Issue 5/2013


Polkovsky L.M. — IKIS — the effective instrument of the industrial enterprise management

Abstract: At the present time, large industrial companies move to implement integrated enterprise information systems (IEIS). The most popular software products on the market are the developers of these systems: the corporation “Galaxy” and “1C”. This article was first carried out a comparative analysis of functional IEIS, which enables users to select the priority of them for practical use.
Key words: IEIS, industrial enterprises, the corporation “Galaxy”, “1C”, a comparative analysis of functional IEIS

Gorish A.V., Gorish E.A., Dunaevsky V.P., Kirillov A.B., Makarov Yu.N., Ponomarev S.A. — Organizational structure of division management

Abstract: The main types of machinery plant scientific and technical department corporate management are studied.
Key words: structure of management, collective nature of management

Korshunova Ye.D., Il’ichiova Ye.S. — An enterprise innovative potential management method based on system decomposition of the structure and componentry rating

Abstract: An issue of enterprise innovative potential management is considered. A notion of innovative potential is defined more accurately, its structure is determined. A method of innovative potential management is developed, which is based on system decomposition of innovative potential structure.
Key words: enterprise, innovative potential, management

Yunin I.Yu., Feofanov A.N., Capitanov A.V., Mitrofanov V.G. — Information and analytical control systems of the industrial enterprise

Abstract: One of the most important tasks of the industrial plant scheduling is actual data extraction from the accounting systems using data warehouse. The latter gives an opportunity for constructing reporting forms, multivariate analysis with different level of detailing, graphic representation of information, automatic deviation computation. The above mentioned functions allow using stored in the warehouse information for a better plant management control and business understanding. Analytical reports may be run over in different layout and by many devices: as a WEB-page from computer and mobile equipment, as spreadsheets, as formatted report with strictly settled order.
Key words: analytic control system of production profitability, manufacturing automation

Grishina T.G., Feofanov A.N. — Risk as criterion of a technical system assessment

Abstract: The article on the definition of the characteristics of technical systems. Selected one of the criteria for the evaluation of technical systems — the risk. We consider the nature, identification, risk objects and instruments of influence on risk. The methods of risk analysis.
Key words: technical system, criterion, risk management, methods of analysis

Fedorov V.K., Gvozdarev R.S., Arkhiptsev S.A. — Updating of design documentation as risk factor of emergence of a work in progress

Abstract: The article deals with the urgent problem which is related to the influence of the quantity of documentation corrections as the factor that determinates the occurrence of unfinished production and is very complicated for being regulated in the course of mastery of new production.
Key words: corrections, documentation, unfinished production, motivated and unmotivated errors

Barabash Zh.A., Molchansky A.V. — Methods of productions research for recommendations development about the combined production organization possibility

Abstract: In work three methods of research of productions the mathematical, morphological analysis and neural networks are considered. As parameters for research of production structure parameters of the concept of general quality management (total quality management, TQM) were used.
Key words: productions processes, combined production, neural networks, total quality management


Grigoriev S.N., Gribkov A.A., Zakharchenko D.V. — Influence on domestic machine-tool construction of Russia’s occurrence in the World Trade Organization

Abstract: In the following article the key factors defining influence of Russia’s occurrence in the WTO on domestic machine-tool construction are considered. The carried-out analysis showed the limited scale of influence on short-term prospect and possibility of substantial negative effects on medium-term and long-term prospect. In article the main problems arising in machine-tool construction in connection with Russia’s accession to the World Trade Organization are defined, and offers on machine-tool construction development in modern conditions are formulated.
Key words: machine-tool construction, World Trade Organization, competitiveness, assessment

Nefedov V.A., Lazukina A.O. — New model of innovative activity of the clothing industry enterprises

Abstract: This article describes the current state of innovation in the form of garment manufacturing coupled model, provides the features and conditions of developing the industry. The work proposes a new Integration model of innovation, where introduced notions of commercial agent — retailer and made integration with the environment in the form of consumer goods and raw materials suppliers.
Key words: innovation, innovation activity, garment manufacturing, textile industry, coupled model, integrated model, dealer, retailer, vendor selection, material support, raw materials suppliers

Zvonnikov V.I., Nefedov V.A., Safonov A.A. — Innovations in modeling of the organizations’ management systems

Abstract: The approaches of modern models, strategy of development models excellence quality of management company are given.
Key words: models, quality management, innovations, competitiveness

Tochilin O.V. — Calculation features of innovative investment projects efficiency on developing aircraft complexes

Abstract: One of the most urgent and important issues in innovative investment projecting of aircraft complexes, i.e. risks management is considered.
Key words: innovative investment project, uncertainty and risk, aircraft complex


Tokhirov T.I. — Current planning of road freight transport

Abstract: In article routine planning of freight automobile transportation at the motor transportation enterprise is considered.
Key words: plan freight, production program, plan for the operation, maintenance and repair of rolling stock


Karasev K.S., Feofanov A.N. — Strategy of company’s working quality indicators determination and implementation

Abstract: Company’s working quality indicators determination and implementation is a very complicated part of firm’s development. Such a serious activity requires a serious strategic plan. In this article you can find the main points of such plan development and implementation. There is also described the main faults which can be made during the determination of the needed quantity and quality of indicators.
Key words: company’s working quality, firm’s development, indicators

Feofanov A.N., Belalov I.R. — Virtual enterprise creation on the basis of PLM-systems

Abstract: Necessary mechanisms and structure of the virtual enterprise (design) creation.
Key words: PDM, PLM, CALS, virtual enterprise

Zmiyevsky V.I. — Quality management systems’ assessment (QMS) of machining production

Abstract: Current requirements for the quality management systems certification of machining processes are covered, and suggestions on controlling the requirements by the executive bodies of quality management systems certification in their activities are given.
Key words: metal cutting, quality, conformance evaluation


Romanovich V.K., Teplishev V.Yu. — Conceptual approaches to the educational policy new vector formation in the field of service

Abstract: Authors the following paper note that exactly in the educational sphere at the present stage exists possibility of the country sustained economic growth ensuring. The special attention is paid to a problem of experts’ absence in the field of power service.
Key words: power service, educational policy, competitiveness, professional education


Pushkareva M.B. — Energy management features abroad (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 4/2013


Rozinov A.Y., Shatilov V.A., Logunov V.V. — Technical and economic efficiency of assembly and welding assembly connections by unproductive labor costs reduction

Abstract: A technical and economic efficiency calculation of unproductive labour expenditures reduction at the assembly process of erection joints of thing-sheet ship hull constructions is carried out.
Key words: assembly, welding, erection joints, labour expenditures, economic efficiency

Hayrullin A.N. — Features of the conglomerate integrated structures activity in Russia

Abstract: The questions of conglomerate holdings emergence and development in Russia and specific aspects of this integration type of the enterprises and management problems are considered.
Key words: conglomerate, holdings, integrated structures, management problems

Krasnopevtseva I.V. — Information technologies as a labor productivity growth factor at the industrial enterprises

Abstract: Necessity or information of industrial production with a view or increase of its efficiency is proved. The analysis of influence of information security of the enterprises on a labour productivity level is load. The basic problems, interfering universal introduction in manufacture of information technologies are revealed influence of the human factor on efficiency of use of information resources is noted.
Key words: industrial production, the enterprises of mechanical engineering, information resources, labour productivity, information potential of the staff

Mitrofanov V.G., Feofanov A.N., Capitanov A.V. — Main efficiency indicators of production systems

Abstract: The basic characteristics of the internal efficiency of production systems that are general and do not depend on the specific application of the system.
Key words: efficiency, production systems, quality

Agarkov A.P., Golikov A.M. — Formation and development of infrastructure and preproduction systems in mechanical engineering

Abstract: On the example of the machine-building enterprises working in modern market managing conditions, the question of preproduction systems formation and development management and its infrastructure in mechanical engineering is considered.
Key words: preproduction, mechanical engineering, infrastructure, organizational and economic systems

Kuzmichev A.I., Tshiptsova A.V. — Functional structure of power monitoring at the enterprise

Abstract: A low-cost-based functional structure of energy monitoring at machine-building enterprises is suggested. Active participation of the enterprise personnel is expected under the structure, as well as wide application of the information analysis systems.
Key words: energy monitoring, decomposition, energy-saving management, energy-saving programme, energy efficiency control information analysis systems, energy efficiency strategic guidelines, long-term supply-demand balance

Sigov A.S., Yushkov A.E., Yushkov E.S. — Creation of effective system of fastening and the rights to results transfer of scientific-technical activity in the framework of a public-private partnership

Abstract: It is suggested the system of distribution of rights to use the results of scientific and technical activities (RSTA), using of which provides a balance of the parties interests. In these conditions the contractor takes the leading role of basic information carrier, identification and bringing to the state customers’ notice in form of alternative proposals.
Key words: affiliate model, joint ownership, solving of problems of vested rights to RSTA, competitive recovery and budget efficiency



Titov L.Yu. — Multiplicative and synergetic effects of innovative networks

Abstract: The author of the article focuses attention on the influence of synergetic and multiplicative effects of innovative networks on economy under the impact of such factors as scientifically-technical progress, trade balance, commodity stocks, extent of monopolization of production, etc. In modern conditions the idea of the multiplicator and sinergizm has to be used in macroeconomic models in all directions of innovative activity.
Key words: synergetic effect, multiplicative effect, innovative networks, macroeconomical model

Yegorova O.S. — Environmental safety management under conditions of industrial enterprise innovative development in Russia

Abstract: Issues of managing environmental safety to ensure competitive and efficient activity of an industrial enterprise are considered. It is shown that innovative production needs managerial personnel capable of analysing, forecasting, making decisions, assuming the responsibility and taking into account different ecological aspects of the enterprise activity. Results of the environmental policy from the point of social responsibility of the industrial plant are analysed.
Key words: environmental safety, industrial enterprise, innovative development, social responsibility



Golubeva S.S. — Information flows management of the mechanical engineering enterprise

Abstract: Wide application of principles of logistics and information and computer technologies in various branches is one of prominent features of modern economy. Special value it gets for the mechanical engineering enterprises where the powerful industrial potential is concentrated. Use of this potential in market conditions is complicated by bad adaptedness to fluctuations of factors macro- and microhabitats the timely and qualitative information about which is necessary for release of hi-tech, competitive production.
Key words: management, logistics, information stream, the machine-building enterprise, uniform information field, information-computer technologies, information system

Hodina A.I. — Mathematical modeling of demands flow for spare parts at road-building equipment repair

Abstract: Road-making machines failure kinds and what caused them are considered. It is noted that actual data is to be taken into account when using apparatus of queuing theory to solve problems of timely spares backing. Procedure of statistical data collection and processing is given. Least square method application for deriving a mathematical claim flow model for road-making machines spares is shown.
Key words: road building machinery, service parts, least square method

Bor V.N. — Integral index design procedure of a nonmaterial small-scale enterprise efficiency and stability evaluation

Abstract: Effectiveness and stability estimation procedure of a small-scale enterprise in the activity of Quality of Service under crisis conditions is developed.
Key words: management, enterprise, analysis, structure, metrics, monitoring



Vyacheslavova O.F., Savostyanova O.V., Ivanaysky V.A. — Information technologies in cars details fractal surfaces research and modeling

Abstract: Questions of information technologies application in fractal surfaces research with the automated control devices usage on the basis of the computer equipment that allows to receive sample surface images in the nanometer range three-dimensional and possibility of the detailed analysis of various characteristics of the cars details surface are considered.
Key words: information technologies, fractal surfaces, cluster, modeling, probe microscopes, particles

Zmiyevsky V.I. — Assessment of the quality management system of granular and powder metallurgy production

Abstract: An analysis of the present certification requirements of the quality management systems of granular and powder metallurgy production is given; suggestions on requirements fulfilment control by the certification bodies of the quality management systems as of exercising activities by them are offered.
Key words: granular and powder metallurgy, quality, conformance evaluation



Frolov V.A., Fedorov S.A. — Some aspects of technical universities activity in competence-based approach introduction in specialists training educational practice

Abstract: The article examines the main aspects implementing of competency approach in higher vocational education.
Key words: educational programs, countinuing education, competence, innovative educational technologies, third-generation Federal Educational Standard, competency approach



Pushkareva M.B. — Organizations functioning in resource-constrained conditions (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 3/2013


Usmanova T.H., Hayrullina L.I. — Actual problems of regional projects formation and financing

Abstract: Now there is a set of problems at formation of regional investment programs. Absence of professional shots, and also real possibility of attraction of off-budget means, for realization of regional programs have led to deterioration of their investment appeal. Therefore it is necessary to develop new techniques of financial modelling for effective advancement of regional programs.
Key words: regional projects, formation of new mechanisms of financing, financial modeling, strategy of development of region, the business plan, off-budget financing, state-private partnership

Kashirin V.V., Privivkova L.A. — Mechanism of the modern enterprise management

Abstract: This article contains a development review of modern enterprise management process. Taking into account the development of industry sector shows the complexity of competition for leadership and the need for innovative technologies in the enterprise management system. Described the complexity of implementing automated innovations and the consequences of wrong choices for integrated development of modern industrial enterprises in Russia. The problems encountered in the implementation of automated control systems. There are some criteria for selecting automation. When you select a plan for the development businesses need a clear understanding its future development. It is also necessary to take into account all the costs (financial, labor, time) spent on the introduction of automated control systems. It should be kept in mind that the positive effect is usually seen immediately, but after some time.
Key words: industry, innovative technology, structure, enterprise application suite, automated enterprise management system, integrated enterprise management system

Hayrullina A.D., Shaykhullina L.R. — Corporate governance and company cost

Abstract: This article analyzes the dependence of the company’s value on the quality of corporate governance. The authors provide a variety of investigations on the link between corporate governance and firm value. Correlation and regression analyses was made in order to prove hypothesis about direct connection between the level of corporate governance and the value of the company.
Key words: company, corporate governance, value, correlation and regression analysis

Burtsev V.V. — Analysis of the commercial organization business segments

Abstract: The commercial organization’s business segments concepts and the economic added value centers are considered in this paper. Relevance of the commercial organization and its business segments development recurrence perspective is proved. The concept of business segments life cycle is entered. The hypothesis of the commercial organization cost cycles (business cost cycles) and cycles is offered. Results of research of the commercial organization cost cycles allowed to define system of indicators of its activity for the purpose of development prospect forecasting.
Key words: business segments, commercial organization, corporate activity, capital

Agarkov A.P. Yerokhina E.A. — The organization of transport-warehouse production supplying at the enterprise

Abstract: Under consideration there is a problem of the system organization of transport and storage facilities supply of manufacture at a machine building enterprise. A logistic approach to the problem is suggested.
Key words: a block of functional modules, transport supply of manufacture, logistic approach

Lukashev Ye.A., Poserenin S.P., Oleynik A.V. — Construction concept of the maintenance and repair optimal policy by the methods of graph theory and quasi thermodynamic cycles

Abstract: It is shown how the graph theory and reliability theory determine schedule and volume of the maintenance and repair functions. Assigned task may be formalized, as well as adapted at the phase of product design, its manufacturing, service system organization, operation and further utilization.
Key words: maintenance, repair, graph theory, quasi thermodynamic cycle



Obukhova I.A., Solovyeva I.P., Asayeva T.A. — Management of industrial production innovative activity due to the investment efficiency increasing

Abstract: For innovative-investment projects’ economic efficiency assessment accuracy increasing the calculation method of the discounting rate project realization including risk-free norm individualized on time intervals, an inflationary award, a risk award external and a internal environment risk award of the project is offered.
Key words: innovations, investments, efficiency, discounting rate

Nefedov V.A., Lazukina A.O. — Creation of new model of the clothing industry enterprises innovative activity

Abstract: This article describes the current state of innovation in the form of garment manufacturing coupled model, provides the features and conditions of developing the industry. The work propose a new integration model of innovation, where introduced notions of commercial agent — retailer and made integration with the environment in the form of consumer goods and raw materials suppliers.
Key words: innovation, innovation activity, garment manufacturing, textile industry, coupled model, integrated model, dealer, material support

Fedorov V.K., Bendersky G.P., Pozdnyakov K.K. — Features of production manpower resources innovative potential development

Abstract: Article gives a characteristics of workforce and examines principals and approaches to development of it’s innovation in modern conditions.
Key words: innovation potential, workforce (labour resources), innovative development, high tech, agronomical principals



Chatshin V.V. — Personnel marketing as a factor of machine-building enterprise innovative activity efficiency increasing

Abstract: Leaning against methods of the economic theory, opens the theoretical bases and teleological essence of marketing of the personnel as special approach to management of the internal environment of firm. The author shows, how personnel marketing can effectively influence criterion functions and parameters of restrictions of economic life of the machine-building organization, including at realization of an innovative policy.
Key words: innovative policy, machine-building organization, marketing of the personnel



Bogdanov A.V., Odinokov S.A., Tchernyaev A.V. — Regression-sedate assessment of difficult technological process key quality parameters

Abstract: The problem of mathematical modeling application in technological processes quality management on the basis of numerical methods is considered. The method of a regression-sedate assessment of difficult technological process key quality parameters with allocation of significant parameters by the sedate representation analysis of numerical results values in the form of functional dependences on its input parameters is offered.
Key words: mathematical modeling, numerical methods, technological process, quality parameters

Zmiyevsky V.I. — Quality management systems (QMS) assessment of the tool supplying production

Abstract: The analysis of existing requirements to procedures of tool ensuring production QMS audit is provided and offers of their performance checking by expert groups and certification bodies of quality management systems in their carried out activity are given.
Key words: tool production, quality, compliance assessment


Kaganov V.S. — Classification of the corporate training relations

Abstract: In the article discloses criteria for the classification of corporate learning relations, describes the types of corporate learning in separate classifications, and presents list of forms of corporate learning.
Key words: classification criteria for corporate learning, business size, forms of corporate learning


Pushkareva M.B. — Venture investment usage in machine industry (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 2/2013


Badalova A.G., Eleneva Yu.Ya., Shebarov A.I. — Main problems of machine-building enterprises development management

Abstract: When managing a plant development involving a possibility of onset and expansion of crisis up to loss of business, in order to prevent crises or minimize their consequences it is necessary to handle risks of the plant. The latter is a binding constituent of the plant development management, and worked out toolkit (i.e. interdependence model of level of development, life-cycle stages, risks and crises with key plant state characteristics) allow management to make valid decisions on plant development management in accordance with risks or crises.
Key words: management, machine building plant, risks, crisis, model

Gorish A.V., Dunaevsky V.P., Kirillov A.B., Kotov A.N., Makarov Yu.N., Ponomarev S.A. — Problems of integrated production and technological complexes management

Abstract: By giving an example of manufacturing information-measuring equipment as complex high-technology science-consuming manufacturing the necessity of creating and developing the basics of integrated industrial-engineering complexes control are studied.
Key words: information-measuring equipment, integrated industrial-engineering complex, unified methodological approach, control system

Kovalev A.P., Iskhakov R.F. — Configuration choice features for industrial enterprise’s management information system

Abstract: In the following paper the computer information systems’ functionality which are offered in the market for the industrial enterprise management are analyzed. Classification of these enterprise management systems by the number of the indexes, helping to choose the most expedient system configuration taking into account enterprise features and corporate development strategy is offered.
Key words: industrial enterprise, management, information system, configuration

Erofeev M.M., Kotov V.V., Podshivalov A.A. — Computer modeling as means of production efficiency increasing

Abstract: The complex of advanced technologies in the field of computer modeling is considered. The software products which usage experience at the industrial enterprises testifies that in Russia there is a considerable expenses reduction potential in products design and production practically in all modern industry areas are presented. Mathematical modeling application allows to estimate the design more precisely and correctly, to consider the technology adequately, to pick up all demanded parameters optimally, to exclude unnecessary stocks almost completely, to reduce time for design and technology development, products mass, to raise term of their service.
Key words: computer modeling, industrial enterprise, technology, design, program complex

Krusser N.G. — Controlling efficiency assessment at the enterprise

Abstract: In the following paper is shown that the enterprise’s controlling system introduction allows to increase economic activity management process significantly efficiency.
Key words: controlling, management, expeditious control, monitoring, consulting

Bogatiryov V.D., Yurchenko K.A. — Four-element supplying and purchasing logistics optimization model of machine-building enterprise

Abstract: The economic mathematical model of supply logistics of industrial enterprise is presented. The model includes four elements — supply costs, transporting costs, storing costs and bank lending costs and takes into account the discrete nature of the production, storage and transportation of raw materials, so it is possible to optimize procurement by selecting the amount and timing of purchases from suppliers as well as reassigning between commodities and materials in stock.
Key words: economic mathematical models, industrial enterprise, supply, transporting, storing, bank lending

Alkhimovich I.N. — Small and large industrial enterprises’ interaction in economy transformation

Abstract: In this article expounded researches results of different small and large industrial enterprisers, communication forms and a wide experience of this communication. The authoress pays attention to the fact that small business can be supported by large enterprisers, which would be able to supply it resourses in interaction.
Key words: integration forms, interaction small and large industrial enterprisers, structure of production

Butko E.Ya., Gridchina A.V. — Small business as business activity form

Abstract: Article is devoted to one of forms of development of business of Russia — to small business. The characteristic, basic differences, country features are given. In work the first stage of development of small business of Post-Soviet Russia is allocated, its assessment and a role in further development of enterprise structures and forms of the state support is given.
Key words: small business, state support, investments, voucher, competitiveness, economic environment


Fedorov V.K., Hansa A.N. — About essence and innovative potential of the second beginning of thermodynamics application in innovations theory methodology creation

Abstract: The article shows the possibility of interpretation and justified methodology of innovation theory based on the second law of thermodynamics, in particular through the application of the concept of entropy. It is shown that at the basis of the entropy can be explained by the processes of innovation. The notions of “entropy of innovation”, “principles of phenomenological innovation”, “innovative energy”.
Key words: the second law of thermodynamics, entropy principle, energy of innovation, the innovation process, the entropy of innovation, theory and methodology of innovations

Shtennikov V.N. — The adjacent rights in innovative economy context

Abstract: The author of article considers that with a view of development of innovative economy it is necessary to discuss expediency of expansion of the list of the rights, adjacent with author’s, having added with their rights, adjacent with patent.
Key words: intellectual property, the copyright, the adjacent rights, executions, soundtracks


Kislukha A.E., Fedorov V.K., Sapegin V.I. — Principles of marketing strategy formation of radar identification systems development

Abstract: There is the method of formation of marketing strategies of systems development principles on the basis of SWOT-analysis for creation of marketing strategy offered in article. The key role of development of these methods for development of base radio-electronic stations designs is shown.
Key words: system of the state radar-tracking identification, the SWOT-analysis, strategy of system development, marketing strategy of development


Egorycheva E.V., Volkov A.S. — Commercialization risks assessment of intellectual property objects: problems and prospects

Abstract: An article reviews the specifics, problems and challenges of IP risks evaluation. Also the article reveals the system of IP risks classification and indicates the subject or IP risks evaluation by means of fuzzy set theory.
Key words: intellectual property, commercializing intellectual property, risks of IP commercialization

Zmiyevsky V.I. — Quality management systems’ assessment (QMS) of drawing coverings shops and areas

Abstract: The analysis of existing requirements to quality management systems certification procedures of shops and drawing coverings areas are provided. The offers of their performance checking by quality management systems bodies in carried out activity are given.
Key words: drawing coverings, quality, compliance assessment

Korneyeva V.M., Negrimovskaya N.P., Feofanov A.N. — Experts’ optimum number calculation revealed data volume of preliminary inquiry results

Abstract: Getting to the development of methods of evaluating the quality of an object, first perform a survey of experts aimed at identifying the maximum number of data, using a technique which will be built, that is, the “generation” of the original data set. Under the Data (or “propositions”) understand that the set of homogeneous data, which should provide the expert as a result of the survey according to the purpose of examination. These may include: performance characteristics that make the quality evaluation of the object, the external factors affecting the quality, the possible solutions for facility assessment and proposals to improve the quality, etc.
Key words: qualimetry, expert, quality, performance characteristics


Pushkareva M.B. — Peculiarities of manufacturing production systems’ formation (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 1/2013


Skhirtladze A.G., Timiryazev V.A., Feofanov A.N. — Manufacture products’ adaptability analysis of machine-building productions

Abstract: The problems of ensuring manufacturability of designs of technical products in the ground and repair the machine-building production, improve their performance and quality of production, raising the technical level of production through the introduction of a number of measures of technical, organizational and economic nature.
Key words: technical product, technology, technical data, parameter, standardization, technological preparation of production

Aliyev A.B. — Research of the economic safety problem of industry and scientifictechnical sphere

Abstract: The factors influencing economic safety of industries are investigated: crisis situations in manufacturing are estimated. Features of industry steady financial position owing to the economic safety ensuring, promoting effective use of a national resource are considered.
Key words: economic safety, industry, financial and economic activity

Volkova L.A. — Theoretical aspects of risks profile formation of the motor transportation enterprise

Abstract: Risk management represents the future prediction attempts. Risk management is anyway reduced to various events influence extent understanding of the enterprise future. Development is necessary for professional and systematic risk management of “risks profile” business, project, etc. to define risks most fully and, respectively, to provide all actions necessary for providing profit and security. Development of a risks profile will allow administration to consider all nuances, to see all the picture entirely. Classification of risks is considered, many of which are inherent in the motor transportation enterprise and enter into a risks profile.
Key words: risk management, business, classification of risks, enterprise

Mistakhov R.I. — Efficiency increasing of the enterprise’s productions organization

Abstract: The analysis of the value creation current stream card of the oil and gas equipment shop’s production line in the conditions of the WTO accession is carried out. Production losses are revealed, defined their specific weight in the general stream, recommendations about production losses reduction are offered.
Key words: mechanical engineering, productions, economical production, value creation current stream card, production losses

Barabash J.A., Molchansky A.V. — Technique of the operational management production structure systems choice

Abstract: The production (plant, shop) automation specialized systems’ ways of a choice are investigated. The technique of the software automated choice for shop management is offered. The stated technique efficiency is estimated and risks of its wrong usage at a software choice are calculated.
Key words: operational management, software, specialized systems, risks



Fedorov V.K., Kislukha A.E. — Innovative management structure and functions of the top management at the defense industry complex enterprises

Abstract: The organizational and technical problem of advance of innovative ideas at the industry and defense industry complex enterprises is considered. Need of the chief manager (director) for innovations is proved. Expediency model application open innovations is opened.
Key words: chief manager (director) for innovations, innovative development, kraudsorsing, open innovations

Agaev F.G., Guliev F.F. — Questions of the economically effective satellite monitoring organization of forest conditions

Abstract: The possibility of carrying out of pair wise operation of two different type spectroradiometers the which is optimized using linear programming method. The example of optimization of joint operation of spectroradiometers LANDSAT and SPOT taking into account the limitations imposed on some general parameters of remote sensing is giver.
Key words: optimization, linear programming, parameters, remote sensing

Shtennikov V.N. — Brain workers motivation in innovative economy interests

Abstract: According to the articles author, known project elibrary can be used to motivate knowledge workers, similar to measures taken in the field of show business. In spite of the fact that introduction of additional point 2 of article 1273 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation is focused only on encouragement of workers from art and show business sphere, it can be used in interests of scientific community, innovative economy.
Key words: innovative economy, intellectual property, the copyright, scientific products, compensation


Volovikov B.P. — Marketing stability management of the industrial enterprise

Abstract: Approaches to industrial enterprise marketing stability research are considered. The presented algorithms of marketing stability indicators assessment allow to choose enterprise behavior portfolio strategy in the chosen target segment. Results of the projects’ stability analysis throughout give the possibility to create of the enterprise projects’ portfolio structure and to choose the optimum portfolio management programme, providing maximum possible stability, stock in market conditions.
Key words: marketing stability, enterprise stability indicators, management algorithms, enterprise portfolio projects management


Tikhonov A.I., Muzhdabayeva N.V. — Production logistic support improvement in mechanical engineering

Abstract: In the article the data on the Russian transport planes being in operation and produced at factories of the aviation industry of Russia are resulted. Necessity of the logistical approach to production management, by deliveries and use of completing products for transport planes is proved. Ways of the decision of separate logistical problems are offered.
Key words: Russian transport planes, the logistical approach to the management, completing products for cargo planes, authenticity, criteria of efficiency of logistical management

Babets D.A., Rudzey G.F. — Quality management system improvement at JSC Zeldorremmash repair enterprises

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the corporate integration quality management system creation based on the business processes organization and improvement on JSC Russian Railways. This system will allow to liquidate existing problems and bottlenecks, will increase growth of assets profitability and organization’s personnel capacity development.
Key words: quality management system, business processes improvement, assets profitability, bottlenecks, personnel capacity

Artemyev E.V., Lukyanchik V.V. — Methods and approaches improvement of technological processes quality management of space-rocket equipment difficult products manufacturing

Abstract: The characteristic of the current state and problems of technological processes quality management of space-rocket equipment difficult products manufacturing is given. The most important operated parameters or technological process considerably predetermining quality of finished goods are created. The order of acceptance and implementation of the administrative decision concerning technological process quality is formulated and the main stages (elements) of its continuous improvement process are given.
Key words: quality management, technological processes, management, statistical control

Shulgin D.B., Chaykov M.Yu., Chaykova A.M., Shulgina N.A. — Management rationalization activity organization at the modern instrument-making enterprise

Abstract: Rationalization activity management practice at an enterprise in the Urals is considered. Motivational factors of the rationalization activity are brought out and systematized. Measures and local statutory acts aimed at stimulation of creative activity of the plant workers are discussed.
Key words: management, rationalization activity, measure, creative activity


Pushkareva M.B. — The innovative entrepreneurship usage for organization’s efficiency increasing (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 6/2012


Vinogradova E.E., Barakhov V.I., Kuznetsov V.P. — Research of corporations’ economic activity parameters in the crisis management conditions

Abstract: In the present work submitted are the research results of economical activity parameters changes of corporation business units created on the basis of the defence enterprise and criteria for making decisions during crisis-proof management of commodity-money flows. The research is performed using the algorithm model described in the first article. Analyzed is one of possible approaches to corporation crisis-proof management, based on optimization of affiliated companies overhead charges redistribution between market and business units.
Key words: corporation business, business unit, crisis-proof management

Krasnopevtseva I.V. — Current state of labor productivity material base of the Russian industrial enterprises

Abstract: The research results of the dynamic analysis of a working efficiency level in manufacturing industry of Russian Federation and economic activity in the field of machine building and metal-working are given. The necessity of production development by the innovation way connected with enterprise modernization in order to increase a working efficiency level in industry is emphasized. The state of the fixed capital of industrial enterprises, the tendencies of investments into machinery and equipment are considered. The low rates of the renewal of fixed capital are noted in machine building itself.
Key words: working efficiency, machine building, metal-working, fixed capital, investments

Shestakova E.V. — The taxation and economy in the industry

Abstract: The industrial economy in mainly depends on the taxation. High rates of taxes are capable to force the companies looking for the ways of tax burden reduction, leaving from taxes, offshore zones searching. The preferential modes accepted for example at export of oil, are capable to support certain branches of economy, at the same time, these measures of support of one branches allow to speak about priority and not priority branches of economy. In this paper the authors try to consider aspects of the taxation, and also possibility of tax planning for the companies.
Key words: industrial economy, taxation, branches of economy, tax planning

Skhirtladze A.G., Feofanov A.N. — Economic efficiency of processing equipment’s complete overhaul and modernization

Abstract: The questions assess the economic efficiency costs of compensation for moral and physical wear of processing equipment. Methods of determining the economic efficiency of repair of equipment by comparison with the efficiency of introduction of new technology, instead of the obsolete.
Key words: economic efficiency, technological equipment, physical deterioration, obsolescence, major repairs, new equipment, maintenance, cost, modernization


Tochilin O.V. — The WTO in the international is innovative-investment system: organizational, economic and legal aspects

Abstract: The author considers the basic rules and principles of the WTO working, and also various aspects of activity of this organization in the international innovative and investment system.
Key words: innovative-investment system, WTO, goods, services, principles

Vasilyev S.A., Volkov V.A. — Investments and innovations: synergetic part

Abstract: The authors of the article investigate foundations of strategic planning and management of investment activities as well as consider approaches for rise in the economical productive efficiency, i.e. approaches for resulting synergy effect from the imposition of factors.
Key words: innovation, investment, synergism


Chursin A.A., Okatyev N.A. — Mathematical model of the price formalization and updating for the space-rocket industry production

Abstract: Ideas of pricing on the knowledge-intensive production are stated. Authors consider an investments optimization problem at the set industrial index on initial and final periods. As such indicator product cost is considered. For the solution of a task the mathematical model is constructed.
Key words: space-rocket industry, pricing, mathematical model, product cost


Kirillov A.B., Kotov A.N. — Strategic management in corporate structures

Abstract: The problems of building the adaptation mechanism of conversion to the innovative way of development inside a corporate structure providing strategic and competitive advantages at the national and world market are studied.
Key words: innovation activity, science linkage of a sector, corporate structure, innovation potential, adaptation mechanism, Innovation Development Center

Reshetov V.V. — Organizational structure of competitive production

Abstract: Construction of a target composition of the organizational structure including the basic organizational positions and priorities of competitive manufacture in conditions productions spends to necessity of search and formation of adaptable organizational structures in view of innovative potential. The organizational structure of competitive manufacture should be constructed proceeding from key conditions of efficiency – the innovations, a filled up opportunity of investments, purposefulness and the adaptation to new conditions of an economic climate.
Key words: principles, value, system, purposefulness, organizational positions, organizational priorities, organizational culture, organizational beginning, life cycle, processes, composition

Zmiyevsky V.I. — Assessment of quality management systems (QMS) of forge-pressure and forming productions

Abstract: The analysis of existing requirements is provided to procedures of quality management systems certification of forge-pressure and forming productions and offers on check of their performance by quality management systems certification bodies in their activity are given.
Key words: forge, pressure and forming processes, quality, compliance assessment


Iosifov P.A., Pervanyuk A.S., Verger A.E. — Integration of educational and training complexes into information structure of the enterprise as means technical experts’ preparation and retraining processes efficiency increasing

Abstract: Integration of technicians’ training and retraining systems into the informational structure of an enterprise, main tasks of the integration process and its solution means, integration key fields regarding usage of standard data warehouse, as well as educational methodological approaches governing efficient application of the obtained by personnel knowledge at real-life operation after the training are considered.
Key words: training facilities, education, training, retraining, integration, integrated information space


Pushkareva M.B. — Prospects of flexible production systems usage (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 5/2012


Sterlyadev S.A., Denisov E.R. — Budgeting improvement for “transparent” business management

Abstract: Efficiency of use of system of budgeting and a method of its perfection for improvement of activity of the enterprise is investigated.
Key words: budgeting, planning, risk, administration

Martynov O.Yu. — Cost management methods analysis in the production of the science-intensive products

Abstract: Methods of definition of expenses for manufacture of a new product are considered. Necessity of application of forecasting of expenses is shown. The formula of an estimation of the cost price which considers expenses, terms of manufacturing and risks (the discounting rate) is offered.
Key words: management, management of expenses, the high technology production, a technique, forecasting, indicators

Kondrashov I.V., Chernishov V.N., Medvedeva G.M. — MES-system’s application at production modernization

Abstract: Encouraged by rich experience in manufacturing control of their enterprise the authors of the article spell out the main problems that arise in the course of modernizing the manufacturing process and analyze up-to-date methods of their solution on the bass of MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems) application.
Key words: manufacturing, modernization, control, MES-systems

Kotov A.N. — Engineering management questions at branch research institute

Abstract: The article deals with a point of view towards the enterprise management style as it is seen by a branch search institute director. The information about necessary personal characteristics of a director is given, as well as recommendations concerning engineering management during design projects.
Key words: management style, organizational structure of management, engineering management, R&D management system, director’s code of behavior

Yunin I.Yu., Solomentsev Yu.M., Feofanov A.N. — Mobile portal generation for an enterprise organizational management

Abstract: Information portal is used in many companies, but its advantages are inaccessible if there is no computer. Many companies try a typical situation: an implementation of a process is brought to a stop due to head manager’s absence or being busy, though he is expected to make decision and thereby provide further business progression. Mobile portal allows promptly obtain consolidated analytic information on different areas of operation of the company.
Key words: mobile portal, company, activity



Belyaeva J.S., Belyaeva V.S., Gordeev G.D. — New paradigms of economic culture

Abstract: The presented article summarizes the proceedings of the fifth international scientific conference, organized by the International Business Department, Ural Yeltzin Federal University. The subject of the conference is related to the actual world economic problems and prospects, also with formation of new integration groups and the evolution of leaders of the world economy, new paradigms of corporate values and social responsibility of actors of the world economy.
Key words: world economic culture, corporate social responsibility, cross-cultural business environment, transnational corporations, evolution of regional international relations

Dubrovina N.A. — Structural factors of dynamics of Russian mechanical engineering modernization

Abstract: The necessity of technological modernization of mechanical engineering is proved. The maintenance modernization processes, the precondition, a condition and means of their realization is considered. The special attention is given the structurally-dynamic factors influencing transformation of branch.
Key words: mechanical engineering, innovations, material base, modernization, structurally-dynamic factors

Vinogradova E.E., Barakhov V.I., Kuznetsov V.P. — Corporation enterprises’ investment activity parameters researches using crediting as source of its financing

Abstract: Results of researches of the investment activity parameters of the corporation enterprises created on the basis of the defensive enterprise are given in the following work, in case of crediting use as source of its financing. Researches are carried out on an example of one of Production Association Tulamashzavod enterprises with application of the developed model of the commodity-money flows. The analysis of the received results allowed creating the optimum massif of investments financing parameters.
Key words: investment activity, defensive enterprise, crediting, investments financing, commodity-money flows

Bezdenezhnikh V.M. — Process approach in management as enterprise space corruption decreasing factor

Abstract: Enterprises management methods development on the basis of process models promotes business networks density growth in the Russian economy, strengthening the civilized enterprise space and reduces dependence on excessive administration, corruption and fraud.
Key words: network economy, shadow economy, economic safety, administrative doctrine management concept, management model, process approach



Fedorov V.K., Molostova Yu.M., Kislukha A.E. — New approaches in tactics of marketing strategy in special mechanical engineering

Abstract: The article considers new approaches to marketing tactics — viral marketing, open marketing simplified marketing, cloud approaches, and it shows their theoretical essence, contradictions, positive and negative qualities. It shows their impact on market transformation.
Key words: marketing tactics and strategy, benshmarking, corporate identity, open marketing, globalism, common market marketing, simplified marketing, cloud applications



Kuchaeva L.M., Nefedov V.A. — Ecology-economic aspects of production quality complex assessment regulation

Abstract: The modern methods of quality control (for example, the water supply system in Russia) are considered. Shows the inefficiency, wasteful and not domestic ergonomic models of complex product quality control. A new approach of the matrix product quality control (in the water system) for the optimized composition criteria.
Key words: product quality control, environmental and economic aspects, water treatment technology, water supply, social, ecological and economic effects

Tochilin O.V. — Features of information management at the aircraft industry enterprise

Abstract: In this paper features of organization information management and innovative projects management on new generation aviation complexes creation are considered. The analysis of the main components, sequence and the basic construction principles, advantage of the integrated control system (ISU) adoption on the Russian air enterprises are provided. ISU adoption will create preconditions for high-quality improvement of the company’s administrative activity planning and control process from the top and middle management; will provide due idea of company’s activity results to foreign partners and, thereby, will render a positive effect in the sphere of cooperation expansion with their enterprises and the organizations.
Key words: integrated control system, aviation complex, information management, industry enterprise, administrative activity planning and control process

Chursin A.A., Davidov V.A. — Economic-mathematical model of risks influence on competitiveness of the rocket-space industry branch enterprises

Abstract: In modern conditions when developing strategy of development of the space-rocket industry (SRI) there is a problem of macroeconomic forecasting and planning of financing of the space branch enterprises for the average and long-term periods. For receiving the maximum effect from invested funds and development of optimum SRI development strategy it is necessary to trace and supervise dynamics of the space branch enterprises’ competitiveness indicator, and also the risks inherent in the space branch enterprises functioning and development. In this paper the economic-mathematical model of risks influence on competitiveness of the rocket-space branch enterprises on the basis of modern mathematical tools is considered.
Key words: competitiveness, risks, development, innovations, rocket-space industry

Counterfeit in small-scale energy power industry: the branch will be rescued by only drastic measures

Abstract: From 8 to 20 % of the industrial equipment realized in sector of small power industry of Russia, is a counterfeit or falsification. This is data of experts. More often among production which quality is much lower, than it is declared in characteristics, or information on which producer doesn’t represent the facts, there are diesel generators. Meanwhile, exactly they are the main unit of the small-scale power plants providing emergency power supply of social sector. This was declared on April 5 at the press briefing which has taken place within the Moscow international power forum “The energy industry of Russia in the XXI century”.
Key words: industrial equipment, small power, counterfeit, diesel generators



Frolov V.A., Fedorov S.A. — New approaches to the higher education content

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems education policy and to the questions connected with the transition of higher school to the two-level system of vocation training of scientifical and technical personnel.
Key words: third-generation Federal State Educational Standard, competency approach, bachelour degree, master degree, competence, guality of education


Pushkareva M.B. — New approaches and methods in industrial production management (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 4/2012


Agarkov A.P., Erokhin E.A. — Organizational and economic bases of machine-building enterprise’s production infrastructure system formation

Abstract: The formation and the structure of the manufacturing infrastructure system at the machine building enterprise are considered.
Key words: manufacturing infrastructure, system, a block of functional modules

Lavrenova M.V. — Optimization of the enterprise’s fixed assets reproduction current activity on the basis of their market cost

Abstract: Investigating modern position of the enterprises in the market, the author suggests to use the complex analysis of the enterprise’s property complex condition dynamics for its market cost taking into account carried-out repairs, commissioning of new objects and removal of worn-out objects from operation will allow to estimate influence of these processes on a condition of the enterprise’s property of and to carry out a choice of the most expedient option of fixed assets updating.
Key words: property complex, market cost, fixed assets, industrial enterprise

Markova M.V. — Analysis of the enterprise’s environment factors in the course of commodity and assortment strategy formation

Abstract: The issue of changing the characteristics of the range of aircraft equipment and services for its maintenance and repair services or air freight, may have different solutions depending on the specific set of market conditions. Groups of political, economic and geographic, technical and technological factors have a positive impact on forming the product and assortment strategy by enterprises of aviation complex, creating the basis for improving the competitiveness of Russian aircraft in the domestic and foreign markets.
Key words: aviation complex, aircraft, structural and assortment policy, product and assortment strategy

Egorova N.E., Shilov V.V. — Formation of the enterprise’s development adaptive strategy based on scenary calculations for imitating model

Abstract: The problems of the enterprise development strategy forming by using the methods of simulation are considered. The description of simulation model and methods of scenario calculations by means of given instrumentation are presented. The comparative analysis of calculation results (according to the optimistic, inertial and two variants of pessimistic scenarios) on the example of the concrete enterprise is carried out.
Key words: enterprise development strategy, scenario, simulation model

Chernyaev A.V., Banslova V.B. — Modeling of industrial production using virtual contours

Abstract: Within the offered model the basis of a modern information complex for the technological enterprise consists in continuous reorganization of virtual systems creation algorithms. The more various virtual systems and communications arises, the more analogs appears on which the technological complex can self-learn and self-modeling. That is the main basis for intellectual production creation. The offered model is one of possible components of technological knowledge perspective systems in the industry.
Key words: virtual systems, technological knowledge perspective systems, technological complex, virtual contours

Galetov I.D. — Neural networks for the analysis and forecasting of the investments and capital market in mechanical engineering

Abstract: It is proved that extensive possibilities neural modeling allow to analyze various processes to predict and predict the future condition of market parameters as well as allow to automate and facilitate process of acceptance of administrative decisions.
Key words: management, forecasting, neural modeling, financial-economic processes


Milnik V.V., Milnik A.V. — Problems of industrial organizations transition from chaos to the ordered industrial systems based on innovations

Abstract: This article is devoted to analysis and study of the essence of chaos as an integral part of the evolutionary stage of socio-economic development of industrial systems. On the basis of the study showed that chaos is starting on Wednesday, on the basis of which the formation of a all types of systems. In this chaos is a necessary step in the development of the system, preceding and contributing to its evolutionary transformation in time and space. The authors introduce the concept of innovative chaos as a natural-term reaction of the socio-economic environment for the implementation of radical and other innovations. Formed an enlarged development of innovative chaos algorithm applied to the life cycle of an innovative product.
Key words: chaos, order, innovation, evolution, socio-economic, industrial organization, innovative chaos, radical innovation

Golov R.S. — Conceptual bases of technological and economic development of innovative-investment clusters

Abstract: This article is devoted to consideration of conceptual bases of technological and economic development of innovative-investment clusters. The directions of innovative-investment clusters development represent the most important ways of its strategic growth, successful management with which in many respects defines degree of cluster long-term efficiency as the participant of the innovative sphere.
Key words: innovations, investment, innovative-investment activity, modernization, mechanical engineering, innovative-investment cluster

Pushkareva M.B., Khotimsky S.D. — Analysis of factors impeding the implementation of the innovative-investment projects

Abstract: The innovative activity expressed first of all in creation of manufactures and structures on the basis of new and predicted scientific and technical resources which become a basis of economic development of the country in the nearest and long-term prospect. Simultaneously it is necessary to search and develop new conceptual approaches, create corresponding institutionally-legal forms of the innovative processes organization, corresponding administrative and financial decisions and schemes.
Key words: innovative-investment project, innovative-investment process, managerial decision, innovative idea



Maydanchik B. — 18 fundamental features of the functional and cost analysis in modern America

Abstract: Revolutionary changes have happened in the second part of the twenteeth century and huge success has been achieved in the American system of corporate governance and project management. Among principal changes in management can be marked the following broad-based computer availability of projection system, wide and growing usage in engineering of mathematical methods as optimizing and statistical models, principal new approach to input from the perspective functions, which are needed to consumers. This method is more abstract and free from conservatism and has opened new possibilities for cost minimization on implementation of the function.
Key words: revolutionary changes, computer availability, function for consumers, cost minimization

Aleksandrova A.V., Lukyanova E.V. — Technologies of aircrafl science-intensive products promotion

Abstract: The article considers the ways of promotion of science-intensive products for aviation purposes. Identified the most effective methods and means of marketing communications. An algorithm for the development of a communications policy of the manufacturer, with account of the specificity of the branch market.
Key words: aircraft engineering, science intensive production, promotion, marketing communications


Vasilyev V.A., Rozenkova E.D. — Investments efficiency assessment in industrial enterprises’s quality management system

Abstract: In the following paper the problem of uniform integrated approach development of investments efficiency assessment in quality management system of the domestic industrial enterprises is opened. In a basis of the approach the following enterprise activity estimates are laid down: operative level effective assessment, quality management system audit, enterprise management assessment which all created the generalized efficiency index.
Key words: quality management system, investments into quality, efficiency, model

Aleksandrov M.N., Kalandarishvili S.N., Kobzar A.I. — Quality control system improvement based on the professional qualifications certification

Abstract: The perspective creation of an assessment and certification qualifications system in spacerocket branch — formation and development of the appraisal center and qualifications certification and the expert and methodical center in space-rocket branch is considered. The developed methodological providing the project is considered and the further directions of assessment and qualifications certification development in space-rocket branch are described.
Key words: personnel certification, qualifications assessment, quality management


Dmitrenko V.P., Messineva E.M., Fetisov A.G. — Features of training on area base profiles 280700 “Technogenic safety” upon transition to educational standards of the third generation (FGOS-3)

Abstract: The paper substantiates the relevance of the educational system development in the field of safety. On an experience example of “Industrial ecology and production safety” and “Natural and technogenic safety and management of risk” departments of “MATI” — Russian State Technological University on formation of the main educational programme according to FGOS-3 competence character, features of two-level system of specialists training (bachelors and masters) are described on two main area profiles of 280700 “Technogenic safety”: “Health and safety in a technosphere” and “Engineering protection of environment”.
Key words: specialists training, educational standards, competence approach

Issue 3/2012


Martynov O.Yu. — Statement and research of the product development cost price optimization problem

Abstract: Statement and research of a problem of optimization of the cost price of creation of a new product is considered. Target function-cost price and calculation of its components is resulted. The decision of a problem a method of search and casual search with application of standard packages of applied programs is offered.
Key words: optimization, cost price, product, plan-schedule, matrix

Aleksandrov B.Yu. — Risk management of the processing enterprises as their efficiency regulation mechanism

Abstract: In the market economy conditions the owners or managers make decisions on an admissible risk level at financial and economic activity realization. In these conditions there is an objective necessity of administrative decisions acceptance on the basis of a choice of an optimum level of risk. It means that the special mechanism of the analysis, forecasting and regulation of risks of the enterprise is necessary.
Key words: risk management, processing enterprises, efficiency regulation mechanism, risk

Lukicheva L.I. — Features’ influence of the functional and structural organization at the technological equipment works amount

Abstract: The article reviews the advantages of the functional approach to organization of preproduction enabling to reduce the volume and labour intensity of the process of technological tooling.
Key words: preproduction, functional approach, labour intensity

Volovikov B.P. — Strategic development forecasting of the industrial enterprise on the basis of artificial intelligence systems

Abstract: The approach to a choice of situational strategy and strategic forecasting on the basis of the device of indistinct logic and a method of neural networks is offered. The new approach is realized in the form of a technique and approved on an example of the concrete industrial enterprise. The analysis of researches results allows to estimate application perspectivity of the offered algorithms in the theory of the industrial enterprise strategic management.
Key words: strategic forecasting, industrial enterprise, artificial intelligence systems, neural networks, situational strategy

Novikov E.V. — Planning optimization of the enterprise’s reserve capacities

Abstract: The methodical approach determining the optimal size of reserve capacity has been discussed. The sequence of the calculation of the optimal reserve capacity based on minimizing the operational costs associated with equipment was described. Some recommendations for the implementation of the sequence in the conditions of production are considered.
Key words: production capacity of enterprise, reserves of capacity, optimization of reserves, operating costs

Galkin V.I., Karamavrov D.A. — Effectiveness scoring system of engineering documents circulation functioning on the basis of hierarchical simulation model

Abstract: Effectiveness scoring system of engineering documents circulation functioning is suggested illustrated by an example of tool production. The system is implemented on the base of hierarchical object-oriented simulation model using TD ABC-method; and it uses integral cost factor as a finite efficiency index.
Key words: business process, measuring system, simulation model, functioning effectiveness, TD ABC-method


Golov R.S., Mylnik A.V. — Innovative-synergetic industry clasters theoretical bases formation

Abstract: The questions of the mechanical engineering innovative development based on innovative-synergetic clasters formation are considered. The theoretical bases of innovative-synergetic industry claster formation are given.
Key words: innovations, investment, innovative-investment activity, modernization, mechanical engineering, innovative-synergetic claster

Buhalkov M.I. — Innovative activity organization at the mechanical engineering enterprises

Abstract: The basic forms and models of the organization of innovative activity at the mechanical engineering enterprises are considered, the major direction of development of innovative processes are opened.
Key words: innovation activity, machine-building complex, organization processes

Tochilin O.V. — The integrated information system of the aviation enterprise’s innovative-investment designing

Abstract: Work organization methods connected with financial and innovative — investment projects economic efficiency estimation in aviation equipment development and manufacture are considered. The business plan acts as an objective estimation of aviation firm own enterprise activity and at the same time is the necessary tool of design-investment decisions according to requirements of the market. The basic aspects of the commercial enterprise are characterized, main problems are analyzed, and ways of their decision are defined in it. Therefore, the business plan is a simultaneous search, research and design work.
Key words: innovative-investment projects, aviation enterprise, efficiency estimation, business plan



Chursin A.A., Shamin R.V., Kokuitseva T.V. — Quantitative estimation technique of the high technology industry competitiveness

Abstract: In this paper authors offer the quantitative assessment technique of the knowledge-intensive industries competitiveness developed by them, and also give an example. The offered technique is based on the original economic-mathematical TOC method (Time—Object—Compare) which allows to estimate competitiveness of separate objects, and to receive an integrated competitiveness assessment of branch on the basis of the hierarchical structures analysis.
Key words: quantitative assessment, competitiveness, knowledge-intensive branches, methods, indexes, CIS, interstate program

Solovyova I.P., Asaeva T.A., Ignatyev A.I. — Organizational bases of the industrial enterprise expenses’ optimization

Abstract: One of the principal conditions of successful activity of an enterprise is production cost optimization. The present-day methods of economic management make the enterprises change production cost management. The problem is directly contacted with the condition, search for renewal source and efficient use of production resources as a considerable part of circulating capital. One of the solutions of the problem may become a logistic method application for determining inventory optimum quantity and cut in manufacturing cost as a consequence.
Key words: cost optimization, inventory, stock of materials/resource, inventory optimization, efficiency, manufacturing cost, logistic methods, the Pareto principle

Chepenko V.I., Andreev V.G. — Russian park of the metal cutting equipment in conditions of economy modernization

Abstract: The features of metal cutting equipment park usage in the conditions of constantly changing environment and economy modernization are considered. The recommendations about metal cutting equipment park optimization are offered.
Key words: metal cutting equipment, economy modernization, environment, industrial enterprise


Golov R.S., Stavrovsky M.E., Frolov V.A., Ignatyev S.V., Kuznetsova L.V., Oleinik A.V., Ponomarev N.L. — Econometric modeling of military-industrial complex workers’ professional training volumes

Abstract: The paper is devoted to production functions construction features in econometric modeling of military-industrial complex workers’ professional training volumes on intermediate-term outlook in territorially-branch perspective.
Key words: production function, econometric modeling, professional training, intermediate-term outlook, territorially-branch perspective


Pushkareva M.B. — Green manufacture organization problems at the machine-building enterprises (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 2/2012


Solomentsev Yu. M. — Prospects of the technological development of industy

Abstract: Creation of a modern machine-building computer-aided manufacturing is considered which is based on the product life concept and CALS-technologies. This will allow for a fundamental advance towards efficient technological development of the industry.
Key words: computer-aided manufacturing, product, life cycle, CALS-technologies

Gribkov A.A., Zakharchenko D.V. — Technical re-equipment of russian machine building

Abstract: In this paper the problem of Russian mechanical engineering modernization is considered. In particular, the current condition of mechanical engineering technological base, a role of import and domestic machine-tool construction in modernization is considered. Besides, on the basis of the comparative analysis of machining equipment manufacture in Russia and the world leading countries the ability of Russian machine-tool construction to provide requirement of mechanical engineering in machining equipment is estimated.
Key words: mechanical engineering technological base, machine-tool construction, capital assets

Galkin B.I., Aksenova T.V. — The concept of the enterprises’ research-and-production complex reforming at the present stage

Abstract: This day high-tech enterprises are joining in the most unreliable environment. Considering that there are proposed an intra-firm reforming method of industrial activity. The method consists of three levels and thus allows to orient and to control objects, recourses and terms of reforming process.
Key words: high-tech enterprises, integration, corporate structure, reformation

Buhalkov M.I. — Production program development and optimization at the machine-building enterprises

Abstract: Methods of formation of the program are considered. The model of ranging of production is developed. Examples of calculation of optimum release are resulted.
Key words: program of production, methods of formation production, system of indicators

Vinogradova E.E., Barakhov V.I. — Investment activity optimization of the corporation enterprises in crediting use case as source of its financing

Abstract: In the present work the model of commodity-money flows at the corporation enterprises is resulted, allowing to optimize their investment activity in case of crediting use as financing source. It is shown that leverage application in this case under consideration is unacceptable. The formulas are received, allowing connecting input parameters of crediting with criteria of decision-making at the analysis of investment projects.
Key words: commodity-money flows, corporation, financing source, leverage, crediting

Kutin A.A., Aleksandrov S.A., Feofanov A.N. — Evaluation of random events flows’ conformity to industrial logistics operations in small-scale manufacture

Abstract: In article, approaches are stated, to a qualitative and quantitative estimation of applicability of streams of casual events to imitating modeling of operations of industrial logistics in small-scale manufacture and accuracy of received results are stated.
Key words: a streams of casual events, small-scale manufacture, imitating modeling

Kapitanov A.B., Kondratyev P.V., Feofanov A.N. — Subject-oriented database organization for the enterprise

Abstract: In article it is considered the basic aspect which are necessary for defining in the course of the analysis of requirements to a modelled subject-oriented database.
Key words: data, business analysis, analysis of the requirements



Chursin A.A., Kokuitseva T.V. — Stimulation approaches of organizations’ innovative activity in the states-participants of the commonwealth of independent states

Abstract: In given paper the offers connected with competitiveness management and highly effective innovative technologies selection, and also creation of conditions of the states-participants of the Commonwealth of Independent States innovative activity increasing for the Interstate program of innovative cooperation of the states-participants CIS for the period till 2020 realization are brought.
Key words: innovative technologies, competitiveness management, Commonwealth of Independent States, innovative cooperation

Obukhova I.A., Solovyova I.P., Asaeva T.A. — Innovative activity evaluation of the machine-building complex

Abstract: In this paper the developed level of machine-building complex innovative activity of the Russian Federation and the Ryazan region is analyzed, their comparison is spent.
Key words: innovations, mechanical engineering, innovative activity, Ryazan region


Babenkova A.V. — Value approach to interfirm relationship establishing on machine and equipment market

Abstract: The present paper contains the analysis of industrial market specifics. The classification of interfirm relationships as well as value approach to establishing relations between a supplier and a customer including relationship value chain on the machine and equipment market are presented in the article.
Key words: interfirm relationship, relationship marketing, industrial market, machine and equipment market, value, customer satisfaction, loyalty, supplier, customer, business partner

Dobrinsky E.S., Sein V.A. — Car ownership

Abstract: Actual aspects of vehicles’ ownership cost evaluation are considered. Approaches to the general technique and separate criteria of car ownership efficiency evaluation at various stages of product life cycle are presented. Programs of domestic lorries and buses manufacture with the improved consumer characteristics are resulted.
Key words: car ownership, ownership cost, expenses, service center, consumer


Chajkov M.U., Chajkova A.M. — Personnel tranking multi-level system introduction increasing the enterprise competitiveness

Abstract: In article the way of increase of efficiency of work of experts of the company, based that the behaviour of the person is defined not only rational, but also is considered by the instinctive beginning. The multilevel system of encouragements in which the significant share is made with a nonmaterial part is resulted. This system allows to increase considerably feedback from all employees and to increase competitiveness of the company where it is applied.
Key words: competitiveness, a social package, efficiency of the personnel, motivation

Zmievsky V.I. — Equipment management in quality management system

Abstract: The analysis of existing requirements to procedures of quality management system certification of the divisions occupied with maintenance and core and auxiliaries repair and offers on check of their performance y certification of quality management systems in activity are given.
Key words: maintenance and equipment repair, quality management system


Yablonskikh E.K. — Economy modernization and professional training system perfection problem

Abstract: The paper is devoted to professional training system perfection problems in conditions of economy modernization. The author of the paper makes the conclusion that all education system needs modernization, from primary to high.
Key words: education system, professional training system perfection, engineering education, economy modernization


Pushkareva M.B. — Green manufacture organization problems at the machine-building enterprises (the review of foreign journals)