Issue 2/2018


Classification of goals achieved on the basis of industrial enterprise’s integrated automation
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Anisimov K. V., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: In the framework of this article the authors form the rationale for the high-tech industry development as the innovative economy basis. The concept and essence of integrated automated control systems are developed. The main factors and sources of socio-economic results from the integrated automated control systems introduction are identified. A comprehensive classification of economic and social objectives achieved in the integrated automated control systems formation at the industrial enterprises is given.
Keyword: innovation, investment, innovation and investment activity, production automation, integrated automated control systems, social goals, economic goals, synergetic effect


Transport telematics as factor of losses decreasing on industrial freights delivery
Zaikin R. N., senior lecturer at the Legal and customs regulation on transport Department
Moscow automobile and road construction state technical university (MADI), Moscow
Savchenko-Belskii K. A., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Legal and customs regulation on transport Department
Moscow automobile and road construction state technical university (MADI), Moscow

Annotation: Тhe article informs about the possibilities of transport telematics means, contributing to the losses reduction in the industrial goods delivery. The article describes the existing system of the cargo state control, highlighted their advantages and disadvantages compared to the proposed system. A brief description of the navigation-connected unit is given, its unused functions associated with the possibility of recording and transmitting information about the accelerations that occur when changing the dynamic vehicle parameters are indicated. Describe the effects of vehicle parameter changes on the goods condition. An experiment is described that confirms the possibility of navigation-connected unit usage for the purpose of recording and transmitting information about the accelerations that occur when the dynamic vehicle parameters change.
Keyword: transport telematics, industrial cargoes, control


Strategic Aims and Objectives of the Intellectual Organization
Vartanyan A. A., doctor of economic sciences, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: Information technologies and implementation of modern management methods in the high-tech companies’ production activities are essential conditions to increase the their management efficiency. In order to determine the strategic goals, main innovative and management tasks, one can use the pyramid of business. For the effective functioning in the market, organizations determine: strategic vision, mission, goals, strategy and development tactics, which comprise the business-architecture basis. Implementation of information technologies (IT) and innovative solutions are needed in the frame of organization architecture vision. The «intellectual organization» which is most using the intellectual capital of the workers is of special interest.
Keyword: intellectual organization, manager’s vision, mission of the organization, strategy, pyramid and matrix of business, development strategy, innovative and information technologies, projects, management, organization architecture, business architecture, IT architecture




Financing of enterprises innovative activity by means of venture investment
Baranova E. A., head of the International Students’ Educational Center, International department, postgraduate part-time student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The author of the article acquaints readers with financing enterprises’ innovative projects with the help of venture investment. The article describes the peculiarities of this investment type, risky, but, at a successful coincidence, extremely profitable. The work contains material about the venture investors’ operation structure and mechanism. The material of the article conveys a brief history of the venture investment development abroad, as well as determines the Russian venture funds formation. Particular emphasis is being placed on the possible support for the venture investment development in the Russian Federation by the state and business. The author leads to the conclusion that venture investment is one of the important sources of financing innovative projects and scientific developments introduced by enterprises in production.
Keyword: innovative project, start-ups, venture investment, venture company, venture fund, risk of venture investments, single venture ecosystem


The genesis of the development of innovations introduction tools of industrial enterprises of Russia
Zolotova V. A., senior lecturer at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department, chief specialist
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Scientific and Technical Centre «Atlas», Moscow

Annotation: The article considers the features of innovation schemes development, used in the case when the customer of innovation is the state authorities, ministries and departments. The features of lots (contracts) execution within the Federal target programs are described. The areas of modern methodological features of the contract (the Federal program), running with the raising of extrabudgetary funding. The article deals mainly with the financial and economic aspects of the lots, as well as the features of accounting for the results of the research performed.
Keyword: Federal target program, industry enterprises in Russia, R&D, government contract, extrabudgetary funds, public funding




Methodological basis of inflation and risk accounting in assessing of energy saving measures effectiveness
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Zubeeva E. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department, associate professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., candidate of economic sciences, assistant at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Palamarchuk A. G., postgraduate student of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The assessment of inflation and risks of energy saving projects, as well as risk management methods are considered. Concepts of the balanced and unbalanced inflation are given and also their features are considered. In article influence of risks on effectiveness energy saving management system is considered. Besides, authors offer to carry out risks accounting process of efficiency assessment in energy saving events by means of the discounting procedure.
Keyword: inflation, risk, energy efficiency, industrial enterprise




Latest trends on global space market and opportunities for Russia
Kamolov S. G., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of the Public Governance Department
Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Moscow

Annotation: Throughout the current decade, commercialization has become the leading trend in the global space market development. In the current conditions of the transition to the knowledge economy, those countries that have developed high-tech knowledge-intensive industries, capabilities of delivering high value-added products to the external market, are in the most advantageous position. The quality and level of countries’ participation in this market are determined by their specialization in the international division of labor. The study of the latest data on the structure-forming factors dynamics and the forces alignment in the global space arena allows us to develop practical recommendations for improving the directions of the program and objectives management of the Russian space industry development, which we regard as the most important area that ensures Russia’s strategic competitiveness and independence.
Keyword: innovations, space services world market, program-target management method, public governance




Convergent approach in successful achievement of the science and education goals.
Metechko L. B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head at the Ecology, life support systems and safety activities Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sorokin A. E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of the Ecology life support systems and safety activities Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The article deals with a new cognition methodology, which is born in our difficult time of global ecological crisis. Just in such critical time periods the search for new ways and approaches to cognition is inevitable, since the previous analytical methods of studying complex systems have not brought the desired results, and new discoveries are increasingly manifested at the various scientific directions junction. Modern scientific research becomes convergent, it is characterized by a cluster strategy combining one goal different scientific areas that ensure the innovative projects systematic implementation. The article presents examples of new approaches implementation and inevitably accompanying them to counteract the old analytical school of the usual divergent approach to solving problems. The article presents convincing arguments for the effectiveness of a new approach to scientific research on the example of the efficiency improving of joint research teams that solve one problem by different scientific methods and different scientific areas that combine the achievements of high-tech developments in instrumentation, Metrology, medicine, life support systems, environmental safety management methods, applied environmental calculations, the latest developments in the field of computer science, computer science and innovative methods to ensure environmental safety and health.
Keyword: convergent science and technology cluster development strategy, cognitive ability, holistic paradigm


Classification of sources of financing educational innovative projects of autonomous educational institutions
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The purpose of the author’s study is to develop a classification of financial support sources required for the educational innovative projects implementation in modern Russian autonomous educational institutions. The authors develop the concept and essence of educational innovatics and educational innovation. A detailed classification of public and private sources of funding with their consistent analysis is given.
Keyword: innovation, education, educational innovation, innovative educational projects, commercialization, financing sources


University resource and service training centers for industrial enterprises.
Vartanyan A. A., doctor of economic sciences, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Kuprikov M. Yu., doctor of engineering sciences, professor, Head of the Engineering graphics Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The quality of products manufactured by high-tech industrial enterprises significantly depends on the competence of employees, their basic training, regular training and retraining. Knowing the problems, goals and objectives of enterprises and with the help of timely audit of their current state, it is possible to solve the inverse issue of determining the need for qualified staff, to propose a strategy for the development of human resources and logistical capacity. The missing competencies can be filled through «personnel tuning» in the DPO programs, including through resource and service centers established on the basis of universities of the Russian Federation, for current employees, and for those who have previously graduated from technical schools, but do not work in the high-tech field. Network and individual-target model of staff training within the framework of basic and additional education, integration of basic science and sectoral research, designers and operators on the basis of unified professional and educational standards, using object-oriented and project-team method of training–a guarantee of the quality of education for enterprises of science-intensive industries.
Keyword: staff, human resources and logistical capacity of the industry, enterprises of high-tech industries, high- tech engineering, competence, inverse issue, personnel tuning, additive technologies, three-dimensional scanning




Perspective segment of the new helicopters market
Krivolutsky Yu. V., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The united pipeline of oil and gas supply has developed in Russia. The system provides energy resources to the all economical areas of the country and for export. Pipelines relate to the category of energy strained objects, failure of which threatens severe material and ecological damage. It is necessary to pay special attention to the all types of diagnostics, including aerospace, important part of which are helicopters with special equipment. At present time there is a tendency to use unmanned aerial vehicle, which enables increasing quality and economy of objects’ monitoring. For helicopter manufacturing company this market segment opens perspectives, because the demand for economical unmanned aerial vehicle capable for big distance coverage is quite high.
Keyword: market segment, pipeline transport, pipeline accidents, monitoring methods, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)


Analysis and evaluation remote sensing tools in environmental monitoring
Metechko L. B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head at the Ecology, life support systems and safety activities Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Sorokin A. E., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of the Ecology life support systems and safety activities Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Golovanova T. V., candidate of engeneering sciences, associate professor, deputy head at the ecology, life support systems and safety activities Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow
Larionov V. V., master’s degree student in Aircraft industry, «environmental safety in aircraft industry» specialization
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The article systematizes and summarizes the data accumulated in recent years on the means of environmental monitoring. The main attention is paid to aerospace methods of environmental monitoring. One of the main sources of data for aerospace monitoring are remote sensing data obtained from manned orbital stations, spaceships, airplanes, helicopters, unmanned laitalainen apparatus, etc. described in Detail the principles of operation of the equipment, conducting the processing of data about the state of the environment.
Keyword: environmental, aerospace monitoring, remote sensing, hardware methods, absorption, flame ionization, chemiluminescent


Profitability of pilotless helicopters usage at main gas pipelines patrolling
Krivolutsky Yu. V., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow State Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Annotation: The article relates to the comparable economic assessment of applying unmanned aerial vehicles types of helicopter and manned helicopters for pipelines’ monitoring. While transporting billions cubic meters of gas under high pressure it is necessary to provide high reliability of gas pipeline system and keep it in working good condition. Accidents and anomalies, related to the wholeness of a pipeline, can do economic and ecological harm not only in gas pipeline system, but also outside it. The unmanned aerial vehicles usage enables to reduce costs for saving nature procedures and reduce the probability of accident situations.
Keyword: gas-transport system, pipeline accidents, damage, unmanned aerial vehicles (drones)


Issue 1/2018


System dynamics approach to resource management in simulation model
Galkin V. I., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Technologies and systems of metallurgical processes automated design Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Galkin E. V., candidate of Engineering Sciences, assistant professor at the Technologies and systems of metallurgical processes automated design Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Kusina S. M., chief specialist
Joint Stock Company «Sukhoi Civil Aircrafts»

Abstract: The technique of combining the two approaches in the construction of the production process simulation model is presented. Using the discrete-event approach, the process of manufacturing products in the form of a queuing system is described. In order to manage resources, a tool has been added to the developed model – a PI controller, implemented using a system-dynamic approach. The use of simulation for solving similar problems is effective both for operating enterprises and for projected ones, which do not yet have sufficient information on production parameters.
Keywords: simulation modeling, discrete event modeling, system dynamics modeling, resources management, lean production, proportional plus integr


Theoretical foundations of industrial enterprises’ intellectual and technological development in the context of the ‘‘Industry 5.0’’ paradigm
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, acting Head of the Management and marketing of high-tech industries Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Mylnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The authors’ research is devoted to the urgent problem of high-tech production system development based on «Industry 5.0» paradigm. In the article, the main elements of preceding «Industry 4.0» are consistently analyzed, among them: the artificial intelligence development, production individualization, the cyber- physical systems creation at the enterprises. The authors form the theoretical foundations of the enterprises’ intellectual and technological development on the basis of the latest paradigm of the high-tech production organization–‘‘Industry 5.0’’. Among its main components are such areas as technologies for the artificial intelligence systems formation within the IASA enterprise, self-learning and goal-oriented training of industrial robots and recognizing human speech technologies.
Keywords: intellectual and technological development of enterprises, ‘‘Industry 4.0’’, ‘‘Industry 5.0’’, innovations, artificial intelligence, intelligent industrial robots, cyber-physical systems


Problems of personnel motivation in aviation industry
Kharitonova Yu. V., postgraduate of the Institute of business studies
The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the personnel motivation key problems in the aviation industry in conditions of modern market management. The author has carried out the literary analysis of competent sources on the basis of which the relevance and role of efficiency development of aviation branch specialists activity and also basic mechanisms of material and non-material personnel stimulation are defined. Process of personnel potential rehabilitation as one of radical methods of motivation and stimulation systems’ intensive development is described. Advantages of using personnel marketing at the aviation industry enterprises as effective personnel technology in market managing modern conditions are specified.
Keywords: aviation industry, personnel, specialist, motivation, stimulation, sphere, branch, mechanism


Development of automated liquefied hydrocarbon gas supply system for industrial enterprise
Ogandzhanyan S. B., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor at the Management of business information structure Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: One of the tasks of fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation developing until 2030 is the optimal natural resources utilization, including also the industrial enterprise’s gas supply efficiency increasing by liquefied petroleum gas. To fulfill this task author proposed an automated control system. This is an automated human-machine system that includes economic and mathematical models of liquefied petroleum gas supply, information support and control units, as well as a software tools set to solve the problem of optimal liquefied petroleum gas supply to the industrial enterprise. The expediency of representing a mathematical model in the form of partly-whole line model is shown.
Keywords: gas supply automated system, industrial enterprise, liquefied petroleum gas, mathematical model, partly- whole line model, information system




Application of indistinct and multiple approach in innovative projects efficiency forecasting
Lebenkova E. E., postgraduate student of the Economy of innovations and Project management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Tarasova E. V., candidate of economic Sciences, professor at the Economy of innovations and Project management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The innovative activity importance in modern conditions, which determines the research relevance in the innovation processes management, is considered. Deficiencies of existing methods of the innovation projects effectiveness forecasting are indicated. Mechanism with the presentation of the initial information in a fuzzy-plural form is proposed for evaluating the innovative project effectiveness. The following mechanism allows to avoid the deficiencies of the existing forecasting methods, especially the subjectivity of the initial information. Based on the mechanism of innovative project effectiveness forecasting, the innovation project risk assessment procedure is described.
Keywords: innovative project, project efficiency, risk assessment, expert forecasting methods, fuzzy sets




Formation of energy efficient intelligent systems for enterprise’s power management based on microgrid technology
Teplyshev V. Yu., candidate of Economic sciences, Нead of the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The research considers a new technology for the modern science of the energy efficient intellectual system organization for managing enterprises’ energy supply. The author justifies the energy saving necessity for modern Russian economy, and also carries out a conceptual analysis of the state policy in the sphere of energy efficiency increase. Based on the smart grids methodology, the scientific foundations of microgrid construction are being formed. The definition of the «microgride» concept is developed, the basic principles of its organization are determined in the framework of solving the problem of industrial enterprise’s uninterrupted power supply. The perspectives of microgrid usage for the social sphere are considered.
Keywords: energy saving, industry, power supply of enterprises, intelligent systems, smart grids, microgrids, automation, artificial intelligence




Content of outsourcing services for fullfilm of engineering products
Sinyaev V. V., doctor of economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: In article the author discloses value of a machine-building complex of the country for improvement of human life quality and of defense capability conditions creation. The place of Russia in the mechanical engineering world market is explored. In the logical sequence contents of the fulfillment definition and dynamics of the outsourcing market development in electronic trading system of machine-building production reveal. Author’s assessment of fulfillment outsourcing services structure presents scientific novelty
Keywords: outsourcing, outsourcer, IT – service, Internet-trade, market, tracking, factoring, fulfillment


Improvement of the marketing research methodology in digitization conditions
Rozhkov I. V., candidate of economic Sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: Modern information technologies significantly change the traditional methods of marketing research. The article analyzes the improvement of the methodology of marketing research on the basis of platforms for collective interaction (crowdsourcing), big data, consumer behavior modeling based on artificial neural networks. The article deals with the experience of implementing large-scale field research using the example of MillionAgents, reveals the main directions of neural networks and artificial intelligence in marketing research using the example of the NTechLab, characterized the possibilities of monitoring the behavior of consumers in natural conditions using the example of the Shopperception. The article draws conclusions about trends in improving the methodology of marketing research in the future.
Keywords: marketing research, industrial enterprises, information technology, crowdsourcing, neural networks, artificial intelligence, face recognition, consumer behavior


Marketing as the main direction of mechanical engineering cluster development
Sinyaeva I. M., doctor of economic Sciences, professor at the Management Department
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

Abstract: In the present paper the current trend of Russia’s innovation complex integration in the engineering clusters of is highlighted. The contribution of foreign and domestic scientists to the cluster formation theory is noted. According to the GII 2017 (global innovation index), the world leading countries and transnational corporations in the world innovative mechanical engineering market are distinguished. With an illustration the marketing directions and its importance in the engineering cluster are presented. Finally, the conclusion about marketing as the most important direction of innovative engineering cluster design is made.
Keywords: cluster, marketing, mechanical engineering, innovations, market, environment, design




Competence of marketing specialists taking into account labor market requirements
Baybardina T. N., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, Head of Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
Burtseva O. A., senior lecturer at the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
Protsko T. L., assistant at the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
Anisim S. N., postgraduate student at the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
Chechounov A. V., master student at the Marketing Department
Belarusian Trade and Economics University of Consumer Cooperatives, Gomel, Republic of Belarus

Abstract: For ensuring of national economy innovative development, its competitive advantages and growth sources, each state has to dispose, first of all, the new generation experts possessing not only practical competences and vocational guidance for work in the economy real sector, but also capable for creative usage of the potential and ready to innovations. In article the main assessment of marketing specialists’ necessary professional competences and skills in the innovative development conditions of Republic of Belarus is given. The opinions of employers to the marketing specialists’ innovative potential caused by modern economy requirements are revealed and priorities in the professional potential formation of marketing specialists at the higher school meeting the labor market requirements are defined.
Keywords: competencies, marketing specialists, training, professional potential, innovative development, employers, labor market




Informational management and digital transformation in high-tech spheres of economy
Vartanyan A. A. , doctor of economic sciences, candidate of physico-mathematical sciences, professor at the industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: Information management for high-tech companies–production and technological tasks, as well as management tasks at all stages of the enterprise’s lifespan to achieve the company goals with information technologies. They benefit from digital transformation, find new ways to overcome emerging difficulties and to work confidently in the digital age, conduct automation and intellectualization of their activities, move on to operate with internet of things, smart devices and economic systems. Information management tasks: building technological environment and organization chart in companies, development and maintenance of information systems, innovation strategy implementation, resource management and data protection.
Keywords: information management, digital transformation, architecture of information technologies, information systems, infocommunication technologies, business process automation


Import substitution as element of anti-crisis policy
Shurkalin A. K., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Finance Department
Moscow State Technical University, Moscow

Abstract: In article import substitution is considered as an important element of anti-crisis policy of the enterprise, branch and all national economy of the Russian Federation. The purposes and the directions of import substitution measures expansion in various branches of Russian economy are shown. The attention to problems and difficulties of import substitution in a number of industries of Russia is paid. Conditions and features of import substitution in oil and gas branch are shown. Its success contacts Russian economy reindustrialization need , complete recovery of machine-building base of the Russian industry, what will provide independent and effective development of Russian economy, create a strong basis of sustained economic growth.
Keywords: import substitution, anti-crisis policy, machinery building, industrial base, sanctions, oil and gas industry, machinery and equipment


Legal problems of public and corporate management in industry
Agarkov A. P., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Propector of regional development
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow
Gerenrot B. A., associate professor at the Department of theory of law and comparative law
National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow
Erokhina E. A., senior lecturer at the Department of economics and management
Moscow Financial-economic Institute, Moscow

Abstract: The ways of legal regulation in modern world are changing greatly, new economic situations are coming up in the society and the country. The article examines the problematic items of public and corporate management, role functions and obstacles appearing in the way of their improvement
Keywords: public governance, corporate management, corporation, legal space, law, legal order, industry


Issue 6/2017


Formation of hybrid clusters in mechanical engineering in conditions the sixth technological order transition
Golov R. S., doctor of economic sciences, professor, Head of the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Milnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Prokofiev D. A., аssistant at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The study is devoted to a new type of cluster structures – hybrid clusters – from a scientific point of view. The authors consider the key technologies of the sixth technological order. The definition of the concepts «bionics» and «hybrid cluster» are given. The authors draw an analogy between the development of hybrids in the animal kingdom and the economy, on the basis of which they develop a mechanism for the hybrid cluster formation based on the integral chains merger, which include the unique qualities and parameters of organizations and enterprises entering the cluster.
Keywords: hybrid clusters, the sixth technological order, bionics, integral chains, engineering, innovations, investments


Method of labour division optimization at machine-building enterprise
Komarova N. V., candidate of engineering sciences, associate professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Tichomirova A. M., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Hi-tech enterprises management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: In article the optimization method «operational labor division on the conveyor with network planning model usage» is stated. Operations formation is made proceeding from works difficulty. Technological transition joins in the next operation if all his predecessors are executed. Requirements and the main model restrictions groups are described. Authors offer to use microelement rationing as measuring tools for existing work organization assessment. The order of assembly operation formation and optimization examples of labor processes with this method usage are shown.
Keywords: optimization, modeling, mechanical engineering, scientific labor organization, network planning, microelement rate setting


Choice of helicopter company’s strategic development objectives
Krivolutsky Yu.V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: In the article the multiple marketing researches necessity on the base of which the economical grounded decisions about the formation and realization of strategic development goals of helicopter building firm are possible to take, is substantiated. The essence of the research at the marketing goal formation stage is to combine the company potential with market demand. To achieve this it is necessary to examine the current demand for helicopters in the light of their types, characteristics and work quantity at the customers in different country regions. Based on the analysis of firm’s resources and quantity determined goals, the best goal is shown.
Keywords: market demands, market segments, target market, marketing research, main goal, advanced helicopters


About strategy development and deployment relevance of production potential transformation of science-intensive industry enterprises of Russia
Ladoshin M. P., board member in the Joint-stock company «Scientific design and technological Bureau “Ferrite”
Joint-stock company “Scientific design and technological Bureau “Ferrite”, Moscow

Abstract: Production potential is the integral component of the strategy development of the science-intensive industry enterprises of Russia. Existence of demand for methodology development of the organizational and economic mechanism of strategic management formation and the mechanism of production capacity transformation strategy formation of the science-intensive industry enterprises of Russia is caused by urgent need of production quality improvement of the science-intensive industry enterprises, enterprises’ productivity increasing, consumers’ satisfaction increasing that, in turn, improves the economic and socio-economic relations.
Keywords: strategy, production capacity, production organization, high-tech industry, innovative development


Synergistic development of intellectual industrial production systems
Pushkareva M. B., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, deputy head of the Energy service and power management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: This paper is devoted to consideration of Intelligent industrial production systems’ synergetic development. Synergy is a new enough direction in the field of human knowledge. To achieve synergy development first of all it is necessary to define a type of intellectual industrial production system and to consider its basic features. Open intellectual industrial production system represents itself logically and organizationally as a uniform complex, each separate element of complex has enough degrees of freedom for the individual self- expression and development which isn’t breaking system integrity.
Keywords: synergy, intellectual industrial production system, attractor, open system, synergetic development


The mechanism of adaptive business management realization in crisis conditions
Tichonov G. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate Professor at the Economic Theory Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: In article adaptive management principles system issues, the adaptive business management mechanism basic elements interrelation are considered. The important place in the research is allocated for possible approaches and methods of business management adaptation in crisis conditions. Also in article methods of collecting, generalization and systematization of necessary information for adaptive business management mechanism development are considered.
Keywords: аdaptive management, crisis condition, management decision, import substitution




Risk evaluation using cash flow discounting
Badalova A. G., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Khomyakov S. S., third-year magistrate student of the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The article discusses the enterprise transition to innovative development path. The basic normative- legal documents regulating innovative activities are reflected. The innovative development advantages of the country’s economy and its competitiveness improvement are shown. The reasons for innovative backwardness of Russian entrepreneurship are pointed. The research results conducted by the Center for Economic Analysis under the Government of the Russian Federation and the Institute for statistical studies and Economics of knowledge in Higher School of Economics are summarized. The problems hindering the development of innovative entrepreneurship in Russia are identified.
Keywords: discounting methodology, cash flow, component parts, probable scenarios, risk, final sample


Commercialization of scientific and technological innovations as a guarantee of successful innovative and investment strategy
Vnuchkov Yu. A., candidate of economic sciences, professor at the Industrual management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: In article features of the scientific and technical innovations commercialization providing their practical application at manufacturing enterprises and ensuring steady profit inflow from the products market in which innovations are realized, are considered. In this process also methodologically correct search of new developments’ introduction ways in real production is strategically decisive. The alternative type of the scientific and technical innovations recipients search strategy aimed at ensuring economic effect taking into account risk factors is offered.
Keywords: innovations, innovations practical implementation and commercialization, risks, economic effect


Investment activities management by means of controlling mechanism
Danilochkina N. G., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Cherner N. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Management Department
Odintsovo Branch of MGIMO-University, Odintsovo
Bobrova M. B., postgraduate of the Industrial management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: Nowadays the innovation economy is an important link in the successful development of entrepreneurial activities. The enterprise needs innovation and products variety that make it more competitive in market relations conditions. The article describes the main problems of innovative economy development and justified the introduction of the innovative development concept. Because of innovative process complexity, special approach in management is required. Such approach is innovations controlling. Innovations controlling is a system for supporting of planning, monitoring, analyzing and advancing the innovative projects development processes, taking into account the enterprise objectives and using internal and external information to achieve a given profitability level of the developed innovation project.
Keywords: innovations, innovative development, innovative development concept, controlling, innovative changes controlling, controlling functions




Assignment of the energy e ciency class of an industrial enterprise
Miatishkin G. V., candidate of Engineering sciences, associate professor at the Thermal engineering and heat engines Department
Samara National Research University, Samara
Filinova A. S., postgraduate student of the Thermal engineering and heat engines Department
Samara National Research University, Samara

Abstract: In article the industrial enterprises’ energy efficiency rating assessment technique on the basis of the studied object comparison with the similar branch enterprises is considered, assessment indicators of fuel and energy resources consumption condition are offered, energy saving classes options and their appointment example are presented. Article contains an example of this technique trial usage on the open data basis, the research result of 1415 industrial enterprises of 84 territorial subjects in Russian Federation is presented, statistical these studied enterprises distributions for the offered energy efficiency classes (from E to And ++) are presented.
Keywords: industrial enterprise’s energy efficiency, energy saving, energy efficiency class




of professionals for engineering training on the basis
of 7M method
Mylnik V. V., doctor of economic sciences, professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Zubeeva E. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Milnik A. V., candidate of economic sciences, associate professor at the Energy service and energy saving management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: This article is devoted to research in the field of personnel training for machine-building enterprises. The authors are developing a new knowledge transfer system, based on involving in the process of learning and memorizing knowledge the maximum memory areas number of students. Within the framework of the study, the authors formulate a memory areas classification and corresponding methods of their activation within the educational process, and formulates a general concept of a new approach to the disciplines teaching in the personnel training for machine-building enterprises.
Keywords: training for mechanical engineering, knowledge, creativity, educational process, seven memory areas


Modern education and engineering staff training problem for hi-tech production
Shkarubo S. N., candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor at the History Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: Article is devoted to consideration of modern high technological educational institutions’ influence on effective engineering staff training for high-tech productions. The attention is paid on the fact, that the hi-tech enterprise’s personnel policy is, first of all, the effective strategy of human resource usage formed both in the high technical educational institutions and in hi-tech design bureau and on the enterprises. It is offered to pay attention to importance of students participation in research activity including the hi-tech enterprises’ platforms. Importance of students’ and postgraduates’ innovative scientific activity stimulation is noted.
Keywords: high technology industry, aerospace industry, aerospace branch, science and information intensive industry, innovations


Future technologies in training specialists for aviation
Nikolaeva M. E., senior lecturer at the Personnel management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Sorokina N. D., candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor at the Sociology, psychology and social management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Yarimaka V. V., associate professor at the Foreign languages for technological specialties Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Yarimaka S. K., assistant at the Personnel management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: Article is devoted to introduction of new personnel training technologies for space branch. The education system in modern society becomes a part of innovative economy, it is forced to submit to corporations’ functioning and development norms that demands quick response in new training technologies introduction which can lead to high-quality improvement of educational process. The new training technologies which are used in experts training for the aviation industry are considered. The conclusion about that in process of new technologies emergence in our life it is necessary to find their application in education is made.
Keywords: space branch, new training technologies, new technologies introduction in personnel training process for the aviation industry




Current state and prospects of Russian civil aircraft industry development
Tikhonov A. I., candidate of engineering sciences, Associate Professor, Director of institute of engineering economics and Humanities
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow
Kraev V. M., doctor of engineering sciences, associate professor, professor at the Personnel management Department
Moscow Aviation Institute (national research university). Moscow

Abstract: The current state of the leading aircraft equipment Russian manufacturing enterprises is considered. The United Aircraft Corporation development strategy analysis for a long-term outlook is carried out. Production and financial and economic activity results of the aircraft equipment production and rendering services world market main participants are considered. Priority tendencies of world and Russian aircraft industry development are revealed. Information about competitive modern aircraft product range is provided. Innovative opportunities of United Aircraft Corporation for leading positions in the world keeping are shown.
Keywords: aircraft industry, United Aircraft Corporation, plane, aircraft, market, demand, military aviation, civil aviation