Issue 1/2020


Marketing in digital era: epoch of great discoveries
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, professor, еditor-in-Chief
Journal «Economica i upravlenie v mashinostroenii»

Abstract: The material describes the results of the fifth All-Russian inter-university scientific-practical conference “Formation of the Russian marketing system in conditions of economy modernization”, which took place on February 17, 2020. The conference was held under aegis of the new digital reality creation, including marketing methods and tools. The importance of combining the scientific community representatives’ efforts in solving the problems of the Russian economy competitiveness increasing through the creation of new marketing tools, adapted to domestic market conditions, is emphasized.
Keywords: interuniversity conference, marketing, marketing instruments, digital reality, digital economy, digital ecosystem, digital platform




Cloud production: transformation of production systems
Seryshev R. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Novikova S. V., Head of the Information systems user support Department of the Information technology Department of the Director General ‘s Office

Abstract: Recent significant advances in information technology, such as cloud computing and the Internet of things, have opened up a new area of research – cloud manufacturing. This area has the potential to change the way companies do business. Cloud manufacturing customers can have access to on-demand services such as engineering design, modeling, manufacturing, assembly, testing and management. In order to expand the understanding of this area of research, both for the scientific community and for industry, this article has taken an attempt to consider the most important terms and concepts of cloud production.
Keywords: digitalization, production, cloud technologies, Industry 4.0, cloud production


Principles of the metallurgical companies’ strategy formation in Russia
Glazkova V. E., bachelor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Trifonov P. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The ferrous metallurgy sector is considered as an important component of Russian industry. Key trends and priorities have been identified in shaping the companies’ strategy in the metallurgy sector of the Russian manufacturing industry. A detailed analysis of the factors affecting strategic business risks in the global metallurgical sector is made. It is shown that digital innovations play a key role. Competencies in R&D, increasing operational efficiency, investments in technologies of Industry 4.0 – these are the main strategic priorities of metallurgical companies in the framework of the fourth industrial revolution.
Keywords: heavy industry, metallurgy, strategy, innovations


Key factors of operating activities for ensuring organization’s competitiveness
Savin D. I., master student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Anitshenko R. V., master student
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Trifonov P. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department, Head of Master programme Operational Management
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Different factors are taken into account during organization’s life cycle, and they may not always be rationally taken into consideration in the operational strategy implementation. The article shows an operational strategy concept, its hierarchical subordination in the general system of strategies and key factors that can influence the strategy formation.
Keywords: operational strategy, operational activities, production costs, price, quality, demand


Pricing policy as a means of the manufacturing company’s goals achieving
Artemyeva O. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article considers the key objectives of the manufacturing enterprise’s pricing policy. It is established that the price acts as a method of establishing relations between the producer and the buyer of the product, contributes to the formation of certain ideas about the single product characteristics, which affects the level of demand and subsequent development. The necessity of improving and adjusting the strategy for managing the enterprise’s pricing policy throughout the entire product life cycle is substantiated. It is concluded that price characterizes the level of vitality and financial stability of a manufacturing enterprise.
Keywords: manufacturing enterprise, price, pricing policy, marketing policy, consumer, profit, profitability, costs, demand, payback


Theoretical aspects of the corporate governance methods’ development in industrial holdings
Oitov K. S., postgraduate at the Economics and Management Department
Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Moscow
Psareva N. Yu., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Scientific research in the field of corporate business management has proved that corporate governance mechanisms affect its activities’ effectiveness. These mechanisms are of particular importance in the industrial corporations’ integrated structures, so their influence extends not only to the one legal entity management, but also determines the conditions and procedure for interaction between members of a group of companies. The management mechanisms and tools development is the subject of this research.
Keywords: corporate governance, mechanisms, management tools, integrated corporate structures




Marketing in an innovative integrated system
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: In presented article the author analyzes the topical problem of innovative marketing formation in the integrated system. Under the integrated innovation system, the author considers the industry cluster as a key indicator of the national economy. Noting the evolutionary development of the innovative integrated system, the author, with the figure illustration illustration, rightfully notes the main directions of marketing at the stages of innovative design and commercialization. The scientific novelty is the marketing content disclosure in the innovative integrated system.
Keywords: brand, integrated innovation system, commercialization, marketing, society, nanоtechnology


Crowdfunding as a tool for the social projects’ implementation
Kozlova N. P., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of an innovative way of attracting financial resources for the social projects implementation – crowdfunding. The essence of crowdfunding is revealed; its various types are considered. The author analyzes the most popular crowdfunding platforms in Russia and abroad, singling out those that are mainly engaged in raising funds for projects related to solving social problems. The problems inhibiting the development of crowdfunding in Russia are assessed, and it is proposed to solve these problems.
Keywords: crowdfunding, fundraising, corporate social responsibility, social projects, crowdfunding, charity, investment


Digital society development in the context of innovative economic transformations
Firsova I. A., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department, Depute Director of Out-of Institute Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S. L., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The XXI century is characterized by the rapid development of digital technologies based on the information revolution and the economic globalization processes. Digitalization of business processes and management processes is a key and most important factor in the activity of market entities at the present time. At the same time, digital transformation affects all levels, sectors and economy branches. It is necessary to take into account that Russia has unfavorable starting conditions, an inefficient institutional model of science, etc. therefore, the formation of digital society and digital economy as the dominant one is not possible, as is the case in foreign leading countries. However, the forecast values are quite optimistic. The article considers the characteristic features of the digital society and the position of Russia in modern conditions of its development. The forecast values of digital society development in Russia up to 2035 are presented.
Keywords: digital society, digital economy, digital technologies




Features of utilizing integrated marketing communications in digital sphere
Beskov A. A., postgraduate at the Marketing and Logistics Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the features of integrated marketing communications usage in the digital environment, which has significantly expanded the marketing tools arsenal for business. It is noted that if previously the feedback from the consumer served only for the planned tasks’ reconciliation purpose with the achieved results, now the consumers’ reaction in social networks can be an additional tool for promoting the brand and strengthening its position in the market. There are four basic stages of consumer actions that can be not only planned during the development of integrated marketing communications, but also tracked using various tools of available analytical programs. It is concluded that the modern digital environment has expanded not only the range of possibilities for integrated marketing communications usage, but also the range of issues and problems related to the marketing communications’ quality.
Keywords: integrated marketing communications (IMC), marketing, marketing mix, channeled communication, digital environment, marketing communications channels, marketing campaign, brand, organizational goals, digital marketing tools, synergy, touch points, virtual reality


Marketing research – new directions of their development and human factor problem
Rusin V. N., candidate of Engineering sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Scientific and technological progress has ensured the transition from the knowledge economy to the information economy. Around the world, the emergence of new scientific directions is largely connected with the synthesis of existing sciences It was not by chance established that in marketing studies statistical analysis needs to be summarized to the analysis standardization level that has been achieved in the technical sciences. The article discusses three new areas of marketing research, including the information conversion into digital form and the big data usage based on electronic platforms. A comparison of the subjective factor influence in researching both in marketing and in technology is made. Measures to reduce the human factor influence on the results of marketing research, including a proposal to develop a robot interviewer are proposed.
Keywords: marketing research, human factor, reduction, influence, proposal, development, robot interviewer


Digital marketing: concept, tools, perspectives
Seryshev R. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Gaidamak I. V., account manager for working with corporate clients of the Directorate for working with corporate clients
Group of companies 1C-RARUS, Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the concept of digital marketing and the tools used to implement it: search engine optimization; social media marketing; content marketing; affiliate marketing; native advertising; pay-per-click; email; online PR; websites; attribute modeling; behavioral advertising on the Internet; data-based advertising; remarketing; game advertising. The characteristic of marketing in the field of B2B and B2C, features of lead generation and customer acquisition is given. The analysis of the use of digital marketing tools is carried out and conclusions are made about the prospects of their use. The role of digital marketing and marketers in the era of the digital revolution is defined.
Keywords: marketing, marketing tools, Internet, digital revolution, digital marketing


Features of companies’ marketing communications in the IT-market
Stytsyuk R. Yu., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Marketing communications’ features of the IT companies, making and using the technologies connected with receiving, processing, storage and transfer information by means of computer and telecommunication devices are given in article. Two types of business organization models are considered: service (outsourcing) and product. There is a justification for the special approach need to the marketing tools selection for each business model. The properties of the IT company using the business organization service model are defined, on which it is necessary to focus in the development of communication policy. The tool kit of communication policy management of the IT company using product model depending on a market segment, in particular for B2B and B2C-segments is formulated.
Keywords: marketing communications, IT companies, business models, client. software product, communication policy, B2B and B2C segment, services


Model of neurolinguistic and neuromarketing manipulations’ influence on consumer behavior under conditions of digitalization
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article considers the problem of the neuromarketing and neuro-linguistic manipulations’ influence on consumer behavior. The article discusses the essence of the psychological trigger concept, notes the specifics of using triggers in the context of the digital society formation. The main two types of psychological triggers, those are formed by neuromarketing and neuro-linguistic programming, are identified. The author has proposed a multifactorial information model of the neurolinguistic and neuromarketing manipulations influence on consumer behavior in the context of the society digital transformation.
Keywords: consumer behavior, psychological trigger, digitalization, neuromarketing, neuro-linguistic programming, model


Creation of marketing strategies at the different lifecycle product stages
Khasuntsev A. A., postgraduate at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Marketing strategy creation is a multi-stage and multi-factor process, the basic principles of which have varying degrees of the strategy implementation influence, depending on the product life cycle. The study provides an example of the product life cycle classification, defines the basic principles in the marketing strategy formation and the degree of their influence.
Keywords: marketing strategy, process management, principles of market strategy formation, product life cycle




Innovative industrial development based on ISO 56000 standards
Boyarkin V. S., postgraduate at the Economics and Management Department
Academy of Labour and Social Relations, Moscow
Psareva N. Yu., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The innovation processes’ standardization is the basis of innovation processes, ensuring the industrial corporations competitiveness. The study and analysis of new innovation processes’ standards at the international and domestic levels showed that their use at the industrial corporations’ activities is the key to the successful innovations creation and commercialization and, as a consequence, the competitiveness of Russian industry.
Keywords: industry, innovation, standards, quality, market, economy, digitalization, trends, development, investment climate, investment, ISO, economic growth, processes


Issue 6/2019


Methods of organization’s material-technical resources planning
Azarovа S. P., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses deterministic, stochastic and evaluation methods of material resource flow planning. A study has been conducted on the factors affecting the logistics plan development. Problems of material-technical resources planning are disclosed. An assessment of the economic-mathematical modeling method usage in the Decision Equilibrium program in calculating resources is given.
Keywords: procurement budget, material and technical resources, logistics, planning methods, material requirements


Two-vectorial diversification of defense-industrial enterprise (efficiency, tasks and approaches to problem solving with regard for experience obtained by Tulamashzavod). Part 1
Dronov E. A., candidate of Economic sciences, professor, Head of the Armaments Technology Department
Director General
Tula State University, Tula
Tulamashzavod JSC, Tula
Samochkin V. N., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Finance & Management Department
Chief Executive Officer
Tula State University, Tula
Tulamashzavod PA, Ltd., Tula
Barakhov V. I., candidate of Engineering sciences, Key Specialist
Tulamashzavod PA, Ltd., Tula

Abstract: The article presents approaches to diversifying defense industry enterprises by creating and managing the development of a two-vector (defense and civil-purpose products) integrated structure, using mechanisms of flexibility, adaptability, restructuring of enterprises, ensuring synergy and its effectiveness. A set of interdependent linkages between the fields of production, procurement, taxation and legislation is shown, and on this basis, tasks and ways of solving them are identified, allowing defense industry enterprises to have opportunities for their development. The research describes the main scientific and methodological materials developed and used in the Tulamashzavod PA , which make it possible to justify management decisions and introduce optimization elements when diversifying the defense industry enterprise, as well as describes the main stages of corporate restructuring based on Tulamashzavod JSC and the results of its implementation.
Keywords: diversification, defense-industrial enterprise, efficiency, civil-purpose and defense products, restructuring, production, flexibility, adaptivity, integrated structure, synergetic effect


Relevance of shopless production at industrial enterprises in the conditions of Industrialization 4.0
Fomin A. N., candidate of Philosophical sciences, Director
Centre for shopless production implementation, Moscow

Abstract: The proposed article substantiates the need to introduce a shopless production structure in industrial enterprises in connection with the sharp competition aggravation in the world economy in the context of the unfolding fourth industrial revolution. The main ideas of the article are based on the experience of developing the theory and practice of shopless management in the nuclear and traditional power industry of Russia, on the practical experience of shopless production implementing at Russian water utilities. The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of shops and shop management structures, shows the fundamental advantages of shopless production in the conditions of Industrialization 4.0. The article’s argument reflects the shopless management concept developed by the author in the previously published books Shopless production and Shopless revolution.
Keywords: shopless management structure, shopless production, shopless revolution, shopless production management, transition to a shopless structure, shopless structure implementation


Strategic performance management in employer branding.
Khromova S. A., postgraduate at the Human resource management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article deals with issues related to managing the effectiveness of an organization’s employer branding based on a key performance indicators system (KPI – Key Performance Indicator). Rules for developing an effective KPI system are given. The algorithm of strategic employer’s brand performance management based on the KPI system is considered, a brief description of algorithm’s individual blocks, using systems analytics technologies in the digital HR platform environment is given.
Keywords: strategic management, organization’s employer branding effectiveness, KPI system, digital economy, employer branding efficiency management algorithm, non-equilibrium level of the system environment, HR information platforms


Classification, grouping and definition of tools usage conditions for efficiency improving of the enterprise’s business system
Kolobov A. V., candidate of Engineering sciences, Business system development Director
Severgroup LLC, Cherepopvets
Glukhov V. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor, Head of the Rector’s Administrative Apparatus
Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg
Varfolomeev I. A., senior manager of Severstal Business System Development Center
Severstal Management JSC, Moscow

Abstract: The tools that underpin business systems allow to improve product quality and reduce costs without significant investments. The complexity and ambiguity of the algorithm for using business system efficiency tools are associated with the lack of a formalized approach to their application. The problem raised in this article, the reduction in the effectiveness of the tools implementation due to the methodology, can be partially solved by grouping the tools based on their purpose, formalizing the priority of their usage and determining the conditions for their sustainable usage. To solve this problem, the authors proposed an approach consisting in the interconnected tools packages formation, rules for their use, as well as restrictions on their use depending on the company development level.
Keywords: business system, improving efficiency tools, tool packages, business system development levels




Innovation and industrial clusters as a way of the Russian Federation economic security ensuring at the present stage.
Golov R. S., doctor of Economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Andrianov A. M., postgraduate at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Palamarchuk A. G., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Dorokhov V. V., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kritsyn A. A., postgraduate of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The author’s study is devoted to the analysis of modern problems related to the global economy development in the era of the Sixth Technological Order. Noting the increasing number of geopolitical risks associated with the global crisis phenomena of recent years, the authors observe the increasing influence of the Russian innovative economy as part of the transition to a multipolar world. As one of the key directions of the domestic innovative economy development, the authors identify innovative and industrial clusters, the strategic development of which in the future can take place within the framework of the Eurasian economic space and the CIS (Commonwealth of Independent States), thereby strengthening the international authority of Russia as one of the high-tech industry leaders.
Keywords: innovation, risks, globalization, socio-economic development, innovation-industrial cluster, cluster economy, multipolar world




Features of modern brand management.
Karpova S. V., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Ustinova O. E., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kazakov S. P., doctor of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Company Marketing
Higher School of Economics (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the features and problematic issues that arise in brand management, taking into account the research conducted on differences in the emotional connections types among consumers. The article reveals the motivation factors of various consumers segments, primarily through the regular customers motivation analysis. The authors discuss the question of how to estimate the share of customers’ spending on a particular brand. The indicators of satisfaction, loyalty and the relative rating of the company’s products in the eyes of the consumer are evaluated. Special attention is paid to the luxury goods branding. Consumers of luxury goods began to flaunt expensive things less, we can talk about the so-called “unobtrusive luxury”. According to the authors, the change in consumer preferences towards modesty will be long-term, not cyclical.
Keywords: consumer, branding, brand, motivation, loyalty, luxury goods


Approaches to consumer behavior classification.
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses various approaches to the consumers’ classification. The author analyzes various types of consumer behavior, the motives for making a purchase decision. The article provides specific examples of products and markets in which one or another type of consumer behavior predominates. The main types of consumers, which also have a significant impact on the decision to purchase in various cases, are also highlighted in the article. In conclusion, it is shown that it is necessary to compile a generalized classification of consumer behavior according to various criteria, adequate to modern market conditions.
Keywords: consumer behavior, classification, decision making, individual consumers, collective consumers




Model of evaluating customer service quality in the context of economy digitization
Do Thi Kuen , postgraduate at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The service sector is increasingly playing an important role in the economy. In particular, service quality is always an urgent problem for the solution that customers expect, and the supplier is most concerned. In the banking sector, it is important to increase customer loyalty in order to gain trust and customer loyalty; banks need to choose the appropriate model for measuring service quality in order to better manage customer relations. This article also identifies the flaws of the models and problems associated with the quality of service in order to allow researchers and managers to have a basis, choosing evaluation criteria or appropriate measurement models when implementing further research projects.
Keywords: service quality, banking, loyalty, customers, model, customer relationship management




Analysis of the Third all-Russian economic dictation results (Part 2)
Голов Р. С., doctor of Еconomic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the Third all-Russian economic dictation results, which is held annually to determine and improve the level of economic literacy of Russia. A comparative analysis of the participants’ quantitative and qualitative composition and the dictation results in 2018 and 2019 is carried out. The important practical result of the action and the necessity of its further development are noted.
Keywords: all-Russian economic dictation, respondent, regional platform, participants category, results distribution




State mechanisms for import substitution policy implementation in the industry.
Psareva N. Yu., doctor of Economic sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The ambiguity of the results of the import substitution policy is noted by scientists of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. Despite an active import substitution policy, the share of machinery and equipment in the import commodity structure has not changed. The main obstacle to the import substitution policy implementation is the lack of equipment manufactured by Russian companies, raw materials and components. The purpose of this article is to systematize the state regulation mechanisms of import substitution processes and evaluate their effectiveness.
Keywords: import substitution, mechanisms, regulation


Issue 5/2019


Interrelation of price policy, strategy and methodology in the price management process
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: In the conditions of increasing competition between domestic manufacturers, the relevance of research and basic tools practical usage optimization to influence consumer choice is inlarging. One of the effective factors determining consumer behavior in the face of declining consumer demand is pricing. The process of price management consists of three main stages: pricing policies development, pricing methods implementation and various types of pricing strategies usage. The article attempts to substantively comprehend the main price management process stages and identify their interconnection, which can serve to increase the efficiency of the modern companies’ market activities.
Keywords: pricing policy, pricing strategy, pricing method, market, organization


Engineering outsourcing specifics at the national projects realization
Sinyaev V.V., doctor of economic sciences, CEO
FSK “Valex”, Moscow

Abstract: The article reveals the national projects importance and the engineering sector importance in the practical realization of such projects as “Health”, “Cooperation and export”, “Science”, “Small business” and “Backbone infrastructure”. The author notes the theoretical contribution of foreign and domestic authors to the outsourcing science formation. The theoretical value of the study is the outsourcing specifics and the proposed outsourcing mechanism for the national projects realization. Noting the assessment importance by customer’s company management of outsourcing contract, the trend of delivery of complex outsourcing with inclusion of a package of services business – process, marketing and logistic outsourcing is legally allocated. In conclusion, it is noted that outsourcing enhances the competitive position of the customer as a result of the customer’s management focus on the core business.
Keywords: outsourcing, business process, tools, image, quality, national project, engineering, optimization, logistics


Model of the management of national research universities’ research activities
Kiseleva M. A., senior lecturer at the Management in power engineering and industry Department
National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute”, Moscow

Abstract: The author considers scientific groups that are among the determinants in the management of national research universities’ research activities. Competent formation and distribution of roles in scientific groups on the basis of the system of scientific and technical programs and grants has a significant influence on improvement of scientific and research activities of the university.
Keywords: national research university; research activities, scientific and technical programs and grants, scientific groups


Peculiarities of public relations of russian corporations and aviation industry enterprises.
Bulantseva L. V., senior lecturer at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: In today’s economy, the business development sustainability, the projects and programs success directly depends on the company’s support in the existence environment by those with whom it is associated with numerous types of dependence. The credit for trust in the company from the target audiences is provided by constant work with community groups, which are carried out by enterprises in various industries within the framework of public relations activities. Public relations today are especially relevant for high-tech enterprises of the aviation industry, they have their own features that relate to the promotion object, key stakeholders, tools and technologies, organization and management.
Keywords: corporate public relations (PR), PR-promotion object, organizing and managing public relations in corporations and aviation manufacturing plants, business process of “public relations”, functional public relations challenges, PR tools and technologies, brandbook


Internal market orientation in mechanical engineering companies
Kazakov S. P., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Company Marketing
HSE University, Moscow
Oyner O. K., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Department of Company Marketing
HSE University, Moscow

Abstract: This paper addresses the research question relevant to the marketing concept implementation efficacy grounded on the market orientation theory, in this paper we analyse the antecedents of its bifurcation into a conceptual dyad that comprises external and internal market orientation; this conceptual study justifies incorporation of information and communication technologies in every construct of the conventional internal market orientation framework; this proposition renovates internal market orientation conceptualisation by improving its adequacy in the settings the holistic digitalisation; the present research delineates methods to operationalise internal market orientation concept in the context of machinery-making enterprises.
Keywords: internal marketing, internal market orientation, mechanical engineering




Role of marketing in energy saving: analysis and facts
Solodova A. D. , assistant at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Pushkareva M. B. , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department «Энергетический сервис и управление энергосбережением»
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Pushkarev M. D. , 2-year student of the Institute of Engineering Economics and Humanities
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: In recent years, Russia has seen positive trends in the energy saving development, and at the same time in the relationship between market laws and energy. The market objects, in this case, are energy-efficient and energy-saving products, including consumer goods, industrial energy saving systems, engineering equipment of buildings. The subjects of the market are the population, enterprises and organizations, including state, as well as the authorities. In order to promote the services of energy companies and popularize such a complex direction, the use of marketing tools is a prerequisite. The authors of the article emphasize the application of current methods of interaction between marketing communications and the sphere of energy saving.
Keywords: marketing, power, energy saving, market researches, marketing communications, energy security




Evaluation of marketing cost effectiveness at modern high-tech enterprises
Arsenieva N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Putyatina L. M., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The main purpose of this article is to determine the cost effectiveness that engineering companies use for various marketing activities of their operation. The article deals with the main functions of marketing in the economic activity of enterprises. The attention is focused on improving the efficiency of marketing costs management. The main factors and indicators that determine the effectiveness of these costs are given. The main criteria determining the cost effectiveness are substantiated. The necessity of accounting and analysis of costs by products’ types and the enterprise as a whole is described. Certain standards of marketing costs used in practice are considered. The importance of taking into account the stage of the product life cycle in determining the cost-effectiveness of marketing activities is emphasized. The different stage of the product life cycle from the point of view of changes in the marketing expenses level is analyzed. Criteria of enterprise’s marketing costs efficiency are given. According to the results of the research, it is concluded that it is necessary to improve the marketing costs efficiency of management in order to obtain higher financial results of the enterprise.
Keywords: marketing costs, marketing expenses efficiency, criteria of cost efficiency, growth, product life cycle


Promotion of high-tech products with the help of social networks
Kolesnikova O. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management in power engineering and industry Department
National research University “Moscow power engineering institute”, Moscow
Rebrikova N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow
Shalnova O. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Marketing and Trade Business Department, Institute of Industry Management
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow

Abstract: Today it is no secret that social networks play a big role in modern people life. Regardless of which activity field we are interested in, we are faced with the need of constant web services usage. That is why each company and organization should carry out some competent work in social networks. The key success factor is timeliness and relevant content. This is the established truth for a successful business and getting direct access to various sources and interactions.
Keywords: social networks, high-tech product, marketing


Modern marketing communications in promotion of innovations in mechanical engineering
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article examines the trends in the engineering sector development with the emphasis on integration, digitization, unconditional orientation to the society needs. The purpose of the article: to reveal the modern marketing communications complex content in mechanical engineering with the inclusion of marketing communications 3.0., cognitive and neuromarketing. Scientific novelty lies in the disclosure of the modern marketing communications complex content, as a whole information technologies set in order to maximize the society’s needs satisfaction. In conclusion, it is noted that modern marketing communications in mechanical engineering contributes not only to the organization image formation, but also maximally satisfies the society needs in the mechanical engineering production and improve the quality of life on earth.
Keywords: globalization, innovation, complex, communication, concept, marketing, cognitive marketing, neuromarketing


Specifics of PR-services development: modern trends
Balova S. L., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article reveals the content of public relations, taking into account the specifics of market development modern directions. Studies that have shown the change of PR–activities traditional channel are presented. The importance of brand ecosystem (brand platform) model usage for building communication in the digital environment is substantiated. The author showed the importance of Influencer Marketing in PR – events usage as a way to promote products and services through opinion leaders.
Keywords: PR-events, PR-services market, influencer marketing


Features of advertising incentives influence on the consumer behavior
Karpova C. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department, Head of the Experimental Laboratory “Neurotechnology in Management”, a Member of the Marketers Guild Board
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department, Leading Researcher at the Experimental Laboratory Neurotechnologies in Management”
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow
Voronina V. S., Master’s student of the Faculty of Logistics
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The article reveals the concept of advertising incentive and its impact on the consumer. The authors consider theoretical approaches to the psychology of advertising, differently interpreting the impact of advertising incentives on consumer behavior. The article presents a model of consumer behavior and the stages of information processing in the process of an advertising stimulus impact on the consumer. The main types of stimulation factors are identified and their characteristics are given in terms of influencing consumer behavior.
Keywords: consumer, behavior, advertising incentive, stimulus factor, message, attention


Features of new internet media concept formation
Stytsiuk R. Yu., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemeva O. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozanova T. P., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Mass media is a part of mass communications, which, in turn, are the ones through which mass information is circulated, created, distributed and consumed. In other words, mass communication is a process of information circulation in communities that are vast in area. At this time, the media are the channels that carry out the process of mass communication (print, television and radio broadcasting, etc.). In this article we will look at the features of the online media content, as well as the features of the new online media concept formation, which includes the transformation of the design content, media content, organization, as well as the system of communication and navigation.
Keywords: Internet publications, content, communication, multimedia, interactivity, marketing




Research of youth’s leadership factors’ formation in the field of science, technology, innovation
Firsova I. A., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow
Azarova S. P., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Effective realization of youth leadership policy depends on the coordination of government, regional and municipal structures, public youth organizations and agencies, institutions that work with youth on the basis of common government views on the young people development in science, technology and innovation. To carry out such activities, it is necessary to form mechanisms and models, concepts and integrated programs of committees on youth affairs, educational, cultural, social protection and employment institutions, law enforcement agencies. The article discusses the legal, economic, motivational and communication aspects of leadership development among young people.
Keywords: leadership, youth policy, science and innovations


Management of educational process in the interests of high-tech industries on the principles of lean production
Eropkin A. M., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mezina N. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The educational process at the University, as a complex business process, which must match the competencies model required by the high-tech industries enterprises and competency models, with which the company hires a graduate of the University, is examined. Emphasis is placed on the emerging divergence of these competence models. It is proposed to integrate the educational process into the integrated learning system and build it on the lean production principles and tools, directing them to identify emerging losses and using the integrated learning system to develop a losses reducing mechanism.
Keywords: educational process, competence models, integrated learning system, lean production tools, customers and consumers of educational process results


Analysis of the Third all-Russian economic dictation results (Part 1)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the Third all-Russian economic dictation results, which is held annually to determine and improve the level of economic literacy of Russia. A comparative analysis of the participants’ quantitative and qualitative composition and the dictation results in 2018 and 2019 is carried out. The important practical result of the action and the necessity of its further development are noted.
Keywords: all-Russian economic dictation, respondent, regional platform, participants category, results distribution


Issue 4/2019


Conceptual framework for industry preparation for clustering
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Palamarchuk A. G., postgraduate of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Dorokhov V. V., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kritsyn A. A., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The authors carry out an analysis of the current state of the Russian economy and industry. The main barriers to its development are identified. They include both external political factors and the own inertia of enterprises, which prefer more conservative ways of development to innovative approaches, connected with improvement of mechanical and tactical control of production. As a systematic approach to systemic technological development of the industry, the authors propose innovative industrial clustering, the introduction of which will significantly increase the economic efficiency of domestic industrial enterprises and allow them to become one of the world technological leaders.
Keywords: cluster, industry, socio-economic development, industrial organization, organizational and management solutions


Changes in social responsibility initiatives in modern corporate governancess
Ageeva N. G., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Balanovskaya N. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: In complex programs of Russian high-technology industries development the national social and economic policy is of primary importance. The necessity of changes in corporate social responsibility is distinguished among the relevant tasks as an efficient way of steady economic growth and influence on social challenges connected with the climate change, modification of the quality of life and activation of political initiatives. The article presents the approach to changing organizational and behavioral initiatives of social responsibility in management of high-technology industry companies. Development of initiatives leads to specification of the company’s objectives, alteration of existing models of social responsibility, introduction of new social trends, norms and behavioral patterns in practice.
Keywords: corporate management, social responsibility, social innovations, stakeholders, patterns, initiatives


Supplier selection model in the planning strategy for creating technically complex products
Vnuchkov Yu. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Khmelevoy V. V., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor at the Innovative economics, finance and project management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: Based on the theory of fuzzy sets, authors propose a model for selecting suppliers of material resources for a manufacturer of technically complex products. The model is used to determine the range of supplies that meet the company’s quality requirements, as well as to form a list of suppliers that meet the stated requirements. Due to the significant uncertainty of the new products characteristics and their resource support, expert estimates and the fuzzy set theory apparatus are used in the model construction. The model will ensure the objectivity of decisions made during competitive suppliers selection.
Keywords: technically complex products; planning strategy; supply chain; procurement logistics; selection of suppliers; fuzzy sets; decision model




Innovative capabilities of the research production enterprise for the analytical control devices modernization
Zolotareva L. V., Director
LLC Research and production enterprise OKBA, Angarsk
Pirog V. P., Councilor director
LLC Research and production enterprise OKBA, Angarsk
Kondratyev I. A., General designer
LLC Research and production enterprise OKBA, Angarsk
Smolnikov A. V., Economist
LLC Research and production enterprise OKBA, Angarsk

Abstract: An assessment of the innovative capabilities of the enterprise developer and manufacturer of analytical control devices during the modernization of manufactured devices, taking into account the effective demand of scientific organizations and industries, is carried out.
Keywords: innovation, modernization, analytical control devices


Innovative ecosystems of attracting foreign capital in conditions of geo-economic instability
Petrovich T., assistant at the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: This research was focused on evaluating possibility of forming innovational ecosystem for attracting foreign investments, by taking Serbia as example. It is shown that, on the one hand, global integration has facilitated interaction between countries, created the conditions for the country’s access to the latest technologies, and has provided resource savings. On the other hand, integration into the world economy has brought negative consequences for countries such as Serbia. The concept of “innovation ecosystem” is clarified, and the benefits of cooperation in attracting foreign capital in joint projects within the innovation ecosystem are identified. The most effective ways of the state ecosystem interaction are pointed out, and the key features of the innovation ecosystem for attracting funding to joint projects are highlighted. It is concluded that the mechanisms of public-private interaction in ecosystems are applicable for attracting foreign investment.
Keywords: innovation potential, innovation, private and foreign investment, business ecosystem, ecosystem interac- tion, public-private cooperation


Providing the country’s economy with the most important raw materials is a necessary condition for innovative development.
Kostygova L. A., doctor of economic sciences, associate professor at the Department of Corporate Finance and Corporate Governance
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The innovations development and implementation require solving the issue of providing production with modern materials. The problem of such materials creation and usage controlling is of state importance. The article analyzes the available options for solving this problem in different countries, identifies the main approaches to solving this problem, considers the concepts of “critical materials”, “strategic and scarce mineral raw materials”, and classifies Russian minerals depending on the possibility of meeting their needs. As a result, it is recommended to use the experience of the EU countries in the managing critical materials, it is found that it is especially important to organize such a process in territorial innovation clusters, which will provide innovative production with the necessary raw materials, optimize the processes of their supply and control over rational use. The solution of this problem will ensure the growth of added value and the production of high-tech products in leading industries, including engineering.
Keywords: critical raw materials, strategic and scarce mineral raw materials, their role in the territorial innovation clusters development




Intersection points of modern marketing and management concepts
Kukhareva E. S., student of the Faculty of Finance and Economics
Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: The onset of the digital era has changed many aspects in our lives – from the interaction between people to the approaches to business and the economy as a whole. These changes also affected marketing. The purpose of this study is to analyze the points of modern marketing and management concepts’ intersection. The study used methods of comparison, analysis and generalization. As a result of the study, the relationship between the concepts of Industry 4.0 and Marketing 4.0 was revealed, cases of concept sharing in Russia and abroad were considered and development prospects were analyzed.
Keywords: Industry 4.0, Marketing 4.0, Industrial Revolution, Big Data, concept interconnection




Analysis of the current state of energy saving in industry
Koshelev A. S. , assistant at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of the current state of energy saving in the industry. The author reveals the relationship between increasing energy efficiency and meeting the demand for energy services. The author reviews the world energy consumption and by industry subsectors usage, and describes the reasons for the high energy intensity of the Russian industry in general and the metallurgical industry in particular. The article presents the assessment data of Russian energy efficiency policy by foreign researchers. On the basis of the obtained data, the great importance and prospects for the energy-efficient technologies introduction in metallurgical production are justified.
Keywords: energy resources, energy saving, industry, energy efficiency, fuel and energy resources, metallurgical products, competitiveness, world market




Methodological bases for carrying out optional events in higher education institutions as a factor of the training effectiveness improving
Zubeeva E. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mezina N. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Pushkareva M. B., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Dorokhov V. V., postgraduate at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article considers the approach to the optional events implementation in higher education institutions. Classification of optional events, principles and methods of their implementation, authors’ approach to their effectiveness evaluation are given. It is concluded that it is important and necessary to hold optional events in the university, forming the University 3.0. position.
Keywords: optional event, competence, principles, methodology, social competitiveness, advocacy, motivation


Methodological basis for educational clusters formation
Zubeeva E. V., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Andrianov A. M., postgraduate at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of Economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Dorokhov V. V., postgraduate at the Management and Marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: This article examines the concept, role and significance of educational clusters centered in the University. The possible composition the educational cluster participants is proposed. It is noted that the most important function of the educational cluster is socio-economic. Classification is offered according to the criteria purpose of activity, interaction with the external environment, expected effects. The complexity of the issues of the educational cluster effectiveness evaluating is noted. The introduction of rating assessment is proposed.
Keywords: education cluster, school, college, small innovation enterprise, industrial enterprise, purpose, function, rating


Current educational methods, used in the training of engineering and management personnel
Zubeeva E. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mezina N. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Dorokhov V. V., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: This article is devoted to the issue of training engineering and management personnel in technical universities. The authors give an original definition of engineering and management personnel, analyze existing educational methods and offer their own system of educational methods, including 4 types: verbal, non-verbal, associative, and intuitive. An example of using the system of techniques at the Moscow aviation Institute is given.
Keywords: educational methodology, engineering and management personnel, competence


High-quality masters’ training in technical universities for industrial enterprises
Vartanyan A. A., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: High-quality masters training in technical Universities will contribute to the Russian economy development, to the growth of science and culture, as well as to the digital transformation of industrial enterprises. Unclear masters masters’s competences, including those recruited from bachelors who graduated from other universities, majoring in the other professional fields, with insufficient knowledge of the relevant subjects and lack of understanding of their importance for the future profession, as well as lack of funding, affect the quality of their training in technical universities. Individually-targeted, object- oriented and project-team methods of training in the master’s program, integration of universities and enterprises in the basis of unified professional and educational standards and improvement of students motivation – all these actions will guarantee preparation of high-quality staff for industrial enterprises.
Keywords: master’s degree, personnel and material and technical capacity of the industrial enterprise, competences, information and management technologies, individually-targeted training, added value of the graduate, high-quality master’s training




The fourth industrial revolution and law: today and tomorrow.
Agarkov A. P., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Prorector of regional development
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Erokhina E. A., senior lecturer at the Department of Economics and management
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Gerendot B. A., associate professor at the School of General and Interdisciplinary Legal Studies
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow

Abstract: The article deals with the state of law in conditions when the influence of the fourth industrial revolution processes and other processes and phenomena of natural, technical and social order, occur cardinal changes in the law and in its branches. The authors aim to identify new advantages and threats that arise as a result of the consistent penetration of information and communication technologies (ICT) into various institutions of society, industries and agriculture, and the need to raise and resolve issues of legal impact and legal regulation of processes in a completely different way. The authors show that a number of completely new objects of legal regulation have appeared, in respect of which there are not enough existing legal norms, and sometimes even legal regimes. In these conditions, law, becoming multi- level and multi-vector, appears and makes it understood not as a non-initiative contemplator-fixator of events, but as an active and energetic mechanism that contributes to transformations. Socio-economic and legal problems also arise in connection with the robotics development and using artificial intelligence. The problems of robots’ legal personality as the first steps in the legal design of various legal concepts are particularly relevant.
Keywords: industrial revolution, automation, cyberspace and cybernetic devices, robotics, new technologies, digital economy and digital environment, digitalization of the economy, artificial intelligence


Report on the youth section of the Moscow Academic Economic Forum − 2019
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: This article is an overview of the youth section’ results of the Moscow Academic Economic Forum (MAEF) – 2019. The research presents the topics of the MAEF plenary conferences. The composition of participants in the youth section, the topic of the plenary session reports, and the final plenary session description are noted. The moderators’ speeches at the final plenary session are highlighted. The main message of the lecture by Professor Jean Tirol, who spoke in the final part of the event, is revealed. The general socio-economic significance of the youth section of the MAEF – 2019 is noted.
Keywords: Moscow Academic Economic Forum, a plenary conference of scientific-practical conference, the youth section of the forum, the moderator, concluding plenary session


Issue 3/2019


Evolution of the economic interests balance concept
Smirnov V. G., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Dorokhov V.V., postgraduate at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: The article describes the evolution of the formation of the concept of economic agents’ economic interests balance, the essence of this concept, its role in the market mechanism functioning. The idea of economic interests balance is reflected in the set of economic laws of market mechanism functioning formulated by A. Smith. The main indicators were financial indicators (profit, income), which were a measure of success. However, gradually the market situation changed, entrepreneurs and scientists began to notice that financial indicators have become a business development brake. The industrial era was replaced by the information era. The economy of «tangible assets» was transformed into the economy of «intellectual assets». The attitude to business has also changed. It required a more comprehensive, balanced view of the company’s activities. In the early 1990s, Robert Kaplan and David Norton, based on research, proposed a more advanced system based on the triple balance sheet, called the balanced scorecard, which has found wide application in different industries.
Keywords: economic agents’ economic interests balance, a set of economic laws of the market mechanism, financial indicators, industrial era, information era, tangible assets, intellectual assets, balanced scorecard


Operational production management in the conditions of enterprise’s activity changes
Danilochkina N. G., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Cherner N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Odintsovo Branch of MGIMO-University, Odintsovo, Moscow region
Bobrova M. B., postgraduate of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: In modern conditions the organization of operational production activity is aimed at providing coordination and coherence in work of all enterprise links for competitive products release of the set quality and volume, the defined contracts with customers, at the all best production resources types usage. The purposes of operational production management are presented in article, production management tasks at the present stage are described, spatial implementation of the operational management scheme is presented and changes realization methods are allocated.
Keywords: production management, operational management, management of changes, control, continuity of production


Strategy of small business development in machine building industry
Ogandzhanyan S. B., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor at the Intelligent monitoring systems Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: Many branches of the machine-building complex have lost their positions in the struggle against foreign manufacturers, yielding to them on such key indicators as the products cost and quality. Mechanical engineering industrial potential analysis revealed a number of characteristics adversely affecting the processes of its development. Based on the analysis results, it is concluded that the small business activation in the satellite enterprises’ form in the mechanical engineering sphere is preferable for the Russian economy.
Keywords: machine-building complex, small enterprise, innovations, satellite enterprises


Pricing strategies within industrial holding in digital economy conditions
Cherner N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Odintsovo Branch of MGIMO-University, Оdintsovo, Moscow region

Abstract: The article presents research in the field of pricing strategies within a holding management, in a digital economy. A conceptual scientific and design decision on the formation of a strategic management loop has been developed to optimize strategic pricing within holding management decisions.
Keywords: strategy, inside the holding price control, digital economy


Evaluation of efficiency in x-ray tomography application for workpiece control in machine-building production
Dronov E. A., candidate economic of sciences, Director General
Head of the Armaments Technology Department
Tulamashzavod JSC, Tula
Tula State University, Tula
Samochkin V. N., 2 doctor of economic sciences, Chief Executive Officer professor at the Finance & Management Department
Department Tulamashzavod PA, Ltd., Tula
Tula State University, Tula
Barakhov V. I., candidate of engineering sciences, Key Specialist
Tulamashzavod PA, Ltd., Tula

Abstract: This paper provides one of the approaches to evaluate the efficiency of X-ray computing tomography applied to workpieces quality control in machine-building production. The approach is based on localization of blanks with inadmissible inner defects and intolerable heterogeneity of density distribution in crosssections to eliminate such workpieces from machining process. As the result, both the labour intensity of annual production program and the products cost prices reduce to open up possibilities for additional quantum of output. Computational algorithm of economic effect includes production function and rate of substitution of capital by labour. Submitted herein is the example of economic effect calculation in application of tomograph to check diesel engine cylinder workpieces at Tulamashzavod JSC.
Keywords: economic efficiency, X-ray tomography, workpiece, quality control, labour intensity reduction, diesel engine cylinder, economic effect




Prospects for cluster development of industry based on multi-level integration of innovative industrial structures
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The research treats the concept of clustering as a mechanism for stimulating industry innovative development. The prerequisites and goals for the cluster structures existence are considered. Indicators of industry innovative development are given. The author’s approach to the definition of “innovative- industrial organization” is proposed. The role and importance of modern industrial ecosystems in improving innovations and economy clustering are considered. The special role of innovative-investment projects is highlighted. There are three possible approaches to the innovative-industrial organizations formation– centralized, decentralized, and mixed. Their characteristics are given.
Keywords: cluster, innovative-industrial organization, innovative-production structure, ecosystem, innovative-investment project


Innovative activities of russian enterprises and its impact on the country economic security
Kuzmina E. E., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Institute of Tourism and Hospitality
Russian state University of tourism and service, Cherkizovo, Moscow region

Abstract: The article defines innovative activity and its characteristics in accordance with the Federal Law “About Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy”. The problems hindering its development are revealed. The indicators for the evaluation and efficiency of Russian enterprises and organizations innovation activities are summarized. The dynamics of Russian enterprises’ innovation activities, as well as the dynamics of Russia’s position in the global innovation index (GII) ranking over the past five years are presented. The opinion of foreign experts on the problem of instability in the GII rating is feflected. The influence of innovation activity on the economic security of the country is shown.
Keywords: innovation activity, indicators, dynamics, enterprises, safety




Conceptual mechanism of internal marketing organization at external order implementation
Dmitriev O. N., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of hightech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Novikov S. V. , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: A typified organizational and economic scheme of the modern Russian corporate group (сorporation) consisting of high-tech enterprises is considered. The introduction of additional hierarchical pseudosubject complication of the commodity products market for modern Russian conditions is shown and the emergence of cognitive dissonance of subjectivity of the commodity products supplier in the presence of an out-of-сorporation customer is reflected. The main emphasis is made on the conceptual vision presentation of the internal distribution mechanism of the external order, i.e. decomposition of the supply project for the corporation enterprises-members. The mechanism is considered in the aspects of environmental, structural and procedural scientific and project execution. The author proclaims the applicability of the main organizational and economic schemes of corporatization development in Russia in modern conditions.
Keywords: enterprise, corporate group (corporation), order, delivery project, corporation’s internal and external marketing operations, external order, internal distribution mechanism


Practical aspects of production promotion management at the energy market
Soldatova N. F., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Marketing Department at the Institute of Marketing
State University of Management, Moscow

Abstract: The world experience does not consider all aspects of the national energy markets development, especially the Russian market specifics, which is characterized by such trends as: strengthening the economic independence of electric power systems (EPS) and energy enterprises, expanding and deepening the relationship of the EEC with regional authorities, etc., which significantly affects the management methods, forms new management and marketing tools of the EEC, the content of specific management tasks and relations between them. At the moment, it becomes necessary to further develop the existing practical approaches to solve the problems of power systems and enterprises management. From all management directions variety in this article the marketing aspect of management of the enterprise functioning in the power market is considered.
Keywords: energy market, power generation companies, sustainable development marketing, marketing promotion; B2B market; promotion tools; promotion management strategic model


Adaptation of new helicopters’ development and production to the market demand
Krivolutsky Yu. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Abstract: Now problems of new helicopters sales and helicopter park updating became aggravated. It is generally recognized that in the condition of homogenous demand and high competitiveness of domestically produced helicopters to keep the earlier gained market shares seems not to be achievable. The maximum adaptation of new helicopters production to the needs of various market segments could be strategically a right solution to the demand stimulation. In order to solve the problem it is necessary to analyze the market as a combination of consumers, to define the target audience and to research the segments and their specific characteristics.
Keywords: adaptation, air company, market segments, consumers, helicopter base model, equipment modification


Features of marketing strategy forming in new products launch
Khasuntsev A. A., postgraduate of the Logistics and Marketing Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Successful new product launch is impossible without a high-quality marketing strategy. New products development can become a competitive advantage and contribute to incremental revenue growth. The marketing strategy formation begins long before the launch of the product in serial production. In this article, we will look at the features that arise in developing and shaping the new product marketing strategy, as well as the dependence of the product strategy on the company’s strategy.
Keywords: marketing, marketing strategy, new products development, market share, segmentation




Methodological analysis of certain issues of the All-Russian Economic Dictation
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Kostikov Yu. A., candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Head of the Mathematics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Romanenkov A. M., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor at the Mathematics Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The paper analyses the distribution of options for answers to the questions of the All-Russian Economic Dictation, which took place on October 4, 2018 with the support of the Free Economic Society of Russia. The focus of the work is on the analysis of methodological and methodological nuances, which were revealed after the questions analysis of the All-Russian Economic Dictation and answers to them. The distribution of correct and incorrect answers in tasks that involve multiple choices of correct choices is clearly shown. From these diagrams it is possible to draw conclusions about complexity, correctness and importance of this kind in the economic dictation. With this data, specialists and experts can offer recommendations for improving the tasks of the dictation, and recommendations for actions necessary to increase the level of population’s economic literacy.
Keywords: software complex, data processing, All-Russian Economic Dictation, information and analytical system, statistical analysis


Priorities of masters’ training in “Marketing” in Belarus Republic
Baybardina T. N. , candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, head of the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Belarus
Burtseva O. A., senior lecturer at the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Belarus

Abstract: In the modern state policy of Belarus, education is considered as a special driving force of socio- economic development of the country, and as a leader of its innovative evolution. The orientation towards innovation of the Republic determines, in turn, new priorities in the higher education development. It is clear that the priorities should be aimed at matching the quality training of professionals with higher education to the modern-day level requirements to the innovative development of economy sectors and social sphere. The article deals with the key priorities in the masters’ training in “Marketing” in Belarus Republic in the higher education transition to the international system of undergraduate and graduate studies.
Keywords: master’s degree, marketing specialists, higher education, practice-oriented training, education system, education quality


Analysis of the results of the Second All-Russian Economic Dictation (part 4)
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the results of the Second All-Russian economic Dictation, which is held annually to determine and improve the economic literacy level in Russia. The comparative analysis of quantitative and qualitative participants’ composition indicators and dictation results in 2017 and 2018 are carried out. The important practical result of the action and the need for its further development is noted.
Keywords: all-Russian economic dictation, respondent, regional platform, category of participants, results distribution