Issue 1/2010


Asaeva T.A., Soloveva I.P. —Technique of machine-building manufacture optimum resources distribution

Abstract: The technique of various kinds of resources distribution for modernization of material resources of machine-building manufacture, including financial which can be used and in other branches of an economic complex for distribution of investments and budgetary funds is presented. Working out of the presented model was based on combination of results of processing of the statistical data and results of expert estimations with use of mathematical toolkit. Application of the given technique allows to establish priority using of resources.
Key words: machine-building enterprise, material base, distribution technique, model (mechanism), optimum resources distribution, expert estimation, statistical method of data processing, integrated factor, criterion of an optimality

Selivanov S.G., Nikitin V.V., Drudjinina M.A., Shipilova V.G. —Technological preparation of economical manufacture in mechanical engineering

Abstract: In article problems of the technological preparation automated system of economical manufacture creation are considered. Models of its functions in the form of complexes of solved problems are resulted functional model of CAM. For automation of the decision of the named problems methods of mathematical modeling and design-technological decisions optimization on the basis of use of means artificial intelligence in the form of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms are offered.
Key words: CAM, design-technological decisions, manufacturing resource planning, manufacturing accounting

Kapitanov A.V., Mitrofanov V.G., Negrimovskaya N.P., Feofanov A.N. — Risk indicators and methods of risk estimation

Abstract: Article is devoted to the questions of risk estimation in the organization. Thus authors result the scheme of zones of risk, give their description, and also describe interrelation of a risk level and certain level of losses of profit according to a typical curve of distribution of probabilities of occurrence of certain level of losses of profit.
Key words: risk indicators, methods of risk estimation, probability, curve distributions of probabilities



Fateev A.E. — Some questions of the processes intensification of domestic production

Abstract: In article some methodical and organizational questions connected with development of offers in intensification of processes of domestic production are considered.
Key words: intensification of processes, domestic production, market economy, social-economical reform

Kazakova N.A., Khlevnaya E.A., Frantsusova 1.1., Nasedkina T.I. — Innovative development model of the Russian economy: problems and social-economic results

Abstract: The article discusses Russian and world point of view in analysis of factors and stimulus of implementation of innovative activity. The author discusses problems of financing Science investigations and elaborations; investigates factors of business, regional and state innovative activity. The authors analyses results of social- economic monitoring of innovative Russian business activity.
Key words: innovations, innovative model, social-economic results

Fedorov V.K., Benderskii G.P., Belevtsev A.M., Epaneshnikova I.K. —About potential possibilities of “tree of objectives” method application in forecasting of innovative processes development

Abstract: The paper is considered the modern theoretical treatment of features of application of methods of knowledge of the theory of the innovations, known early as a method “a tree of the purposes”. Thereupon it is offered to apply not only usual traditional “tree of objectives”, and possible family various “knowledge trees”. Examples of their practical realization, and also possibility of application of these approaches in forecasting of innovative processes are resulted.
Key words: innovative process, knowledge tree, structural construction, classification, forecasting, methodology of the theory of knowledge



Olshanskaya O.M., Lavrinenko D.V. — Methods of sales increasing of the mass demand goods at the expense of using modern mobile systems

Abstract: In the conditions of a competition the great value gets management of products advancement on the market. Paper considers features of using methods of increasing sales of the goods of mass demand in light industry. One of variants is the use of modern mobile systems.
Key words: competition, products advancement, goods of mass demand, modern mobile systems

Kuchin B.L. — Franchise structures efficiency of gas supply systems management

Abstract: The paper offers the original design procedure of franchise structures key parameters of management for the industrial-marketing system providing gas supply of vehicles. The technique of franchise structures analytical calculation which has the generalized character is given and can be used for calculations in any industrial-marketing system.
Key words: franchise structures, suppliers, industrial-marketing system, deductible, gas service

Bondar A.V., Melnikov V.P., Murtazin D.A. — Rocket and space technology quality assurance control at the testing, operation and operation phases

Abstract: Scientifically substantiated approach to quality control at the product life phases is considered, which raises the level of product demand, reduces negative influence on the nature and the man, this also ensures financial gain as a result of environment punitive measures elimination.
Key words: product life, testing, operation, recycling



Nazarov U.F., Ivanaiskii A.V., Sorokina I.V., Tochilin P.V. — Efficiency of high technologies

Abstract: The technique of efficiency estimation from application of the high technology technological decisions considering the basic estimation criteria of compared technologies and their priority is offered.
Key words: economic benefit, high technologies, machine-building manufacture, estimation criteria

Shuteev V.A. — Multiagent systems application for life cycle management problems of high technology production

Abstract: The paper describes problems connected with following stages of life cycle of a product: preparation and working out of technological processes, manufacture material support, production, carrying out of control, acceptance and other tests, packing, marks and storage of.
Key words: multiagent system, life cycle, manufacture preparation, manufacture, packing, storage, distribution, after sale maintenance service, high technology manufacture

Dobrinskii E.S. — “Manufacture mounting” in Russian car industry: “for” and “against”

Abstract: The Russian experience of use of industrial assemblage of ready import models of cars shows that formal carrying over of its principles on manufacturing of completing products can lead to destruction of the majority of domestic completing factories.
Key words: financial-economical crisis, car industry, motor pool, development fore-cast

Kaperin P.A. — Quality managment systems international standarts: new edition

Abstract: Emergence and development history of the International Standard Series 9000 on the quality management system is described. Basic notion of each three standards of the series are stated in short. Amendment analysis in new issues of the Standards ISO 9000:2005 and ISO 9001:2008 is given.
Key words: international standards, management, quality, development trends



Popov V.V., Svetlikov A.S. — Economic aspects of the labour education and refresher training at enterprises

Abstract: An approach to solve the most important economic and social problems, i.e. efficient use of manpower resources, upgrading of all levels and forms of education, as well as training of personnel, is considered.
Key words: training of personnel, production and educational processes, enterprise



Pushkareva M.B. — New in approaches and methods of innovations in modern economy (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 6/2009


Arseneva N.V. — Basic problems of the machine-building complex enterprises at the present stage and perspective ways of their decision

Abstract: The paper is devoted to analysis of the present stage of development of the machine-building enterprises which are letting out the big spectrum of production, claimed both in our country, and in the world market. A number of problems, actual for enterprises, such as: creation and development of new samples of techniques and technologies, modernization and updating of existing capacities under new manufactures, increase of a technological level and quality of production of mechanical engineering etc. the complex of the actions, allowing to raise efficiency of their industrial activity also is offered.
Key words: machine-building complex, efficiency increasing, industrial activity, basic problems

Pavluchkov S.E., Rubtsov E.A., Shilov V.V. — Integrated information systems as a tool for solving production tasks

Abstract: Some tasks are viewed in this article, which appear during production business management process execution. Possible solutions based on information systems usage are described.
Key words: integrated information systems, manufacturing management, manufacturing resource planning, manufacturing accounting

Nikandrova L.K., Nikandrov K.L. — Features of the management accounts organization

Abstract: Main objective of the majority of the enterprises is efficiency increase is industrial-economic activities that demands essential increase of efficiency in reception of the information, its processing and use in acceptance of management decisions. In paper features of the organization of system of the management account for achievement of the purposes of the organization are considered.
Key words: management accounts, efficiency increasing, management decisions, system organization

Kalachanov V.D., Aktov V.V. — The integrated financial condition estimation of scientific and technical production mechanical engineering manufacture in the modern economic conditions (on an example of the aviation industry)

Abstract: The articles deal with the method of determination of optimum firm liquidity in the aviation branch. The base of the method is the different approach of the estimation. In the article is suggested the main indicators of financial analysis of aviation enterprises.
Key words: financial analysis, firm liquidity, firm solvency



Kashirin V.V., Oreshin V.P. — Enterprise innovative development strategy

Abstract: Classification of innovations is spent, the analysis of types of innovative behavior of the enterprises is resulted. The attention is given questions of practical working out and realization of innovative strategy of the industrial enterprise.
Key words: innovations, innovative strategy, innovative product, innovative strategy realization, innovative

Ezhov G.P. — Choice of the enterprise development strategy in the conditions of innovative policy realization

Abstract: Now investments into innovations are rather expensive and demand careful planning at realization of an innovative policy at the enterprise. Strategic planning in this case represents to operating structure of the enterprise a wide spectrum of tools and methods for working out of the most effective approaches and algorithms at investment to the newest and high technology kinds of production.
Key words: innovative policy, industry, innovative economy, development strategy



Khafisova A.M., Kaukov V.V. — Questions of business efficiency management

Abstract: Now perfection of strategy of the corporate governance becomes a key strategic problem of development and ability to live of the oil-extracting enterprises. Owing to that almost all extensive ways of perfection are settled, unique way of a survival in competitive struggle there are intensive ways of management improvement.
Key words: business efficiency management, oil-extracting enterprises, competitive struggle, management improvement

Rotshina O.E., Shalaev K.V. —The effective cooperation organization with suppliers at the industrial enterprise

Abstract: Authors of paper consider techniques of effective interaction with suppliers at the industrial enterprise. Considering basic value of economic development of the enterprise and escalating requirements of end users, it is necessary to lead well-founded selection of indicators-criteria and to choose the most significant for the enterprise methods of an estimation of suppliers.
Key words: effective cooperation organization, suppliers, industrial enterprise, selection of indicators-criteria



Dobrinskii E.S., Sein V.A., Suslov A.A. — Boundaries of the Russian car industry in crisis year

Abstract: The data illustrating results of work of the enterprises of the Russian car industry on sectors in the first half of the year of 2009 crisis years is cited. The forecast of development of the Russian motor industry in crisis 2009 is given. Dynamics of transformation of a motor pool of Russia on operation is considered.
Key words: financial-economical crisis, car industry, motor pool, development forecast

Potapova G.S. —World machine-tool construction in a crisis threshold: results of 2008

Abstract: An analytical survey of the world machine-tool industry development analysis in 2008 by examples of European and Asian Pacific countries is given. Statistics by volume of the metalworking equipment production, the world export and import structure, trade balance as well as pattern of production consumption is covered.
Key words: world machine-tool industry, crisis, decline in output growth rate, export, import, balance



Popov V.V., Privalova J.A. — Social partnership and municipal labour market formation

Abstract: Authors of paper prove that the imperative need of reduction of requirements of the enterprises has ripened aspirations of youth and possibility of educational institutions in conformity with modern requirements of formation of a labour market. Marketing of educational services became one of positive changes in vocational training sphere, has demanded reorientation of its purposes with abstract “requirements of a society” on priority satisfaction of a concrete labour market, and consequently, and interests of the person which gets a job also means of subsistence.
Key words: social partnership, labour market, market formation, educational services marketing



Pushkareva M.B. — New in approaches and methods of production and sale management (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 5/2009


Oleinik A.V., Stavrovski M.E., Kuznetsova L.V., Nikolaev A.V., Semkin A.V. — Mathematical model creation of the enterprise material streams optimization

Abstract: Now the increasing value is given to decreasing in costs for the account optimization processes of production life cycle. It is possible at the expense of perfection of processes of movement of material and information streams which carry to logistic processes. In article the method of optimization of material streams movement is described, which allows to reduce costs at the expense of reduction of material recourses moving and length of a way at transportation in the course of manufacture.
Key words: production life cycle, logistic processes, cost reduction, optimization



Kashirin V.V., Oreshin V.P. — Enterprise innovative development strategy

Abstract: Innovations should be considered not only from the point of view of manufacture function, but also from the point of view of an estimation of their qualitative level by consumers. It is necessary to notice that innovations always are the appendix of new knowledge for the purpose of its further practical application. In the conditions of the innovation market it is necessary to define also from the point of view of the innovative product intended for sale. However not all workings out become the innovative product ready to realization. In article classification of innovations is spent, the analysis of types of innovative behavior of the enterprises is resulted. The attention is given questions of practical working out and realization of innovative strategy of the industrial enterprise.
Key words: innovations, innovative strategy, innovative product, innovative strategy realization, innovative development

Benderskiy G.P., Fedorov V.K., Kislukha A.E. — Innovative process management in the conditions of the state defensive order action

Abstract: Authors of article consider the basic features of management of innovative process in the conditions of action of the state defensive order. Thus, the stage of innovative process is offered to be divided into three stages of scientific and scientific and technical activity. Management passes in frameworks of life cycle of the innovative process which each stage possesses certain specificity.
Key words: innovative process, state defensive order, life cycle of the innovative process

Golov R.S. — Innovative-investment development of the industry in conditions of innovative economy

Abstract: The organic interrelation of a realized complex of methods and tools is not only with branch of innovative-investment currents, but also with substantive provisions of a federal policy of the state in the field of development and introduction in manufacture of high technologies and innovative decisions at all levels of industrial system of Russia becomes one of the basic requirements to the innovative policy formed by the enterprise.
Key words: innovative policy, industry, innovative economy, innovative-investment currents



Ezhov G.P. — Modern industrial management and prospects of its development

Abstract: The purpose of industrial management is the realization of corporate strategy of the firm based on its corporate mission, by means of rational use of resources and production potentialities for achievement by firm of competitive advantage. Article systematizes approaches to research of industrial systems and focuses attention to the role of industrial managers.
Key words: industrial management, production potentialities, competitive advantage, industrial systems



Dzotsenidze T. — Research of creation technology for agriculture new vehicles

Abstract: The problem of maintenance with modern agricultural machinery of the enterprises of agrarian and industrial complex is now enough difficult. Many agricultural productions are unprofitable and have no possibility to buy the new technics, and the technician which is available in economy, on 60—70 % has developed the resource. The author of article studies problems of creation of new vehicles for agrarian and industrial complex and the practical model for the task in view decision is offered.
Key words: technological synthesis, technological policy, technical progress, technological designing

Klaptsova T.S. — Mathematical model of operators’ activity at the homeostatic management problems decision

Abstract: In work on the basis of experimental data the mathematical model of activity of group of the operators solving homeostatic problem with push-button management is offered. The vector criteria, characterizing offered activity of operators in group is recommended.
Key words: homeostatic management model, mathematical model, human factor



Zvonnikov V.I., Nefedov V.A. — About priorities of the State university of management at the quality system perfection of specialists’ preparation

Abstract: Base for continuous improvement of quality of educational process is introduction of systems of monitoring of key parameters of the educational process providing flowing and prognostic information, necessary for the statistical control, continuous perfection and strategic planning of educational quality. Being integrated into uniform information field of SUM, the system of monitoring of quality of a university education will allow all participants of educational process of university to raise efficiency of the activity and will provide a continuity of education quality perfection processes.
Key words: quality system, specialists’ preparation, quality of educational process, key parameters



Pushkareva M.B. — Prospects of global development after crisis

Abstract: The paper is devoted to questions of an overcoming the crisis by means of attention strengthening to the industrial policy of the countries. Research is based on work of Deny Rodrik, the professor Harvard Kennedy School Cambridge, named “Growth after the crisis”.
Key words: industrial policy, crisis, developing countries, tradables

Issue 4/2009


Anikina O.V., Zinchenko A.S., Udina O.V. — Working out of investments and financial cycles at the production organization at the enterprises of aviation rocket production

Abstract: The article issue some questions of the model of financial and investment cycles in the enterprises of aviation rocket branch under the modern financial conditions. The model determines essential principles of budgeting process of manufacturing activity in the enterprises of this branch. The main peculiarity of financial and investment cycles is manufacturing calculation and planning which are determine budgeting process in the enterprises of aviation rocket branch.
Key words: budgeting process, financial planning, financial cycle, investment cycle

Miknis V.I., Sorokin A.E. — Economic risks estimation methods at formation of the aircraft engineering enterprise production programme

Abstract: The article problems are considered with respect to the concept and the methods of estimate the risk of the production of scientific-technical products in the aviation Russia industry. Suggested the classification or risk is suggested.
Key words: aviation Russia industry, risk, the methods of estimate the risk

Voronin U.A., Chugunov V.S. — About the theory of the organizations with reference to subsoil using

Abstract: Organization theory can play a pivotal role for success activity increasing, connected with oil and gas. Authors of article consider the basic features and nuances of formalization in subsiol using. In article are resulted criteria organization descriptions, their kinds. Conclusions that working out of the description of counts, distances and measures of similarity for them — a necessary of construction of the theory of organizations become.
Key words: organization theory, formalization, subsoil using, description criteria



Dzotsenidze T. — The concept of the national innovative program “Creation of the new export-focused car industry of Russia”

Abstract: On the basis of the conclusion the author made after deep consideration of problems of Russian motor industry, in article the concept of the national innovative programm which will allow to realize a problem of creation of the new export-focused motor industry of Russia the next years is offered. Thus, it is fairly noticed that it is necessary to develop not only commercial production, but also to create a technical reserve on the automobile technics for Armed forced.
Key words: technological synthesis, technological policy, technical progress, technological designing

Tochilin O.V. — About the uncertainty and risk account in calculations of the innovative-investment projects efficiency on creation new AT

Abstract: Article is devoted to features of the innovative-investment designing and investment projects efficiency estimation on creation of high technology production in the aviation industry. Account question uncertainty and risk in calculation of innovative-investment projects efficiency on working out and manufacture new AT are considered. For the business plan in efficiency calculation it is recommended to consider uncertainty, i.e. incompleteness and discrepancy of the information on conditions of the project realization, and risk, i.e. possibility of occurrence of such conditions which will to negative consequences for all or separate participants of the project.
Key words: innovative-investment designing, business plan, financial and economic efficiency, estimation, uncertainty, risk

Golov R.S. — Innovations and investments integration problem in industrial production innovative-investment activity

Abstract: The situation in economy of our country is characterized with structural changes in pricing, inflationary processes. In connection with the aforesaid, in the course of planning and the analysis innovatively-investment projects in Russia the standard methods in the international business practice, based on the classical analysis of monetary streams are used. Thus features of formation of the monetary streams, a consequence influences of the factors characterizing surrounding economic environment should be considered.
Key words: complex innovations, investments, functional features, innovative-investment activity, industrial enterprise

Pushkareva M.B. — Using of the virtual enterprise as functional model of financial business processes reengineering

Abstract: Instability of the economic environment conditions of the organization’s functioning demands new approaches to the management, allowing to increase competitiveness. Using of the virtual enterprises within the frames of financial business process reengineering becomes the new form of the economic organizations. The virtual enterprise represents the group of the economic subjects uniting the forces for granting of certain service which are traditionally given by one enterprise. Such possibility, finally, seriously influences strategy of development both all economy, and the separate enterprises that is especially actual for the enterprises of a machine-building complex.
Key words: virtual enterprise, financial business process reengineering, business process, network associations



Burtsev V.V. — Theoretical bases of the marketing control

Abstract: In article the basic theoretical principles of the marketing control are considered. The special place is given to the structural levels or elements of the marketing control, its procedures, the environment of the marketing control and account, aspects of budgeting and technology of formation and the analysis of the marketing control according to the life cycle concept.
Key words: marketing control, marketing account, budgeting, life cycle

Dobrinski E.S. — The Russian car industry in the conditions of systems crisis

Abstract: The author of article considers the questions connected with the reasons, problems, possibilities and other features of financial crisis for the automobile companies. In article the material illustrating results of the enterprises and the Russian car industry in 2008 is resulted. Also in article find reflexion strategic measures which are undertaken by the state and the companies for decrease in negative consequences of system financial and economic crisis.
Key words: system crisis, car industry, financial and economic crisis, strategic measures



Rodionova N.P. — Condition and prospects of the Russian light industry development

Abstract: In modern economic conditions the light industry is one of the basic branches of the economy bringing the considerable contribution to formation of the budget of the developed countries. From the point of view of a work cycle the light industry is connected with use of production of agriculture, the chemical industry and mechanical engineering, and its development promotes development of other branches of economy. The author describes the basic tendencies of development of light industry and makes practical recommendations.
Key words: light industry, work cycle, investments, management

Korolkova M.M., Datshenko O.A. — Reconfigurated industrial systems

Abstract: The review of existing industrial systems spent in article, shows that systems possess a number of lacks and not always correspond to requirements of the modern market. In modern conditions when demand for the goods and services all time varies, and the companies are in conditions of a rigid competition, the industrial systems, essentially new type are necessary. It is necessary to use configurationess — engineering technology which is economically effective and quickly reacts to all market change.
Key words: industrial systems, competition, modern market



Nosov V.K., Uvarov V.N., Mamonov S.A. —Vocational training increasing of high schools graduates in assistance to their employment

Abstract: The complex approach to perfection of engineering preparation with through use of the information technology, offered in article, leans against profound economic and organizing preparation in a combination to presence of practical professional skills. It leads to increase of competitiveness of young experts on a labour market.
Key words: engineering preparation, professional skills, labour market, employment



Pushkareva M.B. — Modern approaches and methods of management technologies perfection (the review of foreign journals)

Issue 3/2009


Shutchenko A.P., Malakhov D.V. — Intraindustrial planning model development for the machine-building enterprise

Key words: intraindustrial planning, machine-building enterprise, multinomenclature, manufacture planning

Vorobiev A.C., Petrukhina T.U. — Control system formation of the machine-building enterprises economic efficiency increasing

Key words: efficiency, machine-building enterprise, tectology, control system

Rafailov A.P., Proskuryakov V.A. —Approaches to the project efficiency evaluation and work estimation of the developer on an example of the research organization

Key words: research organization, work estimation, efficiency evaluation, project

Arseneva N.V. — Perspective ways of a crisis situation overcoming at the machine-building complex enterprises

Key words: crisis situation, machine-building complex, retrospective analysis, cost reduction

Pushkareva M.B. — Financial business processes reengineering of the organization with using of controlling system

Key words: financial business process reengineering, decision-making, controlling, efficiency


Konovalov V.M., Prorokov A.N. — Some aspects of innovative technologies application by manufacture of building-road techniques

Key words: innovation technology, construction of road-building machines, processing of various powder-like materials, the technology of Zoned hump, the Flowing edge effect

Baldin K.V., Perederyaev 1.1. — Investments efficiency evaluation into the human capital in a context of innovative development of the enterprise

Key words: innovative development, efficiency evaluation, human capital, innovative activity, investments

Golov R.S. — Classification and functional features of innovations

Key words: complex innovations, business processes, functional features, innovative activity



Solovieva I.P., Asaeva T.A. — Logistical expenses reduction on stages of formation of the machine-building enterprises transport divisions

Key words: transport divisions, logistical expenses, machine-building enterprises, economy of expenses



Vasilev V.A. — Quality management problems in the Russian industry

Key words: competitiveness, quality management, enterprise



Tsigankova I.V., Morgunov V.A. — Genesis concept formation of the of labour life quality

Key words: concept of quality of labour life, social stability, labour market, competitiveness



Pushkareva M.V. — Contents of the foreign journals

Issue 2/2009


Ostroverkh A.I., Tsirkov A.V. — The intellectual system environment of manufacture preparation

Key words: ERP, MRP, project management, PDM

Anosenko A.V., Smirnov N.Y. — Preconditions and problems of increasing stability functioning of information support systems decision-making processes in extreme situations

Key words: information support systems, decision-making processes, extreme situations, forecasting

Nosachev A.N. — Outsourcing in heavy engineering: world experience and possibilities for the Russian companies

Key words: key factors, outsourcing, heavy engineering, internal infrastructure

Pavlovskaya A.V. — Efficiency evaluation of investments in oil engineering

Key words: oil machinebuilding, pumping compressors pipes, net income, net discounting income, profitability index, innernorm of profitability



Astafeva N.V. — Priorities of the enterprises’ innovative development in modern economy

Key words: innovations, development, preparation spetsialistov, a higher educational institution, cooperation, regional innovative system

Kochkin N.A., Baldin K.V. — Perfection of investment organizational forms in the enterprise innovative activity

Key words: complex innovative process, efficiency evaluation, investment organizational forms, innovative activity

Golov R.S. — Classification and functional features of innovations

Key words: complex innovations, business processes, functional features, innovative activity



Barsova T.N. — Marketing role in the enterprise product’s consumer value increasing

Key words: marketing analysis, product’s consumer value, enterprise, marketing


Klochkov V.V. — Models of the services markets and modernization works of aircraft technicians

Key words: modernization, resource, time cost of the money

Glebov A.A., Khvastunov R.M. — Actualization method of the organization technological standards

Key words: kvalimetric analysis, actualization, interrogation, machine-building enterprises



Sukhov S.V. — Competitiveness of high school educational system

Key words: innovative economy, technical high school, quality of training, competitiveness



Contents of the boreign journals

Issue 1/2009


Brom A.E. — Dynamic model of industrial enterprise data-flow processes

Key words: industrial-marketing system, dynamic model, logistics, cumulative variable expenses, data-flow process

Medar A.V. — Principles of technological synthesis

Key words: technological synthesis, technological policy, technical progress, technological designing

Kurshakov L.E., Mironenko V.V. — Some aspects of the Russian machine-building complex revival in the light of a national economy diversity

Key words: machine-building complex, industrial policy, high technology production

Shekhorin V.K. — Ecological approach to technological processes designing in engineering industry

Key words: ecological approach, machine-building complex, environment



Agarkov A.P., Golikov A.M. — Management adoption of innovative enterprise processes

Key words: enterprise, innovations, innovative processes management, organizational-administrative decision

Kochkin N.A. — Efficiency evaluation of investment organizational forms development on a basis of the incremental method

Key words: incremental method, efficiency evaluation, investment organizational forms, industrial association



Glushakova U.O., Odintsova T.N. — Management perfection of the machine-building enterprise logistical activity

Key words: management, logistics, the machine-building enterprise, value analysis, economic efficiency



Novikov V.A., Yashin A.N. — Measurements in organization’s quality management systems

Key words: system of a quality management, international standards, technical regulation

Siluyanova M.V. — Competitiveness increasing of gas turbine engines on the basis of the functional-cost analysis of life cycle industrial stages

Key words: functional-cost analysis, competitiveness, gas turbine engines, life cycle



Khvasnunov R.M., Negrimovskaya N.P., Feofanov A.N. — Ways of experts selection in structure of expert groups

Key words: manufacture, experts selection, expert groups

Frolov V.A., Fedorov S.A. — Problems, main objectives and reforming directions of professional staff of a technological profile preparation system

Key words: professional staff, educational process, technological profile



Puchkareva M.V. — Contents of the foreign journals