student scientific circle are compared, the contradictions are revealed and its new format is eliminated – the «Club of Marketers», as an infrastructure project for the constant interaction of teachers, administration and university students with customers from the business community for joint projects.
Keywords: competences, education, scientific work, student’s scientific circle
August 25, 2018 is the 60th anniversary of Sergey D. Bodrunov – an outstanding Russian economist, President of the Free economic society of Russia, President of the International Union of economists, member of the Scientific expert Council under the Chairman of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, Director of Institute of new industrial development. S. Yu. Witte, doctor of Economics, professor, expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Issue 3/2018

Creative development management of the hi-tech production systems’ human resource in the knowledge economy conditions
Gubanova S. E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: The article presents the necessity of forming and developing the creative potential of high-tech industries using team building, creativity techniques and consulting. On the basis of the research the author’s vision of the enterprise management modern concept is formulated, the distinctive feature of which is the human resource creative development of at the individual and group levels.
Keyword: human resource, capitalized human resource, creativity, creative development management, high-tech systems
Labour organization and rationing on assembly product lines in the fourth industrial revolution era
Komarova N.V., сandidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Tihomirova A.M., сandidate of technical sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: The article shows the following aspects of the labour’s organization and regulation on assembly lines: сhanges in machine-building conveyor production in the 4th industrial revolution era; relevance of the labor scientific organization; work measurement problems; network planning usage to optimize the number of operators, task complexity of organizing work on production lines; method of labour operational division between performers through the flow cycle; labor process efficiency comparison of the assembly line.
Keyword: labour organization, rationing, 4th industrial revolution, mechanical engineering, robot, machine operator, flow cycle
Marketing strategy of work with personnel of JSC “United Aircraft Corporation”
Ermakov D. N., doctor of economic sciences, doctor of political sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Repin D.А., doctor of social Sciences, associate professor, Deputy Director of the North-West Institute of Management
branch of RANEPA, St. Petersburg
Annotation: The formation of the enterprise’s potential management effective system is one of the most important tasks of strategic management. The article describes the methodological basis of the enterprise’s potential management system formation, the principles and methods of its construction, its work effectiveness evaluation, as well as the analysis and implementation of the enterprise’s personnel reserve on the example of PJSC “UAC”. The object of research is the Public joint Stock Company “United aircraft Corporation”. The purpose is to study the basics and principles of enterprise’s personnel reserve formation, the reserve and development of measures for the personnel reserve implementation, improvement of work with the enterprise’s personnel potential. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article is in the researches of domestic and foreign scientists, specialists in the field of personnel management. The subject of the research is widely spread in domestic and foreign literature. In particular, in the framework of the bachelor’s thesis authors studied the researches of M. Armstrong, T. Y. Bazarov, V. L. Vesnin, A. P. Egorshin, A. Y. Kibanov, E. V. Maslova. The approaches and principles of the personnel reserve system of the company formation and implementation are described, the practice application of reservists selection and development real methods are showed. The article analyzes all the regulatory documentation for the personnel reserve implementation, details of the work stages from the development of the Provision on the personnel reserve formation to the reservists development modules. The analysis of the enterprise’s personnel and organizational structure is carried out, the specific scheme of project implementation is developed. Positions for the reservists assignment are defined, assessment of the existing competences of JSC “UAC” is made.
Keyword: labour; personnel marketing; personnel reserve; management personnel reserve; personnel reserve program
Innovative development of the belarusian industry: problems and prospects
Bondareva T.V.,, senior lecturer at the Сommerce and logistics Department
Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel
Annotation: In this article the author made an attempt to present a comprehensive assessment of the main problems that hamper the implementation of the production complex innovative development strategic objectives of the Republic of Belarus, as defined by state and departmental programs until 2030.
Keyword: innovative processes; scientific and technical priorities; high-tech products; transformation of scientific knowledge into innovation; investments; innovative infrastructure; technological structure; Hi-tech; integration of science into production; industrial clusters; IT-technology
Methodological and applied basis for environmental innovations diffusion in the economics re-industrialization context (part 1)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: In the article the authors analyze modern trends in the high-tech industry development in economics re-industrialization conditions. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that one of the most important trends in its development is the environmental innovation role strengthening. “Ecological innovatics”, “ecological innovation” definitions are being developed. As a systematic approach to the environmental innovations spread in society, their diffusion is proposed. The theoretical model of innovations diffusion, developed by E. Rogers, is considered. Different directions of ecological innovations diffusion are formed, including the environmental innovations diffusion among consumers and their diffusion between the state and business, within which application models for their distribution are developed.
Keyword: economics re-industrialization, innovations, ecological innovation, ecological innovation, diffusion of innovations
Model of innovative projects management in the company
Korabeltshikov S.A., solution architect
subsidiary Netcracker NEC corporation, Moscow
Firsova I.A., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Corporate finance and corporate management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Korabeltshikov A. S.
Annotation: In the world over the past two decades, there has been a rapid new technologies development , and the business processes that have developed in many industries are undergoing a profound change. There is a constant introduction of new business models. This happened, for example, with such companies as Kodak and Nokia. Therefore, in the world there has been a transition from a closed model of managing the new products and services development to the open innovation various tools usage: competitions, business accelerators, venture funds. The study examine the recommended model for managing innovative projects in the company. Due to the fact that this activity is highly risky and since most of the new projects are technically or commercially unsuccessful, the approach to managing business projects of the development initial stage is proposed in the work.
Keyword: innovations, open innovations, strategy, innovative project, company, open innovations model, business accelerator, accelerating program, incubator, mentor, competition, venture fund, start-up, project management model, ranking
Civil passenger aircraft prices formation features
Kalugina G. A.,, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: Successful company’s commercial activities depend mainly on properly set prices for products, the level of which affects the demand volume, profit, and profitability. The problem of the competent, justified definition of market prices and the pricing policy choice has a high degree of relevance for aircraft manufacturers. The study of the dominant pricing factors and their specific manifestation in the area under consideration is necessary for the efficient market activity of enterprises producing civilian passenger aircraft.
Keyword: civil passenger aircraft, price, competitiveness, aircraft production company, airline
Sales specificity in the field of intellectual property in the B2B market
Stytsyuk R. Y., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow
Annotation: In the article modern approaches on classification and definition of objects of intellectual property are investigated. The stages of commercialization of intellectual property are characterized. The author substantiated the efficiency of such a sales channel of intellectual property objects as personal sales and explained that the opinion of experts is decisive when selling intellectual property. It is concluded that the management of sales of intellectual property in the B2B market includes a set of measures aimed at strengthening relations with purchasing centers of the buyer and the formation of a positive image of the seller.
Keyword: object of intellectual property, intellectual property rights, intangible assets, innovative economy, globalization, intellectual property commercialization
Marketing solutions for promoting high-tech products in competition
Rebrikova N.V., candidate of economic science, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Annotation: Marketing promotion of high-tech products is much more difficult task than, promotion of products of daily demand. The article presents the results of desk and field research, based on the opinions of high-tech industry experts about specific marketing solutions and tools that are used in a competitive market.
Keyword: high-tech product, features of high-tech products, types of innovation, marketing
Intellectual property as a subject of sales in the B2B market
Artemyeva O. А., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation
Annotation: In the article the conceptual apparatus of intellectual property in the modern business space is characterized, the branch legislation is examined, the composition of the intellectual property right used in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is revealed. The guarantees of legal protection are highlighted that contribute to the intensification of innovation processes, the more active introduction of innovations in all sectors of the economy. It is concluded that intellectual property in Russia, including its B2B sector, is still in the initial stage of formation, it is necessary to take into account world trends in the development of the market.
Keyword: sale, B2B market, intellectual property, intellectual activity, legal protection, intellectual property rights
Enterprise environment development in the system of science and technical orientation universities
Stupin R.S., head of design office in MIEM
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Kritsyn A. A., project manager, senior lecturer at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Russian Venture Company, Moscow
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: Authors analyze enterprise environment development experience in the engineering universities. Authors consider the main approaches and vectors of the universities’ enterprise environment development, provide the review of the state initiatives. Article may be the base for methodical recommendations development for the universities’ enterprise environment formation.
Keyword: technological business, design training, technological marketing, management of innovations, digital university, university enterprise environment, design and technological training model, enterprise university
Theoretical fundamentals of ecological innovatics in the economics modernization context (part 1)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: In the conducted research the authors develop ecological innovation theoretical bases – interdisciplinary scientific direction, aimed to increase the ecological efficiency of high-tech enterprises and their products. Within the first part of the article the concept and essence of the ecological innovatics – ecological innovation was developed. A complex classification of the its applied development directions has been formed. In the context of the new type innovations commercialization, the basic functions of eco-innovation marketing and consulting are defined.
Keyword: economic modernization, ecological innovatics, ecological innovation, co-evolution, environmental management, eco-innovation marketing, eco-innovation consulting
Digital strategic management as a key factor in scientific and technological breakthrough
Stepnov I. M., doctor of economic sciences, research associate, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Annotation: The need for digital strategic management in industry as a tool for the scientific and technological breakthrough implementation in the digital economy is justified. It is shown that the subject of management and the object of management in strategic decisions should be presented at least in the form of three elements: the object itself (the subject), its digital representation and a decentralized database, which fundamentally changes the essence of the strategic decision preparing process . It is concluded that the key strategic management direction is the strategic organizational platforms development based on the high-tech solutions coordination. The research was performed by a grant of Russian Science Foundation (project No. 16-18-10149).
Keyword: strategic management, industrial enterprise, digital strategic management, digital economy, “smart” contract, blockchain
Technological structure transformation of russian economy manufacturing sector as the basis for its development
Trifonov P.V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Annotation: The article presents the main characteristics and recommendations for the institutional mechanisms development for the national economy sustainable development. The most optimal economy branch structure is offered, and also the processing industry branch complex structure is offered to consideration, the constraining factors of its development are designated. Bringing the structure of industrial complexes to the optimal and growth-oriented share of high-tech sub-sectors, based on the experience of OECD countries, contributes to the national economy sustainability, as well as will increase the innovation potential and competitiveness of its products.
Keyword: sustainable development, industrial economy, gross value added, manufacturing industry, innovative potential