Issue 1/2015


Economic development engineering in Russia: state, dynamics and the main vectors modernization
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Rozhdestvensky A. V., Doctor of Economics, professor
Golov R. S., Doctor of Economics, professor

Abstract: Article is devoted to the economic development of engineering in Russia, based on the analysis of statistical data on its key sub-sectors. The main purpose of the analysis is to determine the dynamics of its development and modernization of industry formation vectors that improve its socio-economic efficiency, innovation and investment, and human resources. As a sub-analysis were selected by the author automotive, major energy mechanical engineering and agricultural engineering.
Keywords: еngineering, enterprise, economic modernization, automation, training, innovation, investment, innovation and investment potential


About the working capital management in mechanical engineering
Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University, Ekaterinburg
Denisov A. D., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Shaposhnikov V. A., Doctor of Economics, associate professor
Bondareva L. N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Ural Federal University. First President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg
Bazhenov I. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg
Ivanov V. A.

Abstract: Reviewed the relevance of the problem of improving the management of working capital of enterprises in mechanical engineering. Argued the item that in the conditions of market economy the category of «current assets» changes their essential content and has signs of «working capital». Stated the reasonableness of the consideration process control current assets in the context of the management of the whole enterprise. Argued the item concerning the investment in the working.
Keywords: current assets, working capital, inventories, investment, economic agent, management, overstocked producer goods


Analysis of an enterprise’s economic potential
Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov, Moscow
Korovin A. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: In his article, the author dwells upon methods of analysis and evaluation of an enterprise’s economic potential. Such an analysis is necessary when working out a general strategy for an enterprise as well as when making informed decisions on mergers and acquisitions, primary and secondary stock offerings, issue of bonds, formulating business plans and investment projects.
The author justifies using a comprehensive approach to analysis and evaluation of economic potential that requires evaluating production capacity as well as potential financial, economic, investment and other capabilities, and related risk analysis.
Keywords: economic analysis, financial potential, innovations


Calculation of the industrial enterprise profit taking into account sale pdoducts characteristics
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Romanov B. A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: In article the profit calculation algorithm at the industrial enterprise taking into account products sale characteristics with realization and payment of the realized production delays is offered. The output is calculated on the basis of indicators of the labour and material costs and limited number of employees, the capacity of warehouses for raw materials and finished products and the demand for implementation. Profit is defined as the difference between the income received from the sale of products and expenses, including taxes and mandatory social insurance contributions.
Keywords: production, income, expenses, profit, production expenses, labor expenses, taxes, realization delay, payment delay.


Differences between accounting costs on loans and borrowings in the russian and international financial reporting standards
Don State Agrarian University, Rostov region
Miroshnichenko T. А., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The article discusses the fundamental differences between accounting costs to service loans in accordance with Russian and international standards of accounting and reporting. The algorithm of formation and accounting of interest on received loans and borrowings in accordance with accounting standards and the statement of income on the temporary use of funds received.
Keywords: borrowing costs, investment asset, qualified asset, interest on loans, accounting borrowed funds


Advisory mediation for enterprise confl ict resolution in the economic crisis conditions
Consulting company “SPLAN”, Moscow
Sadovnikov E. E., Candidate of Technical Sciences
Shevchenko S. G., Candidate of Economic Sciences

Abstract: The relevance of the topic is due to the increasing importance of quick and successful enterprise conflicts resolution in the modern economic crisis conditions. It is shown that under acute complicated conflict conditions, it is advisable to involve Advisory intermediary consulting company, with the possibility, including, understand the business processes of a particular company.
The work purpose – to prove expansion and to specify functions of the consulting intermediary for efficiency increasing of and conflicts resolution efficiency at the enterprises.
Novelty of work is in further development of consulting mediation technology regarding inclusion of a stage of all enterprise management system expeditious diagnostics. Author offers «Express consulting» innovative administrative technology usage for the solution of this task.
As another new result author presents the rationale for the additional orientation individual consulting talks for intrapersonal conflicts resolving. The possible types of intrapersonal conflict in a situation of growing contradictions in the enterprise and the ways of their resolution are shown. Author proposes to focus on solving search problems (updates) the personal meaning of each of the parties to the conflict in the framework of participation in the activities of the whole enterprise on the existential-humanistic approach basis in individual counseling interviews.
Keywords: management, enterprise, conflict, crisis, consulting mediation, express consulting, individual consulting conversation, existential and humanistic approach


Modern methodological approaches to the calculation and analysis of machine-building enterprises
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Barsova T. N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Putyatina L. M., Doctor of Economics, professor
Lavrova L. A., associate professor

Abstract: The article discusses the main methodological approaches to the determination of the production capacity of their features. Discusses indicators and methods of calculation of the production capacity of the enterprise: in the physical dimension, in time of equipment operation in the valuation.
Keywords: production capacity, natural method of measuring production capacity, сalculation of the production capacity at the time of use of the equipment, valuation of determining the production capacity of the enterprise




Technological innovations in industrial enterprise strategic development system
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Bochkarevsv S. V.

Abstract: Need of carrying out the analysis of technological innovations usage at the industrial enterprise locates in this article. Innovative activity strategy of the enterprises is formulated. The main directions of the analysis and indicators in the sphere are considered. Also the strategic management scheme of industrial enterprise technological innovations is considered.
Keywords: technological innovation, strategic development, industry, enterprise, analysis


Fundamentals of evaluation methodology and criteria for the the best innovative projects selection
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kashirin V. V., Doctor of Economics, professor
Grachev N. N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
National research university ‘Higher school of economics’, Moscow
Tihonov G. V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor

Abstract: The authors offered methodological principles of principles of assessment and criteria for the selection of the best innovative projects in the innovative products market. With the emergence of a new expertise object: innovative projects, programs, educational practices – there is an urgent need to consider the initial position of the examination theory.
For the development and understanding of the innovation management and solutions tasks authors proposed to consider the General approach to the preparation of that part of the Toolkit, which is designed for multi-factor assessment of the single innovation project or complex scientific and technical programs feasibility aimed to new products and services creating on the existing or created (reconstructed) power engineering.
Keywords: innovation, expert activities, discounting, management, inflation




Energy consumption tendencies in world economy and Russia (review)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rusin V. N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: Energy consumption level is one of key factors of the country state. From the factors classification contributing to mitigate the impact economic sanctions on Russia, energy consumption level is selected.
Energy consumption sizes are revealed by world economy and Russia, tendency of decreasing by 55–60% of the specific energy consumption in the world by 2030–2035 is designated. It is proved that in these conditions Russia has the only way of development – diversify the non-oil sector of the economy.
Keywords: energy consumption, sanctions, classification, factors, economic, level, decrease, power alternative




Influence of the marketing environment and warehouse stocks on exchange trends
MATI – Moscow State Aviation Technological University, Moscow
Kameneva N. G., Doctor of Economics, professor

Abstract: This article discusses and analyzes the marketing environment and its impact on stock market trends: «bullish», «bearish» and «flat»; presents the life cycle of a trend (ICT) on lifetime and period of time, which actively affect the economic, financial and social sphere of life in all countries of the world. It shows the influence of warehouse stock inventory on price trends and management.
Keywords: marketing, market analysis, marketing environment, trend, stock market trends: «bullish», «bearish», «flat», the commodity, stocks


The concept of outsourcing services in the field of innovative mechanical engineering
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sinyaev V. V., Doctor of Economics, associate professor

Abstract: In this article the economic expediency of outsourcing services usage in the sphere mechanical engineering are taken up. Noting importance of innovative policy in the sphere mechanical engineering, the author notes the content of outsourcing service with the purposes, tasks and principles allocation. Marking out advantages of outsourcing services in the field of mechanical engineering, the author visually illustrates outsourcing services scheme as organic symbiosis of outsourcer, customer and consumers target audiences interaction.
Keywords: market, service, outsourcing, insourcing, mechanical engineering, marketing, logistics, concept, innovations, principles


Consumer preferences research in the car services market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kolesnikova O. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Rebrikova N. B.

Abstract: Research of the auto services market is presented in article. The consumers preferences in this market revealed during the conducted researches are considered.
Keywords: consumers, services, car service, customer, inquiry, investigation, advertising


Issue 6/2014


The formation mechanism of improving the efficiency of production systems and the evaluation of the results of its functioning on the basis of economic-mathematical methods and models
Voronezh State Technical University, Voronezh
Ostankova I.N., graduate student, leading expert

Abstract: The article discusses the program of formation of the mechanism of improving the efficiency of production systems developed through economic-mathematical modeling of dynamic systems. We construct an algorithm evaluation of the mechanism to improve the organization of production systems and the choice of ways to improve the mechanism based on the use of principal component analysis and the analytic hierarchy process.
Key words: mechanism for increasing the efficiency of the organization of production systems, modeling of dynamic systems, the principal component analysis, analytic hierarchy process


Cognitive management in the industry as the solution of system contradictions of operational and financial management
Ryazan State University of Radio Engineering “, Ryazan
Stepnov I.M., Doctor of Economics, professor

Abstract: In article questions of the formation of cognitive management in the industry as priority direction of development of modern management science are considered. A main objective of article is research of the prerequisites of formation, regularities of development of new branch of knowledge. The research relies on the results of the models of enterprises cyclic development (Staff – Product – Technologies – Financing) and four-factorial model of industry development (Competition – Competences – Capital – Institutes). It is shown that cognitive management isn’t direct analog of knowledge management, but includes knowledge management as an integral part. It is proved that overcoming of modern system contradictions between pterational and financial management can be authorized with use of cognitive technologies, and the expected model of cognitive management development is shown. It is also proved that the scenario approach considering risks of decision-making gains new development within the offered concept. The conclusion that the decisions based on receptions and methods of cognitive management already find the reflection not only in human resource management, but also in education is drawn, in production systems and provide leadership in the field of labor productivity and the competition in the global markets.
Key words: industry, cognitive technologies, innovative potential, cognitive management, operational management, financial management, knowledge management, strategy


Systems Analysis and algorithm of planning of communication activities of modern enterprises (THE EXAMPLE OF automobile production)
St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, S.-Petersburg
Maruseva I.V., doctor of pedagogical sciences, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The paper proposed a formula of communication management of modern enterprises.The authors propose a generalized algorithm of planning of communication activities of the enterprise, based on the interdependence of marketing tasks of various ranks (principle of «Matryoshka»). Examples of communication steps of the algorithm are considered in relation to advertising on the automobile market. The paper presents the classification of non-standard marketing internet technologies as tactical steps that support the general direction of the competitive strategy.
Key words: сommunication management, optimization PR- and advertising activity, modeling, systems analysis, management, criteria, efficiency


Standard contract packages and their usage for the contractual basis development in EPC-projects
Moscow Technological Institute «VTU», Moscow
Titov S.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
State University of Management, Moscow
Titova N.V., assistant
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Titarenko B.P., Doctor of Engineering, professor
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI), Moscow
Titarenko R.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: EPC- and EPCM- projects are currently being executed in various sectors of the Russian economy. Especially wide popularity of EPC projects is within the practice of capital-intensive complex industrial projects in the oil and gas industry. But the management of EPCM-projects needs the specific contractual and legal basis which is oftentimes created on the basis of standard contractual packages of national and international associations of construction engineers and other specialists. The article discusses the most famous standard contractual packages, analyzes their content and main characteristics and provides conclusions regarding their use for management of EPC- and EPCM-projects.
Key words: project, project management, engineering, procurement, construction, management, EPC, EPCM, EPCproject, EPCM-project, EPC-contract, EPCM-contract, standard contract, contraction contract, FIDIC


Application of the company’s value management effectiveness indicators (EVA and EBM) on example of company «Х»
Moscow State University named after MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Tagirov F.A., graduate student
Korovin A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: First part of work concerned comparative analysis of the indicators EVA and EBM, after that these indicators was applied to evaluate value management effectiveness of company «X». The study proved that EBM is better in analysis of company’s value changes in the short term, while EVA is preferable in long-term forecasting, based on the future economic inflows.
Key words: value, management, effectiveness, capital, investment, profit, expectations, EVA, EBM




About the spheres of interaction energy and the economy in the context of the system of energy saving management
SRO NP “Union” Energy “, Moscow
Shchelokov J.M., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: This article is based on the study by the author of deep aspects of the relationship of energy and economic sphere in the context of systematic management of energy-saving activities, whose main purpose is to define a certain balance between the individual parties of market processes. Problems chosen topic is considered as a position with the state, and from a position of market participant’s energy efficiency. Based on the research the author formed three principles to achieve the above object, which determines the level of trust between the participants of economic processes of energy conservation management, which is an important factor in the formation of a relatively new sector for the Russian market.
Key words: energy conservation, energy efficiency, power management, economics, economic efficiency


The main directions of development of software of power management in industrial plants
Moscow State University of Technology and management. K. Razumovsky, Moscow
Smirnov V.G., Doctor of Economics, associate professor

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the key areas of application of complex software systems power management industry. The author defines the main types of products depending on their architecture and functional features, which are considered on the basis of the related software packages
Key words: energy conservation, energy efficiency, industry, automation, software systems




Neurolinguistic programming in marketing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Bekhoeva M.M.
Vedeneeva T.A.
Umarova M.G.

Abstract: The article tells about one of the integral parts of marketing, neuro-linguistic programming, and how his methods can influence advertising effectiveness.
Key words: neuro-linguistic programming, marketing, advert, techniques, nominalization, advertising efficiency


Brand as a factor of increasing company’s economic efficiency
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Narimanidze N.R.
Mozgacheva E.V.

Abstract: In this article, we are considering various options for updating the brand. The brand has always played an important role in marketing. Economic crises that has bedevil the economy of most countries, makes the problem urgent actualization brand. Afloat are only the most flexible and agile brands. We were wondering what kind of techniques and methods enable companies to be interesting for the consumer for a long time.
Key words: Brand, actualization of brand, subbrending, rebranding, branding parasite


The main directions of green logistics and its impact on construction of supply chain
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Panyukova V.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The author describes the concept of green logistics. In the article the main problems of the implementation of green technologies in production and the sphere of circulation are identified. The author analyzed the trends and implications of the green logistics by organizations at the present stage.
Key words: green logistics, energy, environment, supply chain, social impact


Some properties of the marketing of technology
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Trifonova V. Yu.
Trifonova T. Yu.

Abstract: The article focuses on the features and effectiveness of using marketing of technology, its importance for the company development. The right marketing strategy of technology and how it helps to create successful business, some existing examples, disassembled in practice.
Key words: technology, franchising, investment attractiveness, business prospects, license, investor, high-tech products, strategy of technology, subtechnology, technological cycle, the technological area


Lateral marketing as an alternative innovation strategy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Yambushev R.R.
Galenin N.A.

Abstract: Article is devoted to innovative forms of marketing – lateral marketing. Discuss its concept, approaches. Examples of application in practice.
Key words: lateral marketing, lateral (side) thinking, methods, concepts, lateral displacement


Marketing research as an important factor of effective implementation of innovations
Institute of Economics and Business, Moscow
Divaeva Е.А., Doctor of Economics, professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The low level of use of the market of scientific and technical products, underdevelopment of the commoditymoney relations in this sphere demands carrying out comprehensive market researches. Evaluating the effectiveness of innovation is the most important in a complex of marketing measures, provides a systematic approach to the market of scientific and technical products.
Key words: scientific and technical products market; assessment of efficiency of innovative development; dissemination of knowledge; production of the knowledge, the differentiated market research; objects of industrial property


Features of ecomarketing in the modern economy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Popova E.M.
Safonova D.M.
Pochinok D.A.

Abstract: Article is devoted to the study of eco marketing features and its place in the modern economy. Considered two basic components of the eco-marketing: current status and history, given examples.
Key words: eco marketing, status, history




Benchmarking as an innovative way to increase the competitiveness of the enterprises of mechanical engineering
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Afanasyeva N.S.
Gazdiev I.I.

Abstract: The article is devoted to research ways to improve the competitiveness of the enterprises of machine-building (by means of benchmarking). Describes the process of benchmarking in the field of mechanical engineering, practical examples.
Key words: benchmarking, market analysis engineering, efficiency, structure, Russian benchmarking


Practice development, improvement and evaluation of the quality of education in State University of Management
State University of Management, Moscow
Zvonnikov V.I., doctor of pedagogical sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor
Nefedov V.A., Candidate of Technical Sciences, professor

Abstract: The article is devoted to theoretical aspects and practical implementation of organizations’ improving and evaluating quality systems models, as well as the peculiarities of the quality management system implementation in local high schools, such as in the State University of management.
Key words: quality system, education, quality management, quality system evaluation




Development prospects of crowdfunding in Russia based on foreign experience
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Akimov A.V.
Shilyaev D.A.

Abstract: The article discusses the main features of Crowdfunding, its importance for the Russian business and business in general, as well as prospects.
Key words: crowdfunding, Kickstarter, financing, small business, Internet project


The use of Ambient Media in the promotion of insurance
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Biryukova D.M.
Sukhoverkhov N.Yu.
Danilyuk P.V.

Abstract: The article focuses on the features and effectiveness of using Ambient media in promotion of insurance. Authors considered the most successful examples of this advertising tool in foreign and Russian practice.
Key words: marketing, ambient media, insurance, promotion, BTL tools, consumer


Problems of unified tax burden and improving tax control
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rusin V.N., Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor
Всероссийская политическая партия «ЕДИНАЯ РОССИЯ»
Rtishchev A.V.

Abstract: It is shown that Russia — the country with economies in transition — structural changes of real sector of economy are necessary for Russia to liquidate heterogeneity of efficiency of industries and a different level of development of regions. In this article it is offered instead of the unified tax policy in our country to pursue the mixed tax policy with the differentiated or uneven tax burden. The computer program with three indicators and coefficients considering changes in the tax reporting because of influence of environment is developed for improvement of a technique according to overall performance of the tax inspections.
Key words: The structure, change, heterogeneity, efficiency, sector, economy, branch, the region, the loading, taxes unified, differentiated, a technique, an assessment, work, the computer, the program, inspection


Current trends in social advertisement
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sokolova A.P.
Taubaeva A.U.

Abstract: The article explains the rationale for the role of social advertising in the organization and conduct the Paralympic Games in 2014. The fragments were present at 67.9% of the reviewed sites. We found the basic idea of social advertising Paralympic Games at the present stage.
Key words: social advertising, the basic idea, Paralympic Games


Innovative modernization priorities in the consumer sector of the economy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Russian University of Economics. GV Plekhanov, Moscow
Ilyashenko S.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, high teacher

Abstract: The authors examine the priorities of modernization in the consumer sector of the economy which is crucial for the development of the means of production sectors. The article marked macro-effects on consumer sector of the economy.
The authors analyze the effects of a number of national projects in the economic growth of the Russian economy and the doctrine of national food security.
Key words: innovation priorities; modernization of the economy; consumer sector; agricultural products; effectiveness of the consumer sector; incomes of the population


Marketing value of «symbolic» message in the postmodern society
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Stitsuk R.U., Doctor of Economics, professor
Rozhkov I.V.Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: With article proves that in postmodern society unconscious dominates realize nonverbal elements prevail and supersede the verbal elements of experience, advertising, PR and fashion is absolutely adequate to the information society.
Key words: informational messages, symbols, communicative behavior, advertising, slogan, marketing, postmodern


Issue 5/2014


Dynamics of structure of logistics engineering
Samara State University, Samara
Dubrovina N.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The article presents the analysis of the structure and volume of domestic production of machine-building. Attention is paid to the problem of personnel and training. For comparison, the same indices are considered in the engineering of the USA. Determined that for the production of competitive products comparable to those in the industrialized countries the necessary transition to a modern technologically advanced production.
Key words: engineering, production, index of reproduction, growth rate, production, industry structure, number of personnel


Tools of the assessment of efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of the integrated structures of the space-rocket industry
JSC “Krasnoyarsk Machine Building Plant”, Krasnoyarsk
Ryabchenko A.V.

Abstract: In article an attempt of an assessment of results of activity of the integrated structures of the space-rocket industry which in the course of realization of the set purposes depend on the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning of corporations directed on their effective achievement is made. On the basis of an assessment of extent of achievement of the objectives branch corporations form a conclusion about efficiency of the organizational and economic mechanism of functioning. In work the system of indicators of an assessment of activity of the integrated structures is created.
Key words: assessment tools, the organizational and economic mechanism, the integrated structures, the spacerocket industry


Image and reputation of company in terms of corporate audience
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Кozlova N.P., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: In this article we consider a system of stakeholders in their interaction and impact on the company. The author presents the typical interests of stakeholders, defining its reputational value. In conclusion, the article proposed the model of building relationships with key stakeholders.
Key words: image, reputation, corporate audience, stakeholders, reputation value strategy


Front-end loading as a means of EPC-project management optimization
Moscow Technological Institute «VTU», Moscow
Titov S.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
State University of Management, Moscow
Titova N.V., assistant
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Titarenko B.P., Doctor of Engineering, professor
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Moscow
Titarenko R.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: Today EPC-projects are being executed in many various branches of Russian economy. Especially widely EPC-projects are used in oil and gas industry. Many different managerial innovations are developed and being used in EPC-projects in order to increase the effectiveness of the projects. The article is devoted to the approach that can be called as front-end loading. This approach emphasizes the importance of the very earlier stages of the EPC-project. The article describes the key principles of front-end loading and investigates the effectiveness of this approach.
Key words: project, project management, engineering, procurement, construction, management, EPC, EPCM, front end, front-end loading


Issues of management efficiency for the modern industrial railway transportation organizations
Consulting company “SPLAN”, Moscow
Shevchenko S.G., Candidate of Economic Sciences

Abstract: The relevance of the article is that the development of the national rail network is constrained by deficiencies in the management of industrial railway transport (IRT). The aim of the article is the development of the effective elaboration management models and methods of modern IRT in a changing competitive environment and tariff restrictions. The following new scientific results are: scientifically-practical recommendations for management economic methods and models improvement and implementation of such enterprises are proved.
Key words: innovation project, organizational and administrative innovation, venture partner, investor, organizational structure




Venture investment as a factor of development of modern market infrastructure
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The paper deals with venture funding, which played an important role in the implementation of many of the major innovations in various fields of activity. Shows that from the creation of an effective system of venture capital may depend successful operation of the mechanism of innovation, responsible for the conversion of research results into commercially viable, ie infrastructure demanded of today’s market, the product.
Key words: venture capital, venture capital investments, venture facility, infrastructure of the modern market, infrastructure venture capital industry, “captive” (dependent) venture capital funds, endogenous tehnologichesky progress


Role of innovation activity in increasing the competitiveness of modern
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Stitsuk R.U., Doctor of Economics, professor
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The article analyzes the marketing and innovation stage of development of market relations; special importance of personnel in innovation processes; kaizen, as a means and a tool of the main means to ensure effective management of innovation orientation.
Key words: market, organization, innovation, marketing innovation, functional activity, kaizen, competitiveness




The potential of the energy sector as a resource of innovative development of national economy
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Ilyashenko S.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences

Abstract: The authors examine the potential of the energy sector of the national economy as megaspectacle defines the socioeconomic living conditions of the population and is the basis for the development of the national economy as a whole. The state and prospects of development of the potential of the energy sector of Russia have a significant impact on the efficiency of the entire national economy, especially in times of economic sanctions by the leading countries of the European Union and the United States.
Key words: the potential of the energy sector, the economic resources of energy and raw materials sector, sustainable development of national economy, the competitiveness of Russian industry


About energy efficiency management models
SRO “Energy Union”, Ekaterinburg,
Moscow State University of Technology and Management of K. Razumovsky, Moscow
Shchelokov J.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: Prompted to enter the search for optimum correlation resource indicators in our economy. This is possible in creating the conditions for energy savings in the final stage of their use.
Key words: management, inflation, energy, the final consumer, technological resources, consumer demand


Basic principles of energy saving management systems in industry
Moscow State University of Technology and Management of K. Razumovsky, Moscow
Smirnov V.G., Doctor of Economics, associate professor

Abstract: The article analyzes the basic principles of energy saving management systems in the industry. The author considers the standard GOST R ISO 50001 «Energy Management Systems. Requirements with guidance for use «, which regulates work on the formation of such systems. Identifies a number of key principles underlying the creation of effective, integrated energy management systems in the industry.
Key words: energy saving, power management, enterprise, energy efficiency, energy audits




Integrated marketing communications in providing of commercialization of innovations
LEU “Institute of Economics and Business”, Moscow
Divaeva E.A., Doctor of Economics, professor
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Balova S.L., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The article reveals the role of integrated marketing communications in the diffusion and commercialization of innovations, as well as considers the problem innovation receptivity
Key words: the integrated marketing communications, innovative economy, susceptibility to innovations, synergetic effect, marketing effect; risk of consumer rejection of innovations


Organization of PR-activity in the sphere of car sales
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Kolesnikova O.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Rebrikova N.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences,

Abstract: In this article presented the most urgent directions of the automobile industrie’s organizations. Presented the most important functions of PR-manager, trends and basic techniques in activity of PR companies.
Key words: automobile production, dealers, PR-department, PR, advertising, mass media


The methodology of companies` market relationships based on the concept of relationship marketing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Shirokova A.I., graduate student

Abstract: The author identifies several definitions of the marketing relationship concept, the principles of the concept are given and the need of the concept adaptation in Russian companies today is described.
Key words: relationship marketing, network companies, competitive advantage, human resources, supply chains, distributors




Developing and strengthening the competitive advantage of enterprises through targeted advertising, informational aspect
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Stitsuk R.U., Doctor of Economics, professor
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The authors examine the economic substance of the advertisement; analyzed the main methods of competition between economic agents; determine the features of price and non-price competition; the role and tasks of advertising in various types of market structure; product differentiation by E. Chamberlin; the role of advertising companies on the market with different types of competition.
Key words: advertising, promotional activities, market, product, competitive, monopoly, competition, oligopoly, brand, company




The role of the political factor for the development of economic crisis in Europe
Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Markaryan A.M., graduate student

Abstract: One of the specific features of the European debt crisis is the significant role of the political factor. This factor manifests itself in contradictory structure of the European Union as a political and economic association and specificity shortsighted financial policies pursued by a number of European countries. This article examines the underlying causes of the European crisis from the perspective of a political component. Also the author offers long-term measures to resolve the crisis.
Key words: European debt crisis, European Union, political factor, euro zone, government debt




Implementation of the principles of customer-oriented business based on information technology (review of foreign magazines)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Rozhkov I.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Issue 4/2014


Methods of mechanical engineering production fi nancing optimization (on the example of the aircraft equipment)
Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University)
Efimova N.S., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor,
Novikov A.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences,
Bespalova V.E.

Abstract: The author proposes in the article the new algorithm for enterprise financing planning, based on the analysis of the existing organization of financing in the majority of enterprises of highly-technological branches of industry, and the game-theory financing structure optimization model.
Key words: aviation technique, financing, game-theory model, financing structure, management algorithm


Prospects of russian machinetool industry
LLC “InnoTsentr.Ru”, Moscow
Konovalov V.M., Candidate of Economic Sciences
Economic Society of Moscow, Moscow
Prorokov A.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor

Abstract: The introduction some countries of sanctions against Russia showed strategic mistakes in the development of the domestic economy. The consolidation of the material orientation threatens state sovereignty of Russia. You cannot be a leader of the global economy without technologically advanced engineering and its constituent parts – the machine-tool industry.
Key words: economic advancement, machinery, machine-tool industry


Earlier engagement of suppliers in epc-projects: analysis of principles and effectiveness
Moscow Technological Institute «VTU», Moscow
Titov S.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
State University of Management, Moscow
Titova N.V., ассистент
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Titarenko B.P., Doctor of Engineering, professor
Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics, Moscow
Titarenko R.B. Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: Today EPC-projects are being executed in many various branches of Russian economy. Especially widely EPC-projects are used in oil and gas industry. Many different managerial innovations are developed and being used in EPC-projects in order to increase the effectiveness of the projects. The article is devoted to the approach PEpC (Procurement-Engineering-procurement-Construction) that emphases the earlier engagement of strategic suppliers in EPC-projects. The article describes the key principles of PEpC and investigates the effectiveness of this approach.
Key words: project, project management, engineering, procurement, construction, management, EPC, EPCM, PEpC


Production business activity in regional cluster
Moscow Institute of State and Corporate Governance, Podolsk
Agarkov A.P., Doctor of Economics, professor,
Gerenrot B.A., associate professor,
Erokhin E.A.

Abstract: The foundations of manufacturing undertaking under the conditions of regional clusters formation.
Key words: manufacturing undertaking, regional cluster, legal ensuring



The dialectics of the science cognitive functions development and innovative ideas’ natural origin
MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Moscow
Mylnik V.V., Doctor of Economics, professor

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of science and cognitive ways of innovative ideas. The authors identified three main ways of forming new ideas: on the basis of the use of imagination, insight, and as a result of a dream. Under article defines the role of humanity in the scientific development of the information field, as well as major social and intellectual synergistic systems.
Key words: innovation, ideas, imagination, inspiration, information field, intellectual synergetic system, dreaming


Conceptual bases innovations parameters and zones determination in industrial enterprise’s investment processes
MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Moscow
Golov R.S., Doctor of Economics, professor
Russian University of Cooperation, Moscow
Dashkov L.P., Doctor of Economics, professor
Moscow State University of Technology and Management of K. Razumovsky
Smirnov V.G., Doctor of Economics, professor
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow
Plekhanova V.S.

Abstract: Аrticle is devoted to the development of integrated cyclical patterns of economic development in the context of innovation and investment in the industry. The authors determined the dynamics of change in costs depending on the rate and extent of development of the enterprise. Provides tools for determining the functional relationship of production systems in the implementation of innovation. On the basis of economic and mathematical modeling developed methods of measuring parameters and areas of innovation, allowing to solve the problem of determining zones needs for innovation, quality characteristics of innovation, etc.
Key words: innovation, investment, manufacturing, innovation and investment, modernization


Generalists as agents of philosophy of market participation in innovation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Sinyaeva I.M., Doctor of Economics, professor

Abstract: The article reveals the transformation processes in society and economy, in the basis of using new knowledge for innovation breakthrough. Special attention is paid to the importance of the formation of a marketing information system as the infrastructural element of the system of management. The directions of development of system of marketing management emitting role generalist marketing expert in the field of innovative engineering with an illustration of the mechanism of creation of the philosophy of market participation.
Key words: globalization, society, innovation, generalist, philosophy market participation, the world economy, individualization order marketer


Regional features of tax incentives for small innovative enterprises abroad
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Shestakov V.A., graduate student

Abstract: The article examines the tax benefits and preferences in United States, which are aimed at encouraging innovative development of the regions.
Key words: taxes, innovation, small ebterprises, innovative development of the region


The analysis of fi nancial results of investment and innovative projects in hi-tech mechanical engineering conditions of global crisis
Moscow State University of Railway Engineering, Moscow
Glushchenko V.V., Doctor of Engineering, associate professor
Russian State Social University, Moscow
Glushchenko I.I., Doctor of Economics, associate professor

Abstract: Specifics of financial risks of the investment and innovative project in hi-tech mechanical engineering are investigated, risk factors of innovative projects in mechanical engineering are divided on external and internal, specifics of risk analysis of production of mechanical engineering in the conditions of global crisis are investigated, the analysis of the risk factors influencing financial result of the innovative project is carried out, the set of criteria for an assessment of financial result of the innovative project taking into account risks in the conditions of global crisis is offered.
Key words: hi-tech mechanical engineering, investment project, innovative project, financial result, risk, globalization, market, criterion, global crisis, analysis, technique, accident, uncertainty, external risk, internal risk



Functions of accounting and control in the formation of energy saving management systems
MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Moscow
Teplyshev V.Yu., professor

Abstract: The article analyzes the role and importance of accounting and control functions within the formed complex power management systems industry. The study examined the basic technological and engineering software used in the system for implementing these functions: automated metering system and control of energy, controllers and data collection, analytical subsystem, etc. As one of the key parameters of efficiency and stability of the system is determined by the internal unity of management and information integration these subsystems.
Key words: energy saving, energy saving management system, enterprise accounting, control, systemic-functional approach



Some features of sales policy in small businesses
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Soldatova N.F., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
Ilyashenko S.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, high teacher

Abstract: The authors consider the priorities in the management of a marketing policy of a small business, instruments, stimulating sales and consequently distribution, which are crucial for the economic development of small businesses. Active development of e-business, a significant place which took e-Commerce, carried out with the help of information and telecommunication systems and technologies, has a significant impact on the effective functioning of the enterprises of small business. E-Commerce facilitates communication and delivery of information, automates business processes, helps to reduce costs and improve the quality of goods and services, operates in online and is not limited by time and space. As one of directions of increase of efficiency of sales of the enterprises of small business serves the cloud technologies and services.
Key words: innovative approaches to sales management; management efficiency with a marketing policy of a small business, information technology, e-Commerce, cloud technology


Marketing innovation energi and information technologies
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Chernikov A.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: The problems of commercialization of energy-technology features of their implementation, preparation of practical recommendations to expand their areas of application.
Key words: structured water, cosmetics, device registration and control, application, product comparison with the analogous


Rational ignorance – as a result of the excess of information in decision making about purchase
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Stytsyuk R.U., Doctor of Economics, professor
Artemyeva O.A., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
LLC “Spetsstroytehnologii”, Moscow
Motagali Y.B.

Abstract: The article focuses on the features of rational and emotional behavior of buyers in the assessment and selection of the product, its features, properties and options in the process of decision making under uncertainty. We consider the specifics of bounded rationality in customer behavior and usage of modern marketing rational ignorance.
Key words: marketing, irrational behavior, bounded rationality, rational ignorance, decision making under uncertainty, consumer, product selection, information, heuristics, purchase decision, investors, emotions


Social entrepreneurship: the goals and values
Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Markova M.V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor
Sazanova S.L. Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Abstract: This article focuses on the correlation of the objectives of social entrepreneurship with social and subjective values, and the role of social marketing tools to achieve these objectives, classification of the values and directions of social marketing. Customer-centric marketing, social commerce, social and ethical marketing link to corporate social responsibility; social entrepreneurship is based on socially responsible marketing.
Key words: social entrepreneurship, social marketing, corporate social responsibility, socially responsible business, socially responsible marketing



Energy efficiency features abroad (the review of foreign journals)
MATI – Russian State Technological University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Moscow
Pushkareva M.B., Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor

Issue 3/2014 (Special Issue)


Specific features of building marketing strategy in transregional corporations in Russia
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
T.P. Rozanova
Y.N. Ivanova

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the building of marketing strategy in Russian transregional corporations (TRC) when entering Russian regional markets. It studies the motives of regional expansion, specific features of TRC competition, principles of regional markets analyses, forming product, assortment range and price policy, building the sales network in regions. It also discovers the mistakes of TRCs, when planning regional expansion and suggests recommendations on correcting their marketing strategies. The results of research, performed in this article can be used in any large corporation, Russian of international, which plans regional expansion.
Key words: marketing strategy, regional expansion, assortment range, price policy, product policy, regional sales network.


Investment appeal of rural territories in the north-east of Russia
North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosova, Yakutsk
N. Yu. Bagayeva
N. Yu. Ivanov

Abstract: Article is devoted to a problem of investment appeal of rural territories. Now very difficult is northeast regions, remoteness from which mass market nonpluses the majority of investment undertakings.
Key words: investments, agrarian question, diversification, northeast region, minerals, plaster.


Foreign direct investments in the economy of the country as an parameter of marketing attractiveness of the territory
Branch of Kemerovo State University, Anzhero- Sudjensk
N.V. Kolodeshnikova

Abstract: This article is devoted to consideration of question marketing attractiveness of the territory. One of the parameter of this attractiveness marked direct foreign investments in the economy of the country. The paper analyzes the situation with the amount and geography of direct foreign investments in the Russian economy.
Key words: foreign direct investment, marketing attractiveness of the territory, marketing approach.


Update of valuation methods of international direct mail given the characteristics of CIS
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan
V.V. Motorzhin
JSC “Centre of marketing”
A.A. Tsvetkov

Abstract: We present an analysis of the methods suggested by Professor of M nster Marketing Institute Manfred Krafft for the assessment of the international direct mail. The analysis includes consideration of the relevance of parameters used in the studies in Western Europe, Asia and the Pacific, and their applicability to assess the situation in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States. With the help of mathematical statistics obtained characteristics of reliability studies on the example of Germany and China. According to the analysis we proposed adjustments that improve the information content and reliability of the data, taking into account the peculiarities countries of the Commonwealth and we have argued the necessity of building an effective methodology for assessing international marketing communications in the CIS and gave examples of using the of the Russian Federation.
Key words: direct mail, marketing, research, consumer market.


The estimation procedure of the utilization of a regional marketing capability
Omsk State Transport University, Omsk
T.N. Tselykh

Abstract: The problem of the marketing potential of the system is of current importance. The estimation procedure of marketing potential of the region is developed. Target groups or basic groups of territory consumers are suggested to be used as main factor. An attempt to determine the elements of the marketing process, the structure and the original version of the dynamic criterion is made.
Key words: societal marketing, territory consumers, marketing process, marketing potential, dynamic criterion, level of the utilization of a regional marketing capability.


Marketing regional management and spatial planning
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Yu.N. Shed’ko

Abstract: This article examines marketing as part of regional management and spatial planning. Analyzes the methodological framework of the marketing mechanism in terms of orientation for innovative development in the region. Identified promising tools, organizational and economic solutions are used in the marketing mechanism.
Key words: regional management, spatial planning, marketing mechanism, marketing tools territory.



An estimation of competitiveness of integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial sector of Mari El Republic
Mari State University, Yoshkar-Ola
A.E. Mamaev
N.P. Shoshina
V.E. Mamaeva

Abstract: The article gives an estimation of competitiveness of integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial sector, taking into account the specifics of their functioning. Having considered different methods of an estimation of competitiveness of the enterprise, we concluded that these methods take into account the competitiveness of individual enterprises and do not fully consider the competitiveness of the integrated formation on the whole. As you know, depending on the form of integrated formation in the agrarian and industrial sector this structure includes several enterprises or integrated formation may be one of the economic entity. This estimation allows to determine the position of integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial sector among competitors, identify factors influencing on competitiveness and propose directions of increasing competitiveness of integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial sector.
Key words: competitiveness, factors of competitiveness, complex parameters of competitiveness, integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial sector.


Mortgage lending in agriculture: market outlook today and tomorrow
State University of Land Management, Moscow
G.St. Osipov

Abstract: Article reflects sense and value of a mortgage for a rural level of development. Relationship of cause and effect of a problem which needs to be solved by use of the mortgage mechanism is comprehended.
Key words: economic, AIC, mortgages, bancs, agriculture.


Agromarketing – features in development
Yakutsk State Agricultural Academy, Yakutsk
G.A. Semenova
State University of Land Management, Moscow
N.Yu Ivanov

Abstract: The problem of development agromarketing has the sources since there was a marketing in Russia. The first attempts to duplicate theoretical and practical aspects of the western model of marketing development to anything good didn’t lead. Therefore, the special teoretiko-practical bases of agromarketing is necessary.
Key words: marketing, agrarian sector, delusions and mistakes, North efficiency, agrarian business, innovations.



The problem of increase of lending activity of commercial banks in a region with using of marketing techniques
Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Moscow region.
V.G. Amosоv
E.A. Sazonova
N.A. Milosenko

Abstract: The aim: to analyze and assess the possibilities of marketing techniques for increase the lending activity of commercial banks.
The novelty: the most of Russian regional commercial banks, non-bank finance and credit institutions and other nonfinancial organizations offer identical services, what inevitably leads to stronger competition and influences on the level of their yield. These and other aspects generate a need for implementation of the bank marketing as an integrated system.
The urgency of the research is the bank marketing as a process and as an element of management is actively used in the system of market relations. Moreover, it works towards to the rational decision of multiform problems. Problems of positioning and functioning of regional commercial banks in the modern conditions are determined by political, economic, technical, socio-cultural, informational, technological and innovative development factors.
Key words: financial policy of the state, lending activity, lenders, liquidity stocks, marketing techniques, regional bank.


The development of bank marketing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
I.S. Zacharov

Abstract: Defines the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in development of financial institutions, enabling them to move to electronic banking. Disclosed modern direction of development of Bank marketing through the use of banks of social networks in the Internet
Key words: information and communication technologies, e-banking, mobile banking, crowdsourcing social media marketing.



Modeling of educational services, as the basis of the sales activities of marketing
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
I.A. Firsova

Abstract: Modeling of educational services, as the basis of the sales activities of marketing The article considers marketing activities on the market of educational services. The emphasis is on the modeling of educational services, which has a certain technological chain. The author proposes the main stages of the modeling techniques of educational services.
Key words: marketing of educational services, modeling educational services, integrated marketing activities.


Features of marketing interaction of the labor market and the market of educational services based on social partnership
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
M.V. Korovushkina
I.A. Firsova

Abstract: Marketing concept of the interaction of labor market and the market of educational services based on social partnership of higher education institution and employer is described. New approach of higher education institutions to attract consumers using social networks is proposed.
Key words: marketing of educational services, social partnership, social networks


Interaction marketing as instrument of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION’s sustainable development providing
Lomonosov Moscow State University
M.V. Markova

Abstract: This article focuses on the adaptation of universities to market conditions and the role of interaction marketing in this process. This article discusses factors of the market potential of the university to ensure its sustainable development in the long term. Application of methods and tools of interaction marketing is a condition of creating a positive image of the university in the education market and among employer companies. At the same time marketing functions should not be concentrated in any particular unit of the university, but must be performed by employees of different departments responsible for different functional areas.
Key words: interaction marketing, sustainable development, high school, educational services, employer companies.



Analysis of information security in health care
Ryazan State Radio Engineering University, Ryazan
M.G. Ponomareva

Abstract: Article describes the topics of prevention of confidential information in health care, makes the analysis of requirements of information security in medical information systems, gives recommendations to ensure the security of protected data in the integration process of segments of Global State medical information system.
Key words: Information security, confidential information, personal data, medicine, health care, Global State medical information system, analysis of principles.


Recommendations on the choice of corporate information systems and software in the management of marketing activity of the state universities of the Ural region
Magnitogorsk State Technical University named after GI Nosov, Magnitogorsk
S.V. Sysoeva
E.G. Zinovieva
T.I. Kuchmiy

Abstract: In this article the urgency of marketing activity of universities in General, and provides recommendations on the selection and application possibilities using of its means of Informatization.
Key words: marketing management of universities, the elements of the marketing system, Informatization of the marketing activities, the corporate information system (CIS), software products (SP), software


Application of internet-marketing tools on fi nancial market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
A.O. Tikhomirov

Abstract: Most perspective, up to my mind, instruments of marketing, used by financial organizations and examples of their application are considered in this work.
Key words: CRM, SMM, internet, acquiring, marketing, technologies.



Competitive strategy of small and medium business in the conditions of uncertainty
North-Eastern Federal University named after MK Ammosova, Yakutsk
D.P. Lavrova
State University of Land Management, Moscow
N. Yu. Ivanov

Abstract: The present article reflects formality and functionality of small and medium business. In abstract aspect the world outlook assessment of a choice of competitive strategy in the conditions of uncertainty for small and medium business is offered.
Key words: competition, strategy, small enterprise, medium business.


Some features of the strategy of development of small business
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
N.F. Soldatova

Abstract: The consumer sector is leading in the economic structure of Russia, but its economical development is irregularly and cyclic.
Key words: innovation priorities, modernization of the economy, the consumer sector.


Development of interaction of internal divisions companies based marketing approach
Lomonosov Moscow State University
A.V. Chernikov
Institute of Business, psychology and management, Khimki
Yu.P. Chernyatovich

Abstract: Describes the concept of the use of intra-enterprise environment (UPU) in an industrial plant, considered rationale for the use of the internal mechanisms of the Arbitration Commission to create the conditions reconciling the interests of owners, management and staff.
Key words: domestic consumer, intra-enterprise environment, an in-house civil society, intra Arbitration Commission.


Marketing possibilities of the alcoholic beverage industry enterprises’ sales stimulation in modern conditions
Kemerovo Technological Institute of Food Industry, Kemerovo
V.G., Shadrin
M.A. Shemchuk
T.V. Naumova

Abstract: Objective: the purpose of the study is to identify the opportunities to promote sales of highly alcoholic drinks in the conditions of legislative limits. The novelty of the study in the practical recommendations for stimulating alcoholic sales and their novelty for the Kuzbass market. The article deals with the current problems and the existing limits in the advertising of alcoholic production in the conditions when producers have to compete between each other because of the saturation of the modern market with variety trademarks. The results of marketing research of consumer preferences of alcoholic drinks in Kemerovo have been presented. On the basis of these results it is proposed to focus on the up-to-date market opportunities for sales promoting , primarily in the field of merchandising and interactive technologies.
Key words: marketing, sales promotion, merchandising, advertising, alcohol, consumer preferences.



Internet marketing technologies improvement: key problems and decisions (review of foreign magazines)
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
I.V. Rozhkov

Issue 2/2014 (Special Issue)


Conceptual bases of strategic marketing planning in innovative and investment activity management of the industrial organizations
Russian State Technological University
R.S. Golov,
A.V. Rozhdestvensky,
A.V. Mylnik,
M.B. Pushkareva,
Moscow Institute of state and corporate management
A.P. Agarkov

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems and challenges of strategic marketing planning within the innovation and investment projects and raises questions structure the marketing strategy, marketing research cycle, the relationship of strategic planning and market research. The authors developed a classification of marketing strategies by market maturity.
Key words: marketing, marketing research, strategic planning, marketing strategy, innovation and investment activities


The future of the department: convergent marketing
Russian State Technological University
N.S. Perekalina,
S.P. Kazakov,
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
I.V. Rozhkov

Abstract: The article deals with convergence as one of the directions of development of the Russian marketing education. The article examines the historical and economic background of convergent marketing. The paper analyzes the essence of convergent marketing ithin the paradigm of rate of use value and its application in the educational process of the Marketing department in MATI.
Key words: marketing, convergence, rate of use-value, convergent marketing.


Mechanizms and instruments of marketing
International Slavic Institute
Smirnoff K.,
Nikitina T.

Abstract: Revealed new policy named as 5 P – policy of possibilities – has been elaborated by the authors. In the article classical 4 policies are anew considered and evaluated as well as it has been shown their insufficiency from the point of view of production due to their market and consumer orientation. Marketing structure is regarded as the total amount of policies being marketing elements. Marketing instruments are represented in the article as a set of operations such as advertisement and advocacy within the framework of the Promotion policy and so on.
Key words: Marketing instruments, marketing structure, policy of possibilities, ensuring of competitiveness, reduction of expenditures, control of material resources optimization of organizational structure of a company.


Convergence and interactivity of the modern information flows as marketing resourses
I.V. Maruseva

Abstract: In article are considered the ways and senses of moral movement of business andmarketing to the consumer in today’s media content.
Key words: convergence of mass media, interactive advertising, business, ethics, adaptation to the consumer, culture of the society.


Counteraction against public benefits unpaid consumption in the light of economy modernization
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
O.E. Pyrkina,
A. Yu. Yudanov

Abstract: The curtailment of public goods unpaid consumption (PGUC) is a problem of paramount importance in effective economy creating. The phenomenon of PGUC, well known in the world scientific literature as a “free rider problem”, usially is considered as an unsolvable problem. This paper suggests an idea of specific solution for an important particular case, when economic interests of “free rider” immediate environment are infringed. We consider the mathematical model on the base of Markov chain with a single absorbing state to describe the effect of PGUC local resistance. The convergence to a stable Markov chain final distribution is observed. The system is demonstrated to be self-adjustable throw the force of economic levers, which presents much more effective control system than application of administrative measures of restriction.
Key words: Public goods, free rider problem, actively involved surroundings of free rider, Markov chain, absorbing state, self-adjusting system.


Marketing development of tax relations as a factor of increasing the activity of innovative production
The Vladimir branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
T.A. Iskyanderova,
I.N. Novokupova

Abstract: The article deals with analyses of the results of Russian innovative production, estimates the tax system of innovative activity in Russia and abroad, proposes the necessity of bringing the tax legislation to the requirements of the innovations market and marketing development of tax relations at all stages of the innovation cycle as a factor of increasing the Russian innovative production activity.
Key words: marketing of tax relations, innovations, innovative production activity, innovations commercialization.


The evolution of approaches to the study of customer behaviour in Russia
N.V. Dozortceva

Abstract: The article rates evolution of relationship between sellers and customers in Russia at the close of XX century and at the beginning of XXI century. The study is performed with the help of main marketing conceptions. The main aim of the article is consideration of evolution of approaches to the study of consumer behavior in Russia. The subject of the article is relevant, because Russian marketing is actively developing, and the knowledge of stages, which it has gone during it`s evolution, is the base for efficient doing business in current terms. The subject of the article is new, because in recent years Russian market of customer formed, and that`s why the knowledge of approaches to the study of consumer behavior is important for efficient doing business.
Key words: marketing, marketing conceptions, consumer, seller, study of consumer behavior, USSR, Russia.


Troubles of market segmentation techniques classification
Yaroslavl branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
A.P. Karasyov

Abstract: The paper concerns the trouble of market segmentation techniques classification. The main conclusion of the paper is the absence of unified classification of market segmentation techniques. This situation results the decreasing effectiveness of segmentation techniques usage and abandons all advantages of segmentation ideas. A number of classifications suggested by Russian and foreign scientists have been analyzed and author’s classification has been suggested. The new author’s classification gives an opportunity to point out advantages and disadvantages of each old classification.
Key words: market segmentation, segmentation criterion, segmentation techniques, classification, automatic interactive detection, clustering analysis.


Problems and perspectives of communication in Civil Aviation
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
O.V. Kolesnikova

Abstract: The article includes analyze of problems in small aircraft, how to ensure them navigation equipment, problems of conditions of personnel staff. This article includes considering the funding from the budget of Civil Aviation, borrowing runways and flight personnel retraining, automatic broadcasts organization and operational aeronautical information about navigation aids and airfields with existing communication channels. Communication links between the various users of information.
Key words: Small aircrafts, airport, air routes, airmen, planes, traffic, Global Navigation Satellite System, budgetary financing, content, modernization, development of airdrome infrastructure.


Gain factor in the formation of positioning strategy of companies
Lomonosov Moscow State University
А.М. Chernikov,
О.М. Zavalovich

Abstract: Considered content positioning, revealed its key elements and their relationships, basic positioning function, importance ranking grounded at different stages of the company’s strategy is a sequence of steps in the process of positioning, as well as an approach to its formation in the company in business markets.
Key words: the company’s strategy, positioning, marketing, target audience, business markets.


Making of complex marketing decisions in crisis conditions
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Ya. V. Chupina

Abstract: This article is devoted to the marketing decision-making problem within the crisis management. This issue is also as essential for the new economy, as poor developed in the Russian and international economic science. The article includes description of arising problems during the process of designing management decisions in crisis and states existing methods and algorithms for integrated management of anti-crisis solutions. The peculiarities of aims of marketing decisions within stable and unstable economic systems are described. The increasing importance of marketing hysteresis effect and the conditions leading to possibility of its existence are observed.
Key words: crisis, marketing decisions, unstable systems, marketing-mix, marketing hysteresis.



Innovations in marketing activity of organizations
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
S.V. Karpova

Abstract: Defined stages, justifying the value of unique offers in the benefits of the market and increase profits. It is shown that companies have two basic options when searching for new business areas is sustainable and disruptive innovation.
Key words: unique idea, unique technology, the market for unique offers, disruptive innovations, sustaining innovations.


Marketing technologies as a tool for output new product on market
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
I.M. Sinyaeva

Abstract: This article reveals the content of marketing technology as an essential tool for the commercialization of new products with the release of the purpose and objectives. The paper presented in a logical sequence of the market trends and patterns of innovation, organizational forms of innovation management and maintenance of the innovative project startup. Noteworthy summary of new items commercialization stages of the algorithm, which is presented in the article.
Key words: market, innovation, commercialization, marketing technology, test marketing.


Marketing aspects of commercialization the investment projects in the R&D market
Russian state professional pedagogical University
A.D. Denisov,
V.A. Shaposhnikov,
L.N. Bondareva,
Ural State Mining University
A.V. Namyatov

Abstract: The purpose of research: to identify problem of commercialization the investment projects in modern Russian by the marketing. The novelty of research: we believe that in the process of investment projects pay insufficient attention to pre-stage. We decide that the marketing should be the leading direction on this stage. The article describes the features of commercialization investment projects in industrial countries by the example of R&D market. Presented the interpretation of the basic ways to overcome risks of investing, to consider approaches for minimization the negative consequences from risks.
Key words: Marketing, investment projects, R&D market, managing risk when investing, minimization the negative consequences from risks.


The infl uence of product constituent for economic clusters grocering
JSC “Centre of marketing”
V.V. Motorzhin

Abstract: The article discusses the specific features of developing the innovative economic cluster based on the principles of trade and technology. The term of key competence for technological cluster is introduced, and the technological cluster in terms of service economy is considered.
Key words: technology cluster, innovation, competence center.

The innovative direction in development of industrial marketing
Bryansk state University named after academician I. G. Petrovskii
M.A. Muravyeva,
V.V. Silaeva,
O.G. Nazarova

Abstract: Article is devoted to production and consumption research wood pellets as to one of ways of innovative development of timber processing complex. Wood pellets – real alternative to fossil types of fuel as according to the calorific characteristics don’t concede to them, and their ecological parameters out of competition. Now there is an increase in use of wood waste and low-grade wood in production of thermal energy abroad. Production wood pellets in Russia only starts developing, and market capacity constantly grows. It is necessary to send efforts of the Russian businessmen to the sphere of deep processing of wood waste, to stimulate investors to finance similar projects.
Key words: Innovative development, power policy, wood pellets, investors, ecology, biofuel, bio-energetics, greenhouse effect, competition, demand, export.


Co-branding technologies in the age of innovatoin
The Liberal Arts University (Ekaterinburg)
N.V. Hmelkova

Abstract: Co-branding – new technology of development brands is considered. The author’s view on the role of co-branding in the age of innovation and examples of international co-branding alliances are presented.
Key words: co-branding, strategic marketing alliance, innovation, brand, branding



Logistics of outsourcing services – key element of merchantability
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
V.V. Sinyaev

Abstract: The article reveals the specific of structure of outsourcing service market, its performance and the major players. The article highlights the benefits of outsourcing opportunities with respect to the corporate allocation of the basic criteria for selection of outsourcer. The article shows the benefits of outsourcing with an illustration of organizational – methodical model study outsourcing logistics services.
Key words: logistics services, outsourcing, the outsourcer, provider control, principles, model, cross-docking.


The method of solving problems in transport logistics with using the nonlinear transport model
Kemerovo Institute (branch) of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
M.A. Anisova,
Ye.I. Kharlampenkov

Abstract: Decrease in expenses for transportation of goods and, as a result, increase of competitiveness of the enterprise, is an actual problem of transport logistics. We consider the problem of drawing up plans of transportations of clients (Nash equilibrium). Transportation tariffs depend linearly on total volumes of transportations of all clients. Electric networks, pipeline systems, railway transport can serve as an application of this model.
Key words: nonlinear transport model; logistics; optimization of transport; tariffs; Nash equilibrium; quadratic programming.



Modern approaches to relationship marketing and CRM-systems
Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
I.V. Rozhkov

Issue 1/2014


Refi nancing problems of crisis organization in order of bankruptcy prevention

Mamaeva A.V.
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute)

Abstract: The article concerns some problems which may appear when making and realizing decisions on crisis organization refi nancing in order to restore crisis organization solvency and to stave off bankruptcy proceeding initiation. The problems causes and ways of its eliminations are investigated. The material may be useful to fi nancial managers, enterprises promoters and creditors when making anti-crisis measures.
Keywords: crisis, solvency restoring, insolvency, creditor, refi nancing, debt restructuring

Methods of the economic modernization

Khroni К.О.
MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article contains the study of the theoretical directions of of economic systems modernization. The comparative description of the object and methods of diff erent directions are given.
Keywords: modernization, theoretical directions of modernization, innovations, societ

Features of mission and vision formation in the organizations’ activity

Zvonnikov V.I.,
Nefedov V.A.,
Safonov A.A.

State University of Management

Abstract: The article is devoted to the features of mission and vision formation of the organizations, activities. The authors examine the diff erent types of missions. The article also touches the issues of leadership and teamwork.
Keywords: mission, vision, leadership, teamwork, organization activity



Production business activity and its legal support – the way of innovative economy development

Agarkov A.P.,
Gerenrot B.A.,
Erokhina E.A.

Moscow Institute of state and corporate management

Abstract: The authors explore the state and the opportunities in entrepreneurial manufacturing activity, types and methods of legal council using the undertaking under the cluster approach
Keywords: entrepreneurship, manufacturing, entrepreneurial manufacturing activity, innovation (innovative activity), legal council

State support of small innovation export-oriented enterprises

Shestakov V.A.
Lomonosov Moscow State University

Abstract: The article discusses various forms of state support of small innovation export-oriented enterprises, which are used in the world practice. Also examine the current situation in Russia and formulated a number of recommendations to reform and improve the system of small innovation enterprises support.
Keywords: taxes, innovation, small business, export-oriented enterprise, export policy of the state

Conceptual bases of the innovative and investment clustered environments formation in conditions of modernization

Golov R.S.,
Milnik A.V.

MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article is devoted to the issues of formation of the innovative and investment clustered environments, representing an eff ective platform for the implementation of the cluster integration between innovation, investment and industrial structures. Also the authors provide the concept, nature and structure of automated process control systems cluster (ACS PC). In the framework of the research the participants’ integration basic principles have developed in a cluster environment, as well as methods of state incentives for integration processes.
Keywords: cluster, a clustered environment, innovation and investment activity, automation, industrialorganization, innovation, investment, self-organization

Basic problems of development of innovative technologies: the role of innovations and technologies in economy

Bogachev D.V.,
Kashirin V.V.

MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article considers the technological innovation as an integral part of eff ective economic development, based on high technology effi cient production. And also describes the main problems – the barriers and difficulties that arise during the development and implementation of technological innovation, as well as the defi nition of common problems of doing business in Russia based on production innovations. Also described the current situation in the Russian Federation and evaluated the prospects of solving those problems and further development.
Keywords: innovation, product and process innovation, innovation centers, industrial park, economic modernization, improvement



Conceptual framework and the energy saving management system structural building at the industrial enterprises

Teplishev V.Yu.
MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of science cognitive functions and ways of innovative ideas occurrence. The author defi nes the three main ways of new ideas formation: on the basis of fantasy usage, as a result of illumination and in a dream. Under article defi nes the role of the scientifi c development of humanity> s information fi eld, as well as major social intellectually-synergetic systems.
Keywords: system, the systemic-functional approach, energy saving management, energy efficiency, structure, subsystem, innovation, functions. innovation



The history of marketing scientifi c school development in MATI

Perekalina N.S.,
Kazakov S.P.,
Rozhkov I.V.

MATI — Russian State Technological University

Abstract: The article reveals the origins of the marketing scientifi c school in MATI – RSTU named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. The article defines the objective economic reasons for the Russian marketing development from the 80s of the last century. The article also lists the main results of the Marketing department in MATI in anticipation of its 20th anniversary. In conclusion, the article indicated the basic direction of the department in the future – the convergence of technological and economic knowledge, based on marketing categories of the rate and mass of use-value.
Keywords: marketing scientifi c school in MATI, convergence, marketing categories, rate of use-value



Modern methods of achieving a competitive advantage in the industry

Kuleshova T.A.
Russian State Social University

Abstract: The article describes current approaches to achieve competitive advantage in the construction fi eld. The study is based on the principle of the fi ve competitive forces of M. Porter. The proposed methods are associated with the Internet resources, using Pareto law, internet resources and new technologies.
Keywords: innovation, competition, business processes, competitive advantage, Internet resources, Pareto law



Managerial decision making in modern socialeconomical systems

Pushkareva M.B.
MATI — Russian State Technological University

Issue 6/2013


Rozhdestvensky A. V., Golov R. S. — Conceptual bases of military-industrial complex enterprises’ reengineering in context of industry modernization

Abstract: The article is devoted to the modernization of the military-industrial complex based on the reengineering of business processes. The main purpose of the modernization is to improve the socio-economic benefits through the implementation of innovative and investment activity. As a key approach to the reengineering of the authors developed a conceptual model for an integrated center of innovation and investment activities, implemented in the structure of the enterprise.
Key words: innovation, investment, innovation and investment, business process reengineering, the military-industrial complex

Pushkareva M. B. — Holarhy production systems’ architecture features in intellectual industrial production systems

Abstract: Heterogeneity of approaches, methods and requirements to intellectual industrial production systems demands united methodology creation. Usage of holarhy production systems could solve this problem and integrate various management paradigms into a whole, keeping thus advantages and individual traits of each.
Key words: holarhy production system, intellectual industrial production systems, management

Bogatyryov V. D., Yesipova O. V., Morozova S. A., Sitnikova A. Yu. — Project financing method when updating fixed assets of machine-building enterprise

Abstract: Developed the scheme of project financing, adapted for machine-building enterprise for that scheme the technique of calculating rents and dividends is proposed.
Key words: project finance, investor, project, assets, rent, dividends, project organization

Sakharov A. V. — Neural networks application of for business management forecasting

Abstract: The theme of prognosis and planning at a factory with the use of artificial neural networks is elucidated in this article. The theoretical possibility of prognosis is shown, and the example of practical use of this method is given.
Key words: forecasting, technical analysis, neural networks, business management, financial management

Agarkov A. P., Yerokhina E. A. — System and complex decisions in enterprise management

Abstract: Considered managerial decision making in the organization on a systematic basis.
Key words: system, effective managerial decision, comprehensive approach

Rodinova N. P. — Resource management optimization of machine-building enterprise

Abstract: The author of article considers possibilities of resource management optimization of machine-building enterprise and comes to the conclusion that the most effective is outsourcing usage.
Key words: resources, machine-building enterprise, outsourcing

Gorish A. V., Gorish E. A., Kirillov A. B., Makarov Yu. N., Ponomarev S. A. — To a question of enterprises’ joint management of various forms of ownership

Abstract: The structure of the main functions of the unitary branch enterprise collective management three-tier system collective bodies is given. The problem of commercial aspects implementation, which provides work motivation and engineering management efficiency is studied.
Key words: branch research institutes, boards, collective nature of management, organizational and legal property, conversion, mixed organizational and legal structure

Grishina T. G., Feofanov A. N. — Risk as uncertainty in decision-making

Abstract: Considered risk assessment in decision-making and on the stages of the project, as well as methods of risk management.
Key words: criterion, risk, management, methods of analysis


Fateev A. E. — Communication environment formation in the state — business system in industry restoration processes of the country

Abstract: The assessment of initial communication base of the social and economic tasks solution is given. The analysis of conditions, methods and means of domestic economy transition period is made. Some prime tactical decisions are provided in the organization of the new communication environment.
Key words: communication environment, social and economic tasks, state, economy

Obukhova I. A. — Efficiency assessment of innovative and investment projects

Abstract: In the following article the author offers a new mechanism for economic efficiency assessment accuracy. This mechanism is the mechanism of calculation of the individualized on time intervals project’s of the discounting rate including risk-free norm, inflationary award, risk award of external and internal environment of the project.
Key words: innovations, investments, efficiency, discounting rate

Volovikov B. P. — Innovative activity management efficiency increasing of the industrial enterprise

Abstract: Article is devoted to the innovative activity efficiency analysis of the industrial enterprise. The analysis of the enterprise innovative portfolio is provided in article, the method of innovative portfolio investment appeal increasing is offered. The organizational plan of innovations selection is submitted.
Key words: innovative portfolio, innovative project efficiency indicators, risks, innovative activity business process

Maslennikova N. P. — Innovative development as factor of organization’s competitiveness preservation

Abstract: The innovation development program should include 5 following innovation blocks: of the efficiency, of the evolution, disruptive, of the integration and social. That allows to forecast and plan the innovation development for the long term perspective and to increase the competitiveness of the organization.
Key words: innovation, organization, development program, competitiveness

Konovalov V. M., Prorokov A. N. — Measures for innovative activity stimulation in the European Union

Abstract: European countries for long time were oriented on conservative policy in the sphere of innovations. However, the success of USA and other countries forced to take measures in such area. The scientific-technical, innovation and educational activities become the priority tasks now for the countries of European Unity.
Key words: innovation, scientific-technical development, state subsidies, capital, small business


Bor V. N. — The structured goal focused indicators system and technique and efficiency and stability monitoring algorithm of small enterprise of services

Abstract: The author of article offered a technique and efficiency and stability monitoring algorithm of small enterprises of the services, providing activity results control of the enterprise and zones of mutually beneficial transactions, allows to expand possibilities of management with efficiency and stability of the enterprise of a services, solving problems of the best satisfaction of clients needs.
Key words: system of indicators, efficiency assessment algorithm, small enterprises, services


Kovkov D. V. — Technique of internal and external factors influence assessment on competitiveness of space-rocket branch at large projects implementation

Abstract: Тhe approaches on creation of a technique to assess the influence of internal and external factors on competitiveness of space-rocket industry while implementing various large projects are developed in the article. This technique has great practical value because it allows receiving quantitative estimates of industry competitiveness. Their comparison in dynamics for a few years as well as comparison with similar indicators of other industries in the state allows making a conclusion about dynamics and efficiency of state measures and various large projects.
Key words: internal and external factors, competitiveness, space-rocket industry, projects

Skhirtladze A. G., Feofanov A. N., Grishina T. G. — Modelling of expenses changing at mechanical engineering products production

Abstract: The paper deals with determining the costs in the manufacture of engineering products in different years they are in production. Shows the factors affecting costs, as well as models of change.
Key words: рroduct, engineering, manufacturing, costs, design, process, equipment


Pushkareva M. B. — Power saving features abroad (the review of foreign journals)